facilitator guide- accountability questions

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W E E K 1 - J A N U A RY 1 & 4


On January 11, we will launch the new 1:30pm service! Have you committed to attend or serve? New Disciple Leader Training: January 4 after the 11:22 service, Jan 8th during the 7:22 service, and Jan 11 during the 1:30 service. Just pick one!

TEXTS: Exodus 1 & 2 BIG IDEA: Don’t give up on God because He hasn’t given up on you. ONE DEGREE FOLLOW UP (5 minutes)

Make a Sabbath day a priority in your life: *Look at your calendar and move things/give up things so that you can have a day resting in the presence of the Lord. *Find intimacy with the Lord on your Sabbath Day by spending time with Him praying and listening.

ACCOUNTABILITY QUESTIONS 1. Have you honored the Sabbath this past week? 2. How did you rest in Christ? THE RECAP (10 minutes)

In week one of the Exodus series Pastor Joby taught on the birth and flight of Moses. Moses’s circumstances were far from normal or easy from the day he was born, but God’s sovereign rule over Moses’s life was bigger than those circumstances. From Moses’ mother’s decision to send him down the Nile to Moses’s own sin of killing a man, God 1

did not waste any of Moses’ life. God did not give up on Moses and He has not given up on you. He is now calling you to be a “second chance leader.”

QUESTION (FROM THE WEEKEND SERMON) 1. What stuck out to you in the sermon?

TEACHING & DIALOGUE Facilitator, direct participants to confine discussion to the passage being studied. You can redirect comments back by asking “where does it say that in the passage?” Think: In the time of Moses’ birth, Pharaoh had commanded that all the Hebrew boys born be cast into the Nile to die. God had another plan for Moses… Have someone read Exodus 2:1-10 out loud. 1. What do you like about these verses? 2. What do you find difficult about these verses? Have someone read Exodus 2:11-22 out loud. 3. What do you like about these verses? 4. What do you find difficult about these verses? God used all of Moses’ circumstances and even Moses’ own decision to sin to lead God’s people into freedom. 5. Where can you look back on in your life and see how God used your circumstances to bring glory to Himself? 6. Where can you look back on in your life and see how God used your sin to bring glory to Himself? Have someone read Exodus 2:23-25 out loud. 7. What do these verses tell us about God’s character? (He cares for His people and He hears their cries and feels their pain. He does not leave them or abandon them, but He keeps His promises and remains faithful.)


MOMENT OF TRUTH: In Christ, you are not defined by your circumstances or your sin. 8. In what area have you given up on God? Why? How does Scripture speak into this area of your life? Respond: In spiritual warfare tainted with Satan’s lies, it is important for us to visually remind ourselves of God’s character and our identity in Christ. God is… From the passages read, identify a truth about God’s character and write it down. (Ex. God is sovereign over all.) I am… From the passages read, identify a truth about your identity in Christ that results from God’s character and write it down. (Ex. I am given a second chance through Christ.) Place these statements where you can see them this week. ONE DEGREE TURN: God is giving you the opportunity to be a second chance leader. *Identify the area in your life where you need to be a “second chance leader.” (Ex: Your marriage, discipling your children, investing in and inviting coworkers and friends to CoE22, etc.) *Confess and repent of any sin holding you back from being a leader. *Surrender your circumstances to God by trusting in His sovereignty.