True Worship

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True Worship Introduction For many Christians the word worship has a very particular and a very narrow meaning. For them, worship is ‘what we do at church’, especially the singing of so-called worship songs. It is, of course, quite clear from the Bible that the gathering of Christians should be an encouraging experience (see Hebrews 10vs25) and that the singing of psalms, hymns and spiritual songs is an important part of our meeting together, not least our role in teaching and exhorting one another (see Colossians 3vs15-17). The book of Psalms, the hymn book of the early church, reminds us that we must praise the Lord and give thanks to Him for His greatness, His holiness, His justice and mercy and grace. But are such gatherings and experiences the sum total of our worship? As may be expected from what has been said already, the Bible’s answer to this question is a resounding ‘no’! When we turn to Scripture we find that although meeting together for teaching, praise and prayer are part of our worship as Christians, our worship of God is not limited to these activities. As we shall see from three key passages, worship involves all of life and every aspect of what we are – our thoughts, our affections and will and our actions.

Study Questions Read Psalm 1. Answer the following questions from the text. 1. What are the characteristics of the ‘blessed’ person – i.e. the person who is approved by God?

2. What do the images of ‘walking’, ‘standing’ and ‘sitting’ imply?

3. What is the significance of this Psalm as the introduction to the book of Psalms

Read Psalm 95. Answer the following questions from the text. 1. What reasons for the praise of the LORD does the Psalm give?

2. What does the Psalm teach about our daily response to God’s Word?

3. What is worship according to Psalm 95?

Read Romans 12vs1-2. Answer the following questions from the text. 1. What does it mean to worship God according to these verses?

2. What should the motivation for our worship be? How does this truth shape our understanding of what worship is?

Think it Through In the light of the above passages, write a short summary in your own words of what it means to worship God.