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The Preaching Ministry of Ashley River Baptist Church

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God’s Family Values, Part 3 “Salvation” God Values Salvation I. Why Value Salvation All people are: naturally lost / separated from God by their sins / in need of a Savior and salvation (Isaiah 53:6 ) Salvation is rooted in the nature and name and mission of the Lord Jesus Christ. (2 Peter 3:9) Jesus: “Jehovah is Salvation” Luke 19:10 (Zacchaeus) John 10:15, Romans 5:8, 1 Timothy 1:15 2. Salvation Transforms us 2 Corinthians 5:17, Romans 6:22, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, 2 Corinthians 3:18 God changes us through a supernatural process that makes us look less like lost sinners and more like Jesus Transformation Principles: 1 – Transformation is a lifelong process 2 – Compare the way you are now to the way you would have been if you were not saved. Salvations transforms our eternal destiny. John 3:36 John 10:28 Salvation gives assurance that death is not disaster but instead that eternal life in heaven with God is guaranteed. 3. Responses to salvation - FAITH Faith means to believe and trust in God such that we receive Him as Lord, take Him at His Word and act in and reliance upon His promises. ~Romans 1:17 The value of faith comes from its object – God! The object of faith is God…nothing else! Steps of Faith: 1. CONVICTION: 2. COMMITMENT: 3. RESPONSE: Faith is an essential response to Salvation!

Hebrews 11:6

4. Responses to salvation - LIFESTYLE The way we live should reflect our transformation. ~Colossians 3:17, Galatians 5:25 Anyone truly saved will adopt a lifestyle for the Savior and against sin. 5. Responses to salvation - GRATITUDE ~2 Corinthians 9:15 It is unimaginable that any Christian who has been saved from sin and eternal death would not want to give heartfelt thanks to God. ~Colossians 1:10,12-14

6. Responses to salvation - EVANGELISM Acts 1:8 Evangelism: Those who know telling those who don’t. Making More Disciples. Evangelism: Euangelion = Good Message or Gospel Evangelism requires persuasion and commitment. ~Corinthians 5:20 Evangelism occurs when someone accepts Jesus Christ as Savior and agrees to obey whatever Jesus asks as Lord of one’s life. Evangelism begins with Witnessing: Telling people about Jesus Evangelism Continues: With persuasion to become a disciple of Jesus Christ. Matthew 28:19-20 19 "Go…make disciples…baptizing them…. teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you…” To learn the words of Jesus without obedience = an educated person with an unchanged life. To learn the words of Jesus and obey = an obedient disciple. Evangelism: The process of moving an uninformed non-Christian to an understanding of and commitment to the Good News… faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and obedience to Him as Lord. All Christians will value evangelism because Jesus values it and commanded it! Reasons to Evangelize: 1 – I’m saved and am grateful for what Jesus has done in my life… natural response! 2 – Obedience because Christ has commanded it. 3 – For the love of Jesus and who He is. 4 – For the love of others—to see them saved from sin and its consequences and to receive the benefits and blessings of belonging to God ~John 3:36 What to do?  Be certain of your own salvation  Pray: ask God to help you to learn, be bold and give you opportunities to witness.  Rely on the power of the Holy Spirit ~Acts 1:8  Utilize the full body and its gifts  Make friends and build relationships.  Be obedient and boldly share as if life depends upon it How much does God value salvation? "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” ~John 3:16 The most important questions anyone can ever be asked is “Have you been saved?” “Do you have Gods’ salvation from sin to eternal life?” If the answer is “yes”, place great value in your salvation and demonstrate your gratitude to God. If the answer is “no”, receive His salvation now. Pray to God and tell Him that in faith you want to receive His gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ. Then grow in faith and go persuade others to be disciples of Jesus! If God values salvation we must value it. How much do you value salvation?