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The Preaching Ministry of Ashley River Baptist Church

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The Church, Part 3 Power in Prayer Acts 4:23-31

CONCLUSION: The power experienced by a praying church is the incredible power of God that is able to come into, and work through, a body of believers committed to praying providing direction, answers and hope. The critical first step is to commit yourself to prayer-- real, heartfelt prayer that has as its focus the absolute, boundless power and grace of God. Having God's power at work in our lives is an absolute necessity! Without it we wallow in the flawed impotent imperfection of sinful man. We must have it if our witness is to be effective and a true reflection of God's will. It is the absolute source of power for God’s church. Let us each realize today that prayer is a gift, a necessity and our honored privilege which we must exercise ….together!

The church that is being filled with God's power and boldness is committed to the discipline of regular, meaningful prayer, for the power of God operates through praying churches! Certain common elements are found in these churches:

Pastoral Perspectives: I. A CONTINUOUS DESIRE TO PRAY (4:24) They were committed continuously to prayer. We become praying Christians, a praying church, when we recognize the absolute supreme importance of prayer! We become praying believers when we realize what a wonderful gift God has given us in the privilege of prayer, and in the ability to summon up his power and mercy with our prayers, and we respond by accepting that gift. II. A FAITH FOCUSED ON THE SOVEREIGNTY OF GOD. (4:24, 28). As you start to pray, it's then that you'll realize that the God to whom you are praying has the power to make things happen. God's power flows through the church that prays because the people there are able like no one else to turn their eyes of faith and their eyes of expectancy completely toward God.

The Billy Graham Telephone Ministry Launch this week was powerful, moving, and by every definition, a success. I was literally moved to tears to see our people step forward and step out of their comfort zone with nerves trembling to be challenged and stretched to pray and share the Gospel with hurting people from all over the United States. The unity, fellowship and focus was a picture of the church at work as our Lord so intended and for me incited a depth of spiritual emotion similar to that experienced on mission trips. One thing that seemed to distinguish this ministry was the sober recognition on behalf of all participants of the gravity and eternal significance of this undertaking and that this ministry is beyond our capability as humans, demanding prayer and reliance upon the Lord. Over 2 nights approximately 60 calls were answered with 20 praying to receive Christ and the others making rededications and seeking prayer for other needs. For some of our people it was the first time they had ever prayed with someone to receive Jesus as Lord. Wow…what a step forward in faith!

III. A DESIRE TO SHARE THE GOSPEL (4:29) Even in the face of real persecution and real physical danger there was a genuine, unquenchable desire to share the words of salvation with others. In a praying church there's a real desire to witness--because there's a genuine confidence in the One about whom we witness and His life changing power.

The ministry is currently scheduled for every other week on Tuesdays from 10:00-1:00 and Wednesday nights from 5:30-8:00 with the next dates being May 8-9 and 23-24. Positions are open for phone operators, runners, computer research, hospitality and setup / cleanup so there is a place for everyone. You can also stop by and observe. To participate, you simply need complete a 1 page application and be trained which can be arranged at your convenience.

IV. A RECOGNITION OF THE ABUNDANT GRACE AT WORK (4:33) Grace is the way God offers us salvation and blessing independent of anything we might do to earn it or deserve it, but simply because he wants to. We in turn, being filled with Grace, are to bestow grace on others, being willing to give of whatever we have simply because we want to. Grace is marked by unity --they had "one heart and one soul," as the Spirit brought them together as one body.

This could not have come together without the many volunteers who stepped forward to transform this room into a beautiful permanent first class ministry work station, those who made this a priority, trained and volunteered, and Our Lord who made it all possible. The nature of this ministry goes to the very heart of the spiritual direction we pray our church is headed as we earnestly ask God to bring renewal to His people and we in turn make the sacrificial adjustments necessary to place ourselves in a position to be renewed and used by Him. The renewal has begun! Blessings, Pastor Dave