Equal opportunities

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Moor Lane Day Nursery

Equal opportunities Moor Lane Day Nursery adheres to the Equality Act 2010 and is committed to ensuring that every employee and user involved is treated with respect regardless of disability, age, gender, marital status, race, religion, ethnic origin, culture, national origin or sexuality, and that no religion or culture is inherently superior to any other. All children are unique individual with rights which entitle them to an environment that provides opportunities to achieve their full potential and build a firm base for learning.

Cultural and social diversity We will actively seek to promote an understanding of, and respect for, a wide range of cultural backgrounds. All adults and children in Moor Lane Day Nursery will be treated fairly with equal concern and respect. The nursery and our staff are committed to challenge any form of racial abuse and report any incidents to the manager who will report it to the head of early years where appropriate.

Admissions We welcome children and families regardless of their ethnic origin, religious background, disability or sexual orientation. Every child’s individual needs will be recorded on their pre-admission form to ensure appropriate care is given to all children. At Moor Lane Day Nursery, we aim to work together with parents and professionals to provide a happy and safe learning environment where all individuals can experience and learn according to their ability, culture and background.

Employment The nursery aims to ensure that individuals are recruited, selected, trained and promoted on the basis of occupational skill requirements. In this respect, the nursery will ensure all the job applicants and employees will be considered on suitability for the post regardless of disability, age, gender, marital status, race, religion, ethnic origin, cultural, national origin or sexuality.


Curriculum and resources The nursery and staff are committed to reinforcing positive behaviour as role models. We will promote non-stereotyped images and play through toys, books and imaginary play. We will promote positive images of different ethnic minorities and cultures through posters, books and puzzles, small world play, clothes and celebrations of festivals. The nursery and staff are committed to being proactive in offering activities throughout the whole curriculum that provides examples of equal opportunities, and to encourage all children to participate in all activities.

Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND) At Moor Lane Day Nursery, we have a SEND co-ordinator (SENCO) to ensure that in partnership with parents, other staff and outside agencies, we work together to identify any individuals with SEN. They then provide access to the whole curriculum and keep records for the individual to ensure they are extended according to their capabilities. We will ensure that our learning environment provides as many opportunities inside and outside to as many individuals as possible, and will physically change any areas in the setting where possible to ensure that children with SEND can be included. The staff team are always updating their training on equal opportunities.

British values Democracy: making decisions together

Staff encourage children to see their role in the bigger picture, encouraging children to know their views count, that they value each other’s views and values, and talk about their feelings, for example, when they do or do not need help. Staff will support decisions that children make and provide activities that involve turn taking, sharing and collaboration. Children will be given opportunities to develop enquiring minds in an atmosphere where questions are valued.

Understanding that rules matter

Staff ensure that children understand their own and other’s behaviour and its consequences and learn to distinguish right from wrong. Staff work with children to create rules and codes of behaviour, for example, agreeing the rules about tidying up and ensuring that all children understand the rules apply to everyone.

Individual liberty

Children are encouraged to develop a positive sense of themselves. Staff provide opportunities for children to develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and increase their confidence in their own abilities. For example, allowing children to take risks on an obstacle course, mixing colours, talking about their experiences and learning.


Staff encourage a range of experiences that allow children to explore the language of feelings and responsibility, reflect on their differences and understand we are free to have different opinions, for example in a group, discuss how they feel about transferring to Reception class.

Mutual respect and tolerance

The nursery’s ethos is of inclusivity and tolerance where views, faiths, cultures and races are valued and children engage with the wider community. Children will acquire a tolerance and appreciation of and respect their own and other cultures. They will learn to understand about similarities and differences between themselves and others and among families, faiths communities, cultures and traditions and share celebrations and experiences. Staff will be encouraging children and explaining the importance of tolerant behaviours, such as sharing and respecting other’s opinions. Staff will actively promote diverse attitudes and challenge stereotypes, for example sharing stories that reflect and value the diversity of children’s experiences and providing resources and activities that challenge gender, cultural and racial stereotyping.

What is not acceptable • Actively promoting intolerance of other faiths, cultures and races • Failure to challenge gender stereotypes and routinely segregate girls and boys • Isolating children from their wider community • Failure to challenge behaviours (whether, staff, children or parents) that are not in line with the fundamental British values of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths and beliefs Every employee, applicant and user is made aware of this policy. Our equal opportunities policy will be reviewed regularly, monitored and evaluated with the whole staff at staff meetings.