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Sermon series: The Final Countdown [Holy Spirit] Text: Acts 16:6-10 cf. John 16:13 Description: Every believer has the Holy Spirit but walking wit h the Spirit means He has your attention. Delivered: June 13, 2021

Which Advisor? Can most everything in your life be explained by your own abilities, your foresight, your intelligence, your education, your support system, your wealth, your experience? Or, are there frequently things that happen in your life about which you can only shrug and say, “God”?

1. It is possible to walk with the Spirit a.

Every Christian believes he/she has the Holy Spirit. But how many would say they __________ with Him?

b. John 16:5-7, 12-15. i. The truth we _________________: agree w/ God about who He is and who we are. ii. The Truth we ____________: following God’s commands. iii. The Truth we _________________: respond to “less-than-certain” Spirit promptings. 1. Big decisions 2. Smaller, day to day decisions. Galatians 3:25. (Since the Spirit gives us life, let Him also give us direction. KR version)

Application •

Are you interested in trading in more and more of your natural life—where all can be explained by you, for a supernatural one—which only can be explained by God? o

________________ how much/little you seek Spirit’s help in a day.


___________: Father, if it’s really possible to walk moment by moment with the Spirit who lives in me, I want that.


____________________: Begin praying about the most mundane things in your day.

2. Walking with the Spirit might cause a change of plans. Acts 16:6-10 a.

Human _______________: Paul’s acted, but OUT OF STEP with the Spirit’s plan. Vv.6-8

b. Holy __________________________. c.

Human _________________. Vv.9-10


i. ____________________ to Spirit’s plan. ii. ______________ Spirit’s plan was _______________________. God’s plan isn’t just for us to do good things, it’s to do the right good things.

Learnings •

If you’re unsure about the Spirit’s plan, don’t let uncertainty _____________________ ________ into doing ___________________. o

The Spirit is both able and willing to redirect you if you get it wrong.


The Spirit’s PLAN is sometimes a ________, sometimes a __________ __________ ____________ (but with Bible edges).

Be _________________________ when someone says, “The Spirit did this because…”

The Spirit’s plan is always the __________ one.

To think about… •

In Forgotten God, Francis Chan wrote, I’m willing to bet there are millions of churchgoers across America who cannot confidently say they have experienced [the Holy Spirit’s] presence or action in their lives over the past year. And many of them do not believe they can. Can you confidently say you’ve experienced the Holy Spirit’s presence or action in your life in the past year? If so, give a couple of examples.

If this is not true for you, why do you think that is the case? Do you believe it could be true for you? What do you think it would take? Or cost?

In Jesus Continued, J.D. Greear asks believers, “Is Christianity more of a set of beliefs to which you adhere and a lifestyle to which you conform, or is it a dynamic relationship in which you walk with the Spirit and move in His power?” Make the question person: what’s your answer?

Memorize Ephesians 5:18

Judging by the New Testament, people in the early church prayed. A lot. About everything. If that is not true of you, how do you think God could change that?