Easter Sunday

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April 1, 2018 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 a.m. Easter Sunday Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church

Gathering Around The Word

“What might happen if every Easter we celebrated... the ongoing resurrection of all humanity through Christ? Easter could be the annual affirmation of our ongoing resurrection from violence to peace, from fear to faith, from hostility to love, from a culture of consumption to a culture of stewardship and generosity... and in all these ways and more, from death to life.” – Brian McLaren

Opening Voluntary

Toccata on “Christ the Lord is Risen Today”

Diane Bish

Invitation to Discipleship Introit

Grand Choeur Dialogue Organ and brass

Eugene Gigout

Call to Worship responsively Leader: People: Leader: People: Leader: People: Leader: All:

In the stillness of morning, Christ is risen! The tomb is empty; the stone is rolled away, Christ is risen! Death could not hold him, Christ is risen! Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed! Let us worship the one who lives!

*Hymn 232 Jesus Christ Is Risen Today


Jesus Christ is risen today, Alleluia! Our triumphant holy day, Alleluia! Who did once upon the cross, Alleluia! Suffer to redeem our loss. Alleluia! Hymns of praise then let us sing, Alleluia! Unto Christ, our heavenly King, Alleluia! Who endured the cross and grave, Alleluia! Sinners to redeem and save. Alleluia! But the pains which he endured, Alleluia! Our salvation have procured. Alleluia! Now above the sky he’s King, Alleluia! Where the angels ever sing. Alleluia! Sing we to our God above, Alleluia! Praise eternal as God’s love. Alleluia! Praise our God, ye heavenly host, Alleluia! Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Alleluia!

* May all who are able rise in mind, body and spirit to worship the Lord.

*Call to Confession and Prayer of Confession together

God of life, you have conquered the grave and given us new life in Christ, yet we are still in need of resurrection. We continue to make mistakes, to say the wrong things, to walk past people in need, to dwell in doubt and fear. Forgive us, God, and call us once more to new life. Help us to be people who believe, proclaim, and live the resurrection. Amen.

*Words of Forgiveness responsively Leader: People:

Friends, hear and believe the good news of the Gospel: We are saved by grace through faith. In Jesus Christ we are forgiven. Thanks be to God. Amen.



Thine is the glory, risen, conquering Son; endless is the victory thou o’er death hast won. Angels in bright raiment rolled the stone away, kept the folded grave clothes where thy body lay. Thine is the glory, risen, conquering Son; endless is the victory thou o’er death hast won.

Service Of The Word Prayer for Illumination Scripture Reading John 20:1-18

Leader: This is the Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God.


When They Arrived

Rev. Matthew Ruffner

Response to the Word *Affirmation of Faith together

From the Declaration of Faith

In the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, God kept God’s promises. All that we can ever hope for was present in Christ. But the work of God in Christ is not over. God calls us to hope for more than we have yet seen. The hope God gives us is ultimate confidence that supports us when lesser hopes fail us. In Christ, God gives hope for a new heaven and earth, certainty of victory over death, assurance of mercy and judgment beyond death. This hope gives us courage for the present struggle.

*Hymn 248 (9:30 & 11 a.m.)

Christ Is Risen! Shout Hosanna! Christ is risen! Shout Hosanna! Celebrate this day of days! Christ is risen! Hush in wonder: all creation is amazed. In the desert all-surrounding, see, a spreading tree has grown. Healing leaves of grace abounding bring a taste of love unknown. Christ is risen! Raise your spirits from the caverns of despair. Walk with gladness in the morning. See what love can do and dare. Drink the wine of resurrection, not a servant, but a friend. Jesus is our strong companion. Joy and peace shall never end.


Prayers of the People and the Lord’s Prayer together

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.

Presentation of Tithes and Offerings Offertory

Glory! N. Rimsky-Korsakov/arr. Terry Price The Sanctuary Choir and brass Glory be to Thee, our risen Master, who by Thy cross and passion hast won over death. Now sing we Thy praises forever and ever, glory! Sing, O sing to tell the world that Christ is risen! Tell the news to all the world that Christ is risen, glory! From the darkness of death Thou hast blossomed into light. By Thy glorious resurrection, Thou hast triumphed over sin. Truth has conquered all before it, Christ the Victor now our souls to win. Glory! We all now are saved by Thy gift of love, from this time and evermore. Glory to Thee on high! Trumpets ring, angels sing: Christ is King! Glory, glory to Thee! Hope now in our hearts and peace. This is our prayer to Thee; let us live with joy for Christ has given to us glory! Glory!

*Doxology with Alleluias

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow. Praise Christ, all people here below; Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise Holy Spirit evermore; Praise Triune God whom we adore. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!


*Prayer of Dedication *Hymn 233

The Day of Resurrection! The day of resurrection! Earth, tell it out abroad, The Passover of gladness, the Passover of God. From death to life eternal, from sin’s dominion free, Our Christ has brought us over with hymns of victory.


Now let the heavens be joyful; let earth its song begin; The round world keep high triumph and all that is therein. Let all things seen and unseen their notes of gladness blend, For Christ the Lord has risen, our joy that has no end.

*Benediction *Benediction Response

“Hallelujah” from Messiah George Frideric Handel The Sanctuary Choir & brass Hallelujah! For the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth. Hallelujah! The kingdom of this world is become the Kingdom of our Lord, and of his Christ, and he shall reign forever and ever; King of kings and Lord of lords! Hallelujah!

Closing Voluntary

Toccata from Organ Symphony No. 5 in F Minor, Op. 42, No. 1

Charles-Marie Widor

Rev. Matthew Ruffner Senior Pastor

Rev. Dr. Ewen Holmes Interim Executive Pastor

Rev. Sarah Johnson Associate Pastor for Discipleship

Rev. Kathy Lee-Cornell Associate Pastor for Mission and Outreach

Steve Jobman Director of Music

Michael Groff Associate Director of Music

Rev. Sarah Are Associate Pastor, Youth and Young Adults

Rev. Mark Brainerd Associate Pastor for Congregational Care

Zach Light-Wells Associate Director of Music

Bradley Hunter Welch Organist and Artist-in-Residence

Jessie Light-Wells Monie Pastoral Resident

Rev. Dr. Bob Poteet Parish Associate


If you’re visiting us for the first time, please fill out the card in your pew and we will be in touch! Want to get to know our pastors and members? All are welcome at our Worship at Five Block Party on April 29 at 5 p.m.!


Join us every Sunday for worship at 8:15, 9:30 and 11 a.m. in the Sanctuary, and 5 p.m. in Founders Hall. Adult education and children’s Sunday school starts at 9:30 a.m.Visit www.phpc.org/worship for more information! Can’t make it on Sunday? Watch our 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. services live at www.phpc.org/streaming. Or listen to the 11 a.m. service on WRR 101.1 FM.


If you are interested in becoming part of our church family, our next Starting Point lunch will be on April 8. Visit www.phpc.org/join.

Children and Youth

We welcome all ages at PHPC! Field trips, summer camps, service projects, lock-ins, mission trips, education, movie nights and more! Our Youth Ministry will be leading worship next Sunday, April 8. Visit www.phpc.org/kids or www.phpc.org/youth.


For those have experienced the death of a loved one, our Grief Support class will begin April 9 for six weekly sessions. For more details on all our Care offerings,Visit www.phpc.org/care.


Our music department presents “Americana” on May 20 at 7 p.m. All-American favorites presented by the Sanctuary Choir, Sanctuary Ringers and full orchestra. Featured highlights this year showcase the beloved “Sound of Music.”  This always popular concert has become one of the favorite musical traditions of PHPC. Learn more about all our music offerings at www.phpc.org/music.

Easter Lilies 2018


Cathy and Tom Allen Carol Allred and Curt Welwood Cindi and Jay Anthony The Barnes Family Elaine and Howard Bohlin Mark Brainerd Gordon and Lyn Brown The Cagle Family Richard and Lisa Centala The Choirs of PHPC with Thanks and Gratitude Pat and Lee Coggan Bill and Betty Coker Sue and Lee Coleman Helen and Kent Comer Jennie Crays Tim, Suzanne, Austin and Connor Dakil Hampton Dale Jack Dale Sandy Dehn Al and Sue DiCristofaro George and Donna Dobson Marilyn Elliott Foote Paula and Frank Fornara Pamela Garges Clarice and Stephen Giles Sandra Gompf Jane and Dave Graeber Randy and Neva Hall The Hamm Family The Heddleston Family Stanley Herrin Karen and Russell Holloway Elaine and Bill Johnson Debbie and Jim Johnson Michael and Lisa Johnson Toby and Will Jordan Cindy Jung Ryan and Kate Kelly Cecil and Sandy Long Dan and Allison Lorimer Lesley and Bill Martinelli Pat Mattingly Susan McDaniel Joan McFarlane Vivienne and Paul Neubach The Olsson Family Children Rick and Joy Osborne


Stacy Allen; Trisha, Michael and Ames Gargiulo Our children: Alyssa, Adam, Amber, Olivia, Grant and Alec; Our grandchildren: Jackson, Clark, Clara, William, Dolly and Dean Our 40th wedding anniversary, our beloved children and their families George and Martie Barnes’ 25th anniversary Our Risen Lord My calling committee: Annette Rutherford, Audrey White, Howard Parker, Gretchen Feemster, Joan McFarlane, John White Jim McLean Epiphany staff and volunteers Loving parents: Doris Gibbons, Tom and Joanne Centala Steve Jobman, Michael Groff, Terry Price, Zach Light-Wells, Bradley Welch and Yun Jung Lee J. Ward Hunt Phyllis Gilly Jeanne Hubbard, our children and grandchildren, Monie family, PHPC pastoral staff Our grandchildren: Abby, Kent and Charlie My family Carolyn Roper, John and Janie Roper, T. Anne Dakil Haley Dale Haley Dale PHPC pastors and staff Russell Favorite Our children: Kathy, Jack, Jason and Karver To the glory of God Estelle Cromeens Pastors and staff at PHPC Janet Tinsley, Darlene Giles, Alexander Thomas Our music ministry Our children and grandchildren: John, Lauren, Annie and Ben Graeber; Lauren, Drew, Patrick and Madigan Solomon John Hall, Dani Hall and Jim Pierce Our mother, grandmother and great grandmother-Dottie Edwards Valeria McElroy, grandmother Nancy Herrin Jake and Ells Holloway Our family Our children and grandchildren: Courtney, Mac, Betsy and Brooks Harrison and Kirk Johnson Elaine and Bill Johnson, Charlie and Will Johnson Our children and grandchildren Lisa Johnson for her dedication to the Board of Deacons The birth of our niece, Lucy Weissmann Our children and grandchildren Pastors and staff at PHPC Mary Jane Martinelli, our children and grandchildren Laurie Jennings Stuart Craft Steve Jobman, Michael Groff, Zach Light-Wells; Thursday Morning Disciple Class Our families and our ministers John and Peggy Olsson The Matt and Kari Osborne family, the Jon and Fifi Osborne family and the Aaron and Amy White family


Deanna and Ronald Palmer Peg Pannell Smith Sharon and Brooks Patrick JoAnn and Chuck Plenge Michelle Price Terry and Alyce Price Cynthia Rollow and Karen Church Charles and Annette Rutherford, Ali Ogburn and Kim Hokin Christina Ryan


Julie and Rick Wyman

Our grandchildren, Landon and Sophie Prince Joan Pannell Our family Sam Russell Terry and Alyce Price Michelle Price, Steve Jobman and Rick Best, Blair and Cyndy Monie Geri Orr Aileen Rutherford and Joseph Mosier My family: Christopher, Bishop, Scott, Lisa, Greg, Braden, Maddox, Charly Ryan Mary Saye, Rosemary Pritchard To the glory of God My parents’ 70th wedding anniversary, J. Davis and Mary Small My family: Thomas, Thayer, Trish, Jesse, Alyssa and Ethan Our parents Lauren, Lance and Dawson Prescott; Taylor, Meg and Tommy Vernon Our family and church family Lizzie and Joe Bumpas Mike Wieman (for all of his love and support) Barbara Wiese Our children, Ethan and Carter Children: Ellen Wilson, Claire and Brett Messerall Joan Curtis, Diana and Bill Winkelmann Our children and grandchildren: Emily, Matthew and Dany; Scott, Lauren and Wyatt; and the church staff Jimmy Scott Smith Mary and Bob Wright; our children: Hannah, Lauren, Chris, Taylor, Ellie and Wesley Our son, Rich Wyman



Chip, Melissa, Mac and Vivi Saye Phillip J. Scoggin Elizabeth Small Linda V. Smith Lu and Willard Tompson Kim and John Vernon Sandy and Steve Watson Kay and Peter Weeks Margaret Wieman Karen, Kendra, Kevin and Allen Wiese Brad and Noelle Williams David Wilson Jenny, Will and Ava Winkelmann Jim and Kay Winkler Bobby and Gwen Womack Stacey and Mike Wright

Ruth Akwaji Carol Allred and Curt Welwood Rob and Birdie Armstrong Martha Baker Keith and Jeri Bechly Lee Berlin Vik and Yasmin Bhatia Gordon and Lyn Brown Dalene and John Buhl Richard and Lisa Centala Bill and Betty Coker Bruce and Evelyn Cole Sue and Lee Coleman Helen and Kent Comer Betty Ann and J.E. Cox Jennie Crays Anne and Kyle Crews Tim, Suzanne, Austin and Connor Dakil Sandy Dehn Al and Sue DiCristofaro George and Donna Dobson Katie Dollar

Mother, father, husband and daughter Amanda Welwood; Curt’s parents, Dolly and Steven Welwood; Carol’s father, James C. Ray Our parents and sister; Cooper B. Stuart Russell Baker Catherine and Dan Bechly, Bradley Martin and Scott Martin Marguerite Lee Berlin Grandma Sherry Zarolia Richard and Betty Brown, Robert and Lenora Spealman Lee and Ted Buhl, Effie Issitt Fain Gibbons Lionel Gilly Bryan and Pauline Cannon, Warren and Nell Lewis, Mrs. Pat Cole, Charley Cole William Hubbard, Winton Coleman, Sr., Eileen Coleman, Cora Paul Our parents Our parents Darol E. Crays, husband Marilyn and Jack Crichton, Bun and Dave Morris Maxine and Louis Dakil, Betty and Lewis White, Jack Roper George, Ruth, David and Willa Dehn Shirley and Albert DiCristofaro, Patricia Favorite, Ruth Ellen Norman Our parents: Jack and Virginia Lee Dobson, Don and Marcia Stuck My sweet adopted grandma, Mary Jane King


Tom and Ellen Dortch Nancy and Bobby Doxey Sandy Fields, The Bell Family, The Walker Family Julia Fuller Pamela Garges Clarice and Stephen Giles Sandra Gompf Sharron and Al Gonzalez Jane and Dave Graeber Claire C. Grant Dawn and David Hall Randy and Neva Hall The Hamm Family The Harris Family Darwin and Joan Hemer Stanley Herrin Karen and Russell Holloway Wilma Honea Marcia Howard Don and Cindy James Emily Jefferson Elaine and Bill Johnson Debbie and Jim Johnson Amy and Dave Jones Paul Jones Robert Jones Will and Toby Jordan Cindy Jung Sue Kidwell Pam, Emily and Sean Kirkpatrick John Kumpf The Leopard, Bennett and Dillard Families David and Miranda Lind Cecil and Sandy Long Mimi, Russ and Andrew Longyear Dan and Allison Lorimer Lesley and Bill Martinelli Pat Mattingly Carol and Joe McEntee Joan McFarlane Sameera and John Murad Vivienne and Paul Neubach Ann and Terry O’Hara John and Peggy Olsson Peg Pannell Smith Ann Paradise and Pete Willson Howard Parker


Dortch Family Angels, Dein Family Angels, Eason Family Angels Our parents Mike Fields (G Dad), Don and Marian Dale Rosalie Knoll Cass and Rosalie Cass Mango George F. Garges, Myrna J. Garges, Gerry A. Garges, Nettie G. Painter Abbie Cates, Pearlie Lee, The Tinsley Family Angels, The Giles Family Angels Henry Lewis Gompf Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Richards Our parents: Ben and Lillie Graeber, Fred and Mary Sue Lewis Samuel John Grant Our parents: Richard and Lela Hall, Richard and Marianne Renzetti; Alice and Larry Clark John and Ruth Lovato, John and Jennyre Hall Robert Edwards, John and Letty Hamm Bill and Miriam Harris Otto and Emma Hemer, John and Tillie Naley Moreland Herrin Kathy Holloway, Zenobia and Russell Holloway, Barbara and George Budd Ron Honea James Howard Our friend, Kathy Holloway; our parents: Lila James, Don and Ina Cameron Kathryn and B.C. Jefferson Our parents Our parents: Flora and Earl Carter, Edna and Shay Johnson Dee Ann Jones, Robert Ross Harris Mother, Ella Wayne Jones; brother, Eddie Jones Bertie Marie Jones (Mommo) and Charles Ray Jones (Poppo) Our parents: Kathryn and Charles Stall, Evelyn and Henry Jordan Betty and Taylor Walker Alice and Rollo Kidwell Charles (Jack) Ridgway, Kelley Kirkpatrick Mary Kumpf, Jim Kumpf and Susan Deacon Virginia and Chuck Turet Marie and Robert Lind, H.T. Yee Our parents Florence and Paul Prosswimmer, Catherine and Ralph Longyear Our parents: Ann and Jim Lorimer, Mary Craven Talley and Arthur L. Talley Marge Heres, Elizabeth and John Heres, Tom Martinelli, R. J. Martinelli Mary Jane King Our parents: Carmen and Harold Naylon, Susan and Joseph McEntee George T. McFarlane, loving husband Our parents and Stephen Lang Massad Amanda Elizabeth Neubach and our fathers, L.H. Boyette and F.G. Neubach Our parents: Don O’Hara, Malcolm and Nyda Frank Our parents: EP Torsten and Marion Olsson, Henry and Agnes Griffith George Franklin Pannell, Sr., Glen Allen Smith, Sr. Our parents: Dorothy and Kelly Chisum, Peggy and Pete Willson; Natalie Bentzen and Marge Gay Rosalyn Parker


Sharon and Brooks Patrick JoAnn and Chuck Plenge The Poole Family Children and Grandchildren Jamie and Kay Preddy Sally Posey Susan Rebillet Carlotta Rhoades Sheila Rice Cynthia Rollow and Karen Church The Roth Family Charles and Annette Rutherford, Ali Ogburn and Kim Hokin Christina Ryan Doris and Mike Sampson Diane M. Sarver Tobie, Steve, Lauren and Jeff Sasser Chip, Melissa, Mac and Vivi Saye Donna Schoettmer and her 3 boys Marion and George Scragg Nancy Simpson Elizabeth Small Linda V. Smith Julie Stewart Steve Stewart David Stranathan Karen Stranathan Lee Stranathan The Tan Family The Tan Family James and Carol (Kahn) Thomas Kim and John Vernon Robin and Bradley Ward Sandy and Steve Watson Kay and Peter Weeks Mickie White Craig and Pat Wicker Mike and Margaret Wieman Karen, Kendra, Kevin and Allen Wiese Glenda and Jim Williams and family David Wilson Jennifer and Jeff Wilson Anne Wittel Bobby and Gwen Womack Stacey and Mike Wright Julie and Rick Wyman


Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Lewis, Sr.; Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Patrick, Sr. Ruth Russell, Christine and Charles Plenge Lois and Richard Poole Our parents Lee Posey Phil and Legare Bates David G. Caddell Cynthia Corrie Rice, Rose Hibbard Brechbiel Philip Orr, Jr. Martha Tan and Cynthia Roth Charles R. Rutherford and Marian Mosier Cormac Ryan Marjorie and A.C. Boger; Dr. Jim Boger; Marjorie and Max Sampson Dr. and Mrs. Carl Meehan Pamela Powell and Marilyn Hayes Jack Pritchard, Ralph Milton Saye, Jr. Charles Snipes, father and grandfather Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Eells; Mr. and Mrs. George Scragg; Ms. Marion Nisbett; Ms Lois Wilson Tracy Simpson, Tom Simpson Ina and Louis Gleim, Eleanor and John Small My parents, Edith and Elmer Van Sickle Rosemary Curtis Georgia Stewart, grandmother Marianne Renzetti Marianne Renzetti Marianne Renzetti Martha Tan Lena Wonorahardja Julian and Harriett Kahn-beloved parents, grandparents and founding members of PHPC Kim and George Dawson and Martin Vernon; Bobbye Hughes McDermott Ron and Glenda Smiley, Warren and Lenore Smiley Lorraine and Jim Watson, Debbie and Bill Watson, Ginny and Bill Berridge, David Vernon Cathy and Phillips Weeks, Jeanne and Tom Scholberg James E. White J.D. and Wanda Bland, Vernon Wicker, Vernal Hanson Our parents: Ray and Dorothy Martin, Quintin and Louise Wieman; brother, Glen Martin Tom, Bob and Jay Wiese; Minter and Hope Wilson Our loving parents and grandparents My parents, Bob and Nell Wilson Our dear grandparents: Margaret, Howard, Marion, Paul, Ruth, Anna and Charles My husband, Bryant Phillips Ruth Bell Kellye Wright Samuelson; Jane and Bill Emerson; Sue Nolan, our beloved friend Our son, Chuck Wyman

The flowers in the Columbarium are given to the glory of God by Lee Berlin in loving memory of Marguerite Lee Berlin; by the Owen Brothers in loving memory of Pat and Sam Owen, and by Jane and David Smith in loving memory of Bronson Sellers Smith.