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WELCOME to FBCScottsdale

We’re glad you’ve chosen to worship at FBCScottsdale this morning. If this is your first time, we would love to get to know you a little better, so please fill out the card that is inside this Worship folder. You can put the card in the offering plate as it goes by. Enjoy the service!

The vision of FBCScottsdale is to be a light in the community, where people come as they are to worship and explore God, connect with people, and get involved in ministry to the whole person: body, mind, and spirit.

what YOU need to KNOW...

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3. 4. 5. 6.

A Jazzy Christmas Benefiting Helen’s Hope Chest Join the Jazz Poets for an extra special night of Christmas music in Winfield’s this Friday, December 12th from 7:00p-9:00p. Winfield’s will donate 15% of sales and 100% of your donations directly to Helen’s Hope Chest, an amazing non-profit that fulfilled the dreams of hundreds of foster children at no cost to their foster parents. This will be a really fun evening for a really great cause. See you there! Christmas Eve Services A fun, worship-filled night with special music, choir, traditional Christmas carols, not-so-traditional Christmas songs… a little something for everyone! What a great chance to invite your family and friends to be a part of our community. The concert will be on Tuesday, December 23rd and Wednesday, December 24th at 7:00p. Early childcare (crib to age 5) will be provided at the concert on the 23rd only. Toys for THREE:18 Ministries As a part of our Christmas Offering this year we are collecting toys for the children’s Bible Club that THREE:18 Ministries oversees on the San Carlos Apache Reservation. There are candy cane tags in the lobby labeled with items that are needed. Pick up a candy cane, buy the item, and then return the unwrapped item to the designated box in the lobby by Sunday, December 21st. Joyce Reed Christmas Party The Joyce Reed Mission Circle will meet on Monday, December 8th at 11:00a for a Christmas party! Marsha Bretz is hosting, if you need her address call the church office. Bring a dish for the pot luck and a item for Chaneni house. See you then! Canvas & Coffee Come unleash your artistic abilities as our instructor, Sam Mathwig, leads you through each brush stroke until your beautiful painting is complete! The next class is on Saturday, December 13th from 10:00a - Noon in Winfield’s and is $20 for an adult or $30 for out Creative Kids Special: 1 adult and 1 child age 7-12. This would be a great place to invite a friend or neighbor for a fun, casual experience on our campus. The classes have been selling out so get your tickets online today! Weekly Financial Update Actual Giving: $13,868 Weekly Budget Need: $13,020

SERMON NOTES December 7th, 2014

I Am the Light of the World When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12, NIV) As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. 2 His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents,that he was born blind?” 3 “Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him. 4 As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work. 5 While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.” 6 After saying this, he spit on the ground, made some mud with the saliva, and put it on the man’s eyes. 7 “Go,” he told him, “wash in the Pool of Siloam” (this word means “Sent”). So the man went and washed, and came home seeing. (John 9:1-7, NIV) 1

Light for ________________________ (Exodus 13:18-22)

Light for ________________________ (John 8:12)

Light for ________________________ (John 9:1-7)


Are you new here? We’re glad you chose to worship with us today. Are you looking for more information on the ministries we do here at FBCS? Visit the Welcome Central desk in the Lobby or check out our website at fbcscottsdale.org.

John Bosic 12/7/14