Emmanuel Way November 2013

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The Emmanuel Way A monthly publication of Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Greenwood, Virginia November


Endowment Board announces changes By Jim Neligan The Endowment Board met on Wednesday, October 23rd in the Marston/LaRue House. The deadline for 2014 grant applications will be January 31, 2014. Applications will be reviewed and interviews will be held in February. Awards will be distributed in March. The board decided to begin the process earlier in the year in order to complete its work prior to Holy Week. Applications are available in the church office. Additionally, the board assigned 2, 4, 6 and 8-year terms to the current board members to facilitate implementation of Emmanuel’s proposed bylaws calling for staggered 8-year terms and elected Jim Neligan to serve a four-year term as chair.

Fall Clean-Up Day set for Nov 9 Our Junior Warden Henry Oakey needs your help with our fall clean-up of the church and grounds. Oakey said, “We start around 8 am and work to clean the church, parish hall and grounds in preparation for winter.” There are light duty jobs and heavy duty jobs to fit your special circumstances – something for all ages and unique skills. It is a fun way to meet your fellow parishioners and

help the church. Come and leave as your schedule dictates.

Our Senior Warden’s Report

Rector’s Reflections

By Delores Smith Traditionally, Emmanuel’s vestry meetings have begun and ended with prayer. With the arrival of Father Christopher, the meetings now begin not only with a prayer, but also with a short Bible study to help set the tone for the meeting. At the October meeting, the rector asked the vestry to read a passage from Corinthians 12. Referring to three different versions of the passage, the vestry members discussed the idea of one body with many and varied gifts. For your contemplation, I share with you a copy of one version of the passage which Father Christopher distributed to members of the vestry. From Saint Paul’s First Letter to the Church in Corinth (chapter 12) There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work. Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. To one there is given through the Spirit a message of wisdom, to another a message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of languages, and to still another the interpretation of languages. All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and He distributes them to each one, just as He determines. Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body - whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free - and we were all given the one Spirit to drink. (New International Version )

The Rev. Christopher M. Garcia Rector

Dear friends in Christ, Thank you for a wonderful first month at Emmanuel. I am beginning to feel settled. I have moved into my townhouse. Comcast managed to turn on my internet connection. Most of the unpacking is done . . . although when you visit my study in MarstonLaRue House, you will see that I still have a few boxes left to unpack, there, too. Without exception, everyone has been gracious, warm, and welcoming. Thank you, thank you, thank you. My days have been busy. In addition to pastoral calls and writing sermons, my calendar fills up quickly with meetings: the vestry, various committees, and one-on-one meetings with staff members, leaders of ministry areas, and other key volunteers. People stop by just to say “Hello!” and introduce themselves (thank you). I feel like someone beginning to put together a jig-saw puzzle: one piece at a time, I turn over each piece, trying to figure out which end is up, trying to understand where it fits into the bigger picture of our life together at Emmanuel. How does the finance committee relate to the Endowment Board? Who runs the acolytes? Where do we keep the paper clips?

2 November 2013 Where’s a good place to go for a run? When can I get out and do something with our youth group? Who are our mission partners? Where is the switch to the sound system? How much is our pledge to the diocese? What are our plans for Ledford House? Does any place in Crozet serve breakfast? When is the bishop coming to visit next year? Did I have lunch today? This process of trying to understand everything, all at once, as soon as possible, can become consuming and overwhelming. Fortunately, I am not in this alone. God has called me to this place, God has put all of us here, together, and God has great plans for us. I have come to understand that each of you hold a piece of the jig-saw puzzle called Emmanuel, and that I am not supposed to figure it all out by myself. Each of you can tell me something about this place and the work that God gives us to do here. Each of you has a vision for what Emmanuel might look like a year from now or ten years from now. So my job is to listen, to learn, to make connections, and above all, to ask questions. The corollary, of course, to the proposition “I don’t have to do everything by myself,” is that each of you is important to our life together. No one is unimportant. We need everyone’s contributions if Emmanuel is to be all that God wants us to be. (For a biblical reflection on this, read 1 Corinthians 12:4-31 and Ephesians 4:11-16.) In the month of November, we will explore our stewardship of time, talent, and yes, money. Our financial contributions are important (and you will hear more about money from me later this month), but money is only part of stewardship. God has given each of us passions, abilities, strengths, interests, skills, and ideas: what are yours? How are you using them to build up this wonderful corner of God’s kingdom known as Emmanuel? So please do stop by for a cup of coffee or invite me to join you for a chat or a meal or a walk down your favorite path. I want to see the piece of the puzzle that you are holding. I need to hear your ideas. I want to

The Emmanuel Way know how you can contribute, and what you will do to make our dreams a reality. Yours in Christ,

Father Don’s Message

forget the sacrifices they and their families have made for our freedom. One more thing we can all do is to pray for members of the military services, past and present. The following prayer comes from our Book of Common Prayer: Almighty God, we commend to your gracious care and keeping all the men and women of our armed forces at home and abroad. Defend them day by day with your heavenly grace; strengthen them in their trials and temptations; give them courage to face the perils which beset them; and grant them a sense of your abiding presence wherever they may be; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Faithfully, Don

Women’s Bible Study By Carolyn Rhondeau

The Rev. Deacon Donald Cady

Dear Friends in Christ: November 11, we, as a nation, will celebrate and honor our military veterans. On this day we salute and pay tribute to all veterans who have served this country in the time of peace and war for the past 236 years. On November 11, I would like each of us in the Emmanuel family to say thank you to all the veterans and active duty military members of our parish. If you now of a veteran in the congregation say thank you in person or give them a telephone call or send a note. Do the same in your home community. If you don’t know a veteran, honor them all by flying an American flag on November 11. These men and women have stood tall for each of us over many decades, in many lands and in times of great peril. Let us never


Women's Bible Study will meet each month on the 2nd and 4th Thursday at 10:00 AM in the church parlor. Join us as we continue Conversations With Scripture: The Gospel of Matthew by John Y. H. Yieh. If you need a book, it can be ordered through Amazon.com. For questions, send me a note at: [email protected].

Christian Education News By Cathy Boyd Director of Christian Education The August edition of the Emmanuel Way featured Dara Powers Parker, our Sunday School teacher and author of The Highlands Tunnel, a spiritual allegory for young adults. We are lucky to have Dara in our midst, and will have two great opportunities to hear more about the inspiration and development of her book. On Sunday,

3 November 2013 November 10 at 10am, all children and youth Sunday School classes (their parents are welcome, too) will meet with Dara in the Ledford House to hear more about The Highlands Tunnel. Then, on Sunday, November 17th at 10am, Dara will speak at the Adult Forum. The Highlands Tunnel is about a 14-year-old boy named Harrison who is in the midst of an identity crisis. Finding himself, his little brother, and a girl from school in trouble, he rides the train into a supernatural realm to escape. There, Harrison meets the Ransom, the hero of all stories, and discovers who he is and his part to play in a larger Plot. I am reading The Highlands Tunnel now, and thoroughly enjoying it. I will be attending Dara’s talks with many questions in mind. For example, I am eager to hear her talk about how the natural beauty of Afton, VA inspires her as a writer. The book is available on Amazon, and Dara will have copies available on November 10th & 17th, too. Among the many other people who give of themselves to the children of Emmanuel is the hearty (and hardy) band of folks who lead Children’s Worship. What do you notice about the way the Emmanuel children leave for Children’s Worship each Sunday morning? If “skipping” came to your mind, you are right on track! Having led a few Children’s Worship sessions now, other words like “spontaneous”, “exhilarating”, and “hilarious” come to mind. I am happy to be hosting a thank-you dinner for all the Children’s Worship leaders on Tuesday, November 5th at 6pm at La Cucina Del Sol in Crozet. Father Christopher will join us. If you’re curious about leading Children’s Worship, please join us!

The Emmanuel Way http://www.perfectpotluck.com/meals. php?t=SGUC4005

Choir looking for new members The choir is looking for additional members. All voice parts are welcomed and especially baritones and basses. With Advent and Christmas coming up, this is a wonderful time to get involved. You don’t need to be able to read music and the choir is a very supportive group. Larry Smith, our music director, would love to hear from you and answer all your questions.

The Emmanuel Way Published on or before the first day of each month, with the single exception of the month of July, The deadline is the 20th of the month preceding the month of issue.

7599 Rockfish Gap Turnpike Post Office Box 38 Greenwood, Virginia 22943 Email: [email protected] Website: emmanuelgreenwood.org Phone: 540-456-6334 James E. Crosby………….. Editor Email: [email protected]

A celebration was held Wednesday afternoon at Martha Jefferson Hospital. One of the hospital's nurses was granted a national award for her nursing excellence - and it came as a complete surprise. It was just a typical day at work for Kristin Von Thelen until she walked into the lobby and heard dozens of her peers yelling, "Congrats!" One of Von Thelen's peers at the hospital nominated her for the Cherokee Inspired Comfort Award. She says Von Thelen's hard work and dedication to her practice made her more than deserving for the honor. Von Thelen is among only six care providers across the country to be named a winner. Von Thelen has been a nurse for 29 years and has taken six trips to India to care for women and children there. She says reading the letter a coworker submitted for her nomination made her feel proud, but it was emotional. "They sent me a copy of it and I truly burst down in tears in front of the computer and I was just so honored and so amazed to read about this person she was describing and it was me and I was just like, "Wow, I can't believe this," said Von Thelen.

The Greenwood Grapevine reports

Patsy (center) and Jim Crosby are completing the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training at PVCC offered through the E-911 Center. They, along with 8 other members of the Crozet Safety Corps, have undertaken the 9-week course to prepare for their service as members of corps to better serve our communities in western Albemarle County.

Disciples Kitchen The next Disciples Kitchen (DK) event is on November 16 at the Basic United Methodist Church in Waynesboro. Here's the Perfect Potluck website to go to if people are interested in volunteering: 3

4 November 2013

Stewardship and You By Keith Davis As we enter November, we begin the final push in our liturgical calendar. The New Year begins December 1 with the First Sunday of Advent. We wind our way through November beginning with All Saints Day and ending with Sunday of Christ The King. We end our month and thus the liturgical year with Jesus saying, “Today you will be with me in Paradise.” Here at Emmanuel, we are already looking forward to the New Year. Your vestry is setting priorities and preparing budgets. And to that end, we begin the season of Annual Giving. I am honored to have been asked to lead this charge on behalf of your vestry – a daunting task to say the least. Emmanuel is a vibrant, faithful community who have long supported this parish through immeasurable time, talents, and indeed financial contributions. As I have prayed over this year’s campaign, I have been aware at every turn of the wonderful ways in which Emmanuel reaches out into our community. Our newest outreach efforts, the Coat Drive has provided much needed warmth to those less fortunate in our area. The Bread Fund is now in its 30th year of serving the people of Albemarle and Nelson, reaching more than 130 families each month. Our own families are touched in so many ways each day. This year, we have added Cathy Boyd to our staff, who has done a remarkable job improving educational programs that were run by our own members during our recent interim period. F.I.R.E. has attracted families from all ages to come together in community and learn from each other. The adult forum is in the midst of a highly successful series on Discipleship. Each of our ministries offers an opportunity for growth and

The Emmanuel Way involvement. But they also come at a financial cost to our parish. In 2014, our budget is anticipated to approach $400,000. This represents a small growth in giving, but a substantial growth in pledging dollars. You will be receiving in your mailbox additional information on our budget, the planning process, and our gratitude for your gifts. Your support is crucial each year as we plan how best to serve our members and our greater community. We ask that as you pray over your annual commitment, you give thought to the many ways Emmanuel touches your life, and the breadth of our relationships in the greater community. On the last Sunday of November, the Sunday of Christ the King, we will celebrate the end of our liturgical calendar and the generosity of this parish and our families’ commitment to her ongoing service to Christ by asking that you bring commitment cards back to church that day. Emmanuel is a wonderful parish, and I am honored to be able to serve and support her wonderful mission. We hope that you will share in our enthusiasm.

Episcopal Youth Event 2014 July 9 – 13, 2014 “The 5 Marks of Mission” http://www.episcopalchurch.org/page/ five-marks-mission What is EYE? The Episcopal Youth Event (EYE) began in 1982 and has quickly become one of the largest gatherings of Episcopalians – second only to General Convention. It is a triennial event which brings together high school youth from across the country as well as the larger Anglican Communion. It is similar to the events we have in our own diocese and will 4

include: music, worship, fellowship, group discussion, keynote speakers, games, and fun but on the national level! When? Where? The Episcopal Youth Event (EYE) will take place July 9-13, 2014 on the campus (we’ll stay in the dorms) of Villanova University in Philadelphia, PA. The group will meet in the evening of July 8th for a preEYE overnight at Christ Church, Alexandria where the group will do final preparations and have a chance to get to know one another. We will depart on a coach bus the morning of the 9th arriving in Philadelphia sometime that afternoon. On the 13th we will drive back from Philadelphia that same day and reach our stop in Alexandria some time that evening, depending on traffic, etc. Who’s going? We are looking for young people in high school to attend and represent our diocese. You are eligible to apply if you are currently in high school. Each diocese has spots for up to 24 youth and each parish can send a maximum of two youth. Once we arrive we will join a group of approximately 1800 Episcopalian youth from around the country for the event. We are also looking 6 adult chaperones to attend the event with our group as well so please let us know if you’re interested! How do I sign up and apply? The application is on our blog (http://diovayouth.wordpress.com/for ms-and-brochures/) and the deadline for applicants is February 15th, 2014 so don’t delay! The cost per youth is $600, which will include all transportation, lodging, food and programming. Scholarships are available as needed How can I find out more? Michael Wade can be reached at the diocese either by phone (804.622.3190) or email ([email protected]) and is happy to answer any questions you may have. You can also go to the EYE website http://www.episcopalchurch.org/page/ episcopal-youth-event-2014 for more details.

The Emmanuel Way

5 November 2013

Important Dates to Remember November 9 – Fall Clean-Up Day is planned for Saturday from 8 am till noon. Come and leave as your schedule dictates. November 28 – Thanksgiving Day services will be offered at 10 am.

Invite a friend, neighbor or colleague to share the Emmanuel experience with you.

The Emmanuel Way

First Class Mail

A monthly publication of Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Greenwood, Virginia November








1 AA Meeting, 8 pm, PH

November 2013

Sunday Schedule 9 am HE & Children’s Worship 10 am Christian Education 11 am He Key HE—Holy Eucharist MP—Morning Prayer MLR—Marston/LaRue House PH—Parish Hall LH—Ledford House HC—Holy Cross, Batesville AA—Alcoholics Anonymous WBS—Women’s Bible Study CP—Contemplative Prayer

Special Events: Nov. 2—turn clocks back, Daylight Saving time ends Sunday Nov. 8—Friday FIRE, 5:30 pm Nov. 9—Fall Clean-up Day Nov. 28—Thanksgiving Service of HE at 11 am

Please check the Sunday bulletin and/or the web site for changes and additions. If you would like to schedule an event or meeting, please call the office at 540540-4564566334.


SAT 2 Bread Fund Distribution, 8 am, Holy Cross Turn clocks back one hour tonight

3 All Saints Sunday See Sunday Schedule Stewardship Forum Harrison inter-

4 AA Meeting, 8 pm, PH

5 Election Day Staff Meeting, 10 am Executive Committee, 5:15 pm. MLR CW dinner, 6 pm

6 7 Bread Fund PackCP 5:30 pm, church ing, 10 am, HC Choir rehearsal, 7 pm Village to Village, 7 pm, PH

8 F.I.R.E, 5:30 pm, PH AA Meeting, 8 PM, MLR

9 10 Fall Cleanup Day, 8 am

11 Finance Committee ule Meeting, 5 pm, King baptism, 9 am MLR Visitation meeting, AA Meeting, 8 pm, 12:15, MLR PH

12 Mountainside Tea Party , 3 pm

13 Choir rehearsal, 7 pm

14 WBS, 10 am, MLR CP, 5:30 pm, church

15 Youth Group 5 pm AA Meeting, 8 PM, PH

16 Disciples Kitchen breakfast, 9 am, Basic United Methodist Church, Waynesboro

17 See Sunday Schedule

19 Staff Meeting, 10 am Vestry Meeting, 7 pm, PH

20 Newsletter deadline Choir rehearsal, 7 pm

21 WBS, 10am, MLR

22 AA Meeting, 8 PM, PH


26 Staff Meeting, 10 am


28 Thanksgiving Service at 10 am

2 9 office closed


10 See Sunday Sched-

18 AA Meeting, 8 pm, PH

24 Christ the King 25 See Sunday AA Meeting, 8 pm, Schedule PH Scruby baptism 11 am

CP 5:30 pm, church

AA Meeting, 8 PM, PH