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“FASTING” Msg. #21 Matthew 6:16-18

“FASTING” Msg. #21 Matthew 6:16-18

I. Fasting should be a ___________ part of the Christian life (16a).

I. Fasting should be a ___________ part of the Christian life (16a).

Some reasons why we don’t fast:

Some reasons why we don’t fast:

II. We must be careful to not fast with the wrong _________ (16b).

II. We must be careful to not fast with the wrong _________ (16b).

A. When we fast wrongly, it comes out in our _______________.

A. When we fast wrongly, it comes out in our _______________.

B. When we fast wrongly, our fasting is _________________.

B. When we fast wrongly, our fasting is _________________.

If you fast for wrong motives, it won’t work. But if you’re realizing your motives are wrong, ________________________________!

If you fast for wrong motives, it won’t work. But if you’re realizing your motives are wrong, ________________________________!

III. Fasting is ultimately about __________ (17-18a).

III. Fasting is ultimately about __________ (17-18a).

IV. When we diligently seek God in fasting, He ________ us (18b).

IV. When we diligently seek God in fasting, He ________ us (18b).

When we fast, we grow ___________________________.

When we fast, we grow ___________________________.