tips coaching young people

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Interesting Reading for Adults in Sport… Reasons Youth are involved in Sport:  Number one:  Number two:  Number three:  Number four:

Enjoyment/Fun Socialising/being with friends Fitness/Health Getting better/competing

Reasons youth leave sport or are not involved:  Number one:  Number two:  Number three:

Cost Poor coaching Lack confidence/being judged

(Whanganui Regional Secondary Schools Sports Survey 2010/2011)

Coaching youth… Clear communication: - Be clear in as less words as possible - Listen and watch more than you talk - A good training is often when they do most talking - Check they understand by using questions - Involve them in planning and setting goals that you all agree on - It’s their game, but it’s both your time and effort

TIPS COACHING YOUNG PEOPLE | Sport Whanganui July 2016

Engage them, don’t bore them - Rotate activities quicker - no they won’t get it perfect but you can come back to it. - Try different activities for same skills/tactics - Fun! Before, during and after - Small sided, modified games - Develop individual/sub-group goals, targets that they can work on at trainings - make your tactics/’putting the game together’ sessions the best in training Look after yourself… - Set realistic goals for your coaching and your team - Celebrate the little things often - Sport is not the most important thing... the people are - Accept support and assistance, look for help - Be calm and controlled – these are young people who you are modelling to - Do things that build your confidence – know your strengths and weaknesses, tap into your Sport for assistance - courses/modules, people to assist, de-briefing/planning, mentoring - Communicate with the school Sport Coordinator.

TIPS COACHING YOUNG PEOPLE | Sport Whanganui July 2016