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Your quick guide to all things
Family at Tesco
Introduction You’ve told us you are extending your family ...and so you’ve probably got lots of questions. We want to help you prepare for your new arrival by being clear about what this means for you at work. We’ve prepared this summary which tells you some of the key things you need to know or think about, such as the new flexible way that you can take time off work together with your partner. This gives you the basics so it’s really important that you login to OurTesco and go to People Policies in the Working at Tesco section and make sure you read the other essential information that’s there.
The key stuff Maternity Leave
Paternity Leave
• You can take up to 52 weeks’ maternity leave
• You can take paternity leave if you have 26 weeks’ continuous service at 15 weeks before the due date (date on the MatB1), or at the point you are notified of being matched with a child (date of the Matching Certificate)
• You can decide how long you take off but you must take at least 2 weeks off straight after the birth • We need to know when you want to start your leave at least 15 weeks before you are due • Please give your MatB1 form which you get at your 20 week scan to your People Manager as payroll will need it to confirm your pay Adoption Leave • You can take up to 52 weeks’ adoption leave • Please give your matching certificate form to your People Manager as soon as you receive it • You can decide how long you take off but you must take at least 2 weeks off straight after the placement of your child For more information about adoption pay please skip to page 8
• You can have 1 or 2 consecutive weeks off work For more information about paternity leave then please skip to page 6 Have you considered... Shared Parental Leave • This doesn’t replace maternity, paternity or adoption leave, it’s an alternative for you and your partner. Both parents can, split 50 weeks’ leave in any way within 1 year of the child’s birth / placement For more information about shared parental leave please skip to page 12
Paternity Leave
If you’re expecting a baby then your health and safety at work is very important to us...
You can have one or two consecutive weeks off work within 56 days of the child’s birth / placement for adoption. These 2 weeks are at full pay.
So tell us that you’re expecting, as soon as you feel comfortable to. Your manager will carry out a health & safety risk assessment with you to ensure your job doesn’t put you or your baby’s health at risk.
Paternity leave is available to parents of either sex, and to same sex partners. In male couples, one partner could have adoption leave, and one could have paternity leave. In female couples, one partner could have maternity or adoption leave, and one could have paternity leave. Please skip to page 12 to read more about shared parental leave.
Sometimes we may need to adjust your role e.g. change your shift pattern/ working hours or ask someone else to complete certain tasks for you e.g. heavy lifting while you are pregnant. If you are in a role that may not be best for you while you are pregnant, (e.g. you may not want to travel excessively in the later stages of your pregnancy), we will work with you to find a suitable solution. As your pregnancy progresses your health situation can change, so it’s important for you to speak to your manager about reviewing your risk assessment regularly.
Maternity and Adoption pay You can get an idea of whether you are eligible for maternity pay or adoption pay (and if so, how much) once you know how long you’ll have worked for us at a certain point in your pregnancy or the adoption process. The following pages will help you work this out.
1. What date is your child due (or placed where adopting)?
/ /
2. Write the date of the Sunday before this.
/ /
3. Now count back 15 Sundays from this date and write the date here. (This is the date we use to work out what pay you are eligible for).
/ /
4. Work out how long you will have worked for Tesco by this date. 5. Work out what your average weekly pay will be for the first two pay periods directly before the date you’ve given for Q3.
years weeks
Maternity and Adoption pay This will help you to work out what maternity or adoption pay you may be eligible for. Payroll will confirm exactly what you’ll be paid in writing, shortly after you start your maternity or adoption leave.
Start Is your answer to question 5 more than the 2016/2017 statutory lower earnings limit of £112 per week before tax and NI deductions? (See note)
Do you have 2 years’ continuous service or more? (See your answer to Q4 on pg 9)
Yes You are entitled to Tesco enhanced pay which means you will get your full pay for 14 weeks and then the lower rate Statutory Pay for the remaining 25 weeks. This is £139.58 (or 90% of your ave weekly earnings whichever is lower) per week for 2016/2017
No Have you worked for us for 26 weeks or more? (See your answer to Q4 on pg 9)
Yes You are entitled to Statutory Pay which is 6 weeks at 90% of your average weekly pay and then 33 weeks at the lower rate Statutory Pay. This is £139.58 (or 90% of your ave weekly earnings whichever is lower) per week for 2016/2017
You will not be eligible for maternity pay or adoption pay from us. However you may be able to get an allowance from your local Job Centre
You will not be eligible for maternity pay or adoption pay from us. However if you have worked for us for more than 26 weeks (see your answer to Q4 on pg 9) then we will pay you 2 weeks’ full pay in recognition of this. You may also be able to get an allowance from your local Job Centre
Note: If your answer to this is ‘No’, speak to your People Manager asap to discuss if anything can be done
Shared Parental Leave
Shared Parental Leaveare you eligible?
The person taking maternity or adoption leave can choose to share 50 weeks of this with their partner, so there’s more flexibility in how to care for their child.
You and your partner are eligible for shared parental leave if you both:
You can use shared parental leave alongside (or instead of) traditional maternity or adoption leave.
• Have 26 weeks’ service by 15 weeks before the due/placement date • Earn a certain amount • Care for the child during your leave There are other criteria so please login to OurTesco as this explains the requirements in more detail. When handling your request your manager will rely on the information you provide. Your manager can ask you for a copy of your child’s birth/matching certificate and the contact details of your partner’s employer. If you’re asked for this, please provide it within 14 days.
Examples of Shared Parental Leave Example 1: Both parents taking some time off together e.g. you both take off the first 27 weeks (2 weeks paternity leave is in addition to any other leave). In this scenario, if the mum/primary carer works for Tesco they may have the first 14 weeks off on full pay if they take maternity leave, while if their partner works for Tesco, they’ll get 2 weeks of full pay while on paternity leave (log onto OurTesco for more information on this).
Day 1, Mum gives birth
Mum takes 14 weeks’ Maternity Leave 2 weeks’ Paternity Leave
13 weeks’ Shared Parental Leave Partner takes 25 weeks’ Shared Parental Leave
Returns to work
Example 2: One parent stays off work for 26 weeks and their partner takes the next 26 weeks off.
Day 1, Adopted child placed with parents
Primary carer off work taking 26 weeks’ Adoption Leave
Returns to work
Secondary carer off work taking 26 weeks’ Shared Parental Leave
2 weeks’ Paternity Leave
Returns to work
Example 3: You take it in turns to look after your child and have discontinuous leave across the year.
Returns to work Day 1, Mum gives birth
Mum takes 14 weeks’ Maternity Leave
Return to work for 6 weeks
16 weeks’ Shared Parental Leave
Returns to work
2 weeks’ Paternity Leave
Partner takes 6 weeks’ Shared Parental Leave
Return to work for 16 weeks
Partner takes 16 weeks’ Shared Parental Leave
Statutory Shared Parental Pay A mum/primary carer can choose to share their 39 weeks’ pay with their partner who is taking shared parental leave. Assuming that the parents in the examples below are eligible, their pay could be split in different ways. Example 1. Cathy works for Tesco, she is pregnant and entitled to 14 weeks’ full pay followed by 25 weeks of statutory maternity pay. If Cathy and her partner, Steve, were to take leave as outlined in example 1 on page 14, their pay could be paid as follows:
Day 1, Mum gives birth
Mum takes 14 weeks’ Maternity Leave. FULLMATERNITY PAY 2 weeks’ Paternity Leave
13 weeks Maternity Leave £139.58 A WEEK
Partner takes 25 weeks Shared Parental Leave. 12 WEEKS ARE PAID AT £139.58 A WEEK AND 13 WEEKS ARE UNPAID
Returns to work
Example 2. Nigel and his partner, Roland, are adopting two children. Roland is the secondary carer and he works for Tesco.
Day 1, Adopted child placed with parents
Primary carer (Nigel) off work taking 26 weeks’ Adoption Leave (Nigels company pays him)
Returns to work
2 weeks’ Paternity Leave
Secondary carer (Roland) takes 26 weeks’ Shared Parental Leave. 13 WEEKS ARE PAID AT £139.58 A WEEK AND 13 WEEKS ARE UNPAID
Returns to work
Returns to work
Letting your manager know Please let your manager know that you’re considering shared parental leave a minimum of 8 weeks in advance. There are forms to complete so make sure you locate these by logging onto OurTesco and printing them off, or asking your People Manager to print them for you.
Works for Tesco
Partner who doesn’t work for Tesco
Colleague taking maternity or adoption leave:
Colleague taking paternity leave:
These forms provide us with all of the information we need to process your shared parental leave and calculate any entitlement to statutory shared parental pay (currently £139.58 a week). Your manager will need these forms, at the very latest, eight weeks before you want to start your shared parental leave.
Your benefits Benefit
Buy As You Earn
Car Allowance
What happens when I start my leave?
When does this change?
If you are receiving full pay from us, your contributions will continue as normal
When your pay reduces to a lower rate of statutory pay 10%* of this will be used to buy shares for you. When you run out of pay, your contributions will stop and you will need to contact Equiniti to restart them
You will continue to receive this as normal while you are on leave
This doesn’t change
Childcare Vouchers
Give As You Earn
What happens when I start my leave?
When does this change?
If you are receiving full pay from us, then the amount you were contributing in the week before you started your leave will continue to be deducted. If you are not eligible for pay from us, we will credit your Care4 account during your leave
If you are receiving pay, when it reduces to the lower rate of statutory pay * we won’t take any deductions from you, however Tesco will continue to credit your Care4 account for the period of your leave
As long as you are receiving some pay from us, your donations will continue as normal
When you run out of pay, your donations will stop and you can restart these when you return
This just gives you a quick snapshot of some of our benefits. Make sure you log into OurTesco to read important information that will help you make decisions on your benefits. Login to OurTesco and go to People Policies in the Working at Tesco section. * 2016/17 rate is £139.58 per week.
Your benefits Benefit
Private Healthcare
Retirement Savings Plan (Pension)
What happens when I start my leave?
When does this change?
Your cover is unchanged whilst on leave
If you pay for your dependents they will continue to be covered while you are off. Deductions for them will continue while you have enough salary and any arrears payments will be recovered from your salary on your return to work as agreed with your People Manager
While you are receiving pay, your own contributions will continue but will be based on the actual pay you receive. Tesco will continue to pay contributions based on the pay you received immediately before going on leave for as long as you are still on paid leave
During unpaid leave neither you nor Tesco will make any contributions
Shares In Success
Note: Please go to OurTesco to see a list of pay elements that are not pensionable
Trade Union Membership
Save As You Earn
What happens when I start my leave?
When does this change?
When you start your leave, your payments into the scheme will stop. You can set up a standing order before you start leave if you are off more than 3 months
If you wish to continue paying into the scheme whilst you are on leave then you must contact Equiniti directly as soon as possible and arrange payment. If you miss more than 6 payments, your account will automatically be closed and any savings to date will be refunded to you
The award is based on a percentage of your tax year earnings so your allocation will be reduced to take account of any lower tax year earnings during leave
This doesn’t change
Contributions will be deducted as normal while you’re receiving pay and any arrears will be collected when you return to work
This doesn’t change
You will continue to earn holidays and bank holidays as normal while you are on leave, so you need to decide what to do with these.
• Use your holiday to: - Delay your return to work and take holiday at the end of your Leave, or
Your choices are: • Have any outstanding holidays paid to you in April after the end of the holiday year (if your leave goes over two holiday years). ! This automatically happens unless you tell us you want to do something different while you are on leave. • Take some holiday before you start your leave. This can be holiday you have earned before you go or the holiday you will continue to earn whilst on leave, or a combination of both.
- Help you phase your return to work, or - Take holiday as normal when you return to work. ! Your holiday can only be carried over to the next holiday year while you are on leave.
If you would like to carry over holiday you must agree this with your manager by the beginning of March.
Your final few weeks at work We know it may be a long way off but in your final few weeks make sure you think about…
Handover The work that you do may need to be covered on a temporary basis while you are off. This may need you to hand over to the colleague who will be taking over from you. Progress Reviews and Career Discussions If you’re going to be away from work for over 3 months, book some time in with your manager for a Progress Review and Career Discussion before you start your leave. It is important that your achievements and contributions to date are captured and recognised.
While you’re off…
What should you do now?
Please keep in touch
Now login to OurTesco and go to People Policies in the Working at Tesco section
If you are on maternity or adoption leave remember to use your 10 ‘Keeping in Touch’ days. These enable you to work during your leave if you want to. For more information log on to OurTesco. If you take shared parental leave, you and your partner are entitled to up to 20 ‘Shared Parental Leave in Touch’ (SPLiT) days each without this affecting your right to the leave or any payyou may be receiving. This is on top of the 10 keeping in touch days you are entitled to while on maternity/ adoption leave. These days at work can be taken as single days or a block of days, as agreed with your manager.
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More info on pay, leave and your Notification Forms Frequently asked questions
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Don’t you’r forget e to join invited T Baby esco Club
Maternity key dates & reminders
Decide if you want to take shared parental leave.
Here are some key dates and reminders that you can tick off over the next few months.
Think about when you want to start your leave.
Give y o MatB ur 1 People to your Mana ger.
15 weeks before you’re due
20 week scan
Remember your health and safety risk assessment
Complete Form A or B (your partn er complete s Form C)
11 weeks before you’re due
This is the earliest you can start your leave
Do you want to take holiday before your leave?
ur Have yo ss re g Pro Career Review/ ussion. Disc
You’ll receive your ‘pay confirmation letter’ once you’ve started your maternity leave.
Welcome you bundle! Yo r little ur has arrived baby – te your manag ll er, we’d like to con gra you an tulate d tell your team !
k 52 Before wee turn plan your re ur yo to work with . manager
If you want to come back before this, please let us know 8 weeks’ in advance.
You have to stay off work fo r2 weeks (lega lly).
Rememb er:
You can use your 10 Keepin g In Touch day s
Week 52 Visit www.ourtesco.com for more information.
Adoption key dates and reminders
Matched with your child
your Give a copy of ficate and rti Matching Ce ion of Adoption at your ‘Notific your People to Leave’ form in 7 days of Manager with u are told yo the date that ve been ha you ed with a child. match
Before week 52 plan your return to work with your manager.
e if Decid ant to w you shared take ntal pare . leave
Leave starts You have to stay off works for 2 weeks (legally)
Complete Form A or B (your part ne completes r Form C)
Week 52
Remember: You can use your 10 Keeping In Touch days
Weeks 1&2 Visit www.ourtesco.com for more information.
If you want to come back before this, please let us know 8 weeks’ in advance.
April 2016