UNIVERSITY NEWS - Chemical & Engineering News Archive (ACS

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THE CHEMICAL WORLD THIS WEEK to t h e technical and economic aspects of block h e a t i n g in business districts, a n d it will look into the feasibility of increasing use of electric furnaces in steel m a k i n g . D u r i n g the current year the agt'iicy c o m p l e t e d a survey of the factors aficc-ting m a n u f a c t u r e of fuel gas from coal, t h e results of which are forthcoming in Ixxik form in November.



N e w Geology C h a i r For Beirut University

country in which they want to study, a n d a suitable plan of study or research are qualified to apply for the fellowships. Transportation to a n d from t h e receiving country is paid by t h e United States G o v e r n m e n t and the receiving government pays tuition a n d monthly m a i n t e n a n c e allowances. Countries offering fellowships are Boliva, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, C u b a , t h e Dominican Republic, G u a t e mala, H a i t i , Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua. P a n a m a , Paraguay, Peru, and Venezuela. T w o s t u d e n t s will be chosen lor exchange· w i t h e a c h of these countries.

T h e Gulf Oil Corp. will help to set up a chair of geology a t the American University of Beirut, Republic of Lebanon, b e g i n n i n g with the 1950 fall term, according to a company announcement. Roy A. Wilson, 58, Gulf geologist. n a m e d to occupy t h e chair, has left for L e b a n o n to teach physical geography, engineering geology a n d physical geology, all n e w subjects for t h e Beirut institution. D r . Wilson was graduated from tinUniversity of Montana in 1915, received his M.S. a year later, and in 1921 got his P h . D . from the University of Chicago. He has held associate or full professorships a t a n u m b e r of American universities.

Exchange Opportunities For South American Study Opportunities to s t u d y in 16 C e n t r a l a n d South American countries are availa b l e to g r a d u a t e students u n d e r t h e B u e n o s Aires Convention, t h e U. S. OfBce of E d u c a t i o n announces. G r a d u a t e students with U. S. citizens h i p , a k n o w l e d g e of t h e language of t h e


2 8, N O .


N i g h t Courses a t St. Louis Evening classes in chemistry, mathematics, physics, a n d biology have been inaugurated at St. Louis University on the g r a d u a t e and u n d e r g r a d u a t e level. T h e a d v a n c e courses are aimed at professional men who want to continue their scientific training.


Bllinois Tech Schedules Eight Talks T h e o p e n i n g lecture in a series of eight at Chicago's Illinois Institute of Technology's mechanics colloquium w a s given O c t . 4 b y Louis L a n d w e b e r , chief of the h y d r o d y n a m i c s division, David Taylor M o d e l Basin in Washington, D. C , w h o spoke on " C u r r e n t Research on Frictional Resistance of Fluids." All except one of t h e succeeding seven talks will be held a t the Illinois T e c h c a m p u s in Chicago. T h e university's p r o g r a m includes the following lectures: T h e Mechanics of Rubber, Nov. 1, 1950; C u r r e n t T h e o r i e s of F a t i g u e of Materials, Dec. 6, 1950; Buckling Problem from t h e S t a n d p o i n t of Dynamics, Jan. 10, 1 9 5 1 ; O n t h e Most Effective W a y for P r o d u c i n g H i g h Tensile Stresses, F e b . 7; Inverse Solutions of Problems of Applied M e chanics, M a r c h 7; Vibration Analysis A p plies to Engineering Design, April 4; R e c e n t Developments in the Field of Ultrasonics, May 2. T h e March 7 l e c t u r e will b e held in the Technological I n s t i t u t e , Northwestern University, E v a n s t o n , 111.

Applications for fellowships should be addressed to t h e Division of International E d u c a t i o n a l Relations, American Republics Section, U. S. Office of Education, Washington 2 5 , D . C , before Dec. 15, 1950.

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