Together we will love God, serve all, and offer hope

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Small Groups Questions – Hope @ Play

Rich Shannon October 28, 2012 - 1244 Hope @ play ____________________________________ Work skills: __________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Natural gifts: _________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Events/Activities that recharge: _________________________________ ____________________________________________________________

1. Name someone in your life who regularly makes you laugh. How does it make you feel? 2. What is the most fun you’ve had serving someone else? 3. Read Matthew 28:18-20. Jesus was speaking to his disciples and to us. What is he saying our mission on earth should be? 4. How can you contribute to this mission in your family, at work, and at play? 5. At what times in your life do you find it easy to forget that God is with you? 6. Have someone read Romans 12:1-2. How would these verses apply to your recreation and entertainment?

Hope @ play is __________________________________ I remember: ___________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ “Jesus came and told his disciples, ‘I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.’” Matthew 28:18-20 (NLT) Hope @ play is __________________________________ My ______________________________________________________ is: ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________

Together we will love God, serve all, and offer hope.

7. In what ways do you find yourself conforming to the pattern of this world? 8. Read Romans 12:3-8. What do you think is Paul’s main point? 9. How are you currently using your gifts to serve others? 10. How does offering your body as a living sacrifice provide hope to others? 11. “Together we will love God, serve all, and offer hope.”What is a way that your small group could live out this statement in practical ways? 12. Pray for each other, asking God to use your unique gifts to offer hope to the world around you.