Wildfire – Unpredictable Fire - Flatirons Community Church

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Wildfire – Unpredictable Fire Weekend Discussion Questions June 28-29, 2014 Community: 1. When you honestly think about Grace, who would you rather that not apply to? 2. Why do you think we like to play the comparison game? 3. Scott said, "If you think you are good enough on your own grace is really frustrating. If you know you aren’t good enough on your own, Grace is good news." How have you seen that play out in your life? Core: Read Acts 13:38-39 1. Scott said we gravitate toward law and rules? Do you agree or disagree? 2. Scott quoted Tullian Tchividjian saying "We would rather work under duress than live under freedom." How have you seen this play out in your life? 3. Is the Elf on the shelf really a big deal or was Scott just making a big deal out of nothing? 4. Are there things in your life you haven't come to terms with that have you locked up, weighed down or enslaved? 5. How do you define your relationship with God? Is it based on things you've done, or do? Or is it based on what Jesus has done for you? 6. Scott said, "The test of whether you really believe all this is: where do you run when you mess up? Do you run and hide and try to clean yourself up? Or do you approach the throne of grace with confidence?” Based on that, do you really believe? Challenge: 1. Scott's final question was "Does anyone know?" James 5:18 says “Confess your sins to one another and pray for one another that you may be healed.” Has this caused you to think about things in your life that you haven't ever shared with anyone? What steps are you willing to take?