The Redeemer Judges & Saves

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The Redeemer Judges & Saves Fourth Week of Advent

For groups meeting Dec 20-26, 2015

WELCOME (15 minutes)  Ice Breaker: What is a specific way the story of Jesus’ incarnation motivates you to show love?


(10 minutes)

. Have someone read aloud Matthew 1:18-25 and John 3:16-17. Then sing #5, 6, 7, & 13 from the Small Group CHRISTMAS Worship CD. (Sing these carols worshipfully – not simply traditionally!)

WIN (15 minutes)  PRAY for people that need to experience the LOVE of Jesus and bow their knee to Him as their Savior.


(25 minutes)

Discuss: The Passover story gives us a beautiful picture of God’s judgment and God’s salvation! We see the severity of God’s judgment as He warns and then unleashes judgment upon the Egyptians. We see the beauty of His grace as He provides a substitute in order to protect His people from His wrath and free them to worship Him with full and grateful hearts. As God’s “passed-over” people, we now celebrate His salvation with joy! Have everyone open their Bibles to Exodus 11. Point #1 – God warns of impending judgment – Have someone read Ex 11:4-8. Discuss: Moses foretold that the firstborn of both man and animals would be killed (11:5). Earlier in the exodus story, God referred to Israel as His firstborn (4:2) and indicated that Pharaoh would pay with his first born (4:22-23). Now the time had come for this hard-hearted Egyptian ruler. This judgment was going to be severe! Pharaoh’s closest leaders would be humiliated before Moses, and ultimately before Moses’ God. They would bow to Moses instead of Pharaoh. Why do you think God gave Pharaoh advance notice of the coming plague instead of simply unleashing His wrath? Point #2 – God offers protection through a perfect sacrifice – Have someone read Ex. 12:1-13.

Discuss: The lamb served as a substitute. We, being corrupted by our sin, cannot save ourselves. We need One who serves as a substitute on our behalf. The slain lamb vividly reminded everyone that ALL deserve judgment (Romans 3:23). Consequently, a blameless life had to be sacrificed in the place of the guilty people who needed salvation. Why was it important that the sacrificial lamb be spotless? What did being spotless signify? Discuss: The events of Passover were an awesome demonstration of God’s holy judgment on Egypt and their false gods. The blood on the doors of the Israelites served as a sign that judgment had already fallen at their house. Just as the plagues were a sign to Egypt of God’s justice and judgment, now the Passover was a sign of God’s mercy to Israel. God accepted the blood of the sacrifice and passed over their sin! Similarly, those who have been born again have Christ’s blood covering them. God sees Christ’s blood on us and passes over our sin. In vs. 27-28, notice the people’s reaction to these instructions – worship and obedience. Talk about how these gospel truths motive YOU to worship, obey, and witness. Point #3 – God’s judgment is severe and His mercy is great – Have someone read Ex 12:29-32. Discuss: We should remember both the severity and the mercy of God. We ALL deserve this kind of judgment! What does the severity of God’s judgment on Egypt say about His holiness and uniqueness as the one true God? What can we learn here that helps us answer the person who says a loving God won’t judge people? Read: “The Passover is a gospel before the gospel… All those colorful, dramatic ordinances and rituals of the Old Testament prefigured and foreshadowed the work of Christ. Redemption, substitution, atonement are no afterthought of God” – W.A. Criswell Discuss: Read aloud John 1:29. Jesus is the Lamb who provides us with total perfection and protects us from God’s judgment (1 John 2:2; 4:10). He is the spotless, unblemished Lamb, chosen before the foundation of the world (1 Peter 1:19-20). We must tell everyone about the judgment that is to come and offer to everyone the good news of salvation through Jesus, our substitute Lamb. What are some ways we can be a light to the nations while proclaiming the glory of the Lamb? What are some ways we can show others that we find our protection and salvation in Jesus, whose blood was shed for us? For next time encourage your people to read Exodus 13-16.


(25 minutes)

Break into smaller groups of 2 or 3’s of the same gender to pray for each other!