To Whom Shall We Go?

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To Whom Shall We Go? 14th in the “Life in his Name” Series John 6:22-71 December 30, 2018 Pastor Brad Schreiner


The People Seek Jesus

Six questions that people ask of Jesus 1. When did you come here?

2. What must we do?

3. What proof can you give us?

4. Will you give us something?

5. Who are you?

6. How can this be true?

The People Abandon Jesus

Response “Lord to whom shall we go?” … Commit to a whole hearted pursuit of Jesus Christ in 2019.

Sunday Text Questions for John 6:22-71 December 30, 2018 Pastor Brad Schreiner 1) Have you ever been to a place where something of historical significance happened? What were your motivations to visit and what were your thoughts when you were there?

2) Read the text aloud and discuss together any significant observations or issues needing clarification.

3) The crowd had just the day before been fed in the miracle of the feeding of the 5,000. They cross the lake to find him and ask him when did he get there. What were they really seeking and why?

4) How does Jesus redirect their question?

5) In 28-29 the crowd seems to focus on what works they could do. How do we fall into the trap of doing good works and not focus on the work of Christ in our lives?

6) In v 30-31 the crowd is looking for proof or a sign from Jesus. What ‘proof’ do people you know seem to ask for in regards to Christ and his authority?

7) Read v. 35-40. How does this encourage you in your daily walk with Christ? What assurances does it give you?

8) Read v. 41-42. The Jews were grumbling. The word means to have low audible complaints or whispers of displeasure. Have you had an issue with this yourself? How does Jesus’s reply encourage you to have more constructive communication with others?

9) In v. 60 the word ‘hard’ can mean offensive. How have you seen Jesus and the truths of Scripture be ‘offensive’ to someone you know? Discuss how you can help each other overcome some of these objections they have.

10) Jesus has contrasted the two appetites found in every person. The appetite for food that perishes and the appetite for food that endures and is eternal. In what ways has Jesus satisfied the spiritual hunger in your heart?

11) What truths to believe or actions to obey does this passage of Scripture teach us?