Eberbach CORPORATIONpubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/ac60352a729Our digital Autobalances give you a combination of auto- mat...
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Don't buy any microbalance... until you've seen Perkin-Elmer Autobalances. Our digital Autobalances give you a combination of auto arate from the c o n t r o l / r e a d o u t , so you can weigh on a mation, simplicity, and ruggedness never before availtable, in a glove box, or in almost any controlled environable. Hundreds of Models AD-2 and AM-2 second genem e n t — v a c u u m , pressure, heat, c o l d , wet, dry, corrosive, ration Autobalances are now in use around the w o r l d . radioactive . . . you name it. Really "goof-proof." Just put the sample on the pan Compare the specs. No other microbalance has a and read the weight. Anyone can get the same accurate capacity of five grams and an ultimate precision of better answers as your best technician. than 0.1 microgram. Request a copy of our literature and We have eliminated pointers, magnifiers, multipliers, study all the specifications in detail. They're important. verniers, null meters . . . and errors. Controls are logical, A n d you'll find that ours are the best. and easy to understand and use. Recording vacuum balances, too. Our Model AR-2 is Fully automatic. An Autobalance can balance the beam, perfect for thermogravimetry, adsorption, etc. select the best range, shift the decimal point, display the For further details and literature on our complete Autoweight on a linear digital readout, and even print it (with balance line write to Instrument Division, Perkin-Elmer an optional printer) all automatically and within seconds. Corporation, Main Avenue, Norwalk, Conn. 06856. This is what all microbalances ought to do. Perkin-Elmer AD-2 Autobalances d o ! Use them anywhere. Autobalances c a n be used in extraordinary environments. The weighing unit is sepSee Perkin-Elmer at booth 321-330 at the 1375 Pittsburgh Conference
ELECTRO-ANALYTICAL APPARATUS E L E C T R O - A N A L Y Z E R , Cat. 1000. For simultaneous or individual determination of copper, lead, zinc, nickel, antimony, cadmium by electro-deposit i o n . For 115/230v, 50/60 Hz. . . w i t h o u t electrodes $1050.00 ULTRA-SPEED ELECTROA N A L Y Z E R , Cat. 1250. For high speed determinations of copper and lead by electro-deposition. Deposits 1 gram of copper in 8 minutes. Single position instrument. For 115v, 5 0 / 60 Hz. . .without electrodes $1200.00 D Y N A - C A T H , Magnetic Mercury Cathode, Cat. 1510. For rapid separation of metals. For example, analysis of aluminum in zinc-base alloys. For 115v, 50/60 Hz. . .with platinum electrodes $1740.00
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CORPORATION ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN See us at the Pittsburgh Conference, Booth £213 CIRCLE 7 0 O N READER SERVICE CARD