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2016 Community Resource Guide & Membership Directory



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4 Letter from the Chamber President

Welcome to the 2016 Ulster County Regional Chamber of Commerce Community Resource Guide and Membership Directory

8 Benefits of Membership

Over a Century of Service

12 The Ulster County Regional Chamber of Commerce

Creating a Climate Where Business Can Thrive

16 Ribbon Cuttings

A Year of New Beginnings

20 Ulster County Regional Chamber of Commerce Foundation 24 Accommodations

Making Room for You

26 Arts and Culture

Creative People Love Us

28 Business and Industry

A Crafty New Trend

30 Education

For All Levels

34 Farms and Markets

Bet the Farm on Our Area

36 Giving Back

It’s What We Do

38 Health and Wellness

The Mountains Are Calling

42 Heritage

Out of Many, One

44 Homes and Lifestyles

We’re the Place to Be

48 Shopping

Unique Shops Abound

50 Sports and Recreation

This is Your New Playground

52 Categorical Member Listings 90 Alphabetical Member Listings 97 Categorical Index 99 Advertising Index

32 Entertainment and Events

There’s Always Something Happening

The Ulster County Regional Chamber of Commerce would like to thank the following individuals and businesses for their contribution to the 2016 Keep it Local Community Resource Guide & Membership Directory: Directory Coordinator and Advertising Sales – Carol Ricken Graphic Design and Layout – Allison Costanzo Editorial – Robert Mitchell Photo Credits: Cover: Feature photo: Lake Awosting Sunset, photo by Steve Aaron Photography Additional Cover Photos: Ulster Tourism Accommodations: Best Western Plus Kingston Hotel and Conference Center; Courtyard by Marriott; Hampton Inn Arts & Culture: Arts Society of Kingston (ASK), photos by Adam Husted; Shadowland Theatre Business & Industry: Keegan Ales, LLC; Tuthilltown Spirits Education: Ulster County BOCES Entertainment & Events: Highland Rotary Club; Hunter Mountain Farms & Markets: Adams Fairacre Farms; Bell’s Christmas Trees Giving Back: UnitedHealthcare; United Way of Ulster County, photo by Michael Saporito Photography Health & Wellness: Mohonk Mountain House; Women’s Health and Wellness Expo Heritage: Reher Center for Immigrant Culture & History, Jewish Federation of Ulster County Homes & Lifestyles: Ulster Gardens, photo by Angela P. Schapiro Photography; The Williams Lake Project, artist rendering Shopping: Kenco, the Work and Play Outfitter; The Tender Land Home; Woodstock Harley-Davidson Sports & Recreation: Kingston Cyclery; Mountain Wings, Inc. Copyright 2016 – Ulster County Regional Chamber of Commerce 214 FAIR STREET KINGSTON, NY 12401 PHONE: 845.338.5100 FAX: 845.338.0968 E-MAIL: [email protected] Information in this directory was carefully compiled to ensure maximum accuracy. However, the Ulster County Regional Chamber of Commerce, Inc. cannot guarantee the correctness of all information provided herein. Readers noting inaccurate information are asked to contact the Chamber office with corrections and updates. For the most current information available on members, please visit the Chamber’s website at www.UlsterChamber.org. Contents published by Ulster County Regional Chamber of Commerce© 2016 All Rights Reserved.

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Letter from the Chamber President Welcome to the 2016 Ulster County Regional Chamber of Commerce Community Resource Guide and Membership Directory “Keep it Local” are the three most important words at the Ulster County Regional Chamber of Commerce. They resonate throughout our service area. They have appeared in print hundreds, if not thousands of times. We speak them at all our events and every week on the Spotlight on the Chamber radio show. Not a day goes by that we don’t urge someone to Keep it Local. There are many important reasons for us all to remember to Keep it Local. Dollars spent locally circulate seven times in the local economy. Spending your dollars locally increases the amount of sales tax collected, which allows municipalities to continue to provide their essential services and reduces the burden on property taxes. Shopping locally also keeps local people employed. You’ll find many of the helpful staff behind the counters at your favorite shops and stores to be your friends and neighbors. The Ulster County Regional Chamber of Commerce is proud to be part of the mosaic of the Ulster County region. The Chamber is the leading resource for members and the community at large to tap into information and assistance, and the leading businessadvocacy organization, providing the important connections that are essential for our members. Remember – whenever you’re about to make a purchase of any product or service, look inside this 2016 Ulster Chamber Guide and – Keep it Local! Ward D. Todd President, Ulster County Regional Chamber of Commerce


Alecia DeCicco Administrative Assistant

Robert G. Hirsch Director of Business Services & Communication

Ingrid Kulick Executive Director Chamber Foundation Cindy O’Connor Bookkeeper

BOARD OF DIRECTORS OFFICERS CHAIR Terry M. Parisian Hudson Valley Mall PRESIDENT Ward D. Todd Ulster County Regional Chamber of Commerce CHAIR ELECT Larry Begnal LT Begnal Motor Co. VICE CHAIR Donald Verity Pamal Broadcasting WBPM TREASURER MaryRose Warcholak Ulster Savings Bank SECRETARY Tim Allred The Williams Lake Project Joseph Beichert Timely Signs of Kingston Joe Charmello Brad’s Barns & Gazebos Jeremy Ellenbogen Ellenbogen Group, Inc./Seven21 Media Center David Gagnon Daniel D. Gagnon, CPA, PC Brian Ginty Hudson Valley Financial Services Shiona Howe Courtyard by Marriott Crystal Jacob Rondout Savings Bank Jeff Lowe Lowe Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning

Carol Ricken Director of Membership Membership Directory Coordinator

Robert Mitchell Newsletter Editor

Cecilia Savona Madden Savona’s Trattoria & Pizza

Valerie Walsh Office Manager

Allison Costanzo Graphic Designer

Su Marcy United Way of Ulster County Christopher Marx SUNY Ulster-Business Resource Center Mark Mulpeter Central Hudson Gas & Electric John F. Murphy Murphy Realty Group Kevin Quilty Community Foundations of the Hudson Valley Greg Riley Citizens Bank Dave Scarpino HealthAlliance of the Hudson Valley

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6 Community Resource Guide 2016

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Welcome to The

Ulster County Regional Chamber of Commerce OVER A CENTURY OF SERVICE The Ulster County Regional Chamber of Commerce is a private business membership organization working to advance the health and vitality of Ulster County. With a membership of 1,100 businesses and organizations that employ approximately 25,000 local workers, the Ulster County Regional Chamber of Commerce is the largest business-advocacy organization in Ulster County. Through the energy of its staff, board and volunteers, the Chamber represents the interests of the business community and helps businesses solve problems and promote themselves through shared experiences, ideas and resources. We believe that it is through our collective experience and knowledge that we can accomplish together what no one voice could do individually.





With your Chamber membership, we include your business in print and on the Chamber’s website (www.UlsterChamber.org). All members are automatically listed in our keyword-searchable directory with all contact information, both alphabetically and by category in our annual Community Resource Guide & Membership Directory. Active members’ web pages and emails are included. The directory is distributed extensively throughout the region and is included in all relocation packets. Additionally, if you have a special offer, a job posting or a news release, we will post it on our website at no charge.

The Chamber actively promotes members and their services through staff referrals, direct links from the Chamber’s website, the Chamber newsletter “ChamberNews,” and through the many networking opportunities available for members. Our “KEEP IT LOCAL” initiative encourages members and the community to do business locally and support our Chamber members.


“ChamberNews,” the official newspaper of the Ulster County Regional Chamber of Commerce, is printed and distributed to 15,000 Daily Freeman subscribers each month and is direct mailed to 1,600 Chamber members. It keeps members informed about Chamber events and features stories on several members each month. New members receive a free business card size ad in “ChamberNews,” valued at $150. The newsletter is also posted on our website.


“Spotlight on the Ulster County Regional Chamber of Commerce” features interviews with a different Chamber member each week. The half hour program is broadcast on 10 Hudson Valley radio stations each week and archived on the Chamber’s website. There is no cost to be interviewed but the promotional value of being a guest on our radio program is $1,000.

BREAKFAST MEETINGS Our monthly educational and informative breakfast meetings are held at the Best Western Plus in Kingston starting at 7:30 am. Speakers who are well known and respected are invited to speak and answer questions. Members are encouraged to network with their peers.

BUSINESS-AFTER-HOURS MIXERS Monthly Mixers offer a great opportunity for Ulster Chamber members to meet other business leaders and promote their business. A different venue is featured each month with complimentary food and drink provided. They are held from 5:00 - 7:00 pm.


The Ulster Chamber assists members by conducting a ribbon-cutting ceremony for opening new businesses, expanding and renovating current businesses, and businesses that are celebrating a significant anniversary. Local officials and the media are invited to attend and a picture of the event is published in the Chamber newsletter and posted on the Chamber’s website.

8 Community Resource Guide 2016

These events are held quarterly and provide Chamber members with an opportunity to network and fine tune their elevator speeches.

WORKSHOPS/SEMINARS The Chamber conducts frequent meetings, seminars and workshops, which offer members a chance to stay connected with other business leaders. Early registration is urged, since these events are typically held in smaller venues and often sell out.

PROGRAMS & EVENTS BUY LOCAL EXPO This is one of the Chamber’s signature events, held every fall at the Diamond Mills Hotel and Conference Center in Saugerties. The Expo is open to the public and promotes local and regional businesses. It is heavily promoted in the “Chamber News,” on our website, in newspaper ads and on local radio.

BUSINESS RECOGNITION AWARDS DINNER The Ulster County Regional Chamber of Commerce and the Ulster County Economic Development Alliance annually recognize Ulster County business leaders, businesses and organizations that are leaders in their sectors, have achieved outstanding results, or shown dedication and commitment to furthering business and the quality of life in Ulster County. Recognition is given to the Business of the Year, Small Business of the Year, Businessperson or Entrepreneur of the Year, Cultural Business of the Year and Tourism/Hospitality Business of the Year. Other awards include Commitment to the Community, the Heritage Award and the Heart of Ulster County Award.


CORPORATE SPONSORS All Chamber members are invited to take advantage of our Corporate Sponsorships, which offer unique partnership opportunities with the Chamber. Contact Chamber President Ward Todd for specific funding levels and the many benefits of being a Corporate Sponsor.

The Ulster Chamber partners with the Bright Choices Benefits Exchange from Liazon, which provides reduced group rate coverage for small businesses through CDPHP and for sole proprietors through MVP. New members must select a health insurance program within the first 30 days of membership or sign up during Open Enrollment in the month of November.

RELOCATION PACKETS The Chamber responds to phone calls and email requests from people interested in relocating to the Ulster County region. Each person who inquires will receive a packet in the mail containing information about our region and about our members. We will also insert a business card or tri-fold brochure from Chamber members for a nominal annual cost.

DISCOUNT ENERGY ALLIANCE Partnering with more than 17 other Chambers of Commerce and using the buying power of thousands of Chamber members, we offer discounted electric and natural gas rates to Chamber members. These programs can save Chamber members an average of 5-12% on their utility bills.

LABOR RELATIONS HOTLINE Chamber members are invited to subscribe to a legal hotline for ongoing advice regarding labor and employment issues from one of the leading personnel law firms in the state. There is a nominal annual fee.

CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN For Chamber members who ship their products out of the country, a Chamber embossed and signed Certificate of Origin is necessary. There is no cost to Chamber members for this service.

LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS AND ACTIVITIES The Ulster Chamber is the regional voice for local business with members actively involved in local, statewide and national legislative affairs on behalf of the entire membership. Research is done on the cause and effect of proposed local, state and federal legislation and how it impacts the business community. Follow up takes place with the appropriate officials.

CORPORATE LEADERS Rondout Savings Bank Ulster Savings Bank CORPORATE PARTNERS Mohonk Mountain House Central Hudson Gas & Electric Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union

CORPORATE SUPPORTERS HealthAlliance of the Hudson Valley Naccarato Insurance HealthQuest

SUSTAINING SPONSORS CDPHP Liazon Benefits Exchange www.UlsterChamber.org 9

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The Ulster County Regional Chamber of Commerce Creating a Climate Where Business Can Thrive

Buy Local Expo, Naccarato Insurance, Presenting Sponsor

Congressman Chris Gibbson, Chamber Breakfast

12 Community Resource GuideChamber 2016 Mixer at Best Western Plus

Opening of Maurice D. Hinchey Catskill Interpretive Center

Ulster Leadership (ULDI) Retreat

Buy Local Expo

Business Recognition Awards Dinner

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Ribbon Cuttings A Year of New Beginnings

Studio 286, Uptown Kingston

John F. Kennedy School Playground, Kingston

Combined Energy Services, Kerhonkson

16 Community Resource Guide 2016

Tractor Supply Co.,Town of Ulster

Advance Auto Parts Store, Saugerties

Sawyer Savings Bank, Highland


Grounded NY, Downtown Kingston

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Partner, Network, Prepare, Learn, Share, Serve The Chamber Foundation, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit, hosts three distinct programs dedicated to enhancing business success through education, connections and leadership development. The Business Resource Series presents cutting-edge speakers featuring timely solutions and guidance in key business issues via monthly seminars. Sponsorships from regional businesses underwrite this series, making these valuable presentations affordable. The Ulster Leadership Development Institute (ULDI) annually provides participants 18 diverse forums for interaction with leaders from the business, nonprofit and government sectors within our region, all focused on developing advanced leadership understanding, capacity and significance. The program launches in September with a two-day retreat, meets bi-weekly September through May, and concludes with a graduation ceremony in June. The Chamber has successfully hosted the ULDI for 23 years, providing a rich experience for over 370 graduates. The Foundation appreciates the sponsorship of M&T Bank, Mohonk

Mountain House, Alcoa Fastening Systems & Rings, and The Chateau for the 2015-2016 ULDI Program. The ULDI Alumni Association offers continued networking, professional development and service recognition programs beyond the intensity of the ULDI. The Foundation works with ULDI leadership to provide ongoing programs and to build an interconnected network to encourage graduates into business, leadership and service positions throughout the region. For more details and information, contact Ingrid Kulick, Executive Director, at 845-338-5100, ext. 106, or email [email protected]. Your tax-deductible contribution to the Foundation, which can be made directly through the Chamber’s website www.ulsterchamber.org, provides support to the Foundation’s programs in accordance with your designation. The Foundation would be honored to provide you with public recognition of your support because you make a difference to the Hudson Valley’s future success.

Ulster Leadership Development Institute – Class of 2015

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Accommodations MAKING ROOM FOR YOU

So you’re on a business trip or family vacation to the historic Hudson Valley. It’s been a hectic go-around, and after all the meetings or sightseeing, your bones are feeling a bit achy. It’s time to call it a day. Don’t lose a wink of sleep over it. We’ve got your back with our comfortable accommodations. Whether it be an intimate setting at one of our bed and breakfasts, luxurious stay at one of our famed resorts or the familiarity of a hotel chain, you can be assured of a good night’s sleep in Ulster County. “We offer a wide variety,” said Al Sottile, the General Manager of the Best Western Plus Kingston Hotel and Conference Center. “We have the bed and breakfasts. We have the full-service hotels like us. We have others that are not full-service, and, of course, we have the resorts in the area. We have it all.” The Best Western Plus recently underwent a $6.2-million renovation and now features 208 guest rooms, including five suites, a new saltwater indoor heated pool, game room, onsite fitness center and more than 8,300 square feet of breakout rooms and a private dining room overlooking the courtyard. “Even though we’re a large hotel, we have more of a boutique feeling, which is good for the Hudson Valley,” Sottile said. The growth of our hotels is good for the region. The Hampton Inn is already a hit with tourists in the Kingston area. The chain now has plans to build an 87-unit hotel in New Paltz, which is the home of the State University of New York and other area attractions such as Historic H u g u e n o t Street and the Ulster County Fairgrounds. Other familiar names you can count on locally are the Courtyard by Marriott in the town of Ulster, which recently underwent a Hampton Inn, Town of Ulster major renovation, the Quality Inn and Suites in Kingston, the Howard Johnson Inn and the Comfort Inn in Saugerties as well as the Super 8 in Kingston and America’s Best Value Inn in New Paltz. While familiar is comforting, we also specialize in high-end resorts that draw tourists from all over the world. The Mohonk 24 Community Resource Guide 2016

Mountain House is a National Historic Landmark built in 1869. Other fashionable places to lay your head are the Emerson Resort and Spa in Mount Tremper, which was also recently renovated, the Honor’s Haven Resort and Spa in Ellenville, the Hudson Valley Resort in Accord, and the Diamond Mills Hotel and Tavern in Saugerties. If you choose to bring the kids, make sure to visit the awardwinning Rocking Horse Ranch Resort in Highland, which will thrill your carload of buckaroos. No visit to our legendary region would be complete without the bed-and-breakfast experience. Like the rest of our accommodations, they have a character and style all their own. History lovers will especially enjoy their stay at A Kingston Bed and Breakfast on Fair Street. The restored Victorian home and its innkeeper, Alicia Best Western Plus, Kingston Kowalski, have gotten rave reviews on tripadvisor.com for ambiance and extra treats that include afternoon tea. Other top-notch bed and breakfasts include The Den at Marbletown, which doubles as a Teddy Bear Museum, and Schwartz’s Inn, a turn-of-the-century two-bed accommodation in the heart of Kingston’s h i s t o r i c S t o c k a d e District. For more of that historic flavor, there’s the Stone House Bed and Breakfast, a 300-year-old Hurley home with five luxury Courtyard By Marriot, Town of Ulster rooms. Those wanting more casual lodging will appreciate Mountain Meadows Bed and Breakfast in New Paltz. Another option is the Rondout Inn, a historic 1820s federal-style building with one-bedroom apartment suites. Animal lovers will thrill at the accommodations at The Homestead, a renovated 1813 farmhouse that is part of the Catskill Animal Sanctuary in Saugerties. With all these choices, it’s hard to choose. So let The Belleayre Region Lodging and Tourism Association help you decide. Anyway you go, we guarantee sweet dreams and rejuvenation so you can enjoy the rest of your stay with us.

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“Without art, the crudeness of reality would make the world unbearable.” So said playwright George Bernard Shaw, who would likely tip his hat to Ulster County as a very bearable place to see a show or explore a gallery. It’s no wonder. Our region is sublimely artistic on so many levels, in so many genres and in so many of our communities like Woodstock, New Paltz, Saugerties, and Rosendale. Kingston, the first state capital, has been ranked as one of America’s 10 best places for artists by Business Week magazine. “Our organization has about 400 members and we’re growing,” said Vindora Wixom, Executive Director of the Arts Society of Kingston (ASK). “The arts are happening here.” Kingston continues to live up to that reputation, and organizations such as ASK at 97 Broadway figure hugely into the broader picture. This year, expectations were especially high as ASK opened the Great Room for the Arts, a second-floor, state-of-the-art performance space, enabling it to host theater, film, multimedia productions, and even more classrooms for budding artists. That’s in addition to the gallery space already established on the first floor. During the year, ASK hosts a dozen or so shows, spotlighting member works in painting, ceramics, sculpture, jewelry, and other genres. Additionally, ASK boasts The Playwrights’ Lab (a double tip of Shaw’s hat) for works-inprogress and staged readings, as well as a painting studio and member lounge. The arts organization also hosts the Kingston Sculpture Biennial, a show of thought-provoking public art installations at various locations throughout the city. No discussion of our spectacular artistic community would be 26 Community Resource Guide 2016

complete without a shout-out to the highly regarded O+ Festival, a weekend devoted to caring for the artists who care for us with free medical and dental care. Kingston is, by no means, where it ends. In fact, some 30 miles south is a mountainous community known as Ellenville, and it is there that the performing arts come alive at Shadowland Theatre. Known as “the Catskill’s Cultural Gem,” the former vaudeville hall is a year-round theater company founded by a group of New York City actors in the 1980s. “It’s the same folks you see on Broadway and off-Broadway and at the major theaters throughout the country,” said Brendan Burke, producing artistic director of Shadowland. “It’s really a top-quality, professional theater.” A good thing has only gotten better in recent years as the 1920 art deco theater underwent substantial renovations to its façade, lobby, marque, roof, and stage. Venues like Shadowland are a huge part of making Ulster Arts Society of Kingston (ASK) County a “haven for the arts,” according to Burke, building the overall quality of life and attracting creative types to our stages, galleries and artist housing complexes like the former United States Lace Factory on Cornell Street in Midtown Kingston. “Creative people want to live around other creative people,” he said. “It really makes for a great tapestry.” Speaking of the stage, we also have made an impression with our annual summertime Phoenicia International Festival of the Voice, featuring world-famous operatic divos and divas, our longrunning Maverick Concert Hall, marking its 100th summer of glorious music in 2015, and the majestic Ulster Performing Arts Center (UPAC), the focal point of arts in Midtown Kingston. “Nature is always at your window here,” Burke said. “You get a full four seasons. “ Shaw was right. The arts rouse the spirit, Shadowland Theatre, Ellenville and in Ulster County, they make life richer, deeper and eminently more bearable. Burke would concur.

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Business and Industry A CRAFTY NEW TREND

If you’re looking for craft beer and wine, the Hudson Valley is becoming a must-stop destination. Tommy Keegan, owner of Keegan Ales in Kingston, said the movement began on the West Coast some 30 years ago, but the growth has plateaued there. “The real growth potential is here in the Atlantic Northeast,” he said. “Since I’ve opened in 2003, I’ve seen it grow exponentially.” Keegan sells a myriad of craft beers around Ulster County and beyond. “The Hudson Valley has really been in the forefront, not only in the brewing industry, but in all kinds of food and in its growing awareness about locally sourced products,” Keegan said. “That’s trickling down to the farmers as well and all kinds of different industries. I think we’re all riding that wave together.” George Lewandowski, the owner of Frogmore Tavern at 63 North Front Street, Kingston, proudly features five beers produced by members of the New York State Brewers Association. Among them is Keegan’s flavorful blends. “The whole buy-local movement is the first thing behind the popularity of craft beers,” Lewandowski said. “The second thing is, I think for people, it’s quality versus quantity. “I know from my own point of view, I would rather drink a pint of craft beer than those made by the large corporate producers. When I drink a Keegan Ale, I know I’m supporting a neighbor, whereas, when I drink a Budweiser, I’m supporting a giant entity.” Besides, the taste is superior to the massproduced brews, Lewandowski added. “With a craft beer, you get a great flavor. You can have one that is more ‘hoppy’ or you can have one with citrus overtones or undertones. It’s just different, and there’s more of a variety.” Cathy Erenzo of Tuthilltown Spirits in Gardiner said visitors can find vodka here made with locally grown apples and gin with an apple spirit. Erenzo said a craft beverage map is being prepared to list all of the burgeoning locations. “We are becoming a destination,” she said. “We have noticed newer distilleries and breweries are popping up.” Erenzo said about half of all the visitors to Tuthilltown’s tasting room are from New York City. “They all want to come up and get some hiking in, taste local 28 Community Resource Guide 2016

products and bring home some of the Hudson Valley with them,” she said. The Hudson Valley Wine Village in Lloyd promises to draw even more people here once it opens. And with tourism as Ulster County’s No. 1 industry, that can only bode well for the proposed attraction. The State Department of Economic Development recently reported that visitor spending in Ulster County increased by 6.6 percent in 2013 over the year before. Tourism is now a $505 million industry here, which Ulster County Executive Michael Hein said “really speaks to the broad array of four-season tourism that we have in Ulster County.” But we’re so much more when it comes to business and industry. Ulster County saw privatesector employment grow by 2.2 percent from March 2014 to March 2015— Tutthilltown Spirits, Gardiner the second highest growth in the state for that period. The Solar Energy Consortium (TSEC), located at TechCity, is a major generator of jobs, with such firms as Solar Tech Renewables and Earth Kind in the forefront. Other companies contribute to the industry by providing system equipment, such as lighting companies Zumtobel and Selux. The area is also optimistic that Start-Up NY will begin to bear fruit. SUNY Ulster was one of the first eight colleges approved to train the workers of tomorrow with 168,000 square feet at TechCity. The program links colleges and business partners, who will receive tax initiatives. Among some of our other prominent manufacturing Keegan Ales LLC, Kingston businesses are Wolf-Tec, which recently moved into much larger quarters in Kingston; Alcoa Fastening Systems in Kingston; Usheco Inc. in Kingston; Viking Industries in New Paltz; Ceres Technologies in Saugerties; Optimum Window in Ellenville; Tonner Doll Co. in Kingston; WineRacks Inc. in Tillson; Ametek Rotron in Woodstock; and Ameribag in Kingston. So whether we’re manufacturing craft brew or airplane parts for Boeing, as Alcoa does, Ulster County offers an ideal climate for businesses to thrive.

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Welding is sparking new interest these days among our high school students. It is one of many fields to choose from in the Ulster BOCES Pre-University/New Visions Career Exploration program which allows students to work alongside area professionals while earning college credits. The goal is to give honor students a chance to see what it’s like in a chosen field and whether it’s a good fit for them, according to Mary Jalloh, the Director of Adult Education and Grant Development at Ulster BOCES. “Welding is one of our hottest areas,” Jalloh said. “There is also a surge in solar and renewable energy. It seems to be taking off again with some of the investments nationally.” New Visions classes meet five days a week throughout the school year and open the door for student interns at various work sites in the community. The curricula consist of projects completed independently, cooperatively in class or at internship sites, according to Jalloh. While Ulster BOCES is proud of the New Visions programs, it also has a comprehensive adult education program, offering career classes in fields such as health care, office technology and solar-power installation. Everything, of course, is geared toward making our workforce a more skilled and productive one and our higher-education options contribute greatly to that end. At SUNY Ulster, there’s excitement in the air with a new president and new satellite campus called the Kingston Center of SUNY Ulster. The new campus recently opened at the site of a former elementary school and offers a variety of credit and non-credit courses. The main campus of the two-year public college in Stone Ridge offers more than 50 programs, small classes and a dedicated faculty that brings academics to life. More good news is that SUNY Ulster will have no tuition hike in 2015-16 and full-time students will again pay only $4,320 per year. Its motto, “Start here. Go far,” is entirely fitting as many students earn their associate’s degrees and then transfer to a four-year college. Many choose their neighbor in New Paltz some 11 miles away, and there is good reason. The State University of New York at New Paltz consistently ranks high among the nation’s universities for its quality and value. In-state tuition in 2014-15 was only $7,408. 30 Community Resource Guide 2016

Kiplinger’s Personal Finance has named SUNY New Paltz among the “Top 100 Best Values in Public Higher Education” and “30 Best College Values in the Mid-Atlantic,” while U.S. News and World Report called it one of the “Top Ten Best Public Regional Universities.” On top of that, SUNY New Paltz won this year’s prestigious Andrew Heiskell Award for Innovation in International Education in the “Study Abroad” category. The university has 8,000 undergraduate and graduate students and offers more than 100 undergraduate programs in liberal arts, business, education, engineering, and fine and performing arts. In addition, SUNY New Paltz was at the forefront of innovation when it launched 3D-printing technology at the nation’s first MakerBot Innovation Center in the engineering building. The venture not only helps students think futuristically, it is a resource for businesses to build new products inexpensively. In crossing over from the scientific to the human realm, the center created a prosthetic “robohand” for a boy born with a congenital Ulster County BOCES malformity. Other superb examples of higher learning in our region include Marist College in Poughkeepsie and Adelphi University’s Hudson Valley location, also in Poughkeepsie. Additionally, there are an abundance of excellent primary educational options such as Woodstock Day School, the Poughkeepsie Day School, and faith-based institutions such as St. Joseph’s School, Kingston Catholic School and John A. Coleman Catholic High School. In the public school setting, we are ahead of the class in the Kingston City School District, Ellenville Central School District and Wallkill Central School District.

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Hot diggity dog! This is one festival where you’d better bring a Led Zeppelin front man Robert Plant. Texas-sized appetite and a big ol’ tub of towelettes. The Hudson A week after Mountain Jam’s stars have packed up their guitars, Valley Ribfest is just the ticket for those who like their barbecue the fiddles and banjos emerge for the Taste of Country Music sweet, saucy, savory, and smoky. Festival, which this year featured superstars Tim McGraw, Keith The annual event, organized by the Highland Rotary Club, Urban and Toby Keith. features all-you-can-eat barbecue favorites (and sides), as well Later in the summer, the mountain is home to an ethnic as exclusive samples celebration known as the German from the Ribfest’s Alps Festival with food, drink, music, contestants or activities, and entertainment inspired “ribbers” vying for by the native land in west-central championship titles. Europe. “It’s really three Another yearly event that attracts a events rolled into worldwide audience is the Woodstock one,” said Rotary Film Festival, drawing notable President Steve filmmakers and celebrities. Now in Laubach. “It’s a its 16th year, the festival has brought food festival about awareness of the region’s assets to ribs, a music festival filmmakers—many of whom now with live music and choose to shoot their independent a barbecue contest. movies in our historic towns and Most people can’t inspiring, mountainous landscapes. have a barbecue like Perhaps high-caliber sporting events this in their own are more your style. If so, we’re home backyard with all to Horse Shows in the Sun (HITS) in Hudson Valley Ribfest, Ulster County Fairgrounds the music and all the Saugerties, which, for eight weeks, other things going on, so you might as well come to ours.” brings out poised and polished equestrians from across the The largest outdoor barbecue in the Hudson Valley is just one country, competing for a total of $3 million in prize money. of several annual events that bring crowds to our region. That’s The masterminds behind HITS Endurance produce the annual because we know how to throw a party and have a rip-roaring Kiwanis Kingston Classic, a major spring tourism draw for Ulster good time in every season. County that hosts a 10K-distance race and even a Boston Marathon We also know how to jam. 26.2-mile qualifying Hunter Mountain happens marathon. to be a favorite spot for rock Later in the year, fans in the summer, beer locals and visitors connoisseurs in the spring alike enjoy the Hooley and even Deutschland folk on the Hudson, a later in the year. In fact, large-scale shindig weekends are packed with celebrating all things live music, dancing, food, and Irish at Kingston’s tons of children’s activities historic waterfront. The biennial during the mountain’s festival Burning of Kingston season. is a dramatization of In April, Hunter Mountain the British invasion hosts TAP New York of the colonial city featuring the finest beers in 1777. Spectators produced by more than 100 can watch the battle craft breweries. In 2015, more unfold throughout the than 350 individual beers city over a three-day were showcased, making it weekend. the largest gathering of New Of course, there are York craft brewers in the countless more events state. such as the Hudson By June, the grounds in Hunter Mountain Summer Festival Valley Wine and Food the Greene County town of Hunter are prepped for one of the Northeast’s premier camping Fest, Artrider’s Rhinebeck Arts Festival and our family-centric music festivals, Mountain Jam, sponsored by Woodstock’s Ulster County Fair, along with top-notch entertainment venues independent music station 101.1 WDST-FM. Among the notables like Headless Horseman Hayrides and Haunted Houses in Ulster who have headlined recently at the three-day festival was former Park that solidify our region as a beguiling place in every season. 32 Community Resource Guide 2016

Arts, Culture, History, Recreation, Scenic Beauty & An Outstanding Business Community

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Farms and Markets BET THE FARM ON OUR AREA

Even in February, flowers bloom and gardens grow in Ulster County. Chalk it up to the skilled landscaping crews at Adams Fairacre Farms working their magic in the warmth of a greenroom, even while the snow falls fast and furious outdoors. The supermarket really puts on a spring-inspired production each year for winter-weary shoppers. They come out en masse to the annual Lawn and Garden Show to see the freshly opened petunias and pansies, full-bodied shrubs and even peaceful garden waterfalls set against the backdrops of patios and walkways. Adams Fairacre Farms, in fact, does much more than just throw a garden party in the middle of winter. The familyowned store that began in the early 20th century as a roadside farm stand is one of Ulster County’s most popular grocery stores, offering an impressive selection of produce from our region’s best farms and orchards. “We take anything we can find from our local farmers and sell it in our store,” said Mike Paesano, the store manager. “The local people and the local farmers are a big foundation in the Ulster County area, and we welcome anything they have.” That means the fresh asparagus spears of spring to the colorful gourds of fall and every sweet, crisp, succulent product in between. “Being at the bottom of the Catskills, we have great soil. We also have plenty of streams to irrigate from, so that really helps this area in farming,” Paesano added. No doubt, there are plenty of farms to supply markets like Adams, as well as our farm-totable restaurants and growing number of farmers’ markets in our idyllic Hudson Valley communities. In Ulster County, we’ve earned a reputation as world-class food producers in our world-class landscapes. Our farms, most of them small and family owned, comprise about 12 percent of our total acreage, according to the Census Bureau of Agriculture. While that may seem humble in the overall picture, our farmers are industrious and know how to work the fertile region. If you want numbers to prove it, Ulster County ranks second in 34 Community Resource Guide 2016

the state and 15th in the nation in apple production and third statewide in sweet corn production. We also know a thing or two about grapes in our neck of the valley. While the region as a whole boasts 39 wineries, we’ve got 14 of them nestled in Ulster County between the Shawangunk Mountains and Hudson River. Nostrano’s in Milton is a fine example. The former 120- acre fruit farm has been transformed by the fourth generation of the Trapani family into a modern vineyard and boutique winery reflective of the family’s agricultural heritage. Aside from wining and dining our way into the hearts of tourists and locals Adams Fairacre Farms, Town of Ulster alike, Ulster County also is capturing national notice for a large-scale project at the site of a former 1,255-acre family farm in the Hurley flatlands. Great progress has been made by the Local Economies Project to turn the Hudson Valley Farm Hub into one of the largest agricultural incubators in the United States, with the objectives of sustainable agriculture and strengthening the local food system. And speaking of our local food system, we have several seasonal pick-your-own farms like Kelder’s in Kerhonkson and Saunderskill in Accord. A former 24-acre dairy farm tucked away off Mettacahonts Bell’s Christmas Trees, Accord Road in Accord has become Bell’s Christmas Trees and feels like Walton Mountain. In fact, the motto of owners Gordie and Paula Bell is “creating warm memories on cold days,” and the couple is thrilled to see families return year after year to cut their own Christmas trees. When it comes to agriculture enriching our quality of life, we’ll go out on a limb and say we’ve got the goods—and the green— year-round.

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Giving Back IT’S WHAT WE DO

“Some groups decide to go to homeless shelters or soup kitchens, The Puritan writer John Bunyan once said, “You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never while others volunteer for community clean-up efforts,” she said. repay you.” “One of UnitedHealthcare’s values is to make a difference to the We’re well aware of that in Ulster County, a giving community with people whom we serve and in the communities where we live and many notable philanthropic and community organizations. Probably work.” the most prominent Kingston-based employees also take is the United Way of part in fundraising walks for its National Ulster County, which Day of Caring, the American Heart distributes $700,000 in Association, the American Cancer local donations to Society, and many others. help fund 43 different Another local pillar in the community programs. for helping those in need is Family of United Way President Woodstock. The organization, founded Stacey Rein said that in 1970, runs shelters and emergency when she was hired, food pantries and also provides she was told to create a court advocates, counseling and case competitive, grant-giving process and target those management services, hotlines, and childareas where the help was care support. needed most. Kingston’s People’s Place, founded “Since that time, we’ve by Catholic priests in 1972, and its 80 really been able to make Woodland Pond Volunteers helping the Children’s Home of Kingston volunteers work hard every day to feed significant changes in the and clothe the unemployed, the physically lives of people in the community,” she said. “All of our donations and mentally challenged, and the working poor, youth and elderly. stay in Ulster County.” In 2014 alone, People’s Place provided more than 190,000 meals, Rein said 81 percent of contributions go to community services 8,000 articles of clothing and 50,000 household items to the needy. and only 9 percent to administration. The remaining 10 percent is That says nothing spent on fundraising. The United Way has only three local staffers. of its Thanksgiving “We fund and program, in which evaluate and visit 43 more than 768 of different programs our neediest families serving a variety of received a turkey and needs that we’ve other goods. More established as significant to increasing than 1,250 children family stability and received toys, clothing employment,” she said. and books for the “We do this with three holidays in December. United Healthcare Volunteers at staff people. We have Catskill Animal Sanctuary, Saugerties The Center for over 300 volunteers Spectrum Services operates a private, special education school that UnitedHealthcare Volunteers at Kingston Kinderland who help us in a variety to support The Junior League serves children on the autism spectrum and works hard to educate of capacities.” the Ulster County community and raise awareness. The United Way also partners with many organizations to help the Food insecurity also is on the radar of The Boy Scouts of America/ community, including those who provide fuel oil to the needy each Rip Van Winkle Council, which holds its “Scouting for Food” drive winter. “We’ve kept families from becoming homeless,” Rein said. Many other local businesses help out our needy, including each November. All total, the Ulster County Regional Chamber of Commerce UnitedHealthcare, which enables the 1,000 employees at its partners with over 100 worthy not-for-profit organizations in the Kingston center to volunteer in the community, on a limited basis, during normal work hours. Eileen Liverani, senior site director for region. These organizations and the thousands of volunteers who UnitedHealthcare, said teams get to choose where to volunteer and keep them running have a tremendous impact on the quality of life most of the employees take part. we treasure. 36 Community Resource Guide 2016

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By the time you’ve ascended to the highest point of the winding Mount Tremper, and the luxurious, full-service Hudson Valley road and passed the signs reminding you to drive “slowly and Resort and Spa, featuring Swedish massages and European-style quietly,” you sense this is going to be a dramatically different facials. Expect an equally exhilarating experience at Buttermilk experience. You round the bend and the vista opens up like a Falls Inn and Spa in Milton, surrounded by 70 acres of cascading scene from a Grimm Brothers’ fairy tale. lawns, winding streams and the natural wonder of Behold the 19th Buttermilk Waterfalls. Century Bavarian-like Savor Spa & Boutique, featuring facials, massages castle known as the and waxing, is a recently opened “Eco-Chic” spa Mohonk Mountain located between Woodstock and Saugerties. The spa House, a retreat for utilizes its handmade and locally produced anti-aging the rich and famous, organic skincare, Om Aroma. the escapists and Spas are just part of the way we get on the path adventurists or simply, to wellness in our county. Ulster County Executive the tired and weary in Michael Hein has become a vocal proponent of search of the “slow” wellness. He annually designates a week in May as and “quiet” getaway “Healthy Ulster County Week,” encouraging residents as the road signs have to get out and get fit as part of his ongoing effort to suggested. make Ulster the healthiest county in New York. Mohonk’s 30,000 Mohonk Mountin House, New Paltz The annual Women’s Health and Fitness Expo is square-foot spa, in fact, is a premier destination, consistently named the No. 1 resort spa another good stepping stone toward that goal. Each year in May, in the United States. One could almost make it a “spa-cation,” top fitness gurus and celebrities come out to encourage women and their families to get fit for life. unplugging in a world of soothing tranquility. It has changed thousands Everything about it is eco-friendly and calming, from of lives over its 15-year run its architecture and organic products used by 45 licensed with free health screenings, massage therapists, to the environmentally sound geothermal system that uses the constant temperature of educational workshops, fitness the Earth to heat and cool the building. demos, spa services, and chef Add to that stunning forest views from its 200 demonstrations. expansive windows and a caring, professional staff, and Naturally, in such a you’ve got a real winner, as noted in Condé Nast Traveler health conscious part of the and Travel + Leisure. country, we have our share “It is a great honor and well-deserved,” spa director of high-caliber fitness centers, Barbara Stirewalt said of the recent No. 1 ranking. “We including the Mid-Hudson operate with the premise of wellness. Mohonk’s mission Athletic Club (MAC) with is to recreate and renew, and we maintain that with our two locations in the Kingston spa facility. We haven’t ever lost that focus.” area. Other options are the Overall, Ulster County inspires healthy living and the YMCA of Kingston and Ulster evidence is all around us. We are becoming an epicenter of County, with their Olympicthe farm-to-fork movement, and our outdoor recreation size swimming pool. There’s and clean, open spaces yield healthier people and an also Mindfulness-Based unsurpassed lifestyle. Stress Reduction in Kingston, While Mohonk continues to grab the national spa where clients learn simple, yet spotlight, we have several smaller “pamper zones” in our powerful tools to deal with county that are prime spots to melt away stress. the stresses and demands of River Rock Health Spa in Woodstock has earned the everyday life. title “Best in the Hudson Valley” for six years and is Whichever path you choose listed on the official “I Love NY” website as a must-go-to wellness, Ulster Women’s Health & Wellness Expo, Town of Ulster toward place when visiting Ulster County. Other spa destinations to visit in our romantic Catskills County can be a broad road to lead you there—“slowly” and country include the world-class Emerson Resort and Spa in “quietly.” 38 Community Resource Guide 2016

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If you look closely, you can still see remnants of the immigrant stables, and clothing stores that served the population,” said history along Kingston’s beautiful waterfront. Time has moved Geoffrey Miller, president of the project. on from that period in the early 1820s to the 1920s, but you can The Rondout area of Kingston also features the Trolley Museum still see the elegant 19th century buildings, storefronts, homes, of New York, sharing the rich history of rail transportation and and churches. how it changed our mobility. Right across the street is the Hudson Welcome to the nationally designated Rondout-West Strand River Maritime Museum, which was designed to preserve the Historic District, which became a melting pot during a wave of maritime heritage of the Hudson River. The museum recently immigration that made Kingston what it is today. purchased the former Rosita’s Restaurant and is expanding. “It’s like a microcosm of what happened in America,” said Our history, however, goes far beyond the Rondout area. Bob Carey, President of the The City of Kingston, Irish Cultural Center Hudson which has often been Valley. compared to Colonial The Dutch, Irish, Germans, Williamsburg, is a Italians, Polish, and many veritable treasure others came in waves and trove when it comes all settled here to help build to historic sites. the D&H Canal. They also They’re literally found work in the maritime around every corner industry and brick and cement in the eight block factories. “That’s what drew Stockade District, them to Kingston,” Carey said. which features the According to Carey, the Old Dutch Church, Irish Cultural Center Hudson dating back to 1659, Valley, at 32 Abeel Street, is and the Senate House, in the fundraising and design Historic Lower Broadway, Rondout, Kingston where the state’s first stage. The hope is that the Constitution was Irish center will be open in the approved in 1777. winter of 2017. Don’t forget about the “It’s important to the city of Kingston,” Matthewis Persen House and Carey said. “It’s an opportunity for Kingston to the Fred J. Johnston Museum, remember its heritage and past, and its heritage two more Stockade attractions. is the Irish heritage.” In the fall, Colonial reMeanwhile, The Jewish Federation of Ulster enactors march through County has undertaken a project to create Kingston for the “Burning of The Reher Center for Immigrant Culture and Kingston,” to commemorate History at the former Reher Bakery in the the British torching the city in Rondout. The center’s purpose is to “document, October of 1777. The streets embrace and promote regional cultural history of Uptown Kingston turn into and diversity.” a battlefield and a re-enacted Rehers Bakery was owned by Frank Reher, Reher Center for Immigrant Culture & History, Downtown Kingston skirmish between Colonists a Jewish immigrant from Krakow, Poland, who came to this country and opened a bakery at the corner of and the Redcoats. You could also spend days touring the historic sites outside Broadway and Spring Streets in the Rondout. It operated from of Kingston, including the stone houses in Old Hurley, Historic 1908-2004. Hyman Reher, the last owner, deeded the building to Huguenot Street in New Paltz (the oldest authentic museum the Jewish Federation of Ulster County. “The Jewish Federation established the Reher Center for street in America dating to 1677), and the Kiersted House in Immigrant Culture and History, founded on the principle that historic Saugerties. American history began in this part of the country and the the story of the Reher family is the story of the many immigrant groups that established roots in the burgeoning Rondout area, shadows of the past are everywhere and preserved for future working on the canal and in the boat yards and brick yards, and generations. Please be our guest and explore our well-preserved operating the many taverns, furniture stores, groceries, inns, past. 42 Community Resource Guide 2016

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Homes and Lifestyles WE’RE THE PLACE TO BE

The word “sustainability” has been getting a lot of ink these days and it’s an important concept, particularly in geographical areas like ours that have an abundance of rich natural resources. In short, it means making sure the planet’s ecosystems are protected at all costs. In Ulster County, we get it and some of our greatest visionaries are planning “environmentally progressive development,” as in The Williams Lake Project in Rosendale. The goal is to sustainably redevelop the former Williams Lake Hotel, a legendary vacation destination, as a resort spa and residential community. The new resort community will offer hotel guests and homeowners the chance to live and play in a unique conservation development. “We believe the location and site are really special,” said Tim Allred, manager of Williams Lake Project. “It’s hard to find this combination of a large nature preserve within two hours of New York City in close proximity to the cultural and recreational amenities the county has to offer.” “It’s a unique site because of its beautiful lakes and trails and the amazing industrial history of Rosendale Cement – all just minutes from the NY Thruway. We think we really have something.” Allred said bringing the property back to life as an “eco-resort” and tourist destination will additionally bode well for the county, which boasts tourism as its No. 1 industry. When it’s all said and done, the resort will offer a spa, farm-to-table cuisine, and swimming, fishing, hiking, biking, skiing, and even an historic interpretive center alongside a recently opened rail trail. Another exciting project underway that respects our natural assets is Hudson Landing, a unique, “walkable” community directly on the river with sustainable living as its goal. The project by AVR Homebuilders embraces the environment through open space, public parks, a riverfront promenade, and a village green at its center, while proposing a variety of housing styles to accommodate a wide range of family sizes and income levels. One housing project that opened last year in the town of Ulster is Ulster Gardens, which features affordable housing units for seniors and another building for the younger set. “We have 82 units right now and we are building an additional 44 Community Resource Guide 2016

82,” said Daphne Scarafoni, project manager at Ulster Gardens. Our Ulster County visionaries aren’t the only ones who value our precious, clean and green open spaces. In fact, city-dwellers often choose our region to buy second homes or even primary ones, according to our local realtors. In recent years, noted publications like the Wall Street Journal cited our overall quality of life and housing affordability as primary incentives, particularly among Brooklyn residents, “many of whom are renters in the city.” The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) recently noted Ulster County’s “funky string of artist-haven villages edged by vast swaths of bear-haven mountains” as a plus, and named us among its “Top Ten Quirky Places to Retire.” As AARP indicated, our The Williams Lake Project, Rosendale region is a magnet for artists, who often find inspiration in the county’s contemplative landscapes and alluring, historic cities. A big bonus this year was the opening of the former 80,000 squarefoot United States Lace Curtain Mill in midtown Kingston. Architect Scott Dutton designed the 55-unit affordable housing complex for RUPCO—one which is expected to enrich the artists who live there and the residents who will benefit from their contributions. Meanwhile, the UK’s Ulster Gardens, Town of Ulster Daily Mail recently ran a story about the numerous celebrities who call us home with the headline, “Stunning mountains, small town charm and plenty of celebrity inhabitants: Why New York’s Catskill Mountains are the new A-list oasis (and the Hamptons are so last summer).” In the overall picture, philosophies of sustainable living, exceptional quality of life, a vibrant arts culture, historic architecture, and affordability make Ulster County an unparalleled place to put down roots. To all prospective residents looking for a piece of paradise, we say, “Welcome home.”

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There’s nothing like our Catskill Mountains, Hudson River, pristine state park preserves, and expansive pedestrian trails to inspire one to explore the outdoors, and when it comes to outfitting intrepid sorts, we’ve got just the suppliers. A good place to start is Kenco, the “indoor place for the outdoor enthusiast,” carrying merchandise for hiking, kayaking, canoeing or backpacking expeditions in our vast, open playgrounds and water bodies. Kenco, the large green building at 1000 Hurley Mountain Road in Kingston, carries big-name footwear such as Merrell and Chippewa; clothing from Isis and North Face; top-of-the-line camping equipment, adventure gear and even snowboards and accessories from Lib Tech and Gnu. It easily has everything under one sprawling roof. The family-run business began out of a basement in 1982 and, these days, it’s simply bursting at the seams. That’s because of the family pride behind it and the owners’ stake in the local community. “There are a lot of big box stores in the Kingston area, but outside in Woodstock, New Paltz and Saugerties, small business people keep going,” said manager Bill Kennedy. Kenco offers a large selection The Tender Land Home, Phoenicia of higher quality products than the typical mass produced ones found at chain stores. “We’re the work and play outfitters, and we’re right off of (State) Route 28, so you can get right off and get all you need,” Kennedy said. Another independently owned retailer just down the road from Kenco likewise caters to the outdoor sort, though these folks live to ride and ride to live. Woodstock Harley-Davidson, at 949 State Route 28 in Kingston, not only boasts a spacious showroom of new and pre-owned inventory but also an apparel shop that is unmatched regionally. Bikers can get everything from leatherwear and bandanas to T-shirts and the new Microwire heated jackets. To top it off, the 48 Community Resource Guide 2016

store’s gift shop offers HOG enthusiasts an assortment of cups, bumper stickers, patches, poker chips, and oil tank dip dots. “We give our community of enthusiasts a variety of options all in one place,” said Joi Becker of Woodstock Harley-Davidson. Maybe it’s home décor that excites you. If so, you’re in luck with specialty shops like The Tender Land Home at 64 Main Street in Phoenicia. Owner David Pillard is proud of his array of exquisite home gifts and contemporary and rustic furnishings that can easily fit into a city apartment or a country home. Tender Land also sells products by local artisans, such as jewelry, pottery and photography. Many other boutiques in Ulster County are bound to excite serious shoppers; Bop to Tottom, an irresistible place to find trendy fashion artwork Kenco, The Work and Play Outfitter, Kingston accessories, and lighting in Uptown Kingston; Cracker Mill Hearth & Emporium, selling wood, pellet and gas stoves, fireplaces and Amish-made furniture; Fireside Warmth, a full service hearth shop; and Crafts People featuring pottery, fine blown glass, jewelry, and other originally-crafted works in West Hurley. For those who like even more space to roam, we have the Hudson Valley Mall, the region’s premier shopping destination. Ulster County also is home to Kingston Plaza, within walking distance of historic Uptown Kingston. For those wanting a magical experience, there’s the Kaatskill Kaleidoscope, which is part of Emerson Place, a collection of higher-end shops right off State Route 28. That’s to say nothing of our fabulous antique shops like Milne’s At Home Antiques and Wendy Henderson in Kingston, Blair Woodstock Harley-Davidson, Kingston Collectibles in Pine Hill and the ultimate source for finding all your treasure hunting— the Antiques Dealers Association of Ulster County. The bottom line is you’ll find one-of-a-kind shops and boutiques in most of our creative communities.  “We have a wealth of local artisans and talent that stock our stores with things you can’t find anywhere else,” Pillard said.

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Up, up and away in your beautiful, your beautiful glider-r-r-r-r! From the view you’ve got over Ellenville Mountain, everything about your flight is pretty five-dimensional. You are now soaring in the “hang gliding capital of the Northeast,” and Greg Black is just the guy to get you there. He is the owner of Mountain Wings, a certified aerosports school at the foot of Ellenville Mountain. Hang gliding is just one of many sports in the Hudson Valley that will pump up the adrenaline and sweep you off your feet. Our Ulster County topography is ideal for testing your mettle with the Shawangunk Mountains and Hudson River, bike and pedestrian trails, cliffs and ledges at our state preserves and whitewater rapids on the Esopus. Black, himself a master-rated hang gliding pilot, has literally turned out thousands of enthusiasts since he launched Mountain Wings in 1980. Many come from metropolitan New York, eager to escape the city, according to Black. “They come here, and we have kayaking, we have hiking, we have mountain climbing, we have mountain biking, we have hang gliding. The city people are drawn to our natural beauty. Hang gliding started here in 1970, so it’s become very popular,” Black said. If you’d rather drop than soar, check out Skydive the Ranch in Gardiner, where you can jump (in tandem or solo) 13,500 feet from the ranch’s own aircraft and witness stunning views of the Shawangunk Mountains. Perhaps you are more inclined to keep your feet closer to the ground—as on a bicycle pedal. Kingston Cyclery on Morton Boulevard has just what you need to send you off on our many trails and long, winding roads in the country. For more than 40 years, the shop has been providing expert service to cyclists of the Hudson Valley. We also are home to some great golf courses, many with picturesque views, including Apple Greens, Rondout Golf Club, Lazy Swan, Twaalfskill, Wiltwyck, and Woodstock Golf Club. Those drawn more to the water have their pick of activities in Ulster County. Town Tinker Tube Rental is for the adventurous who want to experience the joy of tubing down the Esopus Creek. Starting west of Phoenicia, a section of the creek is classified as 50 Community Resource Guide 2016

Class II whitewater, which means tubers can encounter waves and rapids on their journey. Another Town Tinker option is a calmer, more relaxed tube ride down the Esopus, traveling east from Phoenicia. If being in the water is not for you and you’d rather be on the water, you can book a nice, calm sail on the Hudson River, offered by either Ophira Sailing in Saugerties or Osprey Marine in Kingston. Both offer catered and uncatered charters, sailing lessons and custom-sailing outings. There’s also Hudson River Cruises, allowing you to explore the river aboard the Rip Van Winkle, which includes narrated tours past lighthouses, historic estates and an arresting view of the Catskill Mountains. And if you’re new to our waterways, Rondout Rowing Club, a volunteer Mountain Wings, Inc., Ellenville organization for experienced as well as new rowers, offers a Learn to Row program on the Hudson. In New Paltz, Mohonk Mountain House boasts 85 miles of hiking trails, tennis, golf, lake swimming, boating, and horseback riding—just to name a few activities. Minnewaska State Forest Preserve, located in the Kingston Cyclery dramatic Shawangunk Mountains, offers world-class rock climbing, carriage roads for biking and miles of footpaths for hiking and walking. Spectators also can have fun in our region. We’re big baseball fans and you’ll get a charge out of a Hudson Valley Renegades game at nearby Dutchess Stadium in Fishkill. In Saugerties, our all-American Cantine Veterans Memorial Complex hosts an assortment of baseball and softball all summer. For the non-outdoorsy types, we have fabulous venues that will put some spin in your step such as Skate Time 209 in Accord and Wood ‘n Wheel Family Fun Center in Ulster Park. Whether it’s taking up a sport at the 92,000 square-foot Hudson Valley Sportsdome in Milton, jumping to your heart’s content at Bounce Trampoline Sports in Poughkeepsie or exercising those legs at WAKA Kickball and Social Sports, we believe in getting you up, up and away from your couch. The world is definitely a nicer place in our beautiful, our beautiful backyard!

Need to find a gym, a sporting goods store, an outlet for your active lifestyle? Visit


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CATEGORICAL MEMBER LISTINGS ACCOMODATIONS Americas Best Value Inn Robert Schaller 7 Terwilliger Lane, New Paltz, NY 12561 (845) 255-8865 www.abviofnewpaltz.com [email protected]

Belleayre Region Lodging and Tourism Association Scott Fawaz 32 Galli Curci Road, Highmount, NY 12441 (845) 254-9851 www.chp4.com [email protected]

BEST WESTERN PLUS Kingston Hotel and Conference Center Al Sottile 503 Washington Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-0400 www.bwpkingston.com [email protected]

Blue Hill Lodge & Cafe

Darienlake Kingston, LLC

Kate’s Lazy Meadow

Amit Shah 41 Glen Rock Road, Cedar Grove, NJ 07009 (201) 673-8181 [email protected]

Monica Coleman 5191 Route 28, Mount Tremper, NY 12457 (845) 688-7200 www.lazymeadow.com [email protected]

Diamond Mills Hotel & Tavern Thomas Struzzieri 25 South Partition Street, Saugerties, NY 12477 (845) 247-0700 www.DiamondMillsHotel.com [email protected]

Emerson Resort & Spa Naomi Umhey 5340 Route 28, Mount Tremper, NY 12457 (845) 688-2828 www.emersonresort.com [email protected]

Minnewaska Lodge Tammy Purdy 3116 Route 44/55, Gardiner, NY 12525 (845) 255-1110 www.minnewaskalodge.com [email protected]

Hampton Inn Kingston Sandra Sanicki 1307 Ulster Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 382-2600 www.kingston.hamptoninn.com [email protected]

Frank Nicoletti 1471 Denning Road, Claryville, NY 12725 (845) 985-0247 www.bluehillcafelodge.com [email protected]

Rodeway Inn, Skytop Dilesh Patel 239 Forest Hill Drive, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-2900 www.rodewayinnkingstonny.com [email protected]

Rondout Inn B.C. Gee 79 Broadway, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 399-2902 www.rondoutinn.com [email protected]

Sky Top Motel, Inc.

Comfort Inn

Rita Piscopo 10 Justin Road, Harrison, NY 10528 (914) 388-3788

Peter LaScala 2790 Route 32, Saugerties, NY 12477 (845) 246-1565 www.choicehotels.com [email protected]

Soyuzivka - Ukrainian National Association Nestor Paslawsky 216 Foordmore Road, Kerhonkson, NY 12446 (845) 626-5641 www.soyuzivka.com [email protected]

Copperhood Retreat & Spa Elizabeth Winograd 7039 State Route 28, Shandaken, NY 12480 (845) 688-2460 www.copperhood.com [email protected]

Courtyard by Marriott Shiona Howe 500 Frank Sottile Boulevard, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 382-2300 www.marriott.com/poucy [email protected]

52 Community Resource Guide 2016

Hudson Valley Resort & Spa Orest Fedash 400 Granite Road, Kerhonkson, NY 12446 (845) 626-8888 www.hudsonvalleyresort.com [email protected]

Studio 286 Kerry J. Henderson 286 Fair Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 514-7989 www.Studio286.net [email protected]

Super 8 Kingston-NY

Francis P. Flynn, CPA

Elizabeth White

Rebecca Maxwell 487 Washington Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-3078 www.super8.com [email protected]

Francis Flynn 224 Fair Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 340-7999 www.frankflynncpa.com [email protected]

Elizabeth White 771 Lincoln Park Place, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 332-4934 [email protected]

Henry A. Gleich, CPA, PC

John R. Nobel, CFO/Controller Interim Services

Twin Gables of Woodstock Henri Tischler 73 Tinker Street, Woodstock, NY 12498 (845) 679-9479 www.twingableswoodstockny.com [email protected]

Twin Lakes Resort Gail Kirkpatrick 198 Heritage Drive, Hurley, NY 12443 (845) 338-2400 www.twinlakeslodge.com [email protected]

The Woodstock Inn on the Millstream Tom Bullard 48 Tannery Brook Road, Woodstock, NY 12498 (800) 420-4707 www.woodstock-inn-ny.com [email protected]

ACCOUNTANTS CERTIFIED PUBLIC Anthony M. Buzzeo, CPA Anthony Buzzeo 411 Washington Avenue - Suite 202 Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-4148 [email protected]

Berardi, Gottstine & Miller, CPAs, PC William Berardi 55 Foxhall Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-1619 www.blgmcpa.com [email protected]

Henry Gleich 144 Pine Street - Suite 210, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 339-4357 www.cpaoffice.com [email protected]

James E. Quigley III, CPA James Quigley III 7 Tall Oaks Drive, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-8243 [email protected]

Kimball & O’Brien, PC Mary Kimball 465 Washington Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-5030 www.kimballobrien.com [email protected]

Lynn S. Formica, CPA Lynn Formica 470 Aaron Court, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 339-4117 [email protected]

Matthew C. Hall & Company, CPAs, LLP Matthew Hall 155 Stockade Drive, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-2088 [email protected]

Pattison, Koskey, Howe & Bucci, CPAs, PC Gary Newkirk 340 Main Street, Saugerties, NY 12477 (845) 246-3803 www.pkhbcpa.com [email protected]

Schain and Company, CPAs Marc Schain 70 North Putt Corners Rd., New Paltz, NY 12561 (845) 255-5888 www.schainandcompany.com [email protected]

John Nobel 374 Quaker Street, Wallkill, NY 12589 (845) 787-4017 [email protected]

Trast & Gyenes, Inc. Steven G. Trast, CPA & Suzanne P. Gyenes 108 North Front Street - 3rd Floor Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-9002 www.TGaccountants.com [email protected]

ADVERTISING - OUTDOOR Clear Channel Outdoor Terry Dysard 84-100 Wilbur Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 339-2000 www.clearchanneloutdoor.com

ADVERTISING AGENCIES C/T Marketing Patricia Thompson 291 Wall Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 340-4706 www.ctmktg.com [email protected]

Focus Media Inc. Josh Sommers 10 Matthews Street, Goshen, NY 10924 (845) 294-3342 www.focusmediausa.com [email protected]

Sickler, Torchia, Allen & Churchill, CPAs, PC Craig Sickler 2215 Route 9W, Lake Katrine, NY 12449 (845) 336-7183 www.stac-cpa.com [email protected]

Thomas F. Lindgren, CPA, PC Thomas Lindgren 417 Albany Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-1001 www.tflcpa.com [email protected]

ADVERTISING COPYWRITERS Writing That Sells Susan Breslow 111 Woodland Clove, Phoenicia, NY 12464 (845) 688-7996 www.writingthatsells.com [email protected]

ADVOCACY Firmbach & Firmbach, CPAs Karl Firmbach 515 Haight Avenue, Poughkeepsie, NY 12603 (845) 454-5440 www.firmbachcpas.com [email protected]

ACCOUNTING SERVICES Cindy O’Connor Bookkeeping Service Cindy O’Connor 332 Sheldon Hill Road, Olivebridge, NY 12461 (845) 702-9812 [email protected]

Hudson Valley LGBTQ Community Center, Inc. Jan Whitman 300 Wall Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-5300 lgbtqcenter.org [email protected]

www.UlsterChamber.org 53


John Abularrage 96 Vly Atwood Road, Stone Ridge, NY 12484 (845) 687-0044 www.radiant-design.com [email protected]

Milne, Inc.

Dutton Architecture, PLLC

Rebekah Milne 81 Broadway, Kingston, NY 12401 (347) 331-3902 www.milneinc.com [email protected]

Scott Dutton, RA 33 Canfield Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 339-2039 www.sda-architects.com [email protected]

Wendy Henderson

H2M Architects & Engineers

Wendy Henderson PO Box 3116, Kingston, NY 12402 (845) 687-7230 [email protected]

Dominic Tagliafierro 99 Pine Street - Suite 109, Albany, NY 12207 (518) 772-9809 www.H2M.com [email protected]

APARTMENTS - TOWNHOUSES RENTALS Park View Terrace, LLC Sharon Lozman 1 Millers Lane, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-8303 www.parkviewapartmentskingstonny.com [email protected]

Lorraine Turner 44 Vly Atwood Road, Stone Ridge, NY12484 (845) 687-2430 [email protected]

Jennifer Lucas 25 Lafayette Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 339-4069 www.jenniferlucasarchitect.com [email protected]


Mauri Architects PC

APPLIANCE REPAIR Christie’s Appliance Repair Edward Christie 5 Tall Oaks Road, Marlboro, NY 12542 (845) 236-2651 [email protected]

ANIMAL ORGANIZATIONS Julie Barone 316 Old Stage Road, Saugerties, NY 12477 (845) 336-8447 www.casanctuary.org [email protected]

Ulster County SPCA

Adam Saunders 20 Wiedy Road, Kingston, NY 12404 (845) 331-5377 www.ucspca.org [email protected]

ANTIQUES DEALERS Antiques Dealers Association of Ulster County Jon Oseas Box 147, Hurley, NY 12443 (845) 331-8852 [email protected]

54 Community Resource Guide 2016

James Lyman Reynolds 4303 US Highway 209, Stone Ridge, NY 12484 (845) 687-9161 www.jameslymanreynolds.com [email protected]

LUCAS Architecture & Planning

Turners Heating & Plumbing

Catskill Animal Sanctuary

James Lyman Reynolds, Architect PC

Joseph Hurwitz 1360 Route 28, West Hurley, NY 12491 (845) 679-0890 www.jhaa.com [email protected]

Faithe Anderson 310 Route 28, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 246-5454 [email protected]

Helen Chadderdon 737 Albany Shaker Road, Albany, NY 12211 (518) 242-2200 www.flyalbany.com [email protected]

Chuck Silver 120 Lighthouse Drive, Saugerties, NY 12477 (845) 246-0725 www.chucksilver.com [email protected]

Joseph Hurwitz & Associates - Architects

Mark Anderson & Progeny LLC Plumbing, Heating & A/C

Albany International Airport

Hudson River Design

ARCHITECTS Alfandre Architecture, PC

Richard Tompkins 303 Mill Street, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 (845) 452-1030 www.Mauri-Architects.com [email protected]

North River Architecture & Planning P.C. Stephanie Bassler 3650 Main Street, Stone Ridge, NY 12484 (845) 687-6242 www.nriverarchitecture.com [email protected]

Walters-Storyk Design Group (WSDG)

Rick Alfandre 231 Main Street, New Paltz, NY 12561 (845) 255-4774 www.alfandre.com [email protected]

John Storyk 262 Martin Avenue, Highland, NY 12528 (845) 691-9300 www.wsdg.com [email protected]

Allen Ross Architecture, LLC

William P. Brinnier, Architect, PLLC

Allen Ross 153 Main Street, New Paltz, NY 12561 (845) 255-0114 www.allenrossarchitecture.com [email protected]

William Brinnier 285 Dug Hill Road, Hurley, NY 12443 (845) 339-1942 www.brinnierarchitect.com [email protected]

Andrade Architecture PLLC

Wright Architects

Robin Andrade 31 Albany Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 943-5258 www.andradearchitecture.com [email protected]

Janet & Andrew Wright 200 Fair Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-3383 www.wrightarchitect.net [email protected]

ARTIST SUPPLIES & MATERIALS Catskill Art & Office Supply, Ltd. Paul Solis-Cohen 328 Wall Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-7780 www.catskillart.com [email protected]

The Rhinebeck Artist’s Shop Doug Shippee 793 Broadway, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-2838 www.rhinebeckart.com [email protected]


SPAF (Saugerties Performing Arts Factory) Erica Price 169 Ulster Avenue, Saugerties, NY 12477 (845) 246-7723 www.saugertiesperformingartsfactory.com [email protected]

TMI Project Rebecca Clinger 5 Sterling St, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 514-2745 www.tmiproject.org [email protected]

Ulster Performing Arts Center (UPAC) Chris Silva 601 Broadway, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-1613 www.upac.org [email protected]

The Kingston Film Festival

Woodstock Chamber Orchestra

Astrid Cybele & Trevor Dunsworth 323 Wall Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (310) 971-8083 www.kingstonfilmfestival.org [email protected]

Greg Dinger PO Box 711, Woodstock, NY 12498 (845) 679-6431 www.wch-online.com

Maverick Concerts, Inc. Edward Leavitt PO Box 148, Woodstock, NY 12498 (845) 679-8217 www.maverickconcerts.org [email protected]

O Positive Festival Inc. Liz Harrington PO Box 3083, Kingston, NY 12402 (917) 709-0891 www.opositivefestival.org [email protected]; [email protected]

Phoenicia Festival of the Voice Foundation

Woodstock Film Festival Meira Blaustein 13 Rock City Road, Woodstock NY 12498 (845) 679-4265 www.woodstockfilmfestival.com [email protected]

ARTS ORGANIZATIONS Arts Society of Kingston Vindora Wixom 97 Broadway, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-0333 www.askforarts.org [email protected]

Belleayre Conservatory

Maria Todaro 90 Main Street, Phoenicia, NY 12464 (845) 586-3588 www.phoeniciavoicefest.com [email protected]

Mel Litoff Belleayre Mountain Route 28, PO Box 198, Highmount, NY 12441 (845) 254-5600 www.belleayremusic.org [email protected]

POH Music

Opus 40

Patricia Josie Baucom 110 Fair Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 750-6667 [email protected]

Pat Richards 50 Fite Road, Saugerties, NY 12477 (845) 246-3400 www.opus40.org [email protected]

The Rosendale Theatre Ann Citron 408 Main Street, Rosendale, NY 12472 (845) 658-8989 www.ROSENDALETHEATRE.ORG [email protected]

Women’s Studio Workshop

Shadowland Theatre

The Woodstock Byrdcliffe Guild

Brendan Burke 157 Canal Street, Ellenville, NY 12428 (845) 647-5511 www.shadowlandtheatre.org [email protected]

Ann Kalmbach 722 Binnewater Lane, Rosendale, NY 12472 (845) 658-9133 www.wsworkshop.org [email protected] Jeremy Adams 34 Tinker Street, Woodstock, NY 12498 (845) 679-2079 www.woodstockguild.org [email protected]

ATTORNEYS Catherine Charuk, Attorney at Law Catherine Charuk 26 Pearl Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 334-9775 www.charuklawoffice.com [email protected]

Cook, Netter, Cloonan, Kurtz & Murphy, PC Eric Kurtz 85 Main Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-0702 www.cookfirm.com [email protected]

Denton Tavares Paes LLC Hal Denton PO Box 1382, Woodstock, NY 12498 (845) 679-2247 www.DTPLAW.net [email protected]

Finkelstein & Partners Kenneth Fromson 572 Broadway - Suite 1, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 562-0203 www.lawampm.com [email protected]

The Law Firm of Sharon C. Fletcher, PLLC Joyce Heotzler 479 Washington Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 810-0421 [email protected]

George W. Redder, Esq. George Redder 243 Wall Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-1000 [email protected]

Gruner Law Office Paul Gruner 253 Wall Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-0033 [email protected]

Herzog Law Firm PC Kim Verner 688 Aaron Court, Kingston, NY 12401 (518) 465-7581 www.herzoglaw.com [email protected]

J. Michael Bruhn, Jr., Esq. J. Michael Bruhn 85 John Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-5058

Jackson Lewis P.C. Robert Heiferman 44 South Broadway 14th Fl, White Plains, NY 10601 (914) 328-0404 www.jacksonlewis.com

Kathleen H. Dittus, Esq. Kathleen Dittus 189 Hurley Avenue - Suite 1, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-1603 [email protected]

www.UlsterChamber.org 55

Mainetti, Mainetti & O’Connor, PC Joseph O’Connor 130 North Front Street, Kingston, NY, 12401 (845) 331-9434 www.mmolaw.net [email protected]

Matthews & Grieco, Esqs. Robert Grieco 89 John Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-0650 www.matthewsandgriecolaw.com [email protected]

Maynard, O’Connor, Smith & Catalinotto LLP Adam Mandell 3154 Route 9W, Saugerties, NY 12477 (845) 246-3666 www.maynardoconnorlaw.com [email protected]

Murad Law Firm Antony Eminowicz 206 Ten Broeck Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 484-5001 [email protected]

Ryan, Roach & Ryan, LLP William Ryan Jr. 115 Green Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-2525 www.ryanroachryan.com [email protected]

Sara W. McGinty, P.C. Sara McGinty 415 Main Street, Rosendale, NY 12472 (845) 658-7145 www.saramcgintylaw.com [email protected]

Thomas J. Melanson, Esq. Thomas Melanson 79 St. James Street - Suite 2, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-2047 [email protected]

Thomas K. Petro, Esq. Thomas Petro 71 Maiden Lane, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-1162 [email protected]

The Trataros Law Firm, PLLC Ephie Trataros 70 Maiden Lane, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 339-6600 [email protected]

Wachtel Missry LLP Julian Schreibman Hudson Valley Office 321 Wall Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-3373 www.wmllp.com [email protected]

ATTRACTIONS Catskill Mountain Railroad Company, Inc. Harry Jameson III 5408 Route 28, Mount Tremper, NY 12457 (845) 688-7400 www.catskillmtrailroad.com [email protected]

56 Community Resource Guide 2016

Headless Horseman Hayrides & Haunted Houses Michael Jubie 778 Broadway - Route 9W, Ulster Park, NY 12487 (845) 339-2666 www.headlesshorseman.com [email protected]

HITS, Inc. Thomas Struzzieri 319 Main Street, Saugerties, NY 12477 (845) 246-8833 www.HitsShows.com [email protected]

Hudson River Maritime Museum Allynne Lange 50 Rondout Landing, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-0071 www.hrmm.org

Hunter Mountain Resort Randy Hoose PO Box 295, Hunter, NY 12442 (518) 263-4223 www.huntermtn.com [email protected]

Trolley Museum of New York, Inc. Nancy Risley 89 East Strand, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-3399 www.TMNY.org [email protected]

Ulster County Agricultural Society Gary Newkirk 249 Libertyville Road, New Paltz, NY 12561 (845) 255-1380 www.ulstercountyfair.com [email protected]

Walkway Over the Hudson Elizabeth Waldstein-Hart PO Box 889, Poughkeepsie, NY 12602 (845) 454-9649 www.walkway.org [email protected]


Beautiful Bodies Auto Body Jordan Riker 450 E. Chester Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-7553

J.R.’s Auto Body, Inc. Joe Reilly 301 Route 28, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-8913 [email protected]

Kingston Collision David & Lisa Rowe 960 State Route 28, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 339-2433 www.kingstoncollision.com [email protected]

Sam’s Detailing LLC Jill Boris 51 Teller Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 514-2900 [email protected]

AUTOMOBILE BROKERS Jim Bracco Classic Auto Broker Service Jim Bracco 893 Princeton Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 206-5091 [email protected]

AUTOMOBILE PARTS & SUPPLIES Advance Auto Parts Store #7522 Ernest Dallies 330 Route 212, Saugerties, NY 12477 (845) 247-5607 advancedautoparts.com [email protected]

All American Ford of Kingston LLC Lann Rubin 128 Route 28, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-7800 www.allamericanford.net [email protected]


Northern Auto Parts

Mark Burke PO Box 1310, Olivebridge, NY 12461 (845) 657-5105 [email protected]

John Skordilis 67 Sparling Road, Saugerties, NY 12477 (845) 246-6853



Jim’s Mufflers Inc. Jim Walsh 605 Ulster Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 339-4239 www.jimsmufflers.com [email protected]

Ray’s Auto Service Ray Mercier 1410 State Route 213, High Falls, NY 12440 (845) 687-4111


Shokan Coachworks, Inc.


John Smith High Point Road, West Shokan, NY 12494

The Bank of Greene County

(845) 657-8049

Sean DuBois 2 Miron Lane, Kingston, NY 12401 (518) 943-1424 www.tbogc.com [email protected]

VW of Kingston - Volkswagen of Kingston 1249 Ulster Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 336-5300 www.vwofkingston.net


Catskill Hudson Bank B. A. Feeney III 95 Schwenk Drive, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 943-4118 www.chbny.com [email protected]

Begnal Motors

Perfect Flow Inc.

Citizens Bank

Larry Begnal 515 Albany Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-5080 www.begnalmotors.com [email protected]

Joseph Rinaldo

Gregory Riley 1300 Ulster Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 336-7920 www.citizensbank.com [email protected]

Honda of Kingston Kevin Higgins 738 East Chester Street ByPass Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 561-3800 www.hondaofkingston.com [email protected]

Kingston Nissan Rich Gaillard 140 Route 28, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-3100 www.kingstonnissan.net [email protected]

1134 Main Street, Ruby, NY 12475 (845) 336-0950 [email protected]

Empire State Bank

BABY FURNITURE & ACCESSORIES Boudoir Baby Fine Nursery Furniture Veronica Ferraro Holmquist 114 Partition Street, Saugerties, NY 12477 (914) 388-1340 www.Boudoir-Baby.com [email protected]

John Sorlie 275 Main Street, New Paltz, NY 12561 (845) 256-0003 www.esbna.com [email protected]

First Niagara Bank Elizabeth Fonvil 101 Kings Mall Court, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 336-6909 www.firstniagara.com [email protected]

BAKERIES/BAKED GOODS Cohens Breads and Pastries Inc.

Romeo Chevrolet-Buick-GMC

Bill Tochterman

Joe Romeo 1665 Ulster Avenue, Lake Katrine, NY 12449 (845) 338-4000 www.romeocars.com

89 Center Street, Ellenville, NY 12428

Romeo Kia of Kingston

Deising’s Bakery & Restaurant

Lucia Romeo 111 Schwenk Drive, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 475-3077 www.romeokia.com [email protected]

Eric Deising

(845) 647-7620 www.cohensbakery.com [email protected]

111 North Front Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-7503 www.deisings.com [email protected]

www.UlsterChamber.org 57

M&T Bank

Wallkill Valley Federal Savings & Loan

Snippers of Kingston, Inc.

Sean Soliva 108 North Front Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 339-7000 www.mtb.com

Mary Beth Maio 1880 Route 9W, Milton, NY 12547 (845) 795-6160 www.wallkill.com [email protected]

Wendy Juliano / Chrissie Wrixon 1076 Morton Blvd., Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 336-8800 [email protected]

Rhinebeck Bank Bridget Smith Bruhn 27 Main Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 454-8555 www.rhinebeckbank.com [email protected]

BATTERIES - WHOLESALE & MANUFACTURING Interstate Battery M/M Chris Spano 192 Greenkill Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-1101 www.interstatebatteries.com

BEAUTY PRODUCTS Beauty Prophet Mary Leber 721 Route 28, Kingston, NY 12401 (646) 775-4101 www.kneippus.com [email protected]

Sawyer Savings Bank Gabriel Sottile 87 Market Street, Saugerties, NY 12477 (845) 246-7000 www.sawyersavings.com [email protected]

Sterling National Bank Ellen Mehl 1 Industrial Drive - Suite 100 Middletown, NY 10941 (845) 369-8478 www.providentbanking.com [email protected]

TD Bank Nick Altomare 411 Washington Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-3016 www.tdbank.com [email protected]

Trustco Bank Rachel M. Greene 1220 Ulster Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 336-5372 www.trustcobank.com [email protected]

BEAUTY SALONS/BARBER SHOPS A Razor’s Edge Barbershop & Salon, Inc. Kim Mahoney 791 Broadway, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-2806 www.arazorsedge.net [email protected]

April and Co. April Nelson 194 Broadway, Port Ewen, NY 12466 (845) 331-1606 www.aprilandco-ny.com [email protected]

Aquarius Styling Center Ann Mance 6486 Route 209, Kerhonkson, NY 12446 (845) 626-7995

C & C Unisex Hair Design Concetta Iovieno 1300 Ulster Avenue - Suite 208 Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 336-7934 [email protected]

Caterino’s Hairstyling Ralph Caterino 209 Hurley Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-4314

Cutting Corner Hair Salon & Day Spa Louis Naccarato 223 Boices Lane, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 382-2400 www.cuttingcornerkingstonny.com [email protected]

New Beginnings Salon & Spa Laurie Secore 1900 Route 9W, Lake Katrine, NY 12449 (845) 336-6919 [email protected]

58 Community Resource Guide 2016

BED & BREAKFASTS A Kingston B&B at the Thomas L. Southwick House Alicja Kowalski 131 Fair Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 514-2365 www.AKingstonBedAndBreakfast.com [email protected]

The Den of Marbletown Nan & Steve Ferri 1 Basten Lane, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 687-6441 www.thedenofmarbletown.com [email protected]

Mountain Meadows B & B Maria Bauman 542 Albany Post Road, New Paltz, NY 12561 (845) 255-6144 www.mountainmeadowsbnb.com [email protected]

Schwartz’s Inn Barbara & Joseph Cohen 70 North Front Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 389-9918 www.schwartzsinn.com [email protected]

The Stone House Bed & Breakfast Nadia & Sam Scoggins 476 Old Route 209, Hurley, NY 12443 (845) 339-4041 www.hurleystonehouse.com [email protected]

BEVERAGES/WATER Beer World III Corporation Jay Wulff 1221 Ulster Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 336-4762 www.beerworldstore.com [email protected]

Binnewater Ice Co., Inc. Diane Davenport 25 South Pine Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-0237 www.binnewater.com [email protected]

ESOTEC, Ltd. Tom Bover 21 North Street, Saugerties, NY 12477 (845) 246-2411 www.esotecltd.com [email protected]

BICYCLES - RETAIL & SERVICE Kingston Cyclery William Hadsel 985 Morton Boulevard, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 382-2453 www.kingstoncyclery.com [email protected]

BLACKSMITHS W & J Palkowics Edward Kara 253 State Route 32 N, New Paltz, NY 12561 (845) 255-0416

BOOKKEEPING SERVICES Sharp Point Bookkeeping Service Debra Stasi (845) 679-7421 [email protected]

simply business inc. Lynn Formica 470 Aaron Court, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-4064 www.simplybusiness.com [email protected]

BOWLING Kingston Lanes Roopal Patel 644 East Chester Street By Pass Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-1414 [email protected]


Ethan Allen Transportation

Duet Fine Wood Work, LLC

Bree Allen 113 Hunter Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 339-3115

David Zawistowski 1189 Main Street, Ruby, NY 12475 (917) 974-2152 www.duetfinewoodwork.com [email protected]

BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS The Council of Industry Harold King Desmond Campus 6 Albany Post Road, Newburgh, NY 12550 (845) 565-1355 www.councilofindustry.org [email protected]

Esopus Business Alliance Howard Slotnick PO Box 1, Port Ewen, NY 12466 (845) 384-1650 www.esopusbusinessalliance.org [email protected]

Hudson Valley Pattern for Progress Jonathan Drapkin 3 Washington Center, Newburgh, NY 12550 (845) 565-4900 www.pattern-for-progress.org [email protected]

KUBA-Kingston Uptown Business Association Robert Tonner PO Box 3602, Kingston, NY 12402 www.kingstonuptown.org [email protected]

SCORE (Chapter 533) Rose Rubin One Development Court, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 339-0468 www.scoreulster.org [email protected]

Ulster County Regional Chamber of Commerce Ward Todd 214 Fair Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-5100 www.ulsterchamber.org [email protected]

Keegan Ales, LLC Thomas Keegan 20 Saint James Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-2739 www.keeganales.com [email protected]

BUS LINES Adirondack Trailways/Pine Hill Trailways/ New York Trailways Anne Noonan 499 Hurley Avenue, Hurley, NY 12443 (845) 339-4230 www.trailwaysny.com [email protected]

Arthur F. Mulligan, Inc. Craig Lipps 2 Tillson Road, Tillson, NY 12486 (845) 658-8600 www.mulliganbus.com [email protected]

BUTCHERS Fleisher’s Craft Butchery Christophe Hille 307 Wall Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-6666 www.fleishers.com [email protected]

Woodstock Meats/Butcher’s Blend Nels Leader, Ian Martin, Dave Majuri 57 Mill Hill Road, Woodstock, NY 12498 (845) 679-7917 www.woodstockmeats.com [email protected]

CABINETRY Cabinet Designers, Inc. Mario & Janie Carpanzano Located in the Design Towers 747 Route 28, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-2200 www.cabinetdesigners.com

CABLE TELEVISION/ ADVERTISING Time Warner Cable John Mucha 1021 Highbridge Road, Schenectady, NY 12303 (518) 242-8830 www.timewarnercable.com [email protected]

CAMERA CRANES CableTrak Systems, Inc. Shaun Harkins 115 Ridgeview Road, Kerhonkson, NY 12446 (845) 626-4218 [email protected]

CAMPERS Camping World of the Hudson Valley Charles Barber 124 Route 28, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 943-2010 www.campingworld.com [email protected]

CAMPGROUNDS Newburgh/NYC North KOA Scott Masopust 119 Freetown Highway, Plattekill, NY 12568 (845) 564-2836 www.newburghkoa.com [email protected]

Saugerties/Woodstock KOA Wayne Hampel 882 Route 212, Saugerties, NY 12477 (845) 246-4089 www.koa.com/campgrounds/saugerties/ [email protected]

CANDY & GIFT BASKETS Lucky Chocolates Chocolate Shop and Organic Cafe Rae Stang 115 Partition Street, Saugerties, NY 12477 (845) 246-7337 www.luckychocolates.com [email protected]

Michael’s Candy Corner Michael Briglia 773 Broadway #A, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-6782 www.candycornerusa.com [email protected]

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CARPENTRY Andreassen Builders LLC


Robert Andreassen 97 Wrolsen Drive, Saugerties, NY 12477 (845) 246-3290 www.andreassenbuilders.com [email protected]

Clinton Avenue United Methodist Church

Fine Woodworking by William

Kingston Alliance Church

William Colontonio 329 Zena Road, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 679-4585

Rev. Dr. Paul Marshall 90 Millers Lane, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-3883 www.kingstoncma.org [email protected]

CARPET CLEANING Country Care Carpet Cleaning Richie Hahn 90 Fairview Avenue - Apt. 3-12, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-8637 [email protected]

Steamco Carpet Cleaning Michael DeFalco 2954 Route 32, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-2082 www.steamcoclean.com [email protected]

CATERERS Home Plate Deli & Caterers Alex Stier 1128 Morton Blvd., Kingston, NY 12401 (518) 281-8700 www.homeplatedeli.com

Upstate Events Christine Atkinson 37 Chipmunk Hollow, Kerhonkson, NY 12446 (845) 626-1531 www.upstateeventsny.com [email protected]

CHILDRENS ACTIVITIES The Fun-E Farm Mike Montemorra Hudson Valley Mall 1300 Ulster Avenue - Suite F-05 Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 514-2431 www.fun-efarm.com [email protected]

CHIROPRACTORS Smaldone Sports Chiropractic Dr. David Smaldone 1 North Front Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-8404 www.chiropractorskingston.com [email protected]

Soltanoff Chiropractic Center Greg Soltanoff 324 Washington Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-0300 www.themovementonline.net [email protected]

60 Community Resource Guide 2016

Rev. Darlene Kelley 122 Clinton Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-7188 [email protected]

Pointe of Praise Church of God in Christ Rev. Jim Childs PO Box 1279, Kingston, NY 12402 (845) 339-4615 www.pointeofpraise.org [email protected]

Salvation Army Majors Rick & Bethany Starkey 35 Cedar Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-1803 www.salvationarmykingston.org [email protected]

Saugerties United Methodist Church Rev. Anthony Mecca 67 Washington Avenue, Saugerties, NY 12477 (845) 246-7802 www.saugertiesumc.org [email protected]

St. Mary’s Church / Kingston Catholic School Father Robert Bubel 159 & 160 Broadway, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-0301 home.catholicweb.com/StMarysKingston [email protected]; [email protected]

CIGAR SHOPS The Kingston Cigar Shoppe Gary Boice & John Jabbour 278 Plaza Road, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-0500 [email protected]

Gateway Community Industries, Inc. Mohsen Badran One Amy Kay Parkway, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-1261 www.gatewayindustries.org [email protected]

Gentle Office Cleaning Christine Russomanno 98 Florence Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 514-4434 www.gentleofficecleaningservice.com [email protected]

The Green Janitor, Inc. Jonathan Beever 612 Washington Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (877) 248-6242 www.thegreenjanitor.com [email protected]

KTA Resources LLC Gregory Fiandra 57 River Glen Road, Wallkill, NY 12589 (646) 341-2851 [email protected]

LCS Companies Angela Kanceler 36 Cottage Street, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 (845) 485-7000 www.lcs-companies.com [email protected]

Moving Right Along Liane Potter 90 Morgan Hill Road, Hurley, NY 12443 (845) 802-0660 [email protected]

PuroClean Professional Restoration Jonathan Beever, Shawn McDermott & Andrew Rankel 612 Washington Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 481-9060 www.puroclean.com/PR-NY [email protected]

Sanitall Sue McGlothlin 345 Upper Samsonville Road Olivebridge, NY 12461 (845) 657-7283 www.sanitall.com [email protected]

ServiceMaster Of Kingston

CLEANING SERVICES/SUPPLIES A Special Touch Of New York Inc. Tammy Litwinenko 7 Old Mine Road, Kerhonkson, NY 12446 (845) 430-8053 www.aspecialtouchofny.com [email protected]

Expert Cleaning Service Christian Mauer 514 North Marbletown Road, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 594-1039 www.expertcleaningserv.com [email protected]

Facilities Maintenance Corp. Scott King 72 Airport Drive, Wappingers Falls, NY 12590 (845) 454-8427 www.fmcmaintenance.com [email protected]

Brian Kern 41 Greenkill Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-4821 www.ServiceMasterCleanofKingston.com [email protected]

Servpro of New Paltz-Kingston; Western Dutchess Kelly Morrissey 5 Henry Street, Beacon, NY 12508 (845) 255-4334 www.servpro.com [email protected]

CLOTHING - RETAIL Next Boutique Beth Petramale 17 West Strand, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-4537 www.nextboutique.com [email protected]

COFFEE BREAK SERVICES/ SUPPLIES Coffee System Of The Hudson Valley, Inc. Michael Withall 157 Carney Road, Ulster Park, NY 12487 (845) 658-3175 www.coffeesystemhv.com [email protected]

COLLECTIBLES Blair Collectibles William A. & Ruth Blair PO Box 655, Pine Hill, NY 12465 (845) 254-4717 [email protected]

COMMUNICATIONS Goosetown Communications David Gottlieb 58 North Harrison Avenue, Congers, NY 10920 (845) 268-7500 www.goosetown.com [email protected]

River Valley Radio, Inc. Tom Diederich 451 Route 9W, Port Ewen, NY 12466 (845) 331-7555 www.rivervalleyradioinc.com [email protected]

Verizon Richard Windram 140 West Street - 30th Floor New York, NY 10007 www.verizon.com/ny

CONFERENCE CENTERS Ashokan Center, Inc. Jay Ungar 477 Beaverkill Road, Olivebridge, NY 12461 (845) 657-8333 www.ashokancenter.org [email protected]

Frost Valley YMCA Amanda Hinski 2000 Frost Valley Road, Claryville, NY 12725 (845) 985-2291 www.frostvalley.org [email protected]

CONSTRUCTION - COMMERCIAL Klomm Construction Jack Klomm 85 Grand Street, Kingston, NY, 12401 (845) 687-0632 [email protected]

Musialkiewicz Construction Co., Inc. Ted Musialkiewicz 81 Elisa Landi Drive, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 340-0708 [email protected]

Turner Construction Company Jen Robbins 1 Computer Drive South, Albany, NY 12205 (518) 432-0277 www.turnerconstruction.com [email protected]


COMPUTER SYSTEMS & SERVICE Brainstorm Computers and Technology Shawn Conklin 321 Wall Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-5659 www.brainstormkingston.com [email protected]

Hudson River Technologies, Inc. Mike Gragg 60 Maiden Lane, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 340-4870 www.hrt.bz [email protected]

Professional Computer Associates


Fred Ferriola 105 Shadblow Lane, Clinton Corners, NY 12514 (845) 266-5334 [email protected]

CONSULTANTS - BUSINESS Capacity Business Consulting Eric Egeland PO Box 11179, Newburgh, NY 12552 (845) 764-9484 www.CapacityConsultingInc.com [email protected]

Shannon Data & Audit, Ltd.

Courtney Strong, Incorporated Patrice Courtney Strong 446 Broadway, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-2238 www.courtneystrong.com [email protected]

EnergyNext, Inc. Gordon Boyd 6 Franklin Square, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 (518) 580-9244 www.energynext.com [email protected]

Global Dwelling Jill Oldenburg 33 S. Ohioville Road, New Paltz, NY 12561 (845) 256-0019 www.globaldwelling.net [email protected]

Lime Energy Thomas Pirone 123 Rombout Avenue, Beacon, NY 12508 (845) 632-6722 www.lime-energy.com [email protected]

CONSULTANTS - ENGINEERING KC Engineering and Land Surveying, PC Raj Ravilla 56 Main Street, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 (212) 947-4945 www.kcepc.com [email protected]

Robert Shoemaker 3944 Route 9G, Red Hook, NY 12571 (845) 876-6561 www.pcasupport.com [email protected]

Shannon Smosarski 21 Mark Drive, Stone Ridge, NY 12484 (845) 687-4781 www.shannondata.com [email protected]

Stuart Okorofsky

Tarn Consulting

Concert Ideas, Inc.

Philip Rosenbloom 24 Musselman Drive, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 (917) 482-5061 www.tarnconsulting.com [email protected]

Harris Goldberg 73 Ratterman Road, Woodstock, NY 12498 (845) 679-6000 www.concertideas.com [email protected]

Stuart Okorofsky PO Box 23, Rosendale, NY 12472 (845) 658-9706 www.okor.com [email protected]


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CONSULTANTS - FINANCIAL & BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Laura Kopczak Laura Kopczak PO Box 524, Saugerties, NY 12477 (845) 247-4034 [email protected]

Woodstock Works Rebecca Schenker, Esq. MBA 12 Tannery Brook Road, Woodstock, NY 12498 (845) 679-6066 www.woodstock.works [email protected]

CONSULTANTS - MANAGEMENT DeLucas Management Resources Louise DeLucas PO Box 1310, Olivebridge, NY 12461 (845) 657-5762 [email protected]

Dr. Donna J. Moss Dr. Donna Moss 288 Lucas Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 750-7076 [email protected]

CONSULTANTS - MEDICAL CNS Ratings LLC Dr. Paul Michael Ramirez 300 Enterprise Drive - Suite 510 Kingston, NY 12401 (646) 245-7332 www.cnsratings.com [email protected]


CONSULTANTS - TECHNOLOGY Galileo Technology Group Petra Klein PO Box 4029, Kingston, NY 12402 (845) 481-8641 [email protected]

Tech Smiths Brian Macaluso 45 North Front Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 443-4866 www.tech-smiths.com [email protected]

CONSULTANTS TELECOMMUNICATIONS Nicholas Pascaretti Nicholas Pascaretti 31 Highland Road, Ulster Park, NY 12487 (845) 339-8687 [email protected]

CONSULTANTS - TRAINING Dale Carnegie Systems John Rodgers 20 Stanwix Street - Suite 503 Pittsburgh, PA 15222 (412) 471-3500 www.dalecarnegie.com

Glenn Shepard Seminars Cindy Shepard 6953 Charlotte Pike - Suite 303 Nashville, TN 37209 (615) 353-7125 www.glennshepardseminars.com [email protected]

New Visions Nancy Plumer 30 Schoonmaker Lane, Stone Ridge, NY 12484 (845) 687-2252 [email protected]

Forward Solutions Ingrid Kulick 269 Milan Hollow Road, Rhinebeck, NY 12572 (845) 389-1358 www.forwardsolutions.org [email protected]

CONSULTANTS PLANNING/ZONING Shuster Associates, Inc. Daniel Shuster 3578 Atwood Road, Stone Ridge, NY 12484 (845) 687-0758 [email protected]

CONSULTANTS - REAL ESTATE Image Balancing James Robinson 3 Stone Ridge Court, Woodstock, NY 12498 (845) 679-6512 [email protected]

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CONTRACTORS - ELECTRICAL A-All-Phase Electric Shawn Cummings 451 Dave Elliott Road, Saugerties, NY 12477 (914) 439-0386

Blanchard Electric Don Blanchard 44 Lauren Court, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 246-1811 [email protected]

J & J Sass Electric, Inc. James Sass 30 Grand Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-8666 www.jjsass.com/ [email protected]

Jaffer Electric, Inc. Nancy Jaffer 262 Boulevard, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-1330 www.jafferelectric.com [email protected]

Martino Electrical & Air Conditioning, Inc. Paul Martino 135 DeWitt Mills Road, Hurley, NY 12443 (845) 331-1402 [email protected]

Stone Ridge Electrical Service, Inc. Barbara Ellman 625 Lucas Avenue Ext., Hurley, NY 12443 (845) 331-4227 www.stoneridgeelectric.com

Tiano Electric Inc. John Tiano 117 Clinton Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 339-1059 [email protected]

CONTRACTORS - EXCAVATING CPS Excavating Co., Inc. Maryanne Staccio 81 Union Center Road, Ulster Park, NY 12487 (845) 338-0069 www.cpsexcavating.com [email protected]

Mike’s Earthworks Mike Soule 143 Schoonmaker Lane, Stone Ridge, NY 12484 (845) 687-9117 [email protected]

Schaffer Excavating LLC Neil Schaffer 35 Wittenberg Road, Bearsville, NY 12409 (845) 679-4742 www.schafferexcavating.com [email protected]

CONTRACTORS - GENERAL Archie Lawrence & Son, Inc. Norton Lawrence 4151 U.S. Highway 209, Stone Ridge, NY 12484 (845) 687-0266

Buonsignore Construction Corp. Anthony Buonsignore 1312 Indian Springs Road, Pine Bush, NY 12566 (914) 850-1954 [email protected]

Carey Construction Bob Carey 78 Furnace Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 339-6220 www.careyconst.com [email protected]

Dwyer Contracting Breanne Dwyer 127 Barclay Lane, Saugerties, NY 12477 (845) 546-8233 [email protected]

Eight Point Contracting Henry Pra & Ken Gore 172 Scarawan Road, Stone Ridge, NY 12484 (845) 687-4338 www.eightpointcontracting.com [email protected]

F.W. LaMotte Contracting Ferdinand LaMotte PO Box 236, Boiceville, NY 12412 (845) 688-5011

George Kackos

George Kackos 177 Oliverea Road, Big Indian, NY 12410 (845) 254-4338 [email protected]

Kenneth Mironer Construction, LLC Kenneth Mironer 689 Vly Road, Stone Ridge, NY 12484 (845) 657-2192 [email protected]

Moore Construction

Donald Moore 104 Hansburg Road, Pine Bush, NY 12566 (845) 647-7131 [email protected]

Roeber & Rausch Custom Builders Inc. Gary Roeber 133 Andrew Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-2281 [email protected]

Shawangunk Building Corp.

Daniel Boice 2388 Lucas Turnpike, High Falls, NY 12440 (845) 687-0721 www.gunkbuild.com [email protected]

Timothy J. Donovan, Inc.

Timothy Donovan 406 Manor Lake, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-7382

United Services

Dan Ellsworth 66 Marys Avenue, Saugerties, NY 12477 (845) 389-9992 [email protected]

Vincent Guido Construction

Vincent Guido 153 Old Flatbush Road, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-6302 [email protected]

Yonnetti’s Restoration Unlimited LLC John Yonnetti 2889 Route 32, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 901-8888 [email protected]

Olive’s Country Store & Cafe

Ulster Federal Credit Union

Alex & Denise Stier Shokan Square 3110 Route 28, Shokan, NY 12481 (845) 657-8959 www.olivescountrystore.com [email protected]

Richard Mantey 127 Schwenk Drive, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 339-5544 www.ulsfedcu.org [email protected]

Stewart’s Shops Susan Law Dake PO Box 435, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 (518) 581-1201 www.stewartsshops.com [email protected]

CRAFTS/CRAFT GALLERIES Crafts People Rudy Hopkins 262 Spillway Road, West Hurley, NY 12491 (845) 331-3859 www.craftspeople.us [email protected]

Tastefully Tacky Jennie Gelfand 49 Garrison Road, Bearsville, NY 12409 (845) 679-7742 www.tastefullytacky.com [email protected]

Perfezione Painting Inc. WBE/DBE

Patti Heins 19 Eastern Parkway, Saugerties, NY 12477 (845) 338-3638 www.perfezionepainting.com [email protected]

Hudson River Cruises, Inc. Sandy Henne 1 East Strand Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 340-4700 www.hudsonrivercruises.com [email protected]

Osprey Marine Ltd. Peter Kane 12 Butterville Road, New Paltz, NY 12561 (845) 255-8737 www.ospreymarine.com [email protected]

CUSTOM CONTRACT PACKAGING Ultra Seal Corp. Terry Murphy 521 Main Street, New Paltz, NY 12561 (845) 255-2490 www.ultra-seal.com [email protected]

CREDIT CARD SERVICES Benchmark Payment Networks Marc Freeman 3 Harbor Road, Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724 Phone: (631) 659-3724 www.benchmarkpaymentnetworks.com [email protected]

Heartland Samuel Boice Jr. PO Box 541, Saugerties, NY 12477 (845) 430-0084 www.HeartlandPaymentSystems.com/Samuel Boice [email protected]



Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union

DATA ANALYSIS Information Mine, Inc. Robert Wiltshire 30 Broadway - Suite 204, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-2762 www.myInfoMine.com [email protected]

DAY CARE PROVIDERS Child Care Connections Kerry Wolfeil 39 John Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-7080 www.ccconnectionsny.org [email protected]

Kathy Ferrusi 159 Barnegat Road, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 (845) 463-3011 www.hvfcu.org [email protected]


Mary & Garth Warren PO Box 1283, Port Ewen, NY 12466 (845) 331-2580


Debbie Ahmad 3981 Route 32, Saugerties, NY 12477 (518) 678-9355 [email protected]

Nana’s Angels Day Care John Funk 3 Joseph’s Drive, Saugerties, NY 12477 (845) 247-9212 [email protected]

www.UlsterChamber.org 63

DELIVERY & COURIER SERVICE Hudson River Transports Alex Ibarra 12 Van Wagner Road, Highland, NY 12528 (845) 691-9366 [email protected]

Valley Courier & Delivery Service Barbara Gill 921 Route 28, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-1025 www.valleycourier.net [email protected]

DENTAL LABORATORIES Custom Dental Lab Inc. Stephen Walker 12 E. O’Reilly Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-5366 [email protected]

Joseph Diacovo, DMD Joseph Diacovo 54 Fair Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-4240 www.drdiacovo.com [email protected]

Mid-Hudson Oral and Maxillofacial, PC Matthew Hilmi 117 Marys Avenue - Suite 104, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 340-1962 www.midhudsonoralsurgeon.com [email protected]

Pine St. Dental Associates PC Charles Fliegler 138 Pine Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-6900 www.pinestreetdental.com [email protected]

Robert M. Dutton, DDS Robert Dutton 275 State Route 375 - Ste 1, West Hurley, NY 12491 (845) 679-9744 www.robertduttondds.com [email protected]

DISTRIBUTORS - ELECTRICAL Wolberg Lighting Design & Electrical Supply Tony Gougoutris 1221 Ulster Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 802-5600 www.wolberg.com [email protected]

DIVE TRAINING/SUPPLIES Lifeguard Systems Inc. Karen Thomas-Malloy 3211 Route 28, Shokan, NY 12481 (845) 657-5544 www.teamlgs.com [email protected]

DOORS Kingston Overhead Door Beverly Cunningham 87 Boices Lane, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 336-6363

Rondout Valley Family Dentistry, PC

DENTISTS Alexander Milne, DDS Alexander Milne 31 Quarry Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-1640 www.hudsonvalleyendodontics.com [email protected]

Wayne St. Hill 10 Gagnon Drive, Stone Ridge, NY 12484 (845) 687-0600 [email protected]

Thomas F. Cingel, DDS Thomas Cingel 379 Broadway, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-1085 [email protected]

Dennis Oppenheimer, DDS

Tischler Dental

Dr. Dennis Oppenheimer 195 Washington Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 514-2815 www.OPPENHEIMERDENTISTRY.com [email protected]

Michael Tischler 121 Route 375, Woodstock, NY 12498 (845) 679-3706 www.tischlerdental.com [email protected]

Dentists’ Office of the Hudson Valley Doreen McGlynn 1733 Ulster Avenue, Lake Katrine, NY 12449 (845) 336-5252 www.TheDentistsOffice.com [email protected]

Family Practice Center of Kingston / Kingston Dental Virna Little 1 Family Practice Drive (Route 32), Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-6918 www.institute2000.org [email protected]

Gene DeStefano, DDS Gene DeStefano 283 Hurley Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-7089 www.destefanodental.com [email protected]

Gilberto Nunez, DDS, LLC Gilberto Nunez 389 Washington Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-1767 www.gnunezdental.com [email protected]

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DISTILLERIES Tuthilltown Spirits Cathy Erenzo 14 Grist Mill Lane, Gardiner, NY 12525 (845) 255-1527 www.tuthilltown.com [email protected]

DISTRIBUTORS Close Out New York, Inc. Paul Manning 980 Ulster Landing Road, Saugerties, NY 12477 (845) 247-6141 [email protected]

Dutchess Beer Distributors Tyler Cappillino 36 Kieffer Lane, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-7875 www.dutchessbeer.com [email protected]

Noble Gas Solutions Ryan Scanlon 18 Downs Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (518) 465-5229 www.noblegassolutions.com [email protected]

DRY CLEANERS American Cleaners Casey Scanlon 734 Ulster Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-6146 www.americancleanerskingston.com [email protected]

Flanigan’s Cleaners, Inc. Michael Flanigan 211 Main Street, Saugerties, NY 12477 (845) 246-8990 [email protected]

Kingston Green Dry Cleaners Tejas Shah 781 Broadway, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 532-4324 www.kgdc.us [email protected]

DUDE RANCHES Pinegrove Ranch & Family Resort David O’Halloran 30 Lower Cherrytown Road Kerhonkson, NY 12446 (845) 626-7345 www.pinegroveranch.com [email protected]

Rocking Horse Ranch Resort Steven Turk 600 Route 44/55, Highland, NY 12528 (845) 691-2927 www.rhranch.com [email protected]

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Hudson River Ventures Mike Oates 291 Wall Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 514-2561 www.hudsonriverventures.com [email protected]

Local Economic Opportunities (The LEO Group) Victor Melville PO Box 2152, Kingston, NY 12402 (845) 334-8834 [email protected]

Kingston City School District Dr. Paul Padalino 61 Crown Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 339-3000 www.kingstoncityschools.org [email protected]

The Solar Energy Consortium (TSEC) Carl Meyer 434 Old Neighborhood Road, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 336-5354 www.sunyit.edu/cgam [email protected]

Ulster County Office of Economic Development Suzanne Holt 244 Fair Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 340-3556 www.ulstercountyny.gov [email protected]

Ulster County BOCES Dr. Charles Khoury 175 State Route 32 N, New Paltz, NY 12561 (845) 255-1400 www.ulsterboces.org

Ulster Literacy Association Inc.

EDUCATION/TUTORING Adelphi University Kate Macaluso 19 Baker Avenue - Suite 400 Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 (845) 471-3348x8105 www.adelphi.edu [email protected]

Marist College (Office of the President) Dennis Murray 3399 North Road, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 (845) 575-3600 www.marist.edu [email protected]

Mid-Hudson School Study Council Robert Dillon Mount St. Mary College 325 Powell Avenue, Newburgh, NY 12550 (845) 569-3660 [email protected]

Poughkeepsie Day School Liz Vinogradov 260 Boardman Road, Poughkeepsie, NY 12603 (845) 462-7600 www.poughkeepsieday.org [email protected]

St. Joseph School

Cornell Cooperative Extension of Ulster Co. Lydia Reidy 232 Plaza Road, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 340-3990 www.cceulster.org [email protected]

Ellenville Central School District Lisa Wiles 28 Maple Avenue, Ellenville, NY 12428 (845) 647-0100 www.ecs.k12.ny.us

John A. Coleman Catholic High School James Lyons 430 Hurley Avenue, Hurley, NY 12443 (845) 338-2750 www.colemancatholic.org [email protected]

Nadene Cafasso 235 Wall Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 339-4390 www.saintjosephschoolkingston.com [email protected]

Casandra Beam 480 Aaron Court, Kingston, NY, 12401 (845) 331-6837 www.ulsterliteracy.org [email protected]

Wallkill Central School District Kevin Castle 19 Main Street, Wallkill, NY 12589 (845) 895-7101 www.wallkillcsd.k12.ny.us [email protected]

Woodstock Day School Nancy Finelli PO Box 1, Woodstock, NY 12498 (845) 246-3744 www.woodstockdayschool.org [email protected]

ELECTRIC SUPPLY Green Mountain Energy Company Jennifer Tucciarone 445 Hamilton Avenue - Suite 1102 White Plains, NY 10601 (914) 220-8388 www.greenmountain.com [email protected]

ELECTROLOGISTS Veronica L. Kugelman, CPE, Electrologist Veronica Kugelman 238 Thomas Street, Hurley, NY 12443 (845) 331-8507 [email protected]

EMPLOYMENT/HR SERVICES Ethan Allen Workforce Solutions Tom Lemmey 59 Academy Street, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 (845) 471-9700 www.ethanallenpersonnel.com [email protected]

www.UlsterChamber.org 65

Guidance Medical Personnel, Inc.

Medenbach & Eggers

Ximena Hernandez 29 Broadway, 13th Floor, New York, NY 10006 (212) 809-1592 www.guidancemedical.com [email protected]

William Eggers 4305 US Highway 209, Stone Ridge, NY 12484 (845) 687-0047 www.mecels.com [email protected]

Liazon Benefits Kim Giesing 199 Scott Street, 8th Floor, Buffalo, NY 14204 (866) 542-9661 www.liazon.com [email protected]

Manpower Staffing Miguel Vega 411 Washington Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-0686 www.us.manpower.com [email protected]

Normann Staffing Tony Marmo 231 Clinton Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-9111 www.normannstaffing.com [email protected]

Pentad People Solutions Vicki Roque 1151 Flatbush Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 217-5333 www.pentadinc.com [email protected]

MNTM Engineering-Land Surveying John Tarolli 45 Main Street, Pine Bush, NY 12566 (845) 744-3620 www.mnt-pc.com [email protected]

NETCO Matt Eyre 731 Grant Avenue, Lake Katrine, NY 12449 (845) 641-8619 netco.cwfc.com/ [email protected]

Bill & Melinda McKnight 188 Broadway, Port Ewen, NY 12466 (845) 338-3864 www.energyconservationspecialists.us [email protected]

Tom Cummings 148 Hollow Road, Staatsburg, NY 12580 (845) 889-8199 [email protected]

66 Community Resource Guide 2016

Nicholas Pizza III 240 Milton Turnpike, Milton, NY 12547 (845) 795-5220 www.hudsonvalleysportsdome.com [email protected]

Kingston Festival of the Arts Gloria Waslyn 286 Fair Street, Kingston, NY12401 (917) 697-6916 [email protected]

Rennia Engineering Design, PLLC Richard Rennia 6 Dover Village Plaza - Suite 5 Dover Plains, NY 12522 (845) 877-0555 [email protected]


FARMING/AGRICULTURE Bell’s Christmas Trees Gordon Bell 647 Mettacahonts Road, Accord, NY 12404 (845) 626-7849 www.bellschristmastrees.com [email protected]

Cedar Winds Farm Len Bouren 226 Finger Road, Saugerties, NY 12477 (845) 247-5384 [email protected]

Green Heart Farms Alfred Higley PO Box 21, Mount Tremper, NY 12457 (845) 688-5667

Kelder’s Farm Chris Kelder 5755 Route 209, Kerhonkson, NY 12446 (845) 626-7137 www.kelderfarm.com [email protected]

Nostrano Vineyards

Brinnier and Larios, PC

Cummings Engineering, PC

Hudson Valley Sportsdome

Dawn Stewart 2 Terwilliger Lane, New Paltz, NY 12531 845-255-2122 www.novellasnp.com [email protected]


Jennifer Coleman 21 Fox Street - Suite 201, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 (845) 486-1465 www.chazencompanies.com [email protected]


Novella’s New Paltz

Shawn McKenna 10 Christie Road, Newburgh, NY 12550 (845) 234-2263 www.viridian.com/cleanenergysolutions [email protected]

Chazen Companies, The

Chris Winslow 1500 Route 9D, Wappingers Falls, NY 12590 (845) 838-0094

Scott Davis 3780 Main Street, Stone Ridge, NY 12484 (845) 687-4500 [email protected]

Viridian Energy/Clean Energy Solutions

Dennis Larios 67 Maiden Lane, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-7622 www.brinnierandlarios.com [email protected]

Hudson Valley Renegades

Peak Engineering PLLC

ENERGY CONSERVATION Energy Conservation Specialists LLC


Hudson River Valley Environmental, LLC Kristofer Landell 72 Highwoods Road, Saugerties, NY 12477 (845) 853-9938 www.hrvenvironmental.com [email protected]

Vaz-Co Reclaiming Service Christina Vazquez 96 Steves Lane, Gardiner, NY 12525 (845) 691-6246 www.vaz-co.com [email protected]

Nicolas Bozzo 14 Gala Lane, Milton, NY 12547 (845) 795-5473 www.nostranovineyards.com [email protected]

Saunderskill Farms Cathy & Dan Schoonmaker 5100 Route 209, Accord, NY 12404 (845) 626-2676 www.saunderskill.com [email protected]

Ulster County Farm Bureau, Inc. Jennifer Crist 32 Crist Lane, Walden, NY 12586 (845) 629-2990 www.ucfbny.org [email protected]

FARRIER SERVICE Bradley Farrier Service Curt Bradley 105 Blacks Road, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 336-4377

FAST FOOD/DELIS Hardee’s Ulster Commons Clare Conlin 1601 Ulster Avenue, Lake Katrine, NY 12449 (914) 761-6364 [email protected]

Joe Beez Famous Sandwiches

Miller/Howard Investments Inc.

MAC Fitness at Kingston Plaza

Lowell Miller 324 Upper Byrdcliffe Road Woodstock, NY 12498 (845) 679-9166 www.mhinvest.com [email protected]

Lyle Schuler 338 Plaza Road, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 853-7377 www.macfitness.net [email protected]

Morgan Stanley Wealth Management Stan Sarli 91 North Front Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-1900 www.branches.smithbarney.com/kingstonny [email protected]

Pioneer Group

Joe Baganz 456 Broadway, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-2363 www.JOEBEEZ.COM [email protected]

Paul Hakim 254 Fair Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 339-1776 www.pioneercapgroup.com [email protected]

McDonald’s of Kingston #837

Senate Securities

Al & Aida Wilder 555 Albany Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 334-8727

Michael Ferraro 253 Wall Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 339-7310 [email protected]

Sunrise Bagels & Deli George Kalogiannis 496 Albany Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-9100

FINANCIAL SERVICES Ameriprise Financial, S.M. Miller & Associates Jeffrey Miller 5 Palisades Drive - Suite 320, Albany, NY 12205 (518) 458-7200 www.AmeripriseAdvisors.com/Jeffrey.Miller [email protected]

Hudson Valley Financial Services Brian Ginty 108 North Front Street - 3rd Floor Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-1108 www.hvfin.com [email protected]

Independent Financial Services Barbara Ginty 45 North Front Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 339-0900 www.ifsmoneymanagement.com [email protected]

International Planning Alliance D. Jeremy Pugliese 300 Broadacres Drive - Suite 175 Bloomfield, NJ 07003 (845) 750-9833 www.planningalliance.com [email protected]

Lane Financial Management Edward Lane 151 West Chestnut Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (917) 575-0299 www.LaneFinancialManagement.com [email protected]

Meltzer & Hill Wealth Advisory, LLC Edward Hill, CFP® 63 Hurley Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 384-1391 www.mhwealth.com [email protected]

FLOORING/FLOOR FINISHING Excelsior Wood Products Ron Sauer 401B Sawkill Road, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 339-6630 www.excelsiorwood.com [email protected]

The Flooring Source Karl Krebs 614 Ulster Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 383-1301 www.TheFlooringSource.Biz [email protected]

Jerry’s Wood Floor Refinishing Jerry Stehlin 519 Irish Cape Road, Ellenville, NY 12428 (845) 647-3499

Small Start Investing Larkland Campbell 2600 South Road - Suite 44-282 Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 (845) 363-0281 www.smallstartinvesting.com [email protected]

Stedge & Associates Anne Stedge-Outwater 175 Clinton Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-3415 [email protected]

TrueNorth Financial Solutions Jim McCann 15 Fisher Lane, White Plains, NY 10603 (845) 853-4555 www.linkedin.com/in/befinanciallysecure [email protected]

Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC Matthew Mulpeter 336 Plaza Road, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 334-7943 www.home.wellsfargoadvisors.com/001_PKNY [email protected]

William J. Jacobs Fund Management William Jacobs 41 Townsend Farm Road Lagrangeville, NY 12540 (845) 227-5961 [email protected]

FLORISTS Flower Nest Julie & Ted Hirsch 248 Plaza Road, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-4440 www.flowernest.us [email protected]

Roca Floral David Sosa 611 Broadway, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 514-2678 www.rocafloral.com [email protected]

FOOD VENDORS Kona Ice Mid Hudson Valley North Michael & Kellie Peek 186 Katrine Lane, Lake Katrine, NY 12449 (845) 325-6218 www.facebook.com/konaicemidhudsonvalleynorth [email protected]

FRAMES/CUSTOM FRAMES Design Principles Dianne Paulson 42 Hillside Drive, Stone Ridge, NY 12484 (845) 687-7630 www.designprinciplesart.com [email protected]

FITNESS/HEALTH CLUBS MAC Fitness 9W Lyle Schuler 743 East Chester Street ByPass Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-2887 www.macfitness.net [email protected]

FREIGHT - AIR/GROUND/OCEAN Globaltransol LLC Eric Gnakadja 250 Enterprise Drive, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 790-5277 www.globaltransol.com [email protected]

www.UlsterChamber.org 67



Gilpatric VanVliet Funeral Home

Apple Greens Golf Course

Harry VanVliet IV 339 Broadway, Ulster Park, NY 12487 (845) 338-1200 www.GVVFH.com [email protected]

Judi & David Roehrs 161 South Street, Highland, NY 12528 (845) 883-5500 www.applegreens.com [email protected]

Keyser Funeral and Cremation Service Inc.

The Lazy Swan Golf & Country Club Village

Luke Keyser 326 Albany Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-1473 www.keyserfuneralservice.com [email protected]

Simpson-Gaus Funeral Home Paul Hammerl 411 Albany Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-0631 www.simpsongaus.com [email protected]

FURNITURE DEALERS Wiedy Furniture Center Mary Wiedy 504 Route 28, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 339-3400 www.wiedys.com [email protected]

FURNITURE RESTORATION J & C’s Fine Furniture Repairs & Refinishing Joseph Percivalle 17 Railroad Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-3333 www.jandcfinefinishes.com [email protected]

GIFT SHOPS Bop to Tottom Karen Clark Adin 299 Wall Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-8100 www.boptotottom.com [email protected]

The Tender Land Home Dave Pillard 64 Main Street, Phoenicia, NY 12464 (845) 688-7213 www.tenderlandhome.com [email protected]

GLASS & MIRROR Excel Auto Glass Corp. Scott Owens 1789 Ulster Avenue, Lake Katrine, NY 12449 (845) 336-0800 www.excelautoglass.com [email protected]

Ulster County Glass & Mirror, Inc. Dean DeCicco / Deno Theophilakos 321 Foxhall Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 339-3141 www.ulstercountyglass.net [email protected]

68 Community Resource Guide 2016

Anthony Bacchi 1754 Old Kings Highway, Saugerties, NY 12477 (845) 247-0075 www.thelazyswan.com [email protected]

Rondout Golf Club/Ivan’s Restaurant John DeForest PO Box 194, Accord, NY 12404 (845) 626-2513 www.rondoutgolfclub.com [email protected]

Saratoga National Golf Club Peter Tavares 458 Union Avenue, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 (518) 583-4653 www.golfsaratoga.com [email protected]

The Twaalfskill Club Andrew Connors 282 West O’Reilly Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-5577 www.twaalfskillgolf.org [email protected]

Wiltwyck Golf Club, Inc. Jared Miller 404 Steward Lane, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-0700 www.wiltwyck.org [email protected]

Woodstock Golf Club Inc. John Rizza 114 Mill Hill Road, Woodstock, NY 12498 (845) 679-2914 www.woodstockgolf.com [email protected]

GOVERNMENT Assemblymember Kevin A. Cahill

Kingston Housing Authority Daniel Mills 132 Rondout Drive, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-1955 www.kingstonhousing.org [email protected]

New York State Bridge Authority Tara Sullivan PO Box 1010, Highland, NY, 12528 (845) 691-7245 www.nysba.net [email protected]

Senator George Amedore John Quigley 42 Crown Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-3810 www.Amedore.nysenate.gov [email protected]

Senator William J. Larkin, Jr. Sen. William Larkin 1093 Little Britain Road, New Windsor, NY 12553 (845) 567-1270 www.larkin.nysenate.gov [email protected]

Town of Esopus PO Box 700, Port Ewen, NY 12466 (845) 331-0676 www.esopus.com [email protected]

Town of Hurley Gary Bellows 10 Wamsley Place, Hurley, NY 12443 (845) 331-7474 www.townofhurley.org [email protected]

Town of Saugerties Greg Helsmoortel 4 High Street, Saugerties, NY 12477 (845) 246-2800 www.saugerties.ny.us [email protected]

Town of Ulster James Quigley III 1 Town Hall Drive, Lake Katrine, NY 12449 (845) 382-2765 www.townofulster.org [email protected]

Assemblymember Kevin Cahill 103rd Assembly District 1 Albany Avenue - Suite G4, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-9610 www.assembly.state.ny.us [email protected]

Ulster County Clerk

City of Kingston

Ulster County Comptroller

Mayor Shayne Gallo 420 Broadway, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 334-3900 www.ci.kingston.ny.us

Elliott Auerbach PO Box 1800, Kingston, NY 12402 (845) 340-3529 www.youreyesonulster.com [email protected]

City of Kingston Police Dept. Egidio Tinti 1 Garraghan Drive, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 943-5766 www.kingston-ny.gov [email protected]

Nina Postupack 244 Fair Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 340-3040 www.co.ulster.ny.us/countyclerk [email protected]

Ulster County District Attorney D. Holley Carnright 285 Wall Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 340-3280 www.ulstercountyny.gov/da

HEALTH & WELLNESS Arbonne International Lorraine Salmon 39 Market Street, Glasco, NY 12432 (518) 859-5279 www.lorraine.salmon.arbonne.com [email protected]

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Stephanie Speer 321 Van Wagenen Lane, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 332-9936 www.stephaniespeer.com [email protected]

Women’s Health and Fitness Foundation Ulster County Legislature John Parete 244 Fair Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 340-3900 www.co.ulster.ny.us/legislature.html [email protected]

Village of Saugerties

Christina Agar 360 Washington Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-7140 [email protected]


Paula Niles 40 Hurley Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-5600 www.eonekingston.com [email protected]

Family Health Center of Ellenville/Healthy Start/Family Dental Care Virna Little 6 Healthy Way, Ellenville, NY 12428 (845) 647-4500 www.institute2000.org [email protected]

Virna Little 213 Broadway, Port Ewen, NY 12466 (845) 331-2355 www.institute2000.org [email protected]

Sheila Gilday Seven21 Media Center 721 Broadway - Suite 245, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 417-4683 www.gildaycreative.com [email protected]

Family Practice Center of Hyde Park Virna Little 11 Crum Elbow Road (off Route 9G) Hyde Park, NY 12538 (845) 229-1020 www.institute2000.org [email protected]

Graphic Ally Allison Costanzo 170 Haver Road, Olivebridge, NY 12461 (845) 309-3001 www.graphic-ally.com [email protected]

Family Practice Center of Kingston Virna Little 1 Family Practice Drive (Route 32) Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-6400 www.institute2000.org [email protected]

GROCERS Riviera Produce Corp. Abe Friedman 205 Jackson Street, Englewood, NJ 07631 (201) 227-7105 www.rivieraproduce.com [email protected]

Family Practice Center of Kingston / Kingston Pediatrics Virna Little 1 Family Practice Drive (Route 32) Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 339-9055 www.institute2000.org [email protected]

GROCERS - GARDEN CENTER Adams Fairacre Farms

Chris & Kevin Schneider 300 Kings Mall Court, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 336-5541 www.motherearthstorehouse.com [email protected]

Emergency One Urgent Care & Diagnostic Center

Family Health Center of Port Ewen

Gilday Creative, Inc.

Mother Earth’s Storehouse, Inc.

Danielle Bradt 2976 Route 9W, Saugerties, NY 12477 (845) 247-9100 www.EmUrgentCare.com [email protected]

Virna Little 279 Main Street - Suite 102, New Paltz, NY 12561 (845) 255-2930 www.institute2000.org [email protected]



Albany Med EmUrgentCare

Family Health Center of New Paltz

William Murphy 43 Partition Street, Saugerties, NY 12477 (845) 246-2321 www.village.saugerties.ny.us [email protected]

Don Adams Rt. 9W N., 1560 Ulster Ave., Lake Katrine, NY 12449 (845) 336-6300 www.adamsfarms.com [email protected]



GSB Surgical Services

Eileen Liverani 505 Boices Lane, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 382-7500 www.uhc.com

Gabrielle Berry 56 Maple Street, Rifton, NY 12471 (845) 658-8835 [email protected]


Health Options NY

Tanya Cole 347 Main Street, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 (866) 433-0359 www.wellcare.com [email protected]

Jacquie Wolf 266 Charles Hommel Road, Saugerties, NY 12477 (914) 263-2947 www.healthoptionsny.com [email protected]

www.UlsterChamber.org 69

Hudson Valley Creative Arts Therapy Services, Inc. (HVCATS) Rick Soshensky 638 Broadway, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 514-8669 www.hvcats.org

Hudson Valley Foot Associates Charles Bud Walker 103 Hurley Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 339-4191 www.hvfa.com [email protected]

Hudson Valley Hospice Michael Kaminski 374 Violet Avenue, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 (845) 338-2273 www.hvhospice.org [email protected]

John Carroll Spiritual Counseling & Healing John Carroll 715 Route 28, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-8420 www.johnmcarrollhealer.com [email protected]

Kingston Physical Therapy & Sports Rehab, PC Gerard Cuffe 340 Plaza Road, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 339-4722 www.kingstonpt.com [email protected]

Kingston VA Community Based Outpatient Clinic Bunnysue Healy 324 Plaza Road, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-8322 [email protected]

Kristen Willson Kristen Willson 4 Bute Avenue, Greenfield Park, NY 12435 (845) 594-9788 [email protected]

Maternal-Infant Services Network of Orange, Sullivan, Ulster Counties Caren Fairweather 10 Little Britain Road - Suite 203 Newburgh, NY 12550 (845) 561-3575 www.misn-ny.org [email protected]

Woodstock Physical Therapy Ellie Kramer 2568 Route 212, Woodstock, NY 12498 (845) 679-9767 www.woodstockphysicaltherapy.com [email protected]

HEARING AIDS Byron’s Hudson Valley Hearing Aid Centers Doreen Campisi 2016 Route 9W, Lake Katrine, NY 12449 (845) 336-0108 www.ByronshvHearing.com [email protected]

Kingston Audiology Center Dr. Lorri Perry 211 Hurley Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-9160 www.kingstonaudiology.com [email protected]

Riverside Hearing Aid Service Ernest Watson 1 Albany Avenue - Suite G-1 Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-3934 www.riversidehearingaids.com [email protected]

HEARTH/FIREPLACE/ STOVE PRODUCTS Cracker Mill Hearth & Emporium Lauri Kennedy 2740 Route 28, Shokan, NY 12481 (845) 657-6540 www.crackermill.com [email protected]

Fireside Warmth Inc. John Mountford 901 State Route 28, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-5656 www.firesidewarmthonline.com [email protected]

Mike Taylor 6525 Route 209, Kerhonkson, NY 12446 (845) 647-6767 www.combinedenergyservices.com [email protected]

Heritagenergy Kenneth Davenport 625 Sawkill Road, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 336-2000 www.heritagenergy.com

JSP Plumbing and Heating Christine Ungaro 60 Boices Lane - Suite C, Box 7 Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-8473 www.jspplumbingandheating.com [email protected]

HEATING COMPANIES & SUPPLIES A Better Choice Fuel Service, LLC Thomas & Dorothy Raftery PO Box 1777, Kingston, NY 12402 (845) 338-4222 www.abetterchoicefuel.com [email protected]

70 Community Resource Guide 2016

Combined Energy Services

Jeff Poremba 3815 Main Street, Stone Ridge, NY 12484 (845) 687-4508 www.greenheatinc.com [email protected]

Daniel Conklin 1 Foxhall Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-8444 www.institute2000.org [email protected] Olga Brooks 45 Pine Grove Avenue, Kingston, NY12401 (845) 340-4500 www.riverradiology.com

Rich Mayone 240 Ulster Avenue, Saugerties, NY 12477 (845) 246-4931 www.bottinifuel.com [email protected]

Green Heat Inc.

OB/GYN & Specialty Care Center of Kingston

River Radiology, PLLC

Bottini Fuel

AAA Fuel and Service, Inc. Michael Ploennigs 1007 State Route 28, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-5626 www.aaafuelandservice.com [email protected]

Love-Effron Mary Conboy 47 Patrick Lane, Poughkeepsie, NY 12603 (845) 452-2600 www.love-effron.com [email protected]

WILLCARE Christina Longinott Hudson Valley Business Center 803 Grant Avenue, Lake Katrine, NY 12449 (845) 331-3970 www.willcare.com [email protected]

HOME IMPROVEMENT Brian Hommel Home Improvement, LLC Brian Hommel 749 Kings Highway, Saugerties, NY 12477 (845) 338-2211 www.brianhommel.com [email protected]

HISTORICAL SOCIETIES/ MUSEUMS Friends of Senate House, Inc. Ephie Trataros 296 Fair Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-2786 www.senatehousekingston.org [email protected]

Historic Huguenot Street Kaitlin Gallucci 88 Huguenot Street, New Paltz, NY 12561 (845) 255-1660 www.huguenotstreet.org [email protected]

HOME INSPECTIONS Harmony House & Home Inspections, LLC Harry Rose Jr. 2302 Route 9W, Saugerties, NY 12477 (845) 750-4137 www.Harmonyhousehomeinspectionsllc.com [email protected]

HOME/GARDEN GIFTS WHOLESALER Bali Originals Bob Turner 110 Emerson Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-9113

Suburban Hospital Alliance of NYS, LLC Kevin Dahill 1383 Veterans Memorial Highway #26 Hauppauge, NY 11788 (631) 963-4150 www.NSHC.org [email protected]

Westchester Medical Center Michael Israel Taylor Pavilion 100 Woods Road, Valhalla, NY 10595 (914) 493-7000 www.westchestermedicalcenter.com [email protected]

HUMAN SERVICES American Cancer Society



A & T Healthcare LLC Joanne Van Norstrand 79 North Front Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-7868 www.at-healthcare.com [email protected]

Always There Susan Koppenhaver 918 Ulster Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 339-6683 www.alwaystherehomecare.org [email protected]

AMPM Homecare & Companion William Boone 366 Albany Avenue, 2nd Floor Kingston, NY, 12401 (845) 443-4373 www.ampmhomecare.com [email protected]

Home Health Care & Companion Agency, Inc. Audrey Waters 366 Albany Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-1966 www.hhcac.com [email protected]

Leon & Beth Smith PO Box 566, Accord, NY 12404 (845) 626-3735 [email protected]

HOSPITALS Ellenville Regional Hospital Steven Kelley 10 Healthy Way, Ellenville, NY 12428 (845) 647-6400 www.ellenvilleregional.org [email protected]

John-Anthony Bruno Hudson Valley Region 121 Executive Drive, New Windsor, NY 12553 (845) 440-2536 www.cancer.org [email protected]

American Heart Association Kristin Judd 301 Manchester Road - Suite 105 Poughkeepsie, NY 12603 (845) 905-2121 www.heart.org [email protected]

American Red Cross of the Mid-Hudson Valley Laurynn Myers 4 Jefferson Plaza - Suite 302 Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 (845) 471-0200 www.redcross.org/eny [email protected]

Autism Society of America Hudson Valley Helen (Sis) Gonyea 30 Denver Road, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-0419 www.autism-society.org/chapter512 [email protected]

Berkshire Farm Center & Services for Youth Mary Alroy 160 Fairview Plaza - Suite 284, Hudson, NY 12534 (845) 238-1652 www.berkshirefarm.org

www.UlsterChamber.org 71

Boy Scouts of America / Rip Van Winkle Council Ray Braun 75 Pine Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 339-0846 www.rvwbsa.org [email protected]

Boys and Girls Club of Kingston, Inc. Joseph Fay 139 Greenkill Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-8666 [email protected]

Catholic Charities Community Services of the Archdiocese of NY Thomas Kelly 6 Adams Street - Suite 3, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 340-9170 [email protected]

The Children’s Home of Kingston Gwendolyn McCann 26 Grove Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-1448 www.chkingston.org [email protected]

Community Foundation of Ulster County

People’s Place Christine Hein 17 St. James Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-4030 www.peoplesplacekingston.org [email protected]

Prostate Cancer 101 Diane Sutkowski 8 Alcazar Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-7241 www.prostatecancer101.org [email protected]

Resource Center For Accessible Living, Inc. Susan Hoger 727 Ulster Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-0541 www.rcal.org [email protected]

Tobacco Free Action Communities in Ulster, Dutchess & Sullivan Ellen Reinhard 741 Grant Avenue, Lake Katrine, NY 12449 (845) 943-6070 www.tobaccofreeactioncoalition.org [email protected] Stacey Rein 450 Albany Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-4199 www.ulsterunitedway.org [email protected]

Family Of Woodstock

YMCA of Kingston and Ulster County

Jasmine Foundation, Inc. Heather Robinson 3 Stone Ridge Court, Woodstock, NY 12498 (845) 679-6512 www.jasminefoundation.com [email protected]

JFS of Ulster County Skit Rabbino 280 Wall Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-2980 www.jfsulster.org [email protected]

Junior Achievement of Northeastern New York, Inc. Barbara Reer 65 Amsterdam Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-3540 www.janeny.org [email protected]

Miles of Hope Breast Cancer Foundation Pari Forood PO Box 405, Lagrangeville, NY 12540 (845) 264-2005 www.milesofhope.org [email protected]

PEOPLE, Inc. Steve Miccio 360 Aaron Court, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 452-2728 www.projectstoempower.org [email protected]

72 Community Resource Guide 2016

Rondout Valley Engine Service Tony Kawalchuk 4969 Route 209, Accord, NY 12404 (845) 626-3412 [email protected]

INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES Northern Sling & Industrial Supplies Kevin Pitcock 43 Basin Road #1, West Hurley, NY 12491 (845) 338-1325 [email protected]

INSULATION Cutting Edge Spray Foam Services, Inc. Douglas Haeberer 1676 Route 212, Saugerties, NY 12477 (845) 679-6980 www.cesprayfoam.com [email protected]

United Way Of Ulster County

Kevin Quilty 280 Wall Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-2535 www.cfhvny.org [email protected] Michael Berg 39 John Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-7080 www.familyofwoodstockinc.org [email protected]


Heidi Kirschner 507 Broadway, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-3810 www.ymcaulster.org [email protected]

YWCA of Ulster County Daniel Ruback 209 Clinton Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-6844 www.ywcaulstercounty.org [email protected]

ICE CREAM & FROZEN DESSERTS Gillette Creamery Rich Gillette 47 Steves Lane, Gardiner, NY 12525 (845) 419-0900 www.gillettecreamery.com [email protected]

IDENTIFICATION SYSTEMS Mid-Hudson Photo ID Ernest Germano 10 Ulster Avenue, Ulster Park, NY 12487 (845) 338-0320 www.midhudsonid.com [email protected]

INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP William Paulus William Paulus 51 Orchard Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 339-3762 [email protected]

INSURANCE Academy General Insurance Agency Maryann DeGroodt 237 Fair Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-5510 www.agikingston.com [email protected]

ACSIA Partners Kirk Jensen PO Box 1125, Port Ewen, NY 12466 (914) 450-1123 www.kirkjensen.ltcfp.com [email protected]

Aflac - James W. Farnham James Farnham PO Box 85, New Paltz, NY 12561 (845) 255-2508 www.linkedin.com/in/jamesfarnham [email protected]

Benefit Counseling Associates DianaLou Wolff 70 Maiden Lane - 2nd Floor, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 339-1186 www.benefitcounselingassociates.com [email protected]

Berger & Solomon, Inc. Jonathan Berger 129 South Main Street, Ellenville, NY 12428 (845) 647-5000 www.bergersolomon.com [email protected]

DeForest Group, Inc. Alan DeForest 120 Wood Road, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 339-2114 www.deforestgroupinc.com

Diane Williams State Farm Dana Moses 790 Ulster Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-3882 www.dianewilliamsinsurance.com [email protected]

Emery & Webb, Inc.

Quilty, Dwyer & Larkin Insurance Agency

Karen J. McElrath 346 Old Post Road, Rhinebeck, NY 12572 (845) 876-4065 www.emerywebb.com [email protected]

John Dwyer 42 Main Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-4761 www.qdlinsurance.com [email protected]

Guerin & Guerin Agency, Inc. Joseph Guerin 44 Maiden Lane, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-1567 www.guerinagency.com [email protected]

Helsmoortel Insurance Greg Helsmoortel 148 Burt Street (Rt. 9W), Saugerties, NY 12477 (845) 246-9555 www.helsmoortel.com [email protected]

Kingston Risk Management Raymond Guerin 204 Fair Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 340-0771 [email protected]

Kingstone Insurance Company Thomas Seccia 15 Joys Lane, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-3288 [email protected]

La Voie & Company, Inc. David La Voie 440 Third Avenue - Suite 400 Watervliet, NY 12189 (877) 382-3416 www.lavoiecompany.com [email protected]

Louis Werbalowsky Long Term Care Insurance Specialist LTC Planning Group of NY 12 Park Drive, Woodstock, NY 12498 (845) 679-2017 www.lwerbalowskyltcglobal.com [email protected]

Marshall & Sterling Insurance Peter Carr 284 Plaza Road, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 454-0800 www.marshallsterling.com [email protected]

MassMutual Financial Group/Kingston Robert Deitrick 32 Maiden Lane, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-1100 [email protected]

Naccarato Insurance John Naccarato 100 Ulster Avenue, Saugerties, NY 12477 (845) 246-7134 www.naccaratoinsurance.com [email protected]

Northwestern Mutual Don Badgley 550 Stony Brook Court, Newburgh, NY 12550 (845) 569-1422 www.donbadgley.com [email protected]

Pardee’s Agency Inc. Barbara Buddenhagen 306 Wall Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-0025 www.pardeesinsurance.com [email protected]

The Reis Group Paul Casciaro 475 Washington Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-4656 www.reisinsurance.com [email protected]

Rose and Kiernan, Inc. Todd McNutt 55 Albany Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-6694 www.rkinsurance.com [email protected]

RSS Agency John DeForest 380 Washington Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 481-4036 www.rss-agency.com [email protected]

Ryan & Ryan Insurance Brokers, Inc. Robert Ryan 400 Stockade Drive, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 340-0001 www.ryanandryaninsurance.com [email protected]

Ulster Insurance Services Inc. Ronald Myers 180 Schwenk Drive, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-6000 www.ulstersavings.com [email protected]

The Valley Group Kevin Ryan 407 Hurley Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-2255 www.valleygroup.com [email protected]

Wiedenkeller Business and Commercial Insurance Todd Wiedenkeller 171 Main Street, New Paltz, NY 12561 (845) 255-7777 www.Winsurance.com [email protected]

INTERIOR DESIGN EvolveD Interiors & Design Showroom, LLC

INTERNET CONSULTANTS Site Optimized Doug Motel 472 Lefever Falls Road, Rosendale, NY 12472 (845) 363-4728 www.SiteOptimized.com [email protected]

INTERNET SALES Numrich Gun Parts Corp. Gregory Jenks 226 Williams Lane, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 679-3500 www.gunpartscorp.com [email protected]

INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDERS Webjogger Adam Greene 194 W Kerley Corners Road, Tivoli, NY 12583 (845) 757-4000 www.webjogger.net [email protected]

JEWELERS Bar-Jan Jewelry Repair Barry Barash 291 Wall Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 340-1691 [email protected]

Kingston Fine Jewelry Brandy Pavlich 207 Boices Lane, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 336-5455 www.kingstonfinejewelry.com [email protected]

Made From Coins Jessie Kislin Driscoll 6 Parker Lane, Woodstock, NY 12498 (845) 679-6856 www.madefromcoins.com [email protected]

Schneider’s Jewelers Inc. Thomas Jacobi 290 Wall Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-1888 www.schneidersjewelers.com [email protected]


Mari Mulshenock 86-88 Mill Hill Road, Woodstock, NY 12498 (845) 679-9979 www.evolvedinteriors.com [email protected]

Laborers’ Int. Union of N.A. Local No. 17

Interior Analysis

NYS United Teachers (Mid Hudson Regional Office)

Allan Skriloff 345 Abbey Road, Mount Tremper, NY 12457 (845) 679-6325 www.interioranalysis.com [email protected]

L. Todd Diorio 451 Little Britain Road #A, Newburgh, NY 12550 (845) 565-2737 www.Liuna17.com [email protected]

Ann Harrison 201 Stockade Drive, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 339-4450 www.nysut.org

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LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS Augustine Nursery Ronald & Michael Augustine 177 Van Kleecks Lane, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-4936 www.augustinenursery.com [email protected]

Masseo Landscape, Inc. Mark Masseo PO Box 8, New Paltz, NY 12561 (845) 658-9148 www.masseolandscape.com [email protected]


Town of Ulster Public Library Tracy Priest 860 Ulster Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-7881 www.townofulsterlibrary.org [email protected]

LIFE COACHING Empowerment Wins Ann Davison via Telephone (512) 785-3907 www.empowermentwins.com [email protected]

Peaceful Thunder Coaching

LIQUOR & WINE Boiceville Wines and Spirits John Gaffken PO Box 484 (Route 28), Boiceville, NY 12412 (845) 657-6262 [email protected]

Boulevard Liquors Robert Wolff 374 South Wall Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-4794

Lawn Doctor of Ulster & N.W. Dutchess Counties Craig Artist 177 Van Kleecks Lane, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 339-6788 www.lawndoctor.com [email protected]

Fitz’s Liquor Store, Inc Malcolm Harris 1355 Ulster Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 336-4974

74 Community Resource Guide 2016

Williams Lumber & Home Centers

Kimberley Williams 317 Kyserike Road, High Falls, NY 12440 (845) 687-7676 www.williamslumber.com [email protected]

MACHINE SHOPS Gnau Engineering

George Nau 338 Stoll Road, Saugerties, NY 12477 (845) 246-9244 [email protected]

MAGAZINES & PERIODICALS Association for the Promotion of Jewish Secularism

Gail Kandel PO Box 42, Woodstock, NY 12498 (845) 679-0569 www.TheCommunityGuide.net [email protected]

David Clegg 48 Main Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-7966 [email protected]

Margie Menard 55 Franklin Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-0507 www.kingstonlibrary.org [email protected]

Julie Jordan 151 Plaza Road, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-6300 www.herzogs.com [email protected]; [email protected]

TheCommunityGuide.net / First Connections, Inc.

David J. Clegg, Esq.

Kingston Library

Herzog’s True Value Home Center

Jason Stern 314 Wall Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 334-8600 www.luminarypublishing.com [email protected]




Luminary Publishing, Inc.

Theresa & David Gutierrez 53 Basin Road, West Hurley, NY 12491 (845) 339-5879 www.woodstocklandscaping.com

Rosa Lee Charpentier 209 Clinton Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 339-8080

Ursula Woinoski 936 Route 28, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 334-9463 The Wine Hutch on facebook [email protected]

Lawrence Bush PO Box 111, Accord, NY 12404 (845) 626-2427 www.jewishcurrents.org [email protected]

Woodstock Landscaping & Excavating, LLC

Family Advocates

Leon Wisneski 15 Boices Lane, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 336-5155 www.mironwineandspirits.com [email protected]

The Wine Hutch

Deborah Cohen 255 Village Court, Kingston, NY 12401 (914) 466-8024 www.deblifecoach.com [email protected]


Miron Liquor & Wine

Kingston Wine Co. Theresa Drapkin 65 Broadway, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 340-9463 www.KingstonWine.com [email protected]

Merchant Wine & Liquor Elizabeth Arlantico 730 Ulster Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-1923 www.themerchantwine.com [email protected]

MAILING SERVICES Cornerstone Services, Inc.

Sean Griffin 31 South Ohioville Road, New Paltz, NY 12561 (845) 255-5722 www.crst.net [email protected]

Kingston Post Office

Leon Griffin 90 Cornell Street, Kingston, NY 12401 www.usps.gov

MANUFACTURERS Ande Rooney Companies Inc. Peter Rooney 3 Lumen Lane, Highland, NY 12528 (845) 691-2260 www.anderooney.com [email protected]

Carole Amper, Inc. Carole Amper 309 Fair Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-0131 www.caroleamper.com [email protected]

Ceres Technologies, Inc. Kevin Brady 5 Tower Drive, Saugerties, NY 12477 (845) 247-4701 www.cerestechnologies.com [email protected]


Northeast Solite Corp.

Drew Wonderly 1711 Ulster Avenue, Lake Katrine, NY 12449 (845) 336-4511 www.wcd-drapery.com [email protected]

Dianne Walsh PO Box 166, Mount Marion, NY 12456 (518) 727-7447 www.nesolite.com [email protected]

The Wonderly Company Al Parsons & Pat Schweikart 25 Cornell Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-0148 www.wonderlys.com [email protected]


Stainless Design Concepts - SDC

Wolf-tec, Inc. Don Tegeler 20 Kieffer Lane, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 340-9727 www.wolf-tec.com [email protected]

Tonner Doll Company, Inc.

MANUFACTURERS AIR MOVING DEVICES Ametek Rotron Michael DeNicola 55 Hasbrouck Lane, Woodstock, NY 12498 (845) 679-2401 www.rotron.com

MANUFACTURERS CORRUGATED CARDBOARD Viking Industries Inc. Richard Croce 89 South Ohioville Road New Paltz, NY 12561 (845) 883-6325 www.vikingindustries.net [email protected]

Ed Wolf 5 Lumen Lane, Highland, NY 12528 (845) 691-7723 www.selux.us [email protected]


Kevin Collins 1117 Kings Highway, Saugerties, NY 12477 (845) 246-3631 www.stainlessdesign.com [email protected]

Michael Babcock 819 Route 32, Tillson, NY 12486 (845) 658-7181 www.wineracks.com [email protected]

SELUX Corporation

Ken Breitman, PHR 3300 Route 9W, Highland, NY 12528 (845) 691-6262 www.zumtobel.us [email protected]

Candido Perez 28 Canal Street, Ellenville, NY 12428 (845) 647-1900 www.optimumwindow.com [email protected]

WineRacks.com, Inc.


Zumtobel Lighting Inc.

Optimum Window Mfg. Corp.

Robert Tonner 301 Wall Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 339-9537 www.tonnerdoll.com [email protected]


MANUFACTURERS FERRITE CORES Fair-Rite Products Corp. Debra Sherman 1 Commercial Row, Wallkill, NY 12589 (845) 895-2055 www.fair-rite.com [email protected]

MANUFACTURERS INDUSTRIAL FASTENERS Alcoa Fastening Systems Russ Yeager 1 Corporate Drive, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-7300 www.alcoa.com [email protected]

MANUFACTURERS - LEATHER AmeriBag Inc. Todd Ravinett 77 Kukuk Lane, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 339-1292 www.ameribag.com [email protected]

MANUFACTURERS - PLASTIC Usheco, Inc. Bernarr Schaeffer 138 Maple Hill Drive, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 658-9200 www.usheco.com [email protected]

MANUFACTURERS PRECAST CONCRETE LHV Precast Inc. Robert Willis 540 Ulster Landing Road, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 336-8880 www.lhvprecast.com [email protected]

MANUFACTURERS PURIFICATION SYSTEMS US Health Equipment Co., Inc. Alethea Shuman 138 Maple Hill Drive, Kingston, NY 12401 (855) 247-9900 www.plantairpurifier.com [email protected]

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Jill Boris 57 Teller Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-0995 www.ulsterprecision.com [email protected]


Randy Stewart 180 South Street, Highland, NY 12528 (845) 883-4200 www.prismsolar.com


Jeremy Saltzman 791 South Street, Highland, NY 12528 (914) 714-0260 www.A-metro.com [email protected]

Janine Weil, Ltd.

Janine Weil 11 Hemlock Lane, Accord, NY 12404 (845) 399-5179 www.janineweilltd.com [email protected]

MARINAS New Ulster Marine

John Henriksen 440 Abeel Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 339-4364 www.newulstermarina.com/ [email protected]

Rondout Yacht Basin, Inc.

James Rothlein 102 First Street, Connelly, NY 12417 (845) 331-7061


MARTIAL ARTS Keith Bennett’s Karate Academy

Advantage Modular Homes

Keith Bennett 53 Albany Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-0009 www.keithbennettkarate.com [email protected]

John & Nicole Palmucci 553 Albany Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (877) 651-2174 www.advantagemodular.com [email protected]

MASONRY P J L Construction Inc. Peter Lang 866 W. Saugerties Woodstock Road Saugerties, NY 12477 (845) 246-9149 www.PJLconstructionInc.com [email protected]

MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES Astor Services for Children & Families Sonia Barnes-Moorhead 6339 Mill Street, Rhinebeck, NY 12572 (845) 871-1117 www.astorservices.org [email protected]

Family Practice Center of Kingston/Kingston Behavioral Health Virna Little 1 Family Practice Drive (Route 32) Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-2562 www.institute2000.org [email protected]

Hudson Valley Mental Health, Inc. Kevin Hazucha 239 Golden Hill, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 340-4000 www.hvmh.org [email protected]

Mental Health Association in Ulster Co., Inc. Ellen Pendegar PO Box 2304, Kingston, NY 12402 (845) 336-4747 www.mhainulster.com [email protected]

Brand Riffs Inc.

Gerald Patrick Cahill 244 Broadstreet Hollow Road Shandaken, NY 12480 (845) 688-3165 www.tapmind.com [email protected]

R C Horowitz & Company, Inc. Robert Horowitz PO Box 624, Chester, NY 10918 (212) 779-0033 www.rchorowitz.com [email protected]


Constance Snyder 284 Wall Street - 3rd floor, Kingston, NY 12401 845-331-7338 CRSRDesigns.com [email protected]

76 Community Resource Guide 2016



MOLD REMOVAL & PREVENTION H & H Environmental Kevin Hinchey 645 Route 212, Saugerties, NY 12477 (845) 246-3231 www.hhenvironmental.com [email protected]

MORTGAGES Cole Taylor Mortgage Robbie Pittelman 312 Wall Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 339-1341 [email protected]

Homestead Funding Corp. Merri Cook 942 Route 376 - Suite 218 Wappingers Falls, NY 12590 (845) 226-1010 www.homesteadfunding.com [email protected]

MOTORCYCLE SALES & SERVICE Woodstock Harley-Davidson Bill Nugent 949 Route 28, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-2800 www.woodstockharley.com [email protected]

MOVING & STORAGE SERVICE Allways Moving & Storage, Inc. Paul Benkert 85 Grand Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 339-5676 www.allwaysmovingandstorage.com [email protected]

Arnoff Moving & Storage David Feldman 1282 Dutchess Turnpike, Poughkeepsie, NY 12603 (845) 471-1504 www.arnoff.com [email protected]

MUSIC PUBLISHING/ PRODUCTION C-Note Productions Giorgio Catalinotto 244 Orchard Street, Hurley, NY 12443 (845) 853-9737 [email protected]

Homespun Tapes Ltd.

Aiding The Worlds Children Inc.

Jewish Federation of Ulster County, Inc.

Jane Traum PO Box 694, Woodstock, NY 12498 (845) 246-0494 www.homespun.com [email protected]

John Lee 15 Schryver Court, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 706-5331 www.aidingtheworldschildren.com [email protected]

Arlene Gould 1 Albany Avenue - Suite G-10, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-8131 www.ucjf.org [email protected]

Alzheimer’s Association

MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS/ INSTRUCTION Barcone’s Music Janice Barcone 528 Broadway, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-6089 www.barconesmusiconline.com [email protected]

NATURE PRESERVES Mohonk Preserve, Inc. Joseph Alfano PO Box 715, New Paltz, NY 12561 (845) 255-0919 www.mohonkpreserve.org [email protected]

NEWSPAPERS Daily Freeman Bob O’Leary 79 Hurley Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-5000 www.dailyfreeman.com [email protected]

MidHudsonNews.Com, A Div. of Statewide News Network, Inc. Hank Gross 42 Marcy Lane, Middletown, NY 10941 (845) 695-2923 www.midhudsonnews.com [email protected]

Shawangunk Journal Alex Shiffer 1 Market Street, Ellenville, NY 12428 (845) 647-9190 www.gunkjournal.com [email protected]

Times Herald Record Joe Vanderhoof 40 Mulberry Street, Middletown, NY 10940 (845) 341-1100 www.recordonline.com [email protected]

Ulster Publishing Co. Inc. Geddy Sveikauskas 322 Wall Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 334-8200 www.ulsterpublishing.com [email protected]

NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS Access: Supports for Living (formerly Occupations Inc.) Patti Archiere 15 Fortune Road West, Middletown, NY 10941 (845) 673-7127 www.occupations.org [email protected]

Elaine Sproat 2 Jefferson Plaza - Suite 103 Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 (845) 471-2655 www.alz.org/hudsonvalley [email protected]

Benedictine Health Foundation, Inc.

Kingston Veterans Association William Bittner PO Box 1711, Kingston, NY 12402 (845) 339-1486 [email protected]

Local Economies Project

Barbara Klassen 105 Mary’s Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 334-3186 www.benedictinehealthfoundation.org [email protected]

Brooke Pickering-Cole 43 Crown Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-5500 www.localeconomiesproject.org [email protected]

Circle of Friends for the Dying

Love Holds Life Children’s Cancer Foundation

Gai Galitzine PO Box 4334, Kingston, NY 12402 (845) 802-0970 www.cfdhv.org [email protected]

Court Appointed Special Advocates for Children Sharon Zepel 209 Clinton Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 339-7543 www.casaulster.org [email protected]

Family Services Brian Doyle 29 North Hamilton Street Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 (845) 452-1110 www.familyservicesny.org [email protected]

Girl Scouts Heart of the Hudson, Inc. Jamey Pratt Kingston Regional Office 65 St. James Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 790-2326 www.girlscoutshh.org [email protected]

HealthAlliance Foundation

Richard Senato PO Box 71, Wappingers Falls, NY 12590 www.LoveHoldsLife.org [email protected]

New Hope Community, Inc. Carl Santos Route 52, Loch Sheldrake, NY 12759 (845) 434-8300 [email protected]

Rondout Rowing Club Nelsie Aybar-Grau PO Box 1192, Kingston, NY 12401 www.rondoutrowingclub.org [email protected]

Woodstock Land Conservancy Marita Lopez-Mena PO Box 864, Woodstock, NY 12498 (845) 679-6481 woodstocklandconservancy.org [email protected]


Steffen Kraehmer 396 Broadway, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 334-2760 www.foundationupdate.org [email protected]

HITCH/Cancer Services Program of the Hudson Valley Lea Cassarino 2 Church Street - Suite 110, Ossining, NY 10562 (914) 488-6406 www.HITCH.org [email protected]

Hudson Valley Foundation for Youth Health Brigitte Dupre PO Box 3148, Kingston, NY 12402 (845) 339-0007 www.hvfyh.org [email protected]

Irish Cultural Center Hudson Valley Bob Carey PO Box 1235, Kingston, NY 12402 (914) 906-1165 www.icchv.org [email protected]

Hudson Valley Rehabilitation & Extended Care Center Donald Aldridge 260 Vineyard Avenue, Highland, NY 12528 (845) 691-7201 www.hudsonvalleyrehab.com

www.UlsterChamber.org 77

Hudson Valley Senior Residence

National Business Equipment, LLC

Martha Brammer 80 Washington Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-0630 www.hudsonvalleyseniorresidence.com [email protected]

Jack Plain 71 Ten Broeck Avenue - Room 100 Kingston, NY 12401 (518) 724-6455 www.national1927.com [email protected]

Toshiba Business Solutions NY Tom Becker 230 North Plank Road, Newburgh, NY 12550 (845) 562-2468 www.tbs.toshiba.com [email protected]

OFFICE FURNITURE Hudson Valley Office Furniture

Ten Broeck Commons Kathryn Romaguera 1 Commons Drive, Lake Katrine, NY 12449 (845) 336-6666 www.tenbroeckcommons.com [email protected]

Steven Chickery 375 Main Mall, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 (845) 471-7910 www.thewowguys.com [email protected]

OUTDOOR POWER EQUIPMENT Sheldon Hill Forestry Supply Kevin Pitcock 3094 Route 28, Shokan, NY 12481 (845) 657-6658 www.shforestrysupplies.com [email protected]

Mike’s Office Furniture Donald Shumen 299 South Wall Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-4027 www.mikesofficefurniture.com [email protected]


PAPER PRODUCTS - WHOLESALE Spiegel Bros. Paper Co. Elliott Spiegel 678 Albany Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-7206 [email protected]


HudsonValleyHelpWanted.com Gillian Barrett 11 Abrams Road, Central Valley, NY 10917 (800) 365-8630 www.HudsonValleyHelpWanted.com [email protected]

OPTICIANS/OPTOMETRISTS Drs. Chasin & Guarente Optometrists, PC

OFFICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES Bell Copiers Jeff Wexler 600 Violet Avenue, Hyde Park, NY 12538 (845) 452-2355 www.mybellcopy.com

CPM Service Nancy Raftis 18 Richard Road, Hyde Park, NY 12538 (845) 229-4276 www.cpmservice.com [email protected]

Metroland Business Machines Inc. Ed Neary 25 Kraft Avenue - Suite 2, Albany, NY 12205 (518) 452-2600 www.metrobusma.com [email protected]

78 Community Resource Guide 2016

Milton Chasin 240 Lucas Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 339-4990 www.eyes-ok.com [email protected]

Dr. Joseph Cohen, Optometrist Dr. Joseph Cohen 70 North Front Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-3400 www.cohenoptometry.com [email protected]

Fine & Park, LLC Michael Richmond 576-578 Broadway, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-3302 www.parkopticians.com [email protected]

Quinlan Optometry Tim Quinlan 72 Pine Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-1964

Callanan Industries, Inc. Todd Anson 1 Salem Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-6868 www.callanan.com [email protected]

PAYROLL & TAX PROCESSING Paychex Don Brewer 94 New Karner Road - Suite 100, Albany, NY 12203 (518) 456-4123

Ulster Payroll Services, Inc. Kelly Maroney 180 Schwenk Drive, Kingston, NY 12401 (866) 440-0391 www.ulstersavings.com [email protected]

PEST CONTROL ABC Pest Control, Inc. Robert Benincasa 290 Fair Street #10, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 340-1224 [email protected]

Craig Thomas Pest Control Lori Marx 1186 Route 9G, Hyde Park, NY 12538 (845) 338-5847 www.callcraig.com [email protected]

Environmental Pest Management

Walgreens / Kingston Plaza

Garry Persico 489 Old Stage Road, Saugerties, NY 12477 (845) 246-1622

Scott Schwark 201 Plaza Road, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-2265 www.walgreens.com [email protected]

Liberty Pest Control and Environmental Management Kristina Bonita 2629 Route 302, Middletown, NY 10941 (800) 278-7778 www.teamlem.com [email protected]

Pestmaster Services Barrett Alley / Paul Alley 75 Lucas Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 340-9700 www.pestmaster.com [email protected]

PET FOOD/SUPPLIES Bri-Er Pet & Feed Margaret Gutwein 219 Old Route 32, Saugerties, NY 12477 (845) 339-7760

PET GROOMING/BOARDING Club Pet Lorene Oakes 1848 Route 9W, Lake Katrine, NY 12449 (845) 336-5893

Reham Elshaer 3525 Route 9W, Highland, NY 12528 (845) 309-7597 UlsterGastro.com [email protected]

Wellness Rx, LLC Edward Ullmann 10 Old Route 213, High Falls, NY 12440 (845) 687-8500 [email protected]

Pestech - Pest Solutions Bruce Davidson PO Box 391, Liberty, NY 12754 (845) 339-3255 www.pestech.com [email protected]

Ulster Gastroenterology

PHOTOGRAPHY Angela P. Schapiro Photography Angela Schapiro 492 Ohayo Mountain Road, Woodstock, NY 12498 (845) 657-2541 [email protected]

Artcraft Todd Fitzgerald 520 Albany Avenue - Suite 2 Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-3141 www.artcraftcamera.com [email protected]

Corporate Image Photo Studio Michael Gold 1 Jacobs Lane, New Paltz, NY 12561 (845) 255-5255 www.CorporateConferencePhotography.com [email protected]

Keith Ferris Photo Keith Ferris 12 Middle Road, High Falls, NY 12440 (845) 532-0125 www.keithferrisphoto.com [email protected]

PIZZA Benny’s Pizzeria

Benny Calcagno 3835 Main Street (Rt. 209), Stone Ridge, NY 12484 (845) 687-4243 www.bennyspizzeriany.com

Plaza Pizza

Cecilia Savona 312 Plaza Road, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-4451 www.savonasplazapizza.com


David Pugliese 86 Smith Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 340-9349 www.faucetworks.com [email protected]

N & S Supply Inc.

Cindy Puma 25 Dederick Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-6700 www.nssupply.com [email protected]

Security Plumbing & Heating Supply James Canning 1074 Morton Blvd., Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 382-1579 www.secsupply.com

Pretty Pet Parlor Kristin Haber 1055 Morton Blvd., Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 336-7387 [email protected]

PHARMACIES Nekos-Dedrick’s Pharmacy George Nekos 86 North Front Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-8000 www.nekosdedricks.com [email protected]

Village Apothecary - Lake Katrine Neal Smoller 1561 Ulster Avenue, Lake Katrine, NY 12449 (845) 853-7347 www.villageapothecaryrx.com [email protected]

Village Apothecary - Saugerties Neal Smoller 31 Market Street, Saugerties, NY 12477 (845) 247-0010 www.villageapothecaryrx.com [email protected]

Village Apothecary - Woodstock Neal Smoller 79 Tinker Street, Woodstock, NY 12498 (845) 679-0790 www.villageapothecaryrx.com [email protected]

PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS Somsak Bhitiyakul, MD, FACP / Saharat Bhitiyakul, MD Nuise Bhitiyakul 368 Broadway - Suite 201, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 339-5811

Grand Street Medical Associates Tejas Shah 27 Grand Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-1535 www.GSMAdoc.com [email protected]

Medical Associates of the Hudson Valley, PC Craig Moss 360 Washington Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-7140 www.mahv.net

Mid Hudson Medical Group Sonia Young 1561 Route 9W, Lake Katrine, NY 12449 (845) 202-6222 www.midhudsonmedicalgroup.com [email protected]

Mid-Valley Cardiology/St.Peters Health Partners Med.Assoc. Dr. Ellis Lader 111 Marys Avenue - Suite 3, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 339-3663 www.sphp.com [email protected]

POLITICAL ORGANIZATIONS Ulster County Democratic Committee Frank Cardinale 32 John Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (914) 309-3090 www.ulstercountydemocrats.com [email protected]

POOLS & SPAS Aqua-Jet Pools & Service Inc.

John Turck 1606 Ulster Avenue, Lake Katrine, NY 12449 (845) 336-8080 www.aquajetpools.com [email protected]

SwimKing of Ulster

Gary Galderisi 805 East Chester Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 336-7665 www.swimkingpools.com [email protected]

POTTERY Bailey Pottery Equipment Corp.

Jim & Anne Bailey 62 Tenbroeck Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 339-3721 www.baileypottery.com [email protected]

www.UlsterChamber.org 79

PRE-SCHOOL Discovery Pre-School Cathy Johnan 3 DuBois Road, Shokan, NY 12481 (845) 657-8744 [email protected]

Snyder Printer Dan Martucci 691 River Street, Troy, NY 12180 (518) 272-8881 www.snyderprinter.com [email protected]

John Burlingham PO Box 2261, Kingston, NY 12402 (845) 338-5722 www.americanbus.com [email protected]

Redeemer Broadcasting, Inc. Dan Elmendorf PO Box 1520, Olivebridge, NY 12461 (888) 724-4427 www.redeemerbroadcasting.org [email protected]

Digital X-Press Gordon Bushway 5 Sand Creek Road, Albany, NY 12205 (518) 437-5349 www.digitalx-press.com [email protected]

Sound of LIFE Radio Network


Robert Tabatznik 867 Flatbush Road, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 336-4555 www.amerprint.com [email protected]

Nancy Tierney PO Box 2998, Kingston, NY 12402 (845) 514-2594 www.NancyTierney.com [email protected]

Artco’s Copy Hut

Party Pros East Coast

Christina Deibert 508 Albany Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 339-2336 www.thecopyhut.com [email protected]

Catskill Mountain Printing Services Steve Friedman 7971 Main Street, Hunter, NY 12442 (518) 263-2072 www.catskillmtn.org [email protected]

ColorPage Marketing & Publishing Services Frank Campagna 71 Tenbroeck Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-7581 www.colorpageonline.com [email protected]

Kenyon Press Inc. Paul DeMarco 1 Kenyon Press Drive, Sherburne, NY 13460 (607) 674-9066 www.kenyonpress.net [email protected]

PDQ Printing Plus Signs Peter Bowers 8 New Paltz Plaza, New Paltz, NY 12561 (845) 255-5500 www.pdqbiz.net [email protected]

Pro Printers David Scott 59 Fairview Avenue, Hudson, NY 12534 (518) 828-3278 www.pro-printers.com [email protected]

80 Community Resource Guide 2016

Chuck Benfer 20 Tucker Drive, Poughkeepsie, NY 12603 (845) 471-2300 www.clearchannelhudsonvalley.com Bob DeFelice 661 Little Britain Road, New Windsor, NY 12553 (845) 561-2131 www.FoxRadioAdvertising.com [email protected]

American Solutions for Business

American Printing & Office Supplies

Clear Channel Radio of the Hudson Valley

Fox Oldies 98.9FM (WGNY-FM)




Stephanie Romm PO Box 60309, King Of Prussia, PA 19406 (845) 255-0553 www.srproductions.org [email protected]

PROP DESIGN & FABRICATION American Made Monster Studios Michael Jubie 94-96 Tenbroeck Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 340-8428 www.americanmademonsterstudios.com

Tom Michaels Zahradnik 199 Tuytenbridge Road, Lake Katrine, NY 12449 (845) 336-6199 www.soundoflife.org [email protected]

TownSquare Media Mary Ridings 718 Broadway, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-1490 www.1490wkny.com [email protected]

WAMC 90.9 Northeast Public Radio Deborah Barrow 318 Central Avenue, Albany, NY 12206 (800) 323-9262 www.wamc.org [email protected]

WBPM Radio Don Verity 721 Broadway - Suite 101, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 340-1555 www.929wbpm.com [email protected]

WDST 100.1FM Radio Woodstock

PSYCHOTHERAPISTS Cathy Woyahn, LCSW-R Cathy Woyahn 44 Main Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 901-1076 [email protected]

Marg Garvila, MSW, LCSW-R, CT Marg Garvila PO Box 216, 3631 Main Street (Route 209) Stone Ridge, NY 12484 (845) 687-2322

PUBLISHERS/ILLUSTRATORS JMB Publications Joanne Michaels PO Box 425, Woodstock, NY 12498 (845) 679-5719 www.joannemichaels.com [email protected]

Richard Fusco 293 Tinker Street, Woodstock, NY 12498 (845) 679-7600 www.radiowoodstock.com [email protected]

REAL ESTATE Coldwell Banker Timberland Properties Joan Roberts 3998 Route 28, Boiceville, NY 12412 (845) 657-4177 www.timberlandproperties.com [email protected]

Coldwell Banker Village Green Realty Joan Conti Lonergan 11-13 Mill Hill Road, Woodstock, NY 12498 (845) 679-2255 www.villagegreenrealty.com [email protected]

Dorothy Pismopulos Real Estate

Taylored Real Estate

Dorothy Pismopulos 284 Bush Road, Stone Ridge, NY 12484 (845) 687-9647 [email protected]

Fredericka Taylor 226 Old Route 209, Hurley, NY 12443 (845) 679-0636 www.tayloredre.com [email protected]

Grist Mill Real Estate Elda Zulick 265 Main Street, Saugerties, NY 12477 (845) 246-3200 www.gristmillrealestate.com [email protected]

Halter Associates Realty

Tim Hurley, Realtor Tim Hurley Coldwell Banker Village Green Realty 268 Fair Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-5357 www.upstatenydreamhome.com [email protected]

Lisa Halter 3257 Route 212, Bearsville, NY 12409 (845) 679-2010 www.halterassociatesrealty.com [email protected]

Ulster County Board Of REALTORS

Hello Dolly Real Estate

Weichert Realtors - The Spiesman Group

Elizabeth Dolly Decker 81 Vineyard Avenue, Highland, NY 12528 (845) 691-2126 www.hellodollyrealestate.com [email protected]

Helsmoortel Realty Thomasine Helsmoortel 148 Burt Street (Route 9W), Saugerties, NY 12477 (845) 246-9555 www.helsmoortel.com [email protected]

James C. Dougherty, Lic. RE Broker Jim Dougherty 5 Tinker Street, Woodstock, NY 12498 (845) 679-6019 www.LenderAssetSolutions.com [email protected]

Joan B. Grant, Realtor Joan Grant 2 Garden Court, Saugerties, NY 12477 (845) 246-8973 [email protected]

John Hinson Realty Caryn Hinson 44 North Chestnut Street, New Paltz, NY 12561 (845) 489-1972 [email protected]

Mary Ann Miller Real Estate Associate Broker Mary Ann Miller 1 Cassidy Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 389-1092 http://www.villagegreenrealty.com/agents/ maryann-miller [email protected]

Murphy Realty Group John Murphy 304 Wall Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-5252 www.murphyrealtygrp.com [email protected]

Patty Conti Realty Group LLC Patty Conti 70 Main Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 340-4480 www.pattycontirealtygroup.com [email protected]

Allison Organtini 74 Broadway, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-5299 www.ulstercountyboardofrealtors.com [email protected] Randy Spiesman 223 Boices Lane, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 336-2633 www.weichertspiesman.com [email protected]

Westwood Metes & Bounds Realty, Ltd. Harris Safier 16 Hurley Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 340-1920 www.westwoodrealty.com [email protected]

Win Morrison Realty Win Morrison 63 John Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 339-1144 www.winmorrisonrealty.com [email protected]

Kingston’s Opera House Office & Retail Building Bill Oderkirk 275 Fair Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 399-1212 www.KingstonOperaHouse.com [email protected]

Michael DeWan Appraisal & Associates Michael DeWan, MAI 31 East Market Street Red Hook, NY 12571 (845) 758-5090 www.michaeldewanappraisal.com [email protected]

Robert G. Baum Commercial Real Estate Robert Baum 79 St. James Street Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 242-2100 [email protected]

Sperry Van Ness Deegan-Collins Commercial Associates Joe Deegan 411 Washington Avenue Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 339-9100 www.svndcca.com [email protected]


REAL ESTATE - APPRAISALS Eugene R. Gruner, NYS Lic. R.E. Appraiser Eugene Gruner 183 Pearl Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 417-5927 [email protected]

Hudson Valley Appraisal Corp. Michael Bernholz PO Box 1004, Port Ewen, NY 12466 (845) 331-8545 www.hvappraisal.com [email protected]

Catello Viviani PO Box 1091Kingston, NY 12402 (845) 532-1301 [email protected]

J & B Apartments Robert Jones PO Box 75, Shandaken, NY 12480 (845) 688-5713

Valuation Consultants, Inc. Gregory Langer 6 Front Street, Newburgh, NY 12550 (845) 568-0600 www.vciny.com [email protected]

REAL ESTATE INDUSTRIAL/COMMERCIAL Cushman & Wakefield / Pyramid Brokerage Company Robert Scherreik 356 Meadow Avenue - 2nd Floor Newburgh, NY 12550 (845) 522-5900 www.pyramidbrokerage.com [email protected]

Willow Manor, Inc. John Schaller 111 Lily Lane, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-8212 [email protected]

www.UlsterChamber.org 81

REAL ESTATE RENTAL PROPERTIES EVK Realty LLC Victoria St. John-Gilligan 50 Noone Lane, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 383-1659 [email protected]

Kingswood Business Park Pasquale Iovieno 33 Baisin Road, West Hurley, NY 12491 (845) 475-5117 [email protected]

Kirchhoff Medical Properties LLC Kyle Kirchhoff 199 West Road - Suite 101 Pleasant Valley, NY 12569 (845) 635-2000 www.kirchhoffcompanies.com [email protected]

TechCity Gregory Strong 300 Enterprise Drive, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 383-0400 www.techcityny.com [email protected]

Cantine Veterans Complex, Town of Saugerties Greg Chorvas 33 Pavilion Street, Saugerties, NY 12477 (845) 246-5890 www.saugerties.ny.us [email protected]

Mountain Wings, Inc. Greg Black 77 Hang Glider Road, Ellenville, NY 12428 (845) 647-3377 www.mtnwings.com [email protected]

Northeast Off-Road Adventures

Matrix Apartments, Ltd. Kerry & David Moskowitz 23 Sun Mountain Road, Boiceville, NY 12412 (888) 247-7917 www.stuyvesantapts.com [email protected]

Tara Bach PO Box 539, Crugers, NY 10521 (845) 514-9896 [email protected]


Jeffrey Farber 9 Esopus Drive, Saugerties, NY 12477 (845) 247-5535 www.ophirasailing.com [email protected]

Ophira Sailing/Farber Brothers Inc.

Kevin O’Connor 289 Fair Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-2140 www.rupco.org [email protected]

Skate Time 209

T & N Properties Inc. Bonnie Steinberg 96 Ohayo Mountain Road Woodstock, NY 12498 (845) 679-4251

REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT/ INVESTMENT Birchez Associates, LLC Steve Aaron 104 Smith Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-2097 www.birchez.com [email protected]

Crossroads Ventures LLC Dean Gitter 6 Galli Curci Road, Highmount, NY 12441 (845) 254-4090 www.belleayreresort.com [email protected]

Historic Kingston Waterfront Development Robert Iannucci 325 Gold Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201 (718) 596-0504 [email protected]

Hudson Landing Thomas Perna 1 Executive Boulevard, Yonkers, NY 10701 (914) 965-3990 www.HudsonLanding.com [email protected]

Hudson Valley Wine Village Andrew Maxon 191-200 Blue Point Road, Highland, NY 12528 (203) 219-1400

82 Community Resource Guide 2016

RECORDING STUDIOS Levon Helm Studios Barbara O’Brien 160 Plochmann Lane, Woodstock, NY 12498 (845) 224-5320 www.levonhelm.com [email protected]

Night Owl Productions Inc. Robert Euvino 390 Valley View, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 339-6099 [email protected]

RECORDS MANAGEMENT Iron Mountain Gene Sorbellini PO Box 477, Port Ewen, NY 12466 (845) 338-2131 www.ironmountain.com [email protected]

Record Storage Solutions Joseph Bahnatka PO Box 640, Rhinebeck, NY 12572 (845) 876-6138 www.recordstoragesolutionsinc.com [email protected]

RECREATION Bounce Trampoline Sports Bruce Katz 2 Neptune Road, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 (845) 206-4555 www.bounceonit.com [email protected]

Len & Terry Bernardo 5164 Route 209, Accord, NY 12404 (845) 626-7971 www.skatetime209.com [email protected]

Skydive The Ranch Joe Richards Sand Hill Road, Gardiner, NY 12525 (845) 255-4033 www.skydivetheranch.com [email protected]

Town Tinker Tube Rental Harry Jameson III 10 Bridge Street, Phoenicia, NY 12464 (845) 688-5553 www.towntinker.com [email protected]

WAKA Kickball & Social Sports Johnny LeHane 67 N. Parsonage Street, Rhinebeck, NY 12572 (845) 678-3122 kickball.com [email protected]

Wood ‘n Wheel Family Fun Center Bud Sorbello 365 Broadway, Ulster Park, NY 12487 (845) 331-9680 www.woodnwheel.com [email protected]

Zena Recreation Park Liza Mones PO Box 688, 714 Zena Highwoods Road Woodstock, NY 12498 (845) 679-8098 www.zenarec.com [email protected]

RECYCLING Ulster County Resource Recovery Agency Timothy Rose 999 Flatbush Road, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 336-0600 www.ucrra.org [email protected]

RENTAL SERVICE Broadway Photo Booth Nancy Donskoj 93 Broadway, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-8473 www.BroadwayPhotoBooth.com [email protected]

RECYCLING - SCRAP METAL Millens Recycling, LLC Joan Millens 4 Kieffer Lane, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-7600 www.millensrecycling.com [email protected]

REHABILITATION SERVICES The Arc of Ulster-Greene John McHugh 471 Albany Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-4300 www.ugarc.org [email protected]

Cerebral Palsy of Ulster County Gerard Dohrenwend 250 Tuytenbridge Road, Lake Katrine, NY 12449 (845) 336-7235 www.cpulster.org [email protected]


Enviro-Clean Robert Earl 70 Coy Road, Clintondale, NY 12515 (845) 883-5563 www.porta-potty.com [email protected]

Jami Amusement & Vending Co.

Nevele Resort

[email protected]

Michael Smith Government Center, 5th Floor, Ellenville, NY 12428 (845) 647-6000 www.nevele.com [email protected]

Portable Cooler Rentals LLC

Wildberry Lodge

Mitchell DeCarlo PO Box 1000, Saugerties, NY 12477 (917) 848-6999

Karl Brueckner 2 Brueckner Lane, West Hurley, NY 12491 (845) 338-0079 www.portablecoolerrentals.com

Steve Turk Route 299 South Ohioville Road New Paltz, NY 12561 (845) 691-2927 [email protected]

Sav-On Party Centre Scott Herrington


500 Kings Mall Court, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 336-5800

Alebrijes Mexican Delicacies


Jose Velasco 298 Wall Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 853-8388 [email protected]

[email protected]

Spencer Daniels Agency, Inc.

Never Alone

Jeff Siegel

Max Mauer 20 Crofts Road, Hurley, NY 12443 (845) 339-4272 [email protected]

740 Glen Wild Road, Woodridge, NY 12789

Annarella Ristorante

(845) 693-4576

Joseph DeGrezia 276 Malden Turnpike, Saugerties, NY 12477 (845) 247-7289 www.AnnarellaRistorante.com [email protected]

Transformation Life Center Tim Walterbach 395 Floyd Ackert Road, West Park, NY 12493 (845) 384-6511 www.TLC911.org [email protected]

www.spencerdaniels.com [email protected]

RESEARCH - ONLINE Rawl Research, Inc. Michelle Rawl 188 Marcott Road, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 383-1946 www.rawlresearch.com [email protected]

RESORTS Honor’s Haven Resort & Spa Wendy Lupinski-Beck 1195 Arrowhead Road, Ellenville, NY 12428 (845) 210-1600 www.HonorsHaven.com [email protected]; [email protected]

Blue Mountain Bistro-to-Go Mary Anne Erickson 948 Route 28, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 340-9800 www.bluemountainbistro.com [email protected]

Boitson’s Restaurant Maria Philippis 47 North Front Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 339-2333 www.boitsons.com [email protected]

The Chateau Nicole Colon 240 Boulevard, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-4386 www.thechateauevents.com [email protected]

www.UlsterChamber.org 83

Chic’s Restaurant & Sports Bar

Bev & Art Daley 226 Plaza Road, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-1537 www.chicsrestaurant.webs.com

Crazy Bowlz Restaurant, Inc.

Jenny Yeing Ben Dong 301 Frank Sottile Blvd., Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 382-6955 www.crazybowlz.net [email protected]

Deer Mountain Inn

Lilly Slezak 790 County Route 25, Tannersville, NY 12485 (518) 589-6268 www.deermountaininn.com [email protected]

Dietz Stadium Diner

Helen Loizou 127 North Front Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-5321 [email protected]

Eng’s Restaurant

Tom Sit 726 Broadway, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-3520

Frank Guido’s Little Italy

Frank Guido 14 Thomas Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 340-1682 www.frankguidoslittleitaly.com [email protected]

Frogmore Tavern

George & Emily Lewandowski 63 North Front Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 802-0883 www.frogmoretavern.com [email protected]

Goods Luncheonette

Kingston Wok

Rene’s Bistro Inc.

Mee Lin (Christine) Aw 1353 Ulster Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 336-6979

Rene Castellanos 33-37 John Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-2300

Mariner’s Harbor

Santa Fe Uptown

Sal Guido 1 Broadway, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 340-8051 www.marinersharbor.com [email protected]

Savonas Trattoria & Pizza

Moe’s Southwest Grill Jonathan Trager 1153 Ulster Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (415) 235-5061 www.moes.com [email protected]

Ole Savannah Southern Table & Bar Mark Guido 100 Rondout Landing, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-4CUE (4283) www.olesavannah.com [email protected]

Olive Garden Regina Delpozzo 560 Kings Mall Court, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 336-4867 www.olivegarden.com [email protected]

Olympic Diner Louie Petritsis 620 Washington Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-2280 [email protected]

Phoenicia Diner

Zach Johnan 4125 Route 28, Boiceville, NY 12412 (845) 594-8579 www.facebook.com/GoodsandServ [email protected]

Michael Cioffi 5681 Route 28, Phoenicia, NY 12464 (845) 688-9957 www.PhoeniciaDiner.com [email protected]

Grounded NY

Port Ewen Diner

Linda Laestadius 83 Broadway, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 514-3432 www.Facebook.com/GroundedNY [email protected]

Hickory Barbecue & Smokehouse Steve & Jill Slutzky 743 Route 28, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-2424 www.hickoryrestaurant.com [email protected]

Hoffman House Restaurant

Padraic & Virginia Bradley 94 North Front Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-2626 www.hoffmanhousetavern.com [email protected]

Hokkaido Japanese Restaurant

Ching-Chiang Wang 18 Church Street, New Paltz, NY 12561 (845) 633-1546

Kerhonkson Diner

Sibbie & Neftali Lemus 6315 Route 209, Kerhonkson, NY 12446 (845) 626-3360 [email protected]

84 Community Resource Guide 2016

Lisa Zwerdling 295 Broadway, Port Ewen, NY 12466 (845) 339-8972 www.portewendiner.com [email protected]

Postage Inn, Inc. James Jerkowski 838 Route 32, Tillson, NY 12486 (845) 658-3434 www.postageinn.com [email protected]

Rainbow Drive-In Charles Boughton 90 Old Route 9W, Port Ewen, NY 12466 (845) 384-6670 www.thefrozenrainbow.com [email protected]

Reginato Ristorante Kevin Reginato 34 Leggs Mill Road, Lake Katrine, NY 12449 (845) 336-6968 www.reginatoristorante.com [email protected]

Jim Demosthenes 11 Main Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 339-7777 www.SantafeKingston.com Stephen Savona 11 Broadway, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 339-6800 www.savonas.com [email protected]

Ship to Shore Restaurant, Inc. Samir Hrichi 15 West Strand, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 334-8887 www.shiptoshorehudsonvalley.com [email protected]

Sportsman’s Alamo Cantina, Ltd. Michael Ricciardella 70 Main Street, Phoenicia, NY 12464 (845) 688-5370 www.alamocantina.com [email protected]

Uptown Coffee Jenna Benincasa 288 Wall Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-1300 www.uptowncoffeekingston.com [email protected]

RETAIL Kenco, the Work and Play Outfitter Bill Kennedy 1000 Hurley Mountain Road, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-5021 www.atkenco.com [email protected]

Sam’s Club Charles Duhart 801 Frank Sottile Blvd., Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 382-1320 www.samsclub.com

Tractor Supply Co. Shawn Adorno 1611 Ulster Avenue, Lake Katrine, NY 12449 (845) 336-5038 www.tractorsupply.com [email protected]

Walmart Harold Pettengill 601 Frank Sottile Boulevard, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 336-4159 www.walmart.com

RETIREMENT COMMUNITIES Mountain Valley Manor Adult Care Home Sal DePoala / Taber McNaughton 397 Wilbur Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-1254 www.mountainvalleymanor.com [email protected]

Sunshine Tees and Embroidery, Inc. Michael Jubie 17 Dederick Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 339-4455 www.sunshinetees.com [email protected]

SECURITY/PRIVATE INVESTIGATION Alert Security & Investigations, Inc.

ROOFING & SIDING Colonial Roofing & Siding Co., Inc. Rick Oakley 325 South Wall Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-2049 www.colonialroofingny.com [email protected]

J & A Roofing Co., Inc. Ian Horowitz 3 Clarendon Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 339-2020 www.jaroofing.com [email protected]

S.A.P. Exteriors Inc. Stephen Padusnak 460 Cottekill Road, Stone Ridge, NY 12484 (845) 901-9080 www.SAPmetalmasters.com [email protected]

SANITATION SERVICES County Waste & Recycling Joe Paone 461 Ross Ruland Ext., South Cairo, NY 12482 (845) 901-1386 www.county-waste.com [email protected]

Lenny Zapka & Kevin Costello 130 North Front Street - Suite #2 Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 802-0926 www.alertsecurityinc.com [email protected]; [email protected]

Steve Laubach PO Box 723, Highland, NY 12528-0723 (914) 456-5148 www.HudsonValleyRibfest.org [email protected]

Junior League of Kingston, NY Inc. Beth Hanigan PO Box 1214, Kingston, NY 12402 (845) 430-1053 www.juniorleaguekingston.org [email protected]

Kingston Kiwanis Club

Scott Perry 2002 Route 17M, Goshen, NY 10924 (800) 646-0438 www.atlassecurityservices.us [email protected]

Ray Radel PO Box 3161, Kingston, NY 12402 (845) 338-1694 www.kingstonkiwanis.org [email protected]

Corporate Protection Group Inc.

Kingston Rotary Club

Ivan Krajcovic PO Box 635, Saugerties, NY 12477 (518) 678-9944 www.corporateprotectiongroup.com [email protected]

Georgiana Pangburn PO Box 3581, Kingston, NY 12402 www.kingstonnyrotary.org [email protected]

Hudson Valley Professional Investigations

Kingston Sunrise Rotary Club

Michael Dorritie 188 Bayard Street, Port Ewen, NY 12466 (646) 773-5801 www.hudsonvalleypi.com [email protected]

Kingston Security Center

Bart Guglielmetti 244 Clinton Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-1198 www.KingstonSecurityCenter.com

Liberty Security Services

Jake Back PO Box 2767, Kingston, NY 12402 (845) 418-3577 www.LSSASAP.com [email protected]

Jonathan Kaplan 409 Route 82, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533 (845) 896-6000 www.royalcarting.com [email protected]

Colleen Mountford PO Box 4262, Kingston, NY 12402 (845) 430-1394 www.kingstonsunriserotary.org [email protected]

Lions Club of Kingston John Burlingham PO Box 3433, Kingston, NY 12402 (845) 331-1004 www.kingstonlions.com [email protected]

Ulster County Habitat For Humanity Christine Brady-LaValle 406 Route 28, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 340-0907 www.UlsterHabitat.org [email protected]

SERVICE STATIONS Perry’s Service Station

Waste Management

Peter Ferraro 649 Broadway, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-5111 www.perrystowing.com

Bill Curran 264 Old Flatbush Road, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-8011 www.wm.com [email protected]


SCREEN PRINTING Howard Johnson 502 Wilbur Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 340-0790 www.signsandtees.com [email protected]

Highland Rotary Club Inc.

Atlas Security Services

Royal Carting

Johnson’s Signs and Tees


SEPTIC SERVICE Johnny-on-the-Spot Disposal Service, Inc. Mike Jasinski 210 Mohonk Road, High Falls, NY 12440 (845) 687-7702

Brad’s Barns & Gazebos Joe Charmello 903 Route 28, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 339-2276 www.bradsbarns.com [email protected]

www.UlsterChamber.org 85



Terry Parisian 1300 Ulster Avenue - Suite #310 Kingston NY, 12401 (845) 336-8000 www.shophudsonvalleymall.com [email protected]

John Kelly 83 South Chestnut Street - Suite 1 New Paltz, NY 12561 (845) 399-0262 www.Kogent-Systems.com [email protected]

Kingston Plaza

Paul Bennett 6 Rousner Lane, New Paltz, NY 12561 (347) 542-8330 www.prajnainc.com [email protected]

Brad Jordan PO Box 3328, Kingston, NY 12402 (845) 338-6300 [email protected]

SIGNS FASTSIGNS Todd Fitzgerald 520 Albany Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-5800 www.fastsigns.com/638-kingston-ny [email protected]

Prajna Inc.

SOLAR ENERGY American Reliant Corp. Jim Cranston 1100 Josephs Blvd., Saugerties, NY 12477 (845) 247-8121 www.americanreliant.com [email protected]

River Rock Health Spa Babs Moley 62 Ricks Road, Woodstock, NY 12498 (845) 679-7800 www.riverrock.biz [email protected]

Savor Spa and OM Aroma and Co. Elizabeth Larsen 1633 Glasco Turnpike, Woodstock, NY 12498 (845) 684-7148 www.savorspa.com www.omaroma.com [email protected]

SPORTING EVENTS HITS Endurance John Eickman 319 Main Street, Saugerties, NY 12477 (845) 247-7275 www.hitsendurance.com [email protected]

SPORTING GOODS Anaconda Sports

Timely Signs

John Stote 85 Katrine Lane, Lake Katrine, NY 12449 (845) 336-4024 www.anacondasports.com [email protected]

Joe Beichert 154 Clinton Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-8710 www.timelysigns.com [email protected]



Stainless Steel Welding Service

Paradise Energy Solutions Joseph Zietz 4 Crotty Lane, New Windsor, NY 12553 (877) 851-9269 www.visitpes.com [email protected]

Gerald Weiner 711 County Route 6, High Falls, NY 12440 (917) 836-4687 www.nyccertifiedwelding.com [email protected]

STONE Ken Ostrander Stone Works


Potter Brothers Ski & Patio Furniture Dan Potter 57 City View Terrace (Route 28) Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-5119 www.potterbrothers.com [email protected]

Windham Mountain Resort Michael Pickett 19 Resort Drive, Windham, NY 12496 (518) 734-4300 www.windhammountain.com [email protected]

86 Community Resource Guide 2016

Ken Ostrander 75 Silver Hollow Road, Willow, NY 12495 (845) 901-7531

STORAGE Affordable Self Storage of Kingston Todd Baright 390 Flatbush Road, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-4050 www.affordable-selfstorage.com [email protected]

That Storage Place, LLC Victor Behoriam 1586 Route 28, West Hurley, NY 12491 (800) 647-8673 www.thatstorageplace.com [email protected]

SUMMER CAMPS Camp Huntington High Falls, LLC Daniel Falk 56 Bruceville Road, High Falls, NY 12440 (845) 687-7840 www.camphuntington.com [email protected]

SUNROOMS/CONSERVATORIES Hudson Valley Sunrooms Christopher Smalley 355 Broadway, Port Ewen, NY 12466 (845) 339-1787 www.hvsk.fourseasonssunrooms.com [email protected]


CornerStone Telephone Company

Wall Street Abstract

Kate Deitrich 2 Third Street - Suite 303, Troy, NY 12180 (518) 272-1018 www.cstel.com [email protected]

Michael Groppuso, Sr. / Diana Spada 321 Wall Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-3584 www.wsatitle.com [email protected]

CR Telecommunications & Data, Inc. Dennis Bush 550 Lattintown Road Marlboro, NY 12542 (845) 236-3980 [email protected]

Hudson Valley Telephone Richard Soden 187 East Market Street - Suite 200 Rhinebeck, NY 12572 (845) 876-2759 www.hudsonvalleytelephone.com [email protected]

Brooks and Brooks Land Surveyors

Superior Telephone Systems

Patricia & Richard Brooks 11 Main Street, Highland, NY 12528 (845) 691-7339 www.brooksandbrooks.us [email protected]

Dave Jones 2410 Route 44, Salt Point, NY 12578 (845) 338-1544 www.superiortelephone.com [email protected]

Heidecker Land Surveying, PLLC

Verizon Wireless

John Heidecker 42 Crown Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 901-7629 www.heideckerls.com [email protected]

Kimberly Lane 1200 Ulster Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 853-7351 www.verizonwireless.com [email protected]

TAX PREPARATION H & R Block Gary Diggle 1 Boices Lane, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 336-8137 www.hrblock.com [email protected]

Lou Kolano, EA Tax/Financial Services Lou Kolano 106 Hurley Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 340-0010 www.loukolano.com [email protected]

Marianne E. Wood-Jensen Tax and Accounting, Inc. Marianne Wood-Jensen 703 Ulster Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 802-0371 [email protected]

TELEPHONE SYSTEMS & SERVICE AT&T Lisa Crinieri 1137 Ulster Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 336-0710 www.att.com/wireless [email protected]

TIRE DEALERS & DISTRIBUTORS Van Kleeck’s Tire Inc. Clayton Van Kleeck 1987 Ulster Avenue, Lake Katrine, NY 12449 (845) 382-1292 www.vankleeckstire.com [email protected]

TITLE INSURANCE Freer Abstract, Inc. Lori Henry PO Box 3113, Kingston, NY 12402 (845) 339-0091 [email protected]

Old Republic Title Marlene Hass 501 New Karner Road - Suite 4 - 2nd Floor Albany, NY 12205 (518) 463-6616 [email protected]

Universal Land Abstract, Inc. G. Evert Movall 207 Fair Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-6015

Woodstock Abstract & Title Company Tammy Rigney 239 Wall Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-4452 [email protected]

TOUR OPERATORS Hudson River Valley Tours LLC Anita Peck / Ernie Bruno PO Box 474, Rosendale, NY 12472 (845) 658-3101 www.hrvtours.com [email protected]

TOURISM MARKETING Friends of the Catskill Interpretive Center Helen Chase 187 Chase Road, Shokan, NY 12481 (845) 657-2107 [email protected]

Gunks, Inc. Evan Marks 84 School Hill Road, High Falls, NY 12440 (845) 687-3054 www.gunks.com [email protected]

TRANSPORTATION 511NY Rideshare Tami Herendeen c/o UCAT1 Danny Circle, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 340-8535 www.511nyrideshare.org [email protected]

NJoy the Ride Nadine Ferraro 106 Abruyn Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 594-1836 www.NJoytheride.com [email protected]

TRAVEL AGENCIES Booked By Barthel Travel Virginia Barthel 1460 Route 28, West Hurley, NY 12491 (845) 810-2747 www.bookedbybarthel.com [email protected]

Central Holidays Marco Evangelista 250 Moonachie Road, Moonachie, NJ 07074 (888) 482-5887 www.centralholidayswest.com [email protected]

www.UlsterChamber.org 87

Citslinc International, Inc. Leo Liu 108 North Ynez Avenue - Suite 205 Monterey Park, CA 91754 (626) 571-0616 [email protected]

Cruise Planners - American Express Tracy Bonetti 18 York Place, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 334-9522 www.tracyscruises.com [email protected]

Destinations Ireland & BEYOND Declan O’Brien 91 Broadway - Suite 1, Kingston, NY 12401 (212) 757-5797 www.Destinations-Ireland.com [email protected]

UNIFORMS/UNIFORM SUPPLY SERVICE Ulster Uniform Service Inc. Michael Ferraro 541 Broadway, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-2717 www.ulsteruniform.com [email protected]

VETERINARY PATHOLOGY VetPath Services – Registered Mill Rock LLC Joshua Smirin 4299 US Highway 209, Stone Ridge, NY 12484 (845) 687-2850 www.vetpathservices.com [email protected]

Uniforms USA Inc. Gerard Price 202 Partition Street, Saugerties, NY 12477 (845) 247-8185 [email protected]


VIDEO PRODUCTION Cinetopia Media Group, LLC Tim McArdle PO Box 216, Lake Katrine, NY 12449 (845) 943-2278

Cinetrope Entertainment Aaron Weisblatt PO Box 3832, Kingston, NY 12402 (845) 750-5244 www.cinetrope.com [email protected]

NOEL Travel Noel VanEtten 378 Hasbrouck Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 802-0101 www.Noeltravel.agentstudio.com [email protected]

TREE SERVICES Armin’s Tree Service Armin Schwab-Hill 74 Furnace Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 399-2552 www.NYTreePro.com [email protected]

J&J Tree Works, Inc. Kathy Palladino PO Box 222, Saugerties, NY, 12477 (845) 706-6505 www.JandJTreeWorks.com [email protected]

TRUCK/EQUIPMENT REPAIR Karrze Truck & Trailer Repair David Kahrs 655 Abeel Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 399-5326 [email protected]

W.S.M. Onsite Truck & Equipment Repairs, Inc. William Miller 99 Stonybrook Road Walker Valley, NY 12588 (845) 399-1696 www.wsmonsite.com [email protected]

TRUCKING Ron Barringer Trucking & Excavating Jaymee and Ron Barringer 5923 Route 44/55, Kerhonkson, NY, 12446 (845) 389-3652

88 Community Resource Guide 2016

VACUUMS Aerus/Electrolux Peter Fabiano 270 Kings Mall Court, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 336-6891 www.fabulousvacs.com [email protected]

VETERINARY CARE Cottonwood Creek Holistic Veterinary Center Rebecca Kryzak 230 Partition Street, Saugerties, NY 12477 (845) 247-3763 www.cottonwoodcreekvet.com [email protected]

Gardiner Animal Hospital Matthew Goodnow 177 Main Street, Gardiner, NY 12525 (845) 255-1549 www.gardineranimal.com [email protected]

Hurley Veterinary Hospital PC Mark Rosenberg 509 Hurley Avenue, Hurley, NY 12443 (845) 331-7100 www.hurleyvethospital.com [email protected]

Kingston Animal Hospital PC Arnold Rugg 456 Albany Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-0240 www.kingstonanimalhospital.com [email protected]

Ellenbogen Group, Inc./Seven21 Media Center Jeremy Ellenbogen 721 Broadway, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 339-9600 www.ellenbogen.com [email protected]

Matt Kehoe Media Matt Kehoe 3 South Road, Mt. Marion, NY 12456 (845) 901-2685 [email protected]

Nostrand Productions Christopher Nostrand 53 Albany Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 532-3403 www.nostrandproductions.com [email protected]

VOICEOVER Reservoir Road Productions Liz de Nesnera PO Box 34, Olivebridge, NY 12461 (973) 610-2019 www.HireLiz.com [email protected]

WAGERING Off Track Betting Corporation Donald Groth Box 3000, Pomona, NY 10970 (845) 362-0400

WASTE PAPER BROKERAGE Jordan Trading, Inc. Elizabeth Jordan 31 Albany Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-5379 [email protected]

WATER CONDITIONING Culligan Water Company Mark McGovern 131 Little Britain Road, Newburgh, NY 12550 (845) 561-3728 www.getculligan.com [email protected]

Gen Tech Environmental Services Inc. Joan DiGrazia PO Box 136, Stone Ridge, NY 12484 (845) 687-0420 www.thewaterplace.org [email protected]

WATER WELL PUMPS/SERVICE A & D Pumps Tony and Debbie Sieber 35 Birch Street, West Hurley, NY 12491 (845) 679-8659 [email protected]

WEB SITE DEVELOPMENT Curious Minds Media Eric Meyer 268 West Chestnut Street Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 790-3357 www.curiousm.com [email protected]

DragonSearch Kim Virga 8 North Front Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 383-0890 www.dragonsearchmarketing.com [email protected]

Evolving Media Network Kale Kaposhilin 288 Wall Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-3220 www.evolvingmedia.net [email protected]

J.T.S. Design, Inc. Jeff Severson PO Box 24, Ulster Park, NY 12487 (845) 338-5989 www.jtsdesign.com [email protected]

KDA Web Technologies Wesley Dean 211 Main Street - Suite 101, New Paltz, NY 12561 (315) 520-8358 www.kdaweb.com [email protected]

Raleigh Green Inc. Raleigh Green 557 Broadway - Suite 4C, Port Ewen, NY 12466 (845) 481-4550 www.raleighgreeninc.com [email protected]

Wiltwyck Web Design Pete Perry 39 Church Street, Bloomington, NY 12411 (845) 332-4982 www.wiltwyck.com [email protected]

WIND CHIMES Woodstock Chimes Garry & Diane Kvistad 167 DuBois Road, Shokan, NY 12481 (845) 657-6000 www.chimes.com [email protected]

WINDOWS/DOORS Crawford Door & Window Sales, Inc. Steven Bauch 747 Route 28 - Suite 3, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 331-5317 www.cdwsales.com [email protected]

WINERIES Shawangunk Wine Trail Jude DeFalco PO Box 526, Marlboro, NY 12542 (845) 256-8456 www.shawangunkwinetrail.com [email protected]

WRITERS/AUTHORS/ JOURNALISTS The Writer Man Ford Franklin 1668 Rt. 9 Unit 10K, Wappingers Falls, NY 12590 (845) 616-6970 www.writer-man.com [email protected]

YARN SHOPS The Perfect Blend Yarn & Tea Shop Mary Ebel 50 Market Street, Saugerties, NY 12477 (845) 246-2876 www.yarnandteashop.com [email protected]


Pinewoods Farm Tina Bouton 71 Phillips Road, Saugerties, NY 12477 (845) 246-2203 www.pinewoodsfarmwoolshop.com [email protected]

www.UlsterChamber.org 89

ALPHABETICAL MEMBER LISTING 511NY Rideshare....................................................... 87

A A & D Pumps......................................................... 89 A & T Healthcare LLC.......................................... 71 A Better Choice Fuel Service, LLC................... 70 A Kingston B&B at the Thomas L. Southwick House.......................... 58 A Razor’s Edge Barbershop & Salon, Inc........ 58 A Special Touch Of New York Inc......................60 A-All-Phase Electric............................................ 62 AAA Fuel and Service, Inc.................................. 70 ABC Fuels, Inc....................................................... 70 ABC Pest Control, Inc......................................... 78 Academy General Insurance Agency............... 72 Access: Supports for Living (formerly Occupations Inc.)............................ 77 ACSIA Partners.................................................... 72 Adams Fairacre Farms........................................ 69 Adelphi University............................................... 65 Adirondack Trailways / Pine Hill Trailways / New York Trailways.......................................... 59 Advance Auto Parts Store #7522.................... 56 Advanced Radiant Design, Inc...........................54 Advantage Modular Homes.................................76 Aerus/Electrolux..................................................88 Affordable Self Storage of Kingston................86 Aflac - James W. Farnham.................................. 72 Aiding The Worlds Children Inc......................... 77 Albany International Airport.............................54 Albany Med EmUrgentCare............................... 69 Alcoa Fastening Systems................................... 75 Alebrijes Mexican Delicacies............................. 83 Alert Security & Investigations, Inc................. 85 Alexander Milne, DDS..........................................64 Alfandre Architecture, PC..................................54 All American Ford of Kingston LLC........... 56, 57 Allen Ross Architecture, LLC............................54 Allways Moving & Storage, Inc...........................76 Always There......................................................... 71 Alzheimer’s Association..................................... 77 AmeriBag Inc........................................................ 75 American Cancer Society.................................... 71 American Cleaners..............................................64 American Heart Association.............................. 71 American Made Monster Studios.....................80 American Printing & Office Supplies...............80 American Red Cross of the Mid-Hudson Valley............................................. 71 American Reliant Corp.......................................86 American Solutions for Business.....................80

90 Community Resource Guide 2016

Americas Best Value Inn.................................... 52

Bell Copiers........................................................... 78

Ameriprise Financial, S.M. Miller &

Bell’s Christmas Trees........................................ 66

Associates.......................................................... 67

Belleayre Conservatory...................................... 55

Ametek Rotron..................................................... 75

Belleayre Mountain Ski Center..........................86

AMPM Homecare & Companion......................... 71

Belleayre Region Lodging

Anaconda Sports.................................................86

and Tourism Association................................. 52

Ande Rooney Companies Inc............................. 75

Benchmark Payment Networks........................ 63

Andrade Architecture PLLC..............................54

Benedictine Health Foundation, Inc................. 77

Andreassen Builders LLC...................................60

Benefit Counseling Associates......................... 72

Angela P. Schapiro Photography...................... 79

Benny’s Pizzeria................................................... 79

Annarella Ristorante........................................... 83

Berardi, Gottstine & Miller, CPAs, PC............... 53

Anthony M. Buzzeo, CPA.................................... 53

Berger & Solomon, Inc........................................ 72

Antiques Dealers Association Of Ulster County...............................................54 Apple Greens Golf Course..................................68 April and Co.......................................................... 58 Aqua-Jet Pools & Service Inc............................ 79 Aquarius Styling Center..................................... 58 Arbonne International........................................ 69 The Arc of Ulster-Greene .................................. 83 Archie Lawrence & Son, Inc............................... 62 Aristeia Metro, Inc................................................76 Armin’s Tree Service...........................................88 Arnoff Moving & Storage.....................................76 Artco’s Copy Hut..................................................80 Artcraft.................................................................. 79 Arthur F. Mulligan, Inc......................................... 59 Arts Society of Kingston.................................... 55 Ashokan Center, Inc............................................. 61

Berkshire Farm Center & Services for Youth............................................................. 71 BEST WESTERN PLUS Kingston Hotel and Conference Center.................................... 52 Somsak Bhitiyakul, MD, FACP / Saharat Bhitiyakul, MD.................................... 79 Big Belly Deli........................................................ 63 Binnewater Ice Co., Inc....................................... 58 Birchez Associates, LLC..................................... 82 Blair Collectibles................................................... 61 Blanchard Electric............................................... 62 Blue Hill Lodge & Cafe........................................ 52 Blue Mountain Bistro-to-Go............................... 83 Boice Brothers Dairy............................................76 Boiceville Wines and Spirits................................74 Boitson’s Restaurant........................................... 83

Assemblymember Kevin A. Cahill.....................68

Booked By Barthel Travel................................... 87

Association for the Promotion

Bop to Tottom.......................................................68

of Jewish Secularism........................................74

Bottini Fuel............................................................ 70

Astor Services for Children & Families.............76

Boudoir Baby Fine Nursery Furniture.............. 57

AT&T....................................................................... 87

Boulevard Liquors.................................................74

Atlas Security Services...................................... 85

Bounce Trampoline Sports................................. 82

Augustine Nursery...............................................74 Autism Society of America

Boy Scouts of America/Rip Van Winkle

Hudson Valley................................................... 71

Council................................................................ 72 Boys and Girls Club of Kingston, Inc................ 72 Brad’s Barns & Gazebos..................................... 85


Bradley Farrier Service....................................... 67

B & L Stables......................................................... 71

Brainstorm Computers and Technology . ........ 61

Bailey Pottery Equipment Corp........................ 79

Brand Riffs Inc.......................................................76

Bali Originals......................................................... 71

Bri-Er Pet & Feed................................................. 79

The Bank of Greene County............................... 57

Brian Hommel Home Improvement, LLC.......... 71

Bar-Jan Jewelry Repair...................................... 73

Brinnier and Larios, PC...................................... 66

Barcone’s Music................................................... 77

Broadway Photo Booth....................................... 83

Beautiful Bodies Auto Body.............................. 56

Brooks and Brooks Land Surveyors................. 87

Beauty Prophet.................................................... 58

Buonsignore Construction Corp....................... 62

Beer World III Corporation................................. 58

Buttermilk Falls Inn & Spa.................................. 52

Begnal Motors...................................................... 57

Byron’s Hudson Valley Hearing Aid Centers... 70

C C & C Unisex Hair Design................................... 58 C-Note Productions..............................................76 C/T Marketing....................................................... 53 C2G Environmental Consultants, LLC....... 61, 66 Cabinet Designers, Inc........................................ 59 CableTrak Systems, Inc....................................... 59 Callanan Industries, Inc...................................... 78 Camp Huntington High Falls, LLC..................... 87 Camping World of the Hudson Valley............... 59 Cantine Veterans Complex, Town of Saugerties........................................... 82 Capacity Business Consulting............................ 61 Carey Construction............................................. 62 Carole Amper, Inc................................................ 75 Catello Viviani....................................................... 81 Caterino’s Hairstyling......................................... 58 Catherine Charuk, Attorney at Law................. 55 Catholic Charities Community Services of The Archdiocese of NY............................... 72 Cathy Woyahn, LCSW-R......................................80 Catskill Animal Sanctuary..................................54 Catskill Art & Office Supply, Ltd....................... 55 Catskill Hudson Bank.......................................... 57 Catskill Mountain Printing Services.................80 Catskill Mountain Railroad Company, Inc........ 56 CDPHP................................................................... 69 Cedar Winds Farm................................................ 66 Center for Spectrum Services........................... 65 Central Holidays................................................... 87 Central Hudson Gas & Electric..........................88 Cerebral Palsy of Ulster County........................ 83 Ceres Technologies, Inc...................................... 75 Drs. Chasin & Guarente Optometrists, PC...... 78 The Chateau.......................................................... 83 The Chazen Companies...................................... 66 Chic’s Restaurant & Sports Bar........................84 Child Care Connections...................................... 63 The Children’s Home of Kingston..................... 72 Christie’s Appliance Repair................................54 Cindy O’Connor Bookkeeping Service............. 53 Cinetopia Media Group, LLC..............................88 Cinetrope Entertainment...................................88 Circle of Friends for the Dying.......................... 77 Citizens Bank........................................................ 57 Citslinc International, Inc...................................88 City of Kingston...................................................68 City of Kingston Police Dept..............................68 Clear Channel Outdoor....................................... 53 Clear Channel Radio of the Hudson Valley.....80 Clinton Avenue United Methodist Church.......60 Close Out New York, Inc.....................................64 Club Pet................................................................. 79 CNS Ratings LLC.................................................. 62 Coffee System Of The Hudson Valley, Inc........ 61

Dr. Joseph Cohen, Optometrist......................... 78 Cohens Breads and Pastries Inc....................... 57 Coldwell Banker Timberland Properties..........80 Coldwell Banker Village Green Realty.............80 Cole Taylor Mortgage...........................................76 Colonial Roofing & Siding Co., Inc..................... 85 ColorPage Marketing & Publishing Services......................................80 Combined Energy Services................................ 70 Comfort Inn........................................................... 52 Community Foundation of Ulster County........ 72 Community Products CP LLC............................ 75 Concert Ideas, Inc................................................. 61 Cook, Netter, Cloonan, Kurtz & Murphy, PC.... 55 Copperhood Retreat & Spa................................ 52 Cornell Cooperative Extension of Ulster County................................................ 65 Cornerstone Services, Inc...................................74 CornerStone Telephone Company.................... 87 Corporate Image Photo Studio......................... 79 Corporate Protection Group Inc....................... 85 Cottonwood Creek Holistic Veterinary Center.............................................88 The Council of Industry...................................... 59 Country Care Carpet Cleaning..........................60 County Waste & Recycling................................. 85 Court Appointed Special Advocates for Children........................................................ 77 Courtney Strong, Incorporated.......................... 61 Courtyard by Marriott......................................... 52 CPM Service.......................................................... 78 CPS Excavating Co., Inc...................................... 62 CR Telecommunications & Data, Inc................ 87 Cracker Mill Hearth & Emporium...................... 70 Crafts People........................................................ 63 Craig Thomas Pest Control................................ 78 Crawford Door & Window Sales, Inc................. 89 Crazy Bowlz Restaurant, Inc.............................84 Crossroads Ventures LLC................................... 82 CRSR Designs........................................................76 Cruise Planners - American Express...............88 Culligan Water Company.................................... 89 Cummings Engineering, PC............................... 66 Curious Minds Media........................................... 89 Cushman & Wakefield / Pyramid Brokerage Company.......................................... 81 Custom Dental Lab Inc.......................................64 Cutting Corner Hair Salon & Day Spa.............. 58 Cutting Edge Spray Foam Services, Inc........... 72

D D & J Distributors................................................ 79 Daily Freeman....................................................... 77 Dale Carnegie Systems....................................... 62 Daniel D. Gagnon, CPA, PC................................. 53

Darienlake Kingston LLC.................................... 52 David J. Clegg, Esq...............................................74 David Laks Videography.....................................88 Deer Mountain Inn...............................................84 DeForest Group, Inc............................................. 72 Deising’s Bakery & Restaurant.......................... 57 DeLucas Management Resources.................... 62 The Den of Marbletown....................................... 58 Dennis Oppenheimer, DDS.................................64 Dentists’ Office of the Hudson Valley..............64 Denton Tavares Paes LLC................................... 55 Design Principles................................................. 67 Destinations Ireland & BEYOND.......................88 Diamond Mills Hotel & Tavern........................... 52 Diane Williams State Farm................................. 72 Dietz Stadium Diner............................................84 Digital X-Press......................................................80 Discovery Pre-School..........................................80 Dorothy Pismopulos Real Estate....................... 81 DragonSearch....................................................... 89 Duet Fine Wood Work, LLC................................. 59 Dutchess Beer Distributors...............................64 Dutton Architecture, PLLC................................54 Dwyer Contracting............................................... 62

E Eight Point Contracting...................................... 62 Elizabeth White.................................................... 53 Ellenbogen Group, Inc./Seven21 Media Center.................................................................88 Ellenville Central School District...................... 65 Ellenville Regional Hospital................................ 71 Emergency One Urgent Care & Diagnostic Center................................................................. 69 Emerson Resort & Spa........................................ 52 Emery & Webb, Inc............................................... 73 Empire State Bank............................................... 57 Empowerment Wins..............................................74 Energy Conservation Specialists LLC.............. 66 EnergyNext, Inc..................................................... 61 Eng’s Restaurant..................................................84 Enviro-Clean......................................................... 83 Environmental Pest Management.................... 79 Esopus Business Alliance................................... 59 ESOTEC, Ltd.......................................................... 58 Ethan Allen Transportation................................ 59 Ethan Allen Workforce Solutions...................... 65 Eugene R. Gruner, NYS Lic. R.E. Appraiser............................................................. 81 Eureka!................................................................... 56 EVK Realty LLC.................................................... 82 EvolveD Interiors & Design Showroom, LLC................................................. 73 Evolving Media Network..................................... 89 Excel Auto Glass Corp.........................................68

www.UlsterChamber.org 91

Excelsior Wood Products................................... 67 Expert Cleaning Service.....................................60

F F.W. LaMotte Contracting................................... 62 Facilities Maintenance Corp...............................60 Fair-Rite Products Corp...................................... 75 Family Advocates..................................................74 Family Health Center of Ellenville / Healthy Start / Family Dental Care............... 69 Family Health Center of New Paltz................... 69 Family Health Center of Port Ewen.................. 69 Family Of Woodstock........................................... 72 Family Practice Center of Hyde Park............... 69 Family Practice Center of Kingston................. 69 Family Practice Center of Kingston / Kingston Dental................................................64 Family Practice Center of Kingston / Kingston Pediatrics.......................................... 69 Family Practice Center of Kingston / Kingston Behavioral Health.............................76 Family Services.................................................... 77 FASTSIGNS............................................................86 Fine & Park, LLC.................................................. 78 Fine Home Designs............................................... 61 Fine Woodworking by William............................60 Finkelstein & Partners........................................ 55 Fire-Guard Inc....................................................... 63 Firecracker Productions.....................................80 Fireside Warmth Inc............................................ 70 Firmbach & Firmbach, CPAs.............................. 53 First Niagara Bank............................................... 57 Fitz’s Liquor Store, Inc.........................................74 Flanigan’s Cleaners, Inc......................................64 Fleisher’s Craft Butchery................................... 59 The Law Firm of Sharon C. Fletcher, PLLC..... 55 The Flooring Source............................................ 67 Flower Nest........................................................... 67 Focus Media Inc.................................................... 53 Forward Solutions................................................ 62 Fox Oldies 98.9FM (WGNY-FM).........................80 Francis P. Flynn, CPA........................................... 53 Frank Guido’s Little Italy....................................84 Freer Abstract, Inc............................................... 87 Frida’s Bakery & Cafe.......................................... 57 Friends of Senate House, Inc.............................. 71 Friends of the Catskill Interpretive Center..... 87 Frogmore Tavern..................................................84 Frost Valley YMCA................................................ 61 The Fun-E Farm....................................................60

G Galileo Technology Group.................................. 62 Gardiner Animal Hospital...................................88 Gateway Community Industries, Inc................60

92 Community Resource Guide 2016

Gen Tech Environmental Services Inc............. 89 Gene DeStefano, DDS..........................................64 Gentle Office Cleaning........................................60 George Kackos..................................................... 63 George W. Redder, Esq........................................ 55 Gilberto Nunez, DDS, LLC..................................64 Gilday Creative, Inc............................................. 69 Gillette Creamery................................................ 72 Gilpatric VanVliet Funeral Home.......................68 Girl Scouts Heart of the Hudson, Inc............... 77 Glenn Shepard Seminars.................................... 62 Global Dwelling...................................................... 61 Globaltransol LLC................................................ 67 Gnau Engineering.................................................74 Golden Hill Nursing & Rehabilitation Center................................................................. 77 Goods Luncheonette...........................................84 Goosetown Communications.............................. 61 Grand Street Medical Associates..................... 79 Graphic Ally.......................................................... 69 Green Heart Farms.............................................. 66 Green Heat Inc..................................................... 70 The Green Janitor, Inc.........................................60 Green Mountain Energy Company.................... 65 Grist Mill Real Estate........................................... 81 Grounded NY........................................................84 Gruner Law Office................................................ 55 GSB Surgical Services........................................ 69 Guerin & Guerin Agency, Inc.............................. 73 Guidance Medical Personnel, Inc...................... 66 Gunks, Inc.............................................................. 87

H H & H Environmental............................................76 H & R Block........................................................... 87 H2M Architects & Engineers.............................54 Halter Associates Realty..................................... 81 Hampton Inn Kingston........................................ 52 Hardee’s Ulster Commons................................. 67 Harmony House & Home Inspections, LLC...... 71 Headless Horseman Hayrides & Haunted Houses................................................................ 56 HealthAlliance Foundation................................. 77 HealthAlliance of the Hudson Valley................. 71 Health Options NY............................................... 69 Health Quest.......................................................... 71 Heartland.............................................................. 63 Heidecker Land Surveying, PLLC..................... 87 Hello Dolly Real Estate........................................ 81 Helsmoortel Insurance....................................... 73 Helsmoortel Realty.............................................. 81 Henry A. Gleich, CPA, PC................................... 53 Heritagenergy...................................................... 70 Herzog Law Firm PC........................................... 55 Herzog’s True Value Home Center....................74

Hickory Barbecue & Smokehouse....................84 Highland Rotary Club Inc................................... 85 Historic Huguenot Street.................................... 71 Historic Kingston Waterfront Development..................................................... 82 HITCH/Cancer Services Program of the Hudson Valley.................................................... 77 HITS Endurance...................................................86 HITS, Inc................................................................ 56 Hoffman House Restaurant...............................84 Hokkaido Japanese Restaurant........................84 Home Health Care & Companion Agency, Inc......................................................... 71 Home Plate Deli & Caterers...............................60 Homespun Tapes Ltd........................................... 77 Homestead Funding Corp....................................76 Honda of Kingston............................................... 57 Honor’s Haven Resort & Spa...............52, 83, 86 Howard Johnson Inn........................................... 52 Hudson Landing................................................... 82 Hudson River Cruises, Inc.................................. 63 Hudson River Design...........................................54 Hudson River Maritime Museum....................... 56 Hudson River Technologies, Inc......................... 61 Hudson River Transports...................................64 Hudson River Valley Environmental, LLC........ 66 Hudson River Valley Tours LLC......................... 87 Hudson River Ventures.......................................64 Hudson Solar........................................................86 Hudson Valley Appraisal Corp............................ 81 Hudson Valley Creative Arts Therapy Services, Inc. (HVCATS).................................. 70 Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union................. 63 Hudson Valley Financial Services..................... 67 Hudson Valley Foot Associates......................... 70 Hudson Valley Foundation for Youth Health... 77 Hudson Valley Hospice....................................... 70 Hudson Valley LGBTQ Community Center, Inc.......................................................... 53 Hudson Valley Mall..............................................86 Hudson Valley Mental Health, Inc......................76 Hudson Valley Office Furniture......................... 78 Hudson Valley Pattern for Progress................. 59 Hudson Valley Professional Investigations..... 85 Hudson Valley Rehabilitation & Extended Care Center........................................................ 77 Hudson Valley Renegades.................................. 66 Hudson Valley Resort & Spa.............................. 52 Hudson Valley Senior Residence...................... 78 Hudson Valley Sportsdome................................ 66 Hudson Valley Sunrooms................................... 87 Hudson Valley Telephone................................... 87 Hudson Valley Wine Village................................ 82 HudsonValleyHelpWanted.com.......................... 78 Hunter Mountain Resort..................................... 56 Hurley Veterinary Hospital PC..........................88



Image Balancing.................................................. 62

Karrze Truck & Trailer Repair............................88 Kate’s Lazy Meadow............................................ 52 Kathleen H. Dittus, Esq....................................... 55 KC Engineering and Land Surveying, PC......... 61 KDA Web Technologies....................................... 89 Keegan Ales, LLC................................................. 59 Keith Bennett’s Karate Academy......................76 Keith Ferris Photo................................................ 79 Kelder’s Farm........................................................ 66 Ken Ostrander Stone Works..............................86 Kenco, the Work and Play Outfitter..................84 Kenneth Mironer Construction, LLC................ 63 Kenyon Press Inc.................................................80 Kerhonkson Diner................................................84 KeyBank................................................................. 57 Keyser Funeral and Cremation Service Inc.....68 Kimball & O’Brien, PC......................................... 53 Kingston Alliance Church...................................60 Kingston Animal Hospital PC............................88 Kingston Audiology Center................................ 70 The Kingston Cigar Shoppe...............................60 Kingston City School District............................ 65 Kingston Collision................................................ 56 Kingston Cyclery.................................................. 59 Kingston Festival of the Arts............................. 66 The Kingston Film Festival................................. 55 Kingston Fine Jewelry........................................ 73 Kingston Green Dry Cleaners............................64 Kingston Housing Authority..............................68 Kingston Kiwanis Club........................................ 85 Kingston Lanes.................................................... 59 Kingston Library...................................................74 Kingston Nissan................................................... 57 Kingston Oil Supply Corp................................... 70 Kingston Overhead Door....................................64 Kingston Physical Therapy & Sports Rehab, PC........................................................... 70 Kingston Plaza.....................................................86 Kingston Post Office............................................74 Kingston Risk Management............................... 73 Kingston Rotary Club.......................................... 85 Kingston Security Center................................... 85 Kingston Sunrise Rotary Club........................... 85 Kingston VA Community Based Outpatient Clinic................................................................... 70 Kingston Veterans Association......................... 77 Kingston Wine Co..................................................74 Kingston Wok........................................................84 Kingston’s Opera House Office & Retail Building............................................................... 81 Kingstone Insurance Company......................... 73 Kingswood Business Park.................................. 82 Kirchhoff Medical Properties LLC.................... 82 Klomm Construction............................................ 61

Independent Financial Services........................ 67 Information Mine, Inc.......................................... 63 Interior Analysis.................................................. 73 International Planning Alliance......................... 67 Interstate Battery................................................ 58 Irish Cultural Center Hudson Valley................. 77 Iron Mountain....................................................... 82 Ivy Lodge Assisted Living.................................. 78

J J & A Roofing Co., Inc......................................... 85 J & B Apartments................................................. 81 J & C’s Fine Furniture Repairs & Refinishing.....................................................68 J & J Sass Electric, Inc....................................... 62 J&J Tree Works, Inc.............................................88 J. Michael Bruhn, Jr., Esq................................... 55 J.R.’s Auto Body, Inc............................................ 56 J.T.S. Design, Inc.................................................. 89 Jackson Lewis P.C................................................ 55 Jaffer Electric, Inc............................................... 62 James C. Dougherty, Lic. RE Broker . .............. 81 James E. Quigley III, CPA................................... 53 James Lyman Reynolds, Architect PC............54 Jami Amusement & Vending Co....................... 83 Janine Weil, Ltd.....................................................76 Jasmine Foundation, Inc.................................... 72 Jerry’s Wood Floor Refinishing......................... 67 Jewish Federation of Ulster County, Inc......... 77 JFS of Ulster County........................................... 72 Jim Bracco Classic Auto Broker Service........ 56 Jim’s Mufflers Inc................................................ 57 JK’s Wine & Liquor...............................................74 JMB Publications.................................................80 Joan B. Grant, Realtor......................................... 81 Joe Beez Famous Sandwiches.......................... 67 John A. Coleman Catholic High School........... 65 John Carroll Spiritual Counseling & Healing.. 70 John Hinson Realty.............................................. 81 John R. Nobel, CFO/Controller Interim Services.............................................................. 53 Johnny-on-the-Spot Disposal Service, Inc..... 85 Johnson’s Signs and Tees.................................. 85 Jordan Trading, Inc.............................................. 89 Joseph Diacovo, DMD.........................................64 Joseph Hurwitz & Associates - Architects.....54 JSP Plumbing and Heating................................ 70 Junior Achievement of Northeastern New York, Inc..................................................... 72 Junior League of Kingston, NY Inc.................. 85

KOgent Systems, LLC.........................................86 Kona Ice Mid Hudson Valley North................... 67 Kristen Willson..................................................... 70 KTA Resources LLC.............................................60 KUBA-Kingston Uptown Business Association........................................................ 59

L La Voie & Company, Inc...................................... 73 Laborers’ Int. Union of N.A. Local No. 17......... 73 Landmark Development Co. Inc......................... 81 Lane Financial Management.............................. 67 Laura Kopczak...................................................... 62 Lawn Doctor of Ulster & N.W. Dutchess Counties.............................................74 The Lazy Swan Golf & Country Club Village.................................................................68 LCS Companies....................................................60 Levon Helm Studios............................................ 82 LHV Precast Inc................................................... 75 Liazon Benefits.................................................... 66 Liberty Pest Control and Environmental Management...................................................... 79 Liberty Security Services.................................. 85 Lifeguard Systems Inc........................................64 Lime Energy........................................................... 61 Lions Club of Kingston........................................ 85 Local Economic Opportunities (The LEO Group)............................................... 65 Local Economies Project.................................... 77 Lou Kolano, EA Tax/Financial Services........... 87 Louis Werbalowsky Long Term Care Insurance Specialist......................................... 73 Love Holds Life Children’s Cancer Foundation......................................................... 77 Love-Effron........................................................... 70 Lowe Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning Inc.........................................54 LUCAS Architecture & Planning.......................54 Lucky Chocolates Chocolate Shop and Organic Cafe.............................................. 59 Luminary Publishing, Inc.....................................74 Lynn S. Formica, CPA.......................................... 53

M M&T Bank.............................................................. 58 MAC Fitness 9W................................................... 67 MAC Fitness at Kingston Plaza......................... 67 Made From Coins................................................. 73 Mainetti, Mainetti & O’Connor, PC.................... 56 Manpower Staffing.............................................. 66 Marg Garvila, MSW, LCSW-R, CT.......................80 Marianne E. Wood-Jensen Tax and Accounting, Inc.......................................... 87 Mariner’s Harbor..................................................84

www.UlsterChamber.org 93

Marist College (Office of the President).......... 65 Mark Anderson & Progeny LLC Plumbing Heating & A/C.................................54 Marshall & Sterling Insurance........................... 73 Martino Electrical & Air Conditioning, Inc...... 62 Mary Ann Miller Real Estate Associate Broker............................................... 81 Masseo Landscape, Inc........................................74 MassMutual Financial Group/Kingston............ 73 Maternal-Infant Services Network of Orange, Sullivan, Ulster Counties.................. 70 Matrix Apartments, Ltd...................................... 82 Matt Kehoe Media................................................88 Matthew C. Hall & Company, CPAs, LLP.......... 53 Matthews & Grieco, Esqs.................................... 56 Mauri Architects PC............................................54 Maverick Concerts, Inc....................................... 55 Maynard, O’Connor, Smith & Catalinotto LLP............................................. 56 McDonald’s of Kingston #837........................... 67 Medenbach & Eggers.......................................... 66 Medical Associates of the Hudson Valley, PC............................................. 79 Meltzer & Hill Wealth Advisory, LLC................ 67 Mental Health Association in Ulster Co., Inc.....................................................76 Merchant Wine & Liquor......................................74 Metroland Business Machines Inc.................... 78 Michael DeWan Appraisal & Associates........... 81 Michael’s Candy Corner...................................... 59 Mid Hudson Medical Group................................ 79 Mid-Hudson Oral and Maxillofacial, PC............64 Mid-Hudson Photo ID.......................................... 72 Mid-Hudson School Study Council................... 65 Mid-Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union......... 63 Mid-Valley Cardiology/St. Peters Health Partners Medical Association........................ 79 MidHudsonNews.Com, A Div. of Statewide News Network, Inc............................................ 77 Mike’s Earthworks................................................ 62 Mike’s Office Furniture........................................ 78 Miles of Hope Breast Cancer Foundation......................................................... 72 Millens Recycling, LLC........................................ 83 Miller/Howard Investments Inc......................... 67 Milne, Inc...............................................................54 Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction.............. 69 Minnewaska Lodge.............................................. 52 Miron Liquor & Wine.............................................74 MNTM Engineering-Land Surveying................ 66 Moe’s Southwest Grill.........................................84 Mohonk Mountain House.................................... 83 Mohonk Preserve, Inc.......................................... 77 Moore Construction............................................ 63 Morgan Stanley Wealth Management.............. 67 Dr. Donna J. Moss................................................ 62

94 Community Resource Guide 2016

Mother Earth’s Storehouse, Inc........................ 69 Mountain Meadows B & B................................... 58 Mountain Valley Manor Adult Care Home.......84 Mountain Wings, Inc............................................ 82 Moving Right Along.............................................60 Murad Law Firm................................................... 56 Murphy Realty Group........................................... 81 Musialkiewicz Construction Co., Inc.................. 61 MVP Health Care................................................. 69

Optimum Window Mfg. Corp.............................. 75


Park View Terrace, LLC.......................................54

N & S Supply Inc.................................................. 79 Naccarato Insurance........................................... 73 Nana’s Angels Day Care..................................... 63 National Business Equipment, LLC.................. 78 Nekos-Dedrick’s Pharmacy................................ 79 NETCO.................................................................... 66 Nevele Resort, Casino & Spa............................. 83 Never Alone.......................................................... 83 New Beginnings Salon & Spa............................. 58 New Hope Community, Inc................................. 77 New Ulster Marine................................................76 New Visions.......................................................... 62 New York State Bridge Authority.....................68 Newburgh/NYC North KOA................................ 59 Next Boutique......................................................60 Nicholas Pascaretti............................................. 62 Night Owl Productions Inc................................. 82 NJoy the Ride....................................................... 87 Noble Gas Solutions............................................64 NOEL Travel..........................................................88 Normann Staffing................................................ 66 North River Architecture & Planning P.C........54 Northeast Off-Road Adventures....................... 82 Northeast Solite Corp......................................... 75 Northern Auto Parts........................................... 56 Northern Sling & Industrial Supplies............... 72 Northwestern Mutual.......................................... 73 Nostrand Productions.........................................88 Nostrano Vineyards............................................. 66 Novella’s New Paltz............................................. 66 Numrich Gun Parts Corp.................................... 73 NYS United Teachers (Mid Hudson Regional Office)......................... 73

O O Positive Festival Inc......................................... 55 OB/GYN & Specialty Care Center of Kingston.70 Off Track Betting Corporation........................... 89 Old Republic Title................................................ 87 Ole Savannah Southern Table & Bar................84 Olive Garden.........................................................84 Olive’s Country Store & Cafe............................. 63 Olympic Diner.......................................................84 Ophira Sailing/Farber Brothers Inc.................. 82

Opus 40................................................................. 55 Osprey Marine Ltd............................................... 63

P P J L Construction Inc.........................................76 Paraco Gas............................................................. 71 Paradise Energy Solutions.................................86 Pardee’s Agency Inc............................................ 73 Party Pros East Coast.........................................80 Pattison, Koskey, Howe & Bucci, CPAs, PC..... 53 Patty Conti Realty Group LLC............................ 81 Paychex................................................................. 78 PDQ Printing Plus Signs.....................................80 Peaceful Thunder Coaching................................74 Peak Engineering PLLC...................................... 66 Pentad People Solutions.................................... 66 PEOPLE, Inc.......................................................... 72 People’s Place...................................................... 72 The Perfect Blend Yarn & Tea Shop................. 89 Perfect Flow Inc................................................... 57 Perfezione Painting Inc. WBE/DBE.................. 63 Perry’s Service Station....................................... 85 Pestech - Pest Solutions.................................... 79 Pestmaster Services........................................... 79 Phoenicia Diner....................................................84 Phoenicia Festival of the Voice Foundation......................................................... 55 Pine St. Dental Associates PC...........................64 Pinegrove Ranch & Family Resort....................64 Pinewoods Farm................................................... 89 Pioneer Group...................................................... 67 Plaza Pizza............................................................ 79 POH Music............................................................. 55 Pointe of Praise Church of God in Christ........60 Port Ewen Diner...................................................84 Portable Cooler Rentals LLC............................. 83 Postage Inn, Inc....................................................84 Potter Brothers Ski & Patio Furniture.............86 Poughkeepsie Day School.................................. 65 Prajna Inc..............................................................86 Pretty Pet Parlor................................................. 79 Prism Solar Technologies, Inc............................76 Pro Printers..........................................................80 Professional Computer Associates................... 61 Prostate Cancer 101............................................. 72 PuroClean Professional Restoration................60

Q Quality Inn and Suites......................................... 52 Quilty, Dwyer & Larkin Insurance Agency....... 73 Quinlan Optometry.............................................. 78

R R C Horowitz & Company, Inc.............................76 Rainbow Drive-In..................................................84 Raleigh Green Inc................................................. 89 Rawl Research, Inc.............................................. 83 Ray’s Auto Service.............................................. 57 Record Storage Solutions.................................. 82 Redeemer Broadcasting, Inc.............................80 The Reis Group..................................................... 73 Reginato Ristorante............................................84 Rene’s Bistro Inc..................................................84 Rennia Engineering Design, PLLC.................... 66 Reservoir Road Productions..............................88 Resource Center For Accessible Living, Inc... 72 The Rhinebeck Artist’s Shop............................. 55 Rhinebeck Bank................................................... 58 River Radiology, PLLC........................................ 70 River Rock Health Spa........................................86 River Valley Radio, Inc......................................... 61 Riverside Hearing Aid Service.......................... 70 Riviera Produce Corp.......................................... 69 Robert G. Baum Commercial Real Estate........ 81 Robert M. Dutton, DDS.......................................64 Roca Floral............................................................ 67 Rocking Horse Ranch Resort............................64 Rodeway Inn, Skytop........................................... 52 Roeber & Rausch Custom Builders Inc............ 63 Romeo Chevrolet-Buick-GMC............................ 57 Romeo Kia of Kingston....................................... 57 Ron Barringer Trucking & Excavating..............88 Rondout Golf Club/Ivan’s Restaurant..............68 Rondout Inn.......................................................... 52 Rondout Rowing Club.......................................... 77 Rondout Savings Bank........................................ 58 Rondout Valley Engine Service......................... 72 Rondout Valley Family Dentistry, PC...............64 Rondout Yacht Basin, Inc....................................76 Rose and Kiernan, Inc......................................... 73 The Rosendale Theatre....................................... 55 Royal Carting........................................................ 85 RSS Agency.......................................................... 73 RUPCO................................................................... 82 Ryan & Ryan Insurance Brokers, Inc................ 73 Ryan, Roach & Ryan, LLP................................... 56

S S.A.P. Exteriors Inc.............................................. 85 Safeco Alarm Systems, Inc................................ 85 Salvation Army.....................................................60 Sam’s Club.............................................................84 Sam’s Detailing LLC............................................ 56 Sanitall...................................................................60 Santa Fe Uptown..................................................84 Sara W. McGinty, P.C............................................ 56 Saratoga National Golf Club..............................68

Saugerties United Methodist Church...............60 Saugerties/Woodstock KOA.............................. 59 Saunderskill Farms.............................................. 66 Sav-On Party Centre........................................... 83 Savonas Trattoria & Pizza..................................84 Savor Spa and OM Aroma and Co.....................86 Sawyer Motors..................................................... 57 Sawyer Savings Bank.......................................... 58 Schaffer Excavating LLC.................................... 62 Schain and Company, CPAs............................... 53 Schneider’s Jewelers Inc.................................... 73 Schwartz’s Inn...................................................... 58 SCORE (Chapter 533)......................................... 59 Security Plumbing & Heating Supply............... 79 SELUX Corporation............................................. 75 Senate Securities................................................ 67 Senator George Amedore..................................68 Senator William J. Larkin, Jr.............................68 ServiceMaster Of Kingston................................60 Servpro of New Paltz-Kingston; Western Dutchess.............................................60 Shadowland Theatre........................................... 55 Shannon Data & Audit, Ltd................................. 61 Sharp Point Bookkeeping Service.................... 59 Shawangunk Building Corp................................ 63 Shawangunk Journal........................................... 77 Shawangunk Wine Trail....................................... 89 Sheldon Hill Forestry Supply............................. 78 Ship to Shore Restaurant, Inc...........................84 Shokan Coachworks, Inc..................................... 57 Shuster Associates, Inc...................................... 62 Sickler, Torchia, Allen & Churchill, CPAs, PC............................................................. 53 simply business inc............................................. 59 Simpson-Gaus Funeral Home............................68 Site Optimized...................................................... 73 Skate Time 209.................................................... 82 Sky Top Motel, Inc................................................ 52 Skydive The Ranch.............................................. 82 Smaldone Sports Chiropractic..........................60 Small Start Investing.......................................... 67 Snippers of Kingston, Inc................................... 58 Snyder Printer......................................................80 The Solar Energy Consortium (TSEC).............. 65 Soltanoff Chiropractic Center...........................60 Sound of LIFE Radio Network...........................80 Soyuzivka - Ukrainian National Association... 52 SPAF (Saugerties Performing Arts Factory).............................................................. 55 Spencer Daniels Agency, Inc............................. 83 Sperry Van Ness Deegan-Collins Commercial Associates.................................... 81 Spiegel Bros. Paper Co....................................... 78 Spin City Laundromat..........................................74 Sportsman’s Alamo Cantina, Ltd......................84 St. Joseph School................................................ 65

St. Mary’s Church / Kingston Catholic School.................................................................60 Stainless Design Concepts - SDC..................... 75 Stainless Steel Welding Service........................86 Steamco Carpet Cleaning..................................60 Stedge & Associates........................................... 67 Sterling National Bank........................................ 58 Stewart’s Shops................................................... 63 The Stone House Bed & Breakfast................... 58 Stone Ridge Electrical Service, Inc.................. 62 Stuart Okorofsky................................................... 61 Studio 286............................................................ 52 Suburban Hospital Alliance of NYS, LLC.......... 71 Sunrise Bagels & Deli.......................................... 67 Sunshine Tees and Embroidery, Inc................. 85 SUNY New Paltz................................................... 65 SUNY Ulster.......................................................... 65 Super 8 Kingston-NY.......................................... 53 Superior Telephone Systems............................. 87 SwimKing of Ulster.............................................. 79

T T & N Properties Inc............................................ 82 Tarn Consulting..................................................... 61 Tastefully Tacky.................................................... 63 Taylored Real Estate............................................ 81 TD Bank................................................................. 58 Tech Smiths.......................................................... 62 TechCity................................................................. 82 Ten Broeck Commons......................................... 78 That Storage Place, LLC.....................................86 The Tender Land Home.......................................68 TheCommunityGuide.net / First Connections, Inc.......................................74 Thomas F. Cingel, DDS........................................64 Thomas F. Lindgren, CPA, PC............................ 53 Thomas J. Melanson, Esq................................... 56 Thomas K. Petro, Esq.......................................... 56 Tiano Electric Inc................................................. 62 Tim Hurley, Realtor.............................................. 81 Time Warner Cable.............................................. 59 Timely Signs.........................................................86 Times Herald Record........................................... 77 Timothy J. Donovan, Inc..................................... 63 Tischler Dental.....................................................64 TMI Project........................................................... 55 Tobacco Free Action Communities in Ulster, Dutchess & Sullivan......................... 72 Tonner Doll Company, Inc................................... 75 Toshiba Business Solutions NY......................... 78 Town of Esopus....................................................68 Town of Hurley.....................................................68 Town of Saugerties..............................................68 Town of Ulster......................................................68 Town of Ulster Public Library.............................74

www.UlsterChamber.org 95

Town Tinker Tube Rental................................... 82

Universal Land Abstract, Inc............................. 87

TownSquare Media...............................................80

The UPS Store......................................................80

Tractor Supply Co................................................84

Upstate Events.....................................................60

Transformation Life Center............................... 83

Uptown Coffee......................................................84

Trast & Gyenes, Inc.............................................. 53

US Health Equipment Co., Inc........................... 75

The Trataros Law Firm, PLLC............................ 56

Usheco, Inc............................................................ 75

Trolley Museum of New York, Inc...................... 56 TrueNorth Financial Solutions.......................... 67


Trustco Bank......................................................... 58

Valley Courier & Delivery Service.....................64

Turner Construction Company........................... 61

The Valley Group.................................................. 73

Turners Heating & Plumbing..............................54

Valuation Consultants, Inc.................................. 81

Tuthilltown Spirits...............................................64

Van Kleeck’s Tire Inc........................................... 87

The Twaalfskill Club.............................................68

Vaz-Co Reclaiming Service................................ 66

Twin Gables of Woodstock.................................. 53

Verizon.................................................................... 61

Twin Lakes Resort............................................... 53

Verizon Wireless.................................................. 87 Veronica L. Kugelman, CPE, Electrologist...... 65

U Ulster County Agricultural Society.................. 56 Ulster County Board Of REALTORS.................. 81 Ulster County BOCES.......................................... 65 Ulster County Clerk.............................................68 Ulster County Comptroller.................................68 Ulster County Democratic Committee............ 79 Ulster County District Attorney........................68 Ulster County Farm Bureau, Inc........................ 66 Ulster County Glass & Mirror, Inc.....................68 Ulster County Government................................ 69 Ulster County Habitat For Humanity............... 85 Ulster County Legislature.................................. 69 Ulster County Office of Economic Development..................................................... 65 Ulster County Regional Chamber of Commerce..................................................... 59 Ulster County Resource Recovery Agency................................................................ 83 Ulster County SPCA............................................54 Ulster Federal Credit Union............................... 63 Ulster Gardens.....................................................54 Ulster Gastroenterology..................................... 79 Ulster Insurance Services Inc............................ 73 Ulster Literacy Association Inc......................... 65

VetPath Services – Registered Mill Rock LLC............................................................88 Viking Industries Inc........................................... 75 Villa Veritas Foundation, Inc.............................. 83 Village Apothecary - Lake Katrine................... 79 Village Apothecary - Saugerties....................... 79 Village Apothecary - Woodstock...................... 79 Village of Saugerties........................................... 69 Vincent Guido Construction.............................. 63 Viridian Energy/Clean Energy Solutions......... 66 Visionexcel............................................................ 78 VW of Kingston - Volkswagen of Kingston...... 57

W W & J Palkowics................................................... 59 W.S.M. Onsite Truck & Equipment Repairs, Inc........................................................88 Wachtel Missry LLP............................................. 56 WAKA Kickball & Social Sports......................... 82 Walgreens / Kingston Plaza............................... 79 Walkway Over the Hudson................................. 56 Wall Street Abstract............................................ 87 Wallkill Central School District.......................... 65 Wallkill Valley Federal Savings & Loan............. 58 Walmart.................................................................84 Walters-Storyk Design Group (WSDG).............54

Ulster Payroll Services, Inc................................ 78

WAMC 90.9 Northeast Public Radio................80

Ulster Performing Arts Center (UPAC)........... 55

Waste Management............................................. 85

Ulster Precision, Inc.............................................76

WBPM Radio.........................................................80

Ulster Publishing Co. Inc.................................... 77

WCD Window Coverings, Inc.............................. 75

Ulster Savings Bank............................................ 58

WDST 100.1FM Radio Woodstock......................80

Ulster Uniform Service Inc................................88

Webjogger............................................................. 73

Ultra Seal Corp..................................................... 63

Weichert Realtors - The Spiesman Group........ 81

Uniforms USA Inc................................................88

WellCare................................................................. 69

United Services.................................................... 63

Wellness Rx, LLC.................................................. 79

United Way Of Ulster County............................. 72

Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC.................................. 67

UnitedHealthcare................................................. 69

Wendy Henderson................................................54

96 Community Resource Guide 2016

Westchester Medical Center............................... 71 Westwood Metes & Bounds Realty, Ltd............ 81 Wiedenkeller Business and Commercial Insurance............................................................ 73 Wiedy Furniture Center......................................68 Wildberry Lodge................................................... 83 WILLCARE.............................................................. 71 William J. Jacobs Fund Management............... 67 William P. Brinnier, Architect, PLLC.................54 William Paulus...................................................... 72 The Williams Lake Project.................................. 82 Williams Lumber & Home Centers.....................74 Willow Manor, Inc.................................................. 81 Wiltwyck Golf Club, Inc.......................................68 Wiltwyck Web Design.......................................... 89 Win Morrison Realty............................................. 81 Windham Mountain Resort.................................86 The Wine Hutch.....................................................74 WineRacks.com, Inc............................................. 75 Wolberg Lighting Design & Electrical Supply.................................................................64 Wolf-tec, Inc.......................................................... 75 Women’s Health and Fitness Foundation........ 69 Women’s Studio Workshop................................. 55 The Wonderly Company...................................... 75 Wood ‘n Wheel Family Fun Center..................... 82 Woodland Pond at New Paltz...................... 78, 85 Woodstock Abstract & Title Company............. 87 The Woodstock Byrdcliffe Guild........................ 55 Woodstock Chamber Orchestra........................ 55 Woodstock Chimes.............................................. 89 Woodstock Day School....................................... 65 Woodstock Film Festival..................................... 55 Woodstock Golf Club Inc.....................................68 Woodstock Harley-Davidson...............................76 The Woodstock Inn on the Millstream............. 53 Woodstock Land Conservancy.......................... 77 Woodstock Landscaping & Excavating, LLC.................................................74 Woodstock Meats/Butcher’s Blend.................. 59 Woodstock Physical Therapy............................. 70 Woodstock Works................................................. 62 Wright Architects................................................54 The Writer Man..................................................... 89 Writing That Sells................................................ 53

Y YMCA of Kingston and Ulster County.............. 72 Yonnetti’s Restoration Unlimited LLC............. 63 YWCA of Ulster County.........................63, 65, 72

Z Zena Recreation Park......................................... 82 Zumtobel Lighting Inc......................................... 75





























www.UlsterChamber.org 97

















98 Community Resource Guide 2016










A&T Healthcare, LLC............................................................................... 41 ABC Fuels Inc.......................................................................................... 45 Adams Fairacre Farms............................................................................35 Adirondack Trailways/Pine Hill Trailways/ New York Trailways........................................................................... 22 Albany International Airport................................................................ 43 American Cleaners . .............................................................................. 43 Annarella Ristorante .............................................................................33 The Arc of Ulster-Greene.......................................................................37


Begnal Motors...........................................................................................15 Benefit Counseling Associates............................................................ 40 BEST WESTERN PLUS Kingston Hotel & Conference Center............................................................................ 25 Binnewater Ice Co. Inc........................................................................... 40 Blair Collectibles..................................................................................... 49 Blue Mountain Bistro-to-Go .................................................................27 Bottini Fuel.............................................................................................. 43 Buttermilk Falls Inn & Spa......................................................................17 Byron’s Hudson Valley Hearing Aid Centers..................................... 40

Cabinet Designers, Inc. ..........................................................................19 Camp Huntington High Falls LLC..........................................................27 Catskill Hudson Bank . .......................................................................... 22 Catskill Mountain Printing Services.................................................... 47 CDPHP.........................................................................................................3 Central Hudson Gas & Electric.............................................................. 18 Community Products CP LLC............................................................... 22 Courtyard by Marriott .......................................................................... 25 Crawford Door & Window Sales Inc..................................................... 46


Daniel D. Gagnon CPA, PC.................................................................... 29 David Laks Videography.........................................................................27 Dietz Stadium Diner............................................................................... 49


Emerson Resort & Spa - Lodging....................................................... 25 Emerson Resort & Spa - Dining............................................................33 Emerson Resort & Spa - Shopping . ................................................... 49 Excel Auto Glass Corp.............................................................................51


First Niagara Bank................................................................................. 40 Frank Guido’s Little Italy....................................................................... 29 Frida’s Bakery & Café............................................................................35


Golden Hill Nursing & Rehabilitation Center......................................39

Grist Mill Real Estate............................................................................. 46


Halter Associates Realty...................................................................... 47

Hampton Inn Kingston........................................................................... 25

HealthAlliance of the Hudson Valley...................................................... 1

Health Quest.............................................................................................. 7


Home Plate Deli & Caterers...............................................................33

Howard Johnson Inn.................................................................................11

Hudson Landing........................................................................................15

Hudson Solar.............................................................................................13

Hudson Valley Sunrooms ..................................................................... 45


Ivy Lodge Assisted Living...................................................................... 41


John A. Coleman Catholic High School...............................................27



Gateway Community Industries............................................................37


Kingston Audiology Center................................................................... 41


Landmark Development Co. Inc........................................................... 29


Mariner’s Harbor.................................................................................... 29

Maurice D. Hinchey Catskill Interpretive Center...............................37

Meltzer & Hill Wealth Advisory, LLC................................................... 29

Mid-Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union..............................................15

Mike’s Office Furniture........................................................................... 46

Milne Inc. ................................................................................................. 49

Mohonk Mountain House.........................................................................21

Mountain Wings Inc..................................................................................51

Murphy Realty Group............................................................................. 45

MVP Health Care......................................................Outside Back Cover


Normann Staffing................................................................................... 40

Northeast Off-Road Adventures............................................................51


Ole Savannah Southern Table & Bar................................................... 29

Olive’s Country Store & Café....................................................... 33

Olympic Diner.......................................................................................... 25

www.UlsterChamber.org 99


U Paraco Gas............................................................................................... 43 Patty Conti Realty Group LLC.............................................................. 46 Portable Cooler Rentals.........................................................................33


Rondout Savings Bank........................................................................... 14 RUPCO........................................................................................................19 Ryan & Ryan Insurance Brokers Inc.....................................................35


Quality Inn & Suites..................................................................................11



Safeco Alarm Systems Inc......................................................................17 Sam’s Club................................................................................................35 Saunderskill Farms..................................................................................35 Sav-On Party Centre.............................................................................. 49 Sawyer Motors.........................................................................................23 Schneider’s Jewelers Inc...................................................................... 49 Servicemaster of Kingston................................................................... 43 Sickler, Torchia, Allen & Churchill, CPAs, PC.......................................19 Spin City Laundromat............................................................................ 43 SUNY New Paltz ........................................................ Inside Front Cover SUNY New Paltz Graduate School .......................................................31 SUNY Ulster.................................................................Inside Back Cover

Ten Broeck Commons................................................................ 40 Timely Signs................................................................................ 43

The Ulster County Regional Chamber of Commerce extends a warm thank you to the advertising businesses and organizations that made this guide possible.

100 Community Resource Guide 2016

Ulster County BOCES .............................................................................31

Ulster County Board of REALTORS ................................................... 46

Ulster County Habitat for Humanity ..................................................37

Ulster County Tourism ...........................................................................13

Ulster Federal Credit Union ................................................................. 25

Ulster Savings Bank................................................................................ 10

United Way of Ulster County.................................................................37

The UPS Store..............................................................................23


The Valley Group ........................................................................47

Van Kleeck’s Tire Inc. .............................................................................51

Villa Veritas Foundation, Inc....................................................................6


WCD Window Coverings Inc.................................................................. 45

Wiedenkeller Business and Commercial Insurance.......................... 47

WILLCARE................................................................................................ 40

The Williams Lake Project.................................................................... 45

Win Morrison Realty ............................................................................. 47

Woodstock Chimes................................................................................. 46

Woodstock Harley-Davidson ............................................................... 49


YWCA of Ulster County...........................................................................31