Worship Vocals Ministry Team

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Playbook for

Worship Vocals Ministry Team

Parkway Fellowship Westpark Campus

Updated: 4/11/14

Worship Vocals Ministry Team

Quick Reference Page

This page is a Quick Reference Guide only. Please read the rest of the Playbook and then refer to the information on this page as necessary.

HOW I CAN MAKE SURE EVERY WEEK IS A WIN? Be spiritually and musically prepared to lead worship.

THE LEADER Kerryl Ann Frank is the leader of this ministry team. Her cell is 713-291-0276 and her email is [email protected]

THE SCHEDULE The current schedule for this ministry is to serve 2 Sundays a month at all three of our worship services from 9:00AM to 12:30 PM as well as the Wednesday night rehearsal from 6:308:00PM on the week you are scheduled to sing. What do I do if I can’t be there? You must notify Kerryl Ann by the Tuesday before the Sunday you are scheduled to sing so she can find a replacement for you.

THE PROCEDURE To be on the stage at 7:45 AM on the Sundays you are scheduled to sing for a Sunday morning rehearsal. Following rehearsal you will be singing 3 services, the first one starting at 9:00AM and the last ending at 12:30 PM.

Parkway Fellowship Westpark Campus


Worship Vocals Ministry Team


This Playbook is a resource for all Parkway Fellowship campuses. It is meant to be an instruction manual for the Worship Vocals Ministry Team. Should you have any specific questions not covered by this Playbook, please contact the pastor at your campus.

HOW CAN I MAKE SURE EVERY WEEK IS A WIN? Be spiritually and musically prepared to lead worship. How does this ministry “reach the lost at any cost and grow them to maturity”? (our Mission Statement) We sing contemporary worship music that is similar in style to what is being played on popular radio. It is well rehearsed and professionally presented to attract a non churched audience as well as being a draw to young and older Christians alike. We use modern instruments such as guitars, drums, percussion and electronic keys. Which of the 5 Biblical purposes does this ministry fulfill? Worship - The worship being through personal and corporate worship Evangelism - in reaching out to the lost through popular media and preparing hearts for the message.

THE LEADER Kerryl Ann Frank is the leader of this ministry. Her cell is 713-291-0276 and her email is [email protected]. Can I be part of this ministry before I become a member? Yes you can, but must sign up for class 101 within the first 6 months that you join this ministry. Who is the pastor ultimately responsible for this ministry? Pat Hunt is the pastor over this ministry. His email is [email protected].

THE SCHEDULE A new schedule is made out every 4 months. You will be averaging 2 Sundays a month depending on your personal schedule. If for some reason you are scheduled on a Sunday that you cannot attend, please contact Kerryl Ann no later than the Tuesday prior to the Sunday you are to sing so she can get a replacement.

Parkway Fellowship Westpark Campus


Worship Vocals Ministry Team

What am I committing to? This is a high commitment ministry. You are committing to a 1½ hour rehearsal on Wed. nights from 6:30 to 8:00 PM. (you only need to attend the rehearsals on the weeks you are scheduled to sing). You are also committing to 2 Sundays a month. You are committing to listening and learning your music in advance of rehearsal.You will have access to our website website http://www.parkwayfellowship.com/pwteam/music/ to listen and learn your music in advance of rehearsal. The new songs will be posted no later than the Monday of the week you are to sing. How long is this going to take me every week? You will be required to be at church on the days you serve from 7:45 to about 12:30 PM. If you are not singing the song after the message you will be dismissed after worship at the 11:30 service (11:50). What do I do if I can’t be there? You must notify Kerryl Ann by the Tuesday before the Sunday you are scheduled to sing so she can find a replacement for you. What if I have a friend that wants to join the praise team? Auditions are held annually in the fall. We will send out a church wide email inviting anyone who wants to join the praise team to sign up for the audition.

THE PROCEDURE What do I do? Be on the stage at 7:45 AM for a rehearsal on the Sundays you are scheduled to sing. Following rehearsal you will be singing 3 services starting at 9 AM and ending no later than 12:30 PM. The 3 services are 9:00, 10:15 and 11:30AM. The worship part of the service covers the first 20 minutes of each service. You will be required to be in the green room behind the stage no later than 5 minutes prior to the service starting. If you are singing on the opening number you will need to come to the stage at the beginning of the 10 minute countdown. Cue to leave the campus If you are not participating in the song after the message, you may leave following the worship set at the 11:30 service (11:50). If you are participating in the song after the message you will be dismissed at 12:30. You will not be required to sit through three messages. You may use the green room or you may stay in the foyer, however you need to pick one service to hear the message in the worship center. What about singing a solo? Solos are chosen according to voice strength, tone quality and the style needed for each song. Soloist will be chosen by the worship pastor depending on need. Parkway Fellowship Westpark Campus


Worship Vocals Ministry Team

Vocal team Covenant You will be required to sign a covenant before you will be allowed to sing on stage. There is a high moral standard for this ministry. By signing the vocal team covenant you are agreeing to live your life to this standard. Failure to do so may result in dismissal from this ministry. Resources Sheet music is available upon request. Microphones are provided. If you hear a song that you think is appropriate for us please let us know and we will look into it.  How do I suggest a song? - You can email Pat Hunt or Kerryl Ann Frank with a song suggestion.  Do I need to bring any equipment? - Everything is provide by Parkway fellowship  How do I find the music I need to be prepared for? – Sheet music or lyric sheets are available upon request and MP3s of every song are provide on our worship website http://www.parkwayfellowship.com/pwteam/music/ . Pat hunt will provide you with the username and password.

Parkway Fellowship Westpark Campus