Week Three - Cultivating Fanatic Discipline Joshua 5

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Week Three - Cultivating Fanatic Discipline Joshua 5:13-6:20 Spend FIFTEEN - Day One 1. We all have people in our lives that we deeply admire and respect. For whom in your life do you hold deep respect and why?

2. In your mind, what makes a leader worth following?

3. Read Joshua 5:13-15. What type of picture do you get of this “commander of the Lord’s army”?

4. God promised to be with Joshua, just as he had Moses. He was young, courageous and a powerful commander. What does this text tell you about Joshua and his heart as a leader?

5. Why is it important for a leader to have humility if he wants to succeed long term?

6. In what areas of your life do you see yourself functioning as leader? Do you believe that others see humility in your leadership? Explain.

7. Finish your FIFTEEN in prayer. Spend some time focusing on the sheer greatness and power of God. Ask for humility in leading those that He dearly loves and has placed in your charge in some way.

Spend FIFTEEN - Day Two 8. Do you prefer to work on one thing at a time to its conclusion or move between multiple projects? Why?

9. Read Joshua 6:1-5 and Joshua 6:11-15. After a powerfully humbling encounter with the “commander of the Lord’s army”, Joshua is instructed to take the city of Jericho for the Lord. What is odd about the way the army is to take the city and why do you think the Israelites would be instructed by God to do this?

10. Each circle around the city was with the Ark of the Covenant (which showed a tangible presence of God with His people) and an armed guard. What do you think this daily ritual taught the Israelites?

11. If you were going to write a list of big goals, hopes or dreams for your future, what would be on the list?

12. Most likely, it won’t be luck that helps you accomplish the items on your list; it will be hard work and careful planning. What steps are you taking (or what first steps could you take) today to bring those goals closer to


13. Finish your FIFTEEN in prayer. Ask God for a heart of determination and discipline to accomplish the work that He has set out for you. Pray that the items on your list are God pleasing and would be used to glorify Him.

Spend FIFTEEN - Day Three 14. What do you think is one of the greatest accomplishments in human history?

15. Thomas Edison was a great example of persistence and fanatic discipline. Some of his legendary quotes include: “I have not failed, I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” and “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” In what ways have you found success through discipline and in what areas could you use more refinement?

16. Read the following verses and summarize how they speak to you personally: a. 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 b. Proverbs 13:4 c. 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 d. Galatians 6:9 17. In what ways do you see yourself striving toward something that will be good for others?

18. Think about your day ahead and its workload. How will your work be used to bless someone else? Make some tangible plans to encourage someone today, whether it be through the work you do or while you do the work you do.

19. Finish your FIFTEEN in prayer. Pray that God would give you the opportunity to see your work bless others. Act on that prayer today and trust that God will answer it.

Spend FIFTEEN - Day Four 20. What is the most impressive wonder you’ve ever seen (man-made or natural)? Why is it so striking to you?

21. Read Genesis 6:9-22. Imagine yourself in the place of Noah. What is your reaction?

22. It’s pretty easy to quickly skip over verse 22. But when you think about the details, God was asking Noah to build a wooden ship that measured about 450 feet long, 75 feet wide and 45 feet high. Keeping in mind that Noah had

all the technology of around 2,500BC at his disposal, how do you think Noah ever accomplished this task?

23. What does this tell you about how God has gifted the people He has created?

24. If Noah could build a huge wooden ship with crude tools, hard work and lots of time, what does that say about what you are capable of accomplishing with the skills, resources and time God has given you on this earth?

25. Finish your FIFTEEN in prayer and reflection. Think about the time you have left on this earth and what gifts and resources God has given you. Ask God how you can best live out your days in order to make the biggest impact possible. Pray for the strength, help and willpower to accomplish something great.

Spend FIFTEEN - Day Five 26. Imagine you were gifted your ideal all expenses paid vacation. What would it look like?

27. Read Exodus 20:8-11. God has seemed to build a weekly routine into the fabric of creation, which included rest. What do you think is the purpose of rest and its function in the weekly routine?

28. Fanatic discipline in our work can only be possible if we are fanatically disciplined about rest and play. At St. John, it’s the first part of our LIFEjourney roadmap laid out in the! How do you ensure you have a time of rest? If you aren’t currently doing it, how might you fit it in your schedule and routine?

29. Read Mark 2:27. Jesus had to clarify the purpose of God’s law to people who twisted it. The Sabbath wasn’t made to burden us but to free us. It’s not about lying down all day and not moving. It’s about a time to focus on God and renew the self. For some, that might mean mowing the yard; for others, it’s relaxing with a good book or seeing a show. What best energizes you and prepares you to come back to your work at your best?

30. Finish your FIFTEEN with some planning and prayer. Take a look at your weekly calendar and survey the time you have set aside for “Sabbath”. If there isn’t any, look at what can be shifted around to make sure you make this a priority. Pray for your rest and ask God to renew your mind and body so that you can give Him your best in your work.