Waiver Form

Financial Responsibility / Waiver Form - Rackcdn.comhttps://88ebd614d6d385cab1fa-690979800f2b6f086ae14b7920465b0b.ssl.cf2.rackcdn...

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Financial Responsibility / Waiver Form Dear Patient: If we are filing insurance for your visit, we must have complete information and any required referral at the time of the visit. If you cannot provide the information, we will be unable to file your insurance and payment in full will be required.

Patient’s Name/D.O.B

Self / Spouse / Child / Other Relationship to Subscriber

Subscriber’s Name/D.O.B.

Primary Insurance

Policy/Member ID #

Secondary Insurance

Policy/Member ID #

Patients Address


Telephone Number

NOTICE REGARDING INSURANCE CLAIMS/PAYMENTS: Positive verification of your coverage cannot always be made at the time of service. Therefore, payment of your charges cannot be determined until the claim is submitted to your insurance company. Payment will be based on your individual health plan and the amount applied to your plan deductible and/or co-insurance will be your responsibility. Your office visit co-pay is due at the time of the visit and in many cases, covers only the office visit charge. You will receive services with the understanding that in the event your coverage is not effective, or Dr. Stark is not a participating provider with your insurance, you will be billed and held financially responsible for these services rendered. Any procedures performed will be considered surgery by your insurance company and deductibles and coinsurance may apply. Procedures which are excluded from coverage, based on your plans determinations of medical necessity will also be your responsibility. For all other patients, payment is required at the time of service. We will provide you with the necessary documentation to file for reimbursement upon your request. I have read the above and understand my possible financial responsibility of services rendered and hereby affix my signature as an acknowledgment of this understanding.

Patient’s Signature_________________________________________Date_____/______/_____

Witness Signature
