To Whom Shall We Go?

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“To Whom Shall We Go?” Cross Creek Bible Church 12 July 2015 John 6:60-71 INTRO: Let me give you a scenario this morning: Someone (a person who professes to be a Christian) tells you they’re thinking of defecting from Jesus Christ. They don’t want to follow Him anymore. In other words, they want to drop out. How would you respond to them? What would you say? TRANSITION: I’d take them to John 6:60-71, ask them 2 questions and make one plea. ~ I invite you to open your Bible your Bible to John 6:60-71… CONTEXT: This passage brings the “Bread of Life Discourse” to a close. It began with the miraculous feeding of the 5,000… ~ This passage is about defecting or dropping out or falling away or apostasy. The First Question: What kind of “disciple” are you? ~ That’s not meant to be sarcastic. It’s an honest question. ~ There are several ways the word “disciple” is used. It means “learner,” not necessarily “believer in Jesus Christ.” (See vv. 60, 61, 66.) ~ Some “disciples” are false (60, 61, 66, 70-71). They’re temporary, like the soils in Mark 4:3-9; 13-20. (Side road: What was the difference between Judas and Peter, who both betrayed Jesus? True repentance.) ~ Do you understand the gospel? Do you understand the greatness of your sin? Do you understand the greatness of the Savior? ~ Are you a false “disciple”? ~ Notice what Jesus says to these false “disciples” (61-65). ~ But there are also real, true, authentic, genuine disciples, too 67-69 (especially 69 which is the confession of a Christian). The Second Question: To Whom Will You Go? (67-68) ~ To whom might they go? To whom might we go? ~ If not Jesus, then who (or what)? ~ J.C. Ryle sums it up like this…(quote). ~ There is no neutrality! Either we go to Jesus who has the words of eternal life or we go somewhere else. There are only two options. The narrow road leads to heaven and the broad road leads to hell. A Plea: Stand Firm! ~ After asking those two questions, I make a plea (which is not in this passage, but is based on it, from the rest of the New Testament). ~ 1 Cor. 16:13; 2 Thess. 2:13-15; Heb. 3:12-15; 2 Pet. 3:14-18 ~ The only way we can stand firm is as the Holy Spirit empowers and enables us!

CONCLUSION: The story is told of a man who sees a great pearl in a store…(tell story). ~ That’s the cost of being a true disciple of Jesus Christ. Will you count the cost? Will you pay that cost? Will you stand firm for God’s glory and our good?