World Vision Ambassador

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World Vision Child Ambassador Action Plan Below are well thought out, tried and true ways to find sponsors. Pick one or two ideas from each group below and voila! You have a six month action plan which will help you easily find sponsors for 15-25 children!

0-1 Months: 

Find Sponsors For Five Children Speak to friends and family 1:1. In all of the sharing of ideas and looking for opportunities to present to groups, let’s not forget the power of ONE. Here are some ideas to get your wheels turning: Talk to your friends and family. Tell others about your new ministry during prayer requests at Sunday School, Bible study or small group events and ask people to pray that God will help you find sponsors. Share with your doctor, dentist, CPA, hair stylist, etc. Share with the director of a preschool or children’s Sunday School class to discuss them sponsoring a child as a group, this can also be done with boy/girl scout troops, sports teams, clubs, etc. When you’re out and about, look for people wearing activist bracelets (like ONE or breast cancer), t-shirts about justice issues, etc. Ask them about the item they’re wearing then engage them in a conversation about your work as a Child Ambassador with World Vision. Invite them to sponsor a child.

Christian Movie Night Host a movie night or partner with one going on at a local church and ask to present sponsorship. Tie it into the themes of the film. Veggie Tales has an ongoing partnership with World Vision and shows a short clip promoting sponsorship in the bonus features of the films starting in 2011. World Vision also has a presence in the film Soul Surfer. Check out other Christian films such as Courageous. The strong family themes in this film will make it an excellent tie into child sponsorship.

Brown Bag Lunch at a Local Business Do you have a friend who works at a local law firm, real estate office, bank, or other local business? See if you can come in and host a Brown Bag Lunch to share about World Vision. A Brown Bag Lunch is a training/presentation that is voluntary and informal during the lunch hour. Attendants bring their own lunch. You might even consider offering to bring pasta salad, rolls and tea or provide dessert to attract people.

Share at a Networking Event Do you attend chamber of commerce meetings or networking events? If you work in consumer sales you may have groups you meet with regularly to share about your business. Pick a date to instead use your 60 second introduction to share about child sponsorship. Have picture folders on hand for any folks interested in learning more about sponsorship. Sometimes these groups also rotate speakers. See if you can get on the schedule to be a featured speaker, share a video and your sponsorship story.

The Church: Link up with a church youth group for a 30 hour famine Many of us are familiar with the 30 Hour Famine Event in which our church youth raise awareness of world hunger and money by going hungry for 30 hours. [] Ask to present sponsorship at the conclusion. You can order your own kit online and present it to youth leaders (make sure they order their own if they decide to host one as the churches hosting events are tracked that way).

Encouragement: Watch You-Tube World Vision videos to stir up your passion. A few great ones: Walking in Sabina’s Shoes [], Meeting Munege] A Tale of Two Women []

Meditate on this scripture verse and ask God to open doors for your ministry. You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. Isaiah 26:3 ESV Homework: Master your 3 minute presentation. Find tips on the ambassador website and visit [] to hear a few great presentations. Create a scrapbook of your sponsored child(ren) – photos, letters, pictures. It could be something small you keep with you in case conversations come up while you’re out and about or something more elaborate you display as part of a sponsorship table.

2-3 Months: 

Host a Global Dinner By hosting a Global Dinner event, you can prepare and share traditional foods from countries around the world while introducing friends and family to the joys of child sponsorship. Visit [] for recipes and ideas.

Introduce Your Ministry By hosting a breakfast, luncheon or other gathering you can introduce your ministry to your neighbors. Invite people to bring one item that represents a hobby or something they are passionate about. Talk about your ministry with World Vision and mention that you have picture folders available to look at if they are interested in sponsoring (this is a very easy going event).

Set Up a Sponsorship Table Select a local Fair Trade event, farmer’s market, community fair or local Christian bookstore and talk to people about sponsorship.

Present at Your Local Rotary Club (already World Vision supporters) For years Rotary International has partnered with WV to raise money for water projects. They are now partnering with World Vision on both water projects and microfinance loans. Rotary clubs hold monthly meetings. This is a group of people who are already passionate about raising money for helping those in need. Approach your local Rotary President, or a member, and ask if you can tell them about World Vision Microfinance or our water projects. If they are interested, ask if you can mention child sponsorship and have your picture folders available.

Present to a MOPS or Local Home-school Group Find local groups at Mops [] Home-schooling []

The Church: Present at a small group meeting This can be at your church or your friend’s church. Have your three minute presentation ready and bring your picture folders.

Encouragement: Understand the impact of your ministry; watch Andy Andrew’s Butterfly Effect []

Meditate on this scripture verse and ask God to give you strength and courage in your ministry. Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9 ESV Homework: Read a Hole in Our Gospel. If you have already, study up on an area you are passionate about: Hope Children, child soldiers, human trafficking etc. Visit the World Vision website for ideas! Create a display board to use as a powerful backdrop for your display table. Visit the child ambassador web site to see displays other child ambassadors have used. []

4-5 Months: 

Present Sponsorship at a Local Small Business Set up a table at a local ice cream, smoothie or coffee shop and ask everyone who comes in if they would like to ‘change the world today.’ This is something you can set up as a repeat event. Ask the manager/owner to try it and then be sure to thank them and let them know they helped change the lives of X number of children. Ask them if they would be willing to have you in once a month on a specific day.

Link Up with a Local Christian College Ministry Present sponsorship at an event or meeting.

Connect with a Local Christian Band Do you have a local Christian artist that does concerts or CD releases? How about asking them if you could team up with them to help the children of the world and have a sponsorship table at their event? If they are willing, ask them if they are comfortable speaking on behalf of the children and asking for sponsorships or if they would give you some time at intermission to do so. You could share about sponsorship and/or show a short video.

Contact the Student Justice Group at Your Local University Pick a social justice topic and study up on it. For example, ask to come speak about Human Trafficking and Child Sponsorship. As there is more security (job security, food security and hope) in communities where World Vision is working, people are less likely to become victims of trafficking. Show the group how they can help by sponsoring a child and then ask them to do it. Order picture folders from countries that are plagued with children trafficked into prostitution, slavery or child soldiers.

The Church: Ask if you can set up a sponsorship table for a Sunday or two This idea does not involve asking to do a presentation. Its simplicity makes it easier for a pastor to say yes. Set up an eye catching table where the picture folders are the focal point and speak to people after service.

Encouragement: Sign up to volunteer at an Artist Associate event and get re-energized! Meditate on this scripture verse and ask God to help you stay focused and encouraged in your ministry.

And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9 ESV

Homework: Ask to attend a pastors’ meeting (bringing coffee and bagels sweetens the deal) then present World Vision and ask to present sponsorship at an upcoming service. Planning about two months out will help them integrate it into the calendar.

6+ Months: 

Present at a Retirement Community or Senior Citizen Center Ask to set up a community presentation. Hang up flyers and make announcements a few weeks ahead of time so that people know the event is happening. Stand by the door and welcome each person as they enter. People like to be acknowledged and know you as the host have welcomed them. Be prepared for a slightly longer presentation and be ready to answer questions. This presentation may be more in depth but it is also more personal.

Check Out the Fellowship of Christian Athletes Set up a presentation at one of their meetings/events []

Present Sponsorship at a Staff Meeting Ask your supervisor if you can have a few minutes at the end of a staff meeting to present a worthy cause. If the group is small, pass out picture folders during your talk (otherwise hold one up and have others available on a table) and be sure to ASK people to sponsor.

The Church: Present Sponsorship at Your Church or Friend’s Church Visit the Hope Sunday website for info and ideas []

Encouragement: Read a good book from the list on the Ambassador site. Consider attending the annual Ambassador Conference held each year in January. Conference helps you learn, grow and share sponsorship as well as meet and connect with other Ambassadors!

Meditate on this scripture verse and ask God to strengthen you and help you stay focused on his purpose for your ministry.

Whatever you do, do it as if working for the Lord, not for man. Colossians 3:23 ESV Homework: Email your contacts and ask them if they can assist you in setting up a presentation from within their circle of influence.

Holiday/Annual Ideas: 

Earth Day - Any community events or events at your workplace. Study World Vision’s focus on sustainability in farming, income and community. Focus on sustainability as the tie-in to helping children and their families create sustainability through sponsorship.

Orphan Sunday - First Sunday in November. Great lead-in to present at church.

World Aids Day - December 1st. Look for local events and promote Hope Children during any event.

Holiday Tea or Luncheon - Present sponsorship at a party or retreat (Christmas, Easter, Mother/Daughter - get creative).

Christmas Gift Wrapping - Barnes & Noble as well as other businesses allows non-profits to host their gift wrapping tables. If you have a business in your area that has such a Christmas service, you may want to ask if you can host the table on behalf of WV, and if you can have your picture folders available for child sponsorship during your shift.

Holiday Party – Host a holiday party and present sponsorship. Note: make sure people know up front that you will be presenting sponsorship.

My Six Month Action Plan  Write down your action plan: Month #1:

Month #2:

Month #3:

Month #4:

Month #5:

Month #6:

By putting into action this 6-month plan, you will be able to find sponsors for as many as 15-25 children! Think of how that will change the lives of these children: clean water, education, food in their bellies-plus a sponsor who lives on the other side of the world, loving and caring for them. The same thing we want for our own children will now be a reality for the children that God has called us to serve. Praise God! Thank you for loving the children!