Trinity Tidings

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Trinity Tidings INSIDE THIS ISSUE: God’sText Readings for August Highlight: Celebration Ringers Good Shepherd Trip to New Ulm LWML National Convention Report Dine to Donate this Summer Rally Day 2019 Festival of Nativities

Pastor’s Pen


2 0 1 9

and gives us His Word – written, spoken, and embodied. God longs for you Summer is supposed to be when and me to truly know Him, especially Minnesotans can relax! And how many through His Son. So, as you consider your current involvement with God Himself, of you are getting that?! It seems summer can become the timeframe we cram here’s a few challenges you may have encountered while reading: everything we wanted – or needed – to *Challenge of repetition, lists, or do during the rest of the year! I pray for lackluster events. Sometimes it seems like each of you, asking that your summer it just goes on and on or repeats something may not become so filled with “things” you’ve already read. Why bother? that you don’t find rest, peace, joy, and *Challenge of understanding refreshment at its Source! what’s going on. Somethings are shared The Trinity is always at work in and since they aren’t in our current lingo or our world, and these past summer days have been so nice, it is a warm and gen- specific places in our local community, we tle reminder. His Church is at work too. may have trouble making sense of it. Why is it confusing? We are called to serve and given plenty *Challenge with the text itself. of opportunities to grow and to give! I You have followed along and understood hope to mention a few things “on the docket” at the end of this note. But first, the gist, but the implications have assaulted I’d like to check in. The key to our life- your preconceived understandings or made you question why God is saying it as He together has been our GOD’sText emdoes. Why would God do that? phasis. Reading through the Bible, toEach of these challenges can have gether. us ask “why”. Satan himself wants to take So, how’s it going? How you those questions and make them grow. And feeling about it? Are you current? BeHe does that by having us ask the queshind? Dropped out? Ahead? I’m not asking to invoke guilt, I’m asking to en- tions – outside of the Book or in prayer. courage. Let’s be honest, it can be tough As long as we ask “why?” to others or our– for all of us. We made a plan, and you selves or to the wind and stop reading, stop praying and stop engaging, then we lose might have been excited. But that too can wear off. So, let me ask a few more and there are no good answers. However, questions. Do you have a group you can asking “why?” of God and studying for wisdom offers something different. It “talk things over with”? Do you have changes you. God changes you. Challengpeople praying for you, for this effort, es are often His way of changing us. for which you can pray the same? Do Changing us to look more like His Son our you have a plan that works for you? Savior. Diving in to God’s Word is what God I should tell you right now, you are calls us to do. To meditate upon it, to be doing great! Doesn’t matter where you’re filled with it, to have it at hand as our at, it is absolutely awesome guide in life. He longs to speak to us Cont’d on pg. 2 Hello All!



that God has chosen us to be His own and to be together in this family. You are a part, with me, on this difficult, yet life-giving, adventure – and that alone brings comfort and commitment. We are in this together. In confession and forgiveness! Try as he might, Satan still won’t win. That victory has already been won! Thanks be to God! You are God’s child…His Spirit lives in you and in me! Wherever you’re at, keep trying, keep listening, keep asking. And here’s a few thoughts as you face those challenges: If you haven’t, try to make a plan – whatever works for you – for establishing your holy habit. You live a life of devotion. Pray that the LORD would give you wisdom, that He might become your devotion. Find a partner. If you commit together, it can really help. Someone who checks in, talks things over, prays with you, studies with you, can be very helpful. After all, you’re not alone! Consider Sunday Bible study. If you do, come with questions in hand! We can talk together. Look to and look for Jesus. He’s there, even in your Old Testament readings. He is the embodiment of God’s work of salvation. Remember that Christ died to sin to save sinners (that’s us). The more we take our sin seriously, the more we take our Savior seriously – and I guarantee you, HE’S THERE! Call me. If you need encouragement, let me know! I know God has a plan, and I know He raised us up for this very time to be about this very Word of Truth. We are connected, dear friends. Connected to Christ and His Word. Connected to one another in devotion and life by His Word. Connected to this community in need of that life-giving, yet challenging Word! Thank you for your partnership in this Gospel, and may the Word of Christ dwell in you richly! Sincerely,

Rev. David W. Hinz

PS. Here are a few of the things we have “on the docket”: Establishing a new process for youth education and Confirmation which will be called Bricks & Mortar and includes the development of Confirmation Committee (info and invitation included in this newsletter); Budding discussions with our Anyuak brothers and sisters about our future ministry together; Discussions on adding a Lights, Sound, Screen and Tech group; Considerations for a Personnel Committee; Jumping into God’s Grub; Planning Rally Sunday, Sunday School, and a Mission Festival; evaluating summer worship and future format and so much more! Something tells me, there’s a niche for you! Share with us your interests and your skills – we’ve got joyful work to do together!

August Memory Verse:

Official Acts: Baptized: Charlie Michelle Coffin Parents: Jess & Carrie Coffin Sponsors: Patrick & Jasmine Eversman July 14, 2019 Funerals: Dan L. Dusing November 18, 2941—June 16, 2019 Sandra J. Duffy April 29, 1952—July 9, 2019




"Doggy Doors" James 1:14-15 - But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death. In 2016, a battle was waged by "Boone the boxer." Boone the boxer is a dog owned by the Scott Gray family of Latrobe, Pennsylvania. Dog or no, right before Halloween in the previous year, Boone got himself into a prime-time fight. And if you're wondering how this battle began, I can tell you: the Gray's house has a dog door to make Boone's comings and goings more convenient. Unfortunately, that dog door can be used by other animals -- other animals like skunks, for example.

Notes from

The Grays were not at home the night an uninvited skunk came in through the doggy door. A few hours later when the family returned, Boone and the skunk were still at it. Mr. Gray managed to corner the skunk in a bedroom and have it removed by the Pennsylvania Game Commission.


Experts were called in to tell how the Grays might restore their home to pre-fight conditions.


What the experts said was this: get rid of your clothes; toss your furniture; tear the sheet rock off its studs, and begin over. The insurance company agreed that doing those things would be the way for the Gray family to proceed. Oh, the insurance company also said something else, something like "While we feel sorry for you, and deeply regret what has happened to your home, you should know your homeowner's policy does not cover your domicile for damages done by skunks that gained entrance through a doggy door left open."


As this devotion is written, the Grays have shelled out $70,000 and they estimate they will spend another $50,000 before they are done reclaiming their home. This is a test...if you read the Newsletter, please send an email to the church office at [email protected]. Now there ought to be a devotional point to this sad story -- and there is. The point is we need to watch what comes into the homes of our hearts. James talks about the process of how a sin begins in a simple way. It all starts when a heart which ought to be owned by the Lord has been built with a doggy door. It doesn't take too long before an unchristian temptation saunters in. Left unchecked, that desire will grow and become a sin which, as James says, "brings forth death."

Now, unlike the Gray family, we do have good news for those who find their hearts have been befouled by sin. We have a Savior who can, for people of faith, remove that sin and set things straight. Scripture is clear: if we confess our sins, the Lord will forgive us our sins. But, the Bible tells us God's people are smart if they don't leave open a doggy door for sin, in the first place. THE PRAYER: Dear Lord, grant me the faith and the wisdom to stop sin before it starts. Keep my heart dedicated to giving thanks for the Savior who has done all to win my forgiveness and salvation. In Jesus' Name I pray. Amen. (Edited from LHM devotions by Pastor Ken Klaus on July 1, 2017 with credit to an article written by Adalberto Toledo for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette on June 6, 2017)





Worship and Music Notes


Who am I that the highest King would welcome me I was lost but He brought me in, Oh, His love for me Who the Son sets free, Oh is free indeed, I'm a child of God yes, I am Free at last He has ransomed me His grace runs deep While I was a slave to sin Jesus died for me I am chosen, not forsaken, I am who You say I am You are for me, not against me, I am who You say I am These are some of the lyrics from one of Hillsong Worship's newer songs, "Who You Say I Am" written by Ben Feilding. This worship song comes from John 8:32-36 where Jesus says, "If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." It talks about how a slave has no place in the family. But once we've been brought into the family, then we have this identity as part of God's family and an identity of freedom. Our identity resides in knowing ourselves in Christ and living within the stability of knowing we are who God says we are. "I'm a child of God yes, I am!" That can never be taken from us. God is for us and He thinks the world of us. While everything around us changes, God never does . . . He remains constant. God loves us deeply. He is for us and never against us. God has plans for us to prosper. He will never let us down. Because of Jesus' death and resurrection, we can stand before Him as chosen and not forsaken. "I am who You say I am." May the rest of your summer be Son-filled and blessed! Praising Him, Ruth Immerfall, Contemporary Worship Director 320.291.9293/[email protected]

Highlighted this month...


The Celebration Ringers handbell choir is a group of young adults, young(ish) adults and young-at-heart adults who love to ring handbells and handchimes. We usually play during a worship service (8:00 or 10:30) one time per month (September-May) and meet at least two Wednesday evenings prior to ringing. Reading music is a plus, but is not required. Training sessions are offered to anyone wishing to ring. Students who have been confirmed (young "adult") to the young(ish) adults to us young-at heart adults are welcome! Please contact Ruth Immerfall if interested at 320.291.9293 or at [email protected]. We're always looking for more "Ding-a-lings"! :) :)




2019 LWML Convention

LWML will be meeting on

August 8th at 1:00pm in the The International Lutheran Women’s MisFellowship Hall. We will be sionary League Convention was held in Mobile, AL June 20-23. Lynn and I were collecting Mite Boxes offerings privileged to attend it. It was a very inspiring, uplifting on that day. and awesome event! One pastor described it as “a mountaintop experience.” The theme of the convention was “In Praise to the Lord” based on I Chronicles 16:23-24. Sing to the Lord, all the earth! Tell of his salvation from day to day. Declare his glory among the nations. The goal was, “Led by God’s power we praise and proclaim the Lord among all the nations.” One of the main goals of the LWML (also known as Lutheran Women in Mission) is to support missions both domestically and throughout the world. Individual LWML members all over the country and world collect money in their mite boxes to be gathered together to support the mission projects selected. Choosing among the mission goal proposals was a difficult decision. There were 31 proposals to choose from, all worthy projects. It was hard to say no to some. The goal set at the 2017 convention was $2,075,000 which was exceeded by over $100,000. The goal chosen for the 2019-2021 biennium is $2,100,000. It was reported that over $100 million in mites has been collected since the origin of LWML in 1942! A list of the mission grants chosen can be seen on the website A procession of flags from 76 countries in which the LWML has supported mission grants started the session on Saturday morning. What a site!

The worship services were awe inspiring with over 3,000 people singing and praising God together! Sandy sang in a choir which numbered over 220 voices. The singing made you feel like you were half way to heaven. The closing service was called a “sending service” as we were to take the enthusiasm we gained home with us to continue to praise God and share his message with others. A pastor from the Florida/Georgia District was the proclaimer in this service. He started by confessing that this was his first LWML convention to which he said, “What was I thinking?” He said we are to engage the world with the Gospel and told us God is less interested in our ability than in our availability. God has equipped and empowered each one of us to serve Him and His people. We are called to be rivers overflowing with God’s love, not reservoirs. The 2021 convention will be in Lexington, KY and we are ready to go again! Sandy Machula Rally Day Mission Festival Trinity Lutheran Church is excited for Rally Sunday coming September 8th. We are excited to announce that Rally Sunday this year is going to be a Mission Festival. We will have each group represented as well as food, fellowship, games and activities for children and families. Lunch will be provided following the 10:30 service along with other activities for children and families of all ages. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Lisa Hejhal at 320-980-0433 or [email protected] or Pastor Dave at 320-815-2779 or [email protected].






Festival of Nativities December 6th and 7th, 2019 On September 8th at the Rally/Mission Festival we will have information on Festival of Nativities. Stop by and view some of the pictures and information from last year’s festival. There are a multitude of areas where you can use your God given gifts to share in celebrating our Savior’s birth with the St. Cloud/Sauk Rapids area communities. We had a great time last year and hope you’ll be interested in joining this fun group of volunteers as we prepare for this year. There are a variety of areas where you can serve from designing invitations and posters, delivering invitations and inviting neighbors and friends, setup and take down, welcoming our guests to Trinity, preparing and serving cookies and coffee/juice to our guests. This year we received a $1,000 grant from Lutheran Church Extension Fund to cover our expenses for the event, and we are thankful for their willingness to partner with us on this outreach opportunity. We also need nativity scenes! If you are willing to let us display your nativity at this year’s festival please call Joanne Keck, 320-492-1896; or Karen Strohschein, 320-290 -7665. If you weren’t able to attend festival last year, put it on your calendar and don’t miss it this year!

Women’s Bible Study There will be no Women's Bible Study in August or September. We will resume in October. Thanksgivings, Endowments and Memorials Irene Wedel in memory of Dan Dusing

Join us in August!! Monday, August 19th, 5—7pm at Prince of Peace Hot Dogs & Brats…

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Adult Discipleship Class (“ADC”) Something old, something new. In September, “New Member Class” will be rebranded to better describe its function: “Adult Discipleship Class” or simply, “ADC”. The course will continue to be instruction in basic Christian/ Lutheran teaching from the Bible. A major change in focus will be the participants. This course is for: Those who are curious to learn about the Christian faith (no obligation to join); Those who want to take the step to become members of Trinity Lutheran Church; Those members of Trinity Lutheran Church who want a refresher course in basic Christian doctrine so that they may better express their faith to others; Those who members who want to be involved in helping to assimilate new members into the life of the congregation. Over the years I have discovered this mix of people provides lively dialogue and people begin to connect to one another. The day and time of the class is open for discussion. While the Sunday morning hour is convenient, 90-minute sessions are often more fruitful. Suggestions for alternate dates and times are being considered. You can express your interest in participating and suggest times that work best for you by emailing [email protected] or calling the church, 2523670, ext 103. The starting date and time will be announced in late August.

July 29-August 3 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Judges 17:1-18:31 Judges 19:1-20:48 Judges 21:1-25 Ruth 1:1-2:23 Ruth 3:1-4:22 1 Samuel 1:1-28

August 5-10 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 Samuel 2:1-36 1 Samuel 3:1-21 1 Samuel 4:1-22 1 Samuel 5:1-6:21 1 Samuel 7:1-17 1 Samuel 8:1-22

August 12-17 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 Samuel 9:1-10:27 1 Samuel 11:1-15 1 Samuel 12:1-25 1 Samuel 13:1-22 1 Samuel 14:1-52 1 Samuel 15:1-35

August 19-24 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 Samuel 16:1-23 1 Samuel 17:1-58 1 Samuel 18:1-19:24 1 Samuel 20:1-21:15 1 Samuel 22:1-1-23 1 Samuel 23:1-29

August 26-31 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 Samuel 24:1-22 1 Samuel 25:1-44 1 Samuel 26:1-25 1 Samuel 27:1-29:11 1 Samuel 30:1-31 1 Samuel 31:1-13

Pastor Beck TRINITY



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TRINITY TIDINGS Trinity Lutheran Church Our Mission: “Sharing the Caring Christ with all People”

Contact Us Church Contact Information Church Office: 252-3670 Church Fax: 202-1095 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Office Staff Pastor David Hinz Pastor John Beck Pastor John Bakou

Additional Contact Information Admin. Assistant: Judy Rehwaldt Traditional Music : Daniel Reineke 248-7367 Contemporary Music: Ruth Immerfall 291-9293 Prayer Chain: Delores Volkers 252-2101, Parish Nurse: Jennifer Machula Prince of Peace School Office: 251-1477


TO MARS AND BEYOND Go Beyond With God Vacation Bible School 2019 Vacation Bible School was held at Trinity Lutheran Church on June 16-20th. There were fifty children ages three to grade four from twenty-eight families in attendance. Five area churches were represented. Our theme verse, called our Vector Verse, was Ephesians 3:20 which read “Glory to God, who is able to do far beyond all that we could ask or imagine by his power at work within us”. Each evening centered around a bible story that helped the children explore where God’s power can take them. The key learning was summed up in a Power Launcher phrase. These phrases were sent home each day on a star that could be displayed in the children’s homes. The story of Daniel taught that no matter what circumstances we face, we can always have faith in God to help us in amazing way. GO BEYOND WITH FAITH! Queen Esther stood up for her people and we saw that because of our faith, we can be bold and stand up for God, for others, and for ourselves. GO BEYOND WITH BOLDNESS! The story of the Good Samaritan showed us that because of our faith, we can share God’s love and kindness with others through our words and actions. GO BEYOND WITH KINDNESS! We saw the importance of giving thanks in the story of Jesus healing the ten lepers. Because of our faith, we can make the world a better place by giving thanks in powerful ways to those who care for us, and beyond! GO BEYOND WITH THANKFULNESS! In our last story, we observed the example of the risen Jesus as He walked and talked with two disciples, and how He encouraged them by shedding new light on their experiences and circumstances. Because of our faith, we can have hope as we walk with Jesus. GO BEYOND WITH HOPE! Jennifer Kranz served as the Mission Commander. She led each opening and closing assembly time. Jennifer’s assistant was the robot puppet EP3-20 who was handled by Ben Hinz. Our Bible Story Station Leaders were Pastor Beck, Pastor Cloeter, and Pastor Hinz. They introduced the Bible story for the evening and helped the children explore where God’s power can take them. Our Out-of-thisWord Music Leader was Heidi Anderson. She led songs and actions that helped the Bible truths move from head to heart! Galaxy Snack preparation was led by Donna Esselman. Each

snack was theme-related to the evening’s Bible story. She was assisted by Abby Nack, Katie & Maggie Philabaum, Josh Borgerding, and Judy Lazer. Sue Morey was the Power Up Games Leader. She led recreation activities that reinforced the Bible truths and the Power Launcher learnings. She was assisted by Brittany Brennan, Nicole Peschl, and others accompanying the groups. Craft Station Leaders were Sandy Molitor, Anne Philabaum, Jen Hinz, and Jennifer Heyne. They assisted the children in completing projects to help them remember the Bible stories, theme verse, and Power Launcher phrases. The Star Guides for the Voyager groups guided the classes to the various stations and led the reflection time to complete their study booklets. The three-year-olds were led by Connie Mooney and helper Leah Roesch. Angela Hansen took charge of the fouryear-olds and Justin and Lindsy Hackett worked with the five-year-olds. The Kindergarten class was led by Jan Gratke and assisted by Maddux Neilitz. Karen Strohschein and Joanne Keck were the guides for the first and second graders. Candice Bicondoa worked with the third and fourth graders. We want to thank everyone at Trinity Lutheran Church for their support of the Vacation Bible School program. Thank you for your prayers and snack and craft supply donations. Thank you to the individuals and church groups who made monetary donations. Thank you to Connie Mooney, Ron & Sharon Eickhoff, Justin & Lindsy Hackett, John & Jenny Sprengeler, Jon & Lori Lentz, Daniel Reineke, and Donna Esselman for signing up to be class sponsors. You all went above and beyond! Special THANKS to Judy Rehwaldt for completing the many tasks asked of her. Thank you to Karen Vennes for using her artistic talent to enhance our program. Thanks to Jim Stueve for his time and planning in constructing many of our props. Thank you to Sandi Murphy for helping to prepare the Power Launcher phrases. Thank you also for all who stepped in when needed during the week. Our mission project was The Shoe That Grows. The project provides children in Kenya, Africa with shoes that can expand to grow five sizes. They help prevent the exposure and spread of soil-transmitted diseases and parasites. Our offerings totaled $300! That is enough funds to purchase twenty pairs of shoes! We had an amazing adventure GOING BEYOND WITH GOD! We hope all saw where God’s power can take them!

VBS Directors Kathy Stueve & Bev Karls




August 2019 Wed



1 9:00am Sewing and Crafts (F)

2 9:00am Parish Workers 6:00pm Narcotics Anon. (CM) 9 9:00am Parish Workers 6:00pm Narcotics Anon. (CM)

3 9:00am Altar Guild

16 9:00am Parish Workers 6:00pm Narcotics Anon. (CM) 23 9:00am Parish Workers 6:00pm Narcotics Anon. (CM)

17 9:00am Altar Guild

30 9:00am Parish Workers 6:00pm Narcotics Anon. (CM)

31 9:00am Altar Guild

4 8:00am Adult Bible Study 9:00am Worship Z2 (HC) 12:00pm Anyuak Worship


6 7:00pm Friends in Harmony (W)

7 7:00am Men's Bible Study @ GS 9:00am Festival of Nativities Meeting (Lcf)

8 1:00pm LWML (FH, K) 5:00pm Lay Ministry Mtg. (Lcf) 6:00pm Worship Team Rehearsal (W) 6:30pm Confirmation Foundation Meeting 6:30pm Leadership Team Mtg (Lcf)

11 8:00am Adult Bible Study 9:00am Worship Z3 (HC) 12:00pm Anyuak Worship

12 6:00pm Bev's CC (CM)

14 7:00am Men's Bible Study @ GS

15 9:00am Sewing and Crafts (F)

18 8:00am Adult Bible Study 9:00am Worship Z4 (HC) 12:00pm Anyuak Worship

19 5-7pm Dine to Donate & Back to School Night at POP @ POP 5:30pm Playhouse Training (FH)

13 7:00pm Friends in Harmony (W) 5:30pm Playhouse Training (FH) 20 8:30am – Noon AARP Driver’s Update Class 7:00pm Friends in Harmony (W)

21 7:00am Men's Bible Study @ GS

22 9:00am Prince Of Peace Ministry Education Conf. Opening Worship (at POP) 6:00pm Worship Team Rehearsal (W)

25 POP Teacher Dedication 8:00am Adult Bible Study 9:00am Worship Z5 (HC) 12:00pm Anyuak Worship

Room Reservation Key O=Overflow Room

26 9:30am Parish Workers (NL) 1:00pm POP Golf Tournament 6:00pm Bev's CC (CM)

W=Worship Space F=Fellowship Hall

Scl=Small Class Room Lcl=Large Class Room

27 7:00pm Friends in Harmony (W)

M=Music Room Y=Youth Room

28 7:00am Men's Bible Study @ GS 5:30pm Playhouse Training (FH)

Lcf=Large Conf Room Scf=Small Conf Room

CM=Care Ministry K=Kitchen




10 9:00am Altar Guild

24 9:00am Altar Guild

August Birthdays Name Sue Bastian Caleb Wainright Alexa Welsh Ryan Mousky Kara Cassen Jon Fuchs Riley Novak Ariet Cham Janet Kardell Lorie Pilantz Janice Putnam Abigail Behrendt Angel Dohrmann Maggie Friedrichs Linda Bicondoa Levi Knafla Jennifer Kranz Ian Rucks Carol Sova Ross Wainright Carol Durand Kirk Abraham Jennifer Kurash Norbert Sadowski Brenda Thole Whitney Jarnot Georgiana Okello Cham Medho Daniel Reginek Jack Abfalter Alexandra Gerchy Mark Helgeson Eric Stuart Grayson Willman Timothy Buttweiler Scott Kelm Farrah Machula John Sunstrom Keith Bauman Madysen Boettcher

Bday 8/1 8/1 8/2 8/3 8/4 8/4 8/4 8/5 8/5 8/5 8/5 8/6 8/6 8/6 8/7 8/7 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/9 8/10 8/11 8/11 8/11 8/11 8/12 8/12 8/13 8/13 8/14 8/14 8/14 8/14 8/14 8/15 8/15 8/16 8/16 8/17 8/17

Cynthia England Hailey Lyness Ingrid Brashear Evie Gazett Ruth Immerfall Mark Renn Aaron Rucks Abula Cham Pamela Hadley Tyler Nack Robert Michael Bobbi Jean Milner Julie Willman Shirley Eisenlohr Steven Teders Sadie Bartels Calvin Koehler Courtney Walker Lisa Hejhal Jon Copeland Ruth Gottschalk Luke Johnson Chris Kutzorik Joel Mousky Nick Reberg Amy Schaefer Kim Boom Brooke Butkowski Margaret Buttweiler Audrey Fleck Gail Reginek Linda Kothman Cordell Lazer Anna Voigt Eric Hansen Darline Patton Amanda Petersen Brian Walen Vera Forner Christopher Helgeson

8/17 8/17 8/18 8/18 8/18 8/18 8/18 8/19 8/19 8/19 8/20 8/20 8/20 8/21 8/21 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/23 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/25 8/25 8/25 8/25 8/26 8/27 8/27 8/27 8/28 8/28 8/28 8/28 8/29 8/29

Grace Ojullu Ajwora Oman Kelly Thole Lori Wendt Lacey Nelson Sherrie Beck Robert Fleck Lynn Machula

8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/30 8/31 8/31 8/31