volunteer form

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ROAR! VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 2019 Adult and Teen Volunteer Registration St Thomas Becket June 10 – 14 2019 Name ______________________________________________________________________________ Address______________________________________ City/Zip _______________________________ Phone ____________________________ E mail ___________________________________________ Adult Volunteer _______ • •

Teen Volunteer (please indicate age and grade Fall 2019) _______

**All teen volunteers must be entering 6th grade Fall 2019 Sign me up to volunteer for VBS ½ day (M-F - 8:45 – 12:15) _____ Sign me up to volunteer for VBS All DAY (M-F – 8:45 – 4:00) _____ (We need lots of all day help!)

Please indicate if you would like to work in any of these areas: Music _____ Games _____ Decorations _____ Bible _____ Photography_____ • •

Service Project _____ Morning Prayer reader _____

All teens will be needed and assigned as group Crew Leaders I’m a parent and want to be a crew leader for my child’s group - (Child’s name / grade)_____________________________________

(For Parent, if volunteer is under 18 years old) I give my permission for my child to take part in Vacation Bible School on the above-mentioned date(s) and time(s). In consideration of the opportunity for my child to participate, and fully recognizing that such an undertaking involves an element of risk, I assume all risks and hazards incidental to such participation. I hereby release, absolve, indemnify, and agree to hold harmless the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, St. Thomas Becket Church, its agents, employees, and officers, and the chaperones, leaders, organizers and sponsors, and persons in the event of injury, illness, or accident resulting from this activity. None of the aforementioned parties shall be held financially responsible in the event of injury, illness, or accident resulting from this activity. I, the undersigned, having read this permission form and liability waiver, understand and voluntarily sign below: Signature (Parent/Guardian): _________________________________ Date __________ In the event of emergency and I cannot be contacted, I authorize that emergency treatment be administered: ___ Yes ___ No.

(For volunteer, if 18 years old or older) I freely and voluntarily take part in Vacation Bible School on the above-mentioned date(s) and time(s). In consideration of the opportunity to participate, and fully recognizing that such an undertaking involves an element of risk, I assume all risks and hazards incidental to such participation. I hereby release, absolve, indemnify, and agree to hold harmless the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, St. Thomas Becket Church, its agents, employees, and officers, and the chaperones, leaders, organizers and sponsors, and persons in the event of injury, illness, or accident resulting from this activity. None of the aforementioned parties shall be held financially responsible in the event of injury, illness, or accident resulting from this activity. I, the undersigned, having read this liability waiver, understand and voluntarily sign below: Signature: _________________________________ Date __________ In the event of emergency, I authorize that emergency treatment be administered: ___ Yes ___ No.

In case of emergency injury or illness, contact: __________________________________________________ Phone __________________________ Doctor’s Name: _____________________________________ Phone __________________________ Address ____________________________________________________________________________

Insurance Provider____________________________ Policy Number____________________