Tis the season...for ERACC Gift Certificates!

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Tis the season...for ERACC Gift Certificates!

Each year, thousands of dollars in Elk River Area Chamber Gift Certificates are issued during the holidays. They are a great way to keep dollars local. In the past year, over $50,000 in certificates were spent at ERACC member businesses. When a customer brings one to your business, it is easy to accept, and carries no financial risk for you. Simply take the certificate as payment, then contact us at the chamber office. We’ll write you a check for the full face value. See the easy stepby-step guide below. Newly designed, updated certificates are now in circulation! You may see both versions (see samples below) for up to a year. Certificates are imprinted, hand signed, and include an expiration date. Please make sure any employees are aware of the new certificates and the procedures for accepting them. If you have any questions about accepting or redeeming gift certificates, please call us at 763-441-3110.

How to Accept and Redeem Chamber Gift Certificates 1. Have person redeeming the certificate endorse it, just like a check. 2. Verify the certificate by checking the following: A) It has the Elk River Chamber logo and is printed in two colors. B) Has GIFT CERTIFICATE screened across the face. C) Has the Chamber's check-writer imprint of the dollar amount. D) Bears the signature of Debbi Rydberg, or Victoria Berg or Karen Barta. 3. Give credit for value of certificate. (Certificates are NOT redeemable for cash). 4. Use judgment on whether to adhere to the expiration date and/or giving of change 5. Bring or mail certificate(s) to the Chamber office for reimbursement within 6 months.

Existing version - currently in circulation

Newly updated version now entering circulation