February 11, 2018

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This Week’s Calendar of Events This Sunday 7:30 AM 8:15 AM 8:30 AM 9:15 AM 9:30 AM 9:30 AM 9:30 AM 9:30 AM 9:30 AM 9:30 AM 10:45 AM 11:00 AM 11:00 AM 11:00 AM 3:00 PM 7:00 PM

Informal Worship Team Set-up (Fellowship Hall) Morning Worship (Sanctuary) Informal Worship Team Rehearsal (Fellowship Hall) The Gathering Rehearsal (Room 110) Back to the Bible Adult Bible School Class (Room 210) Informal Worship (Fellowship Hall) PACT (Room 215) Samaritan Adult Sunday School Class (Room 214) Simply Scripture (Library) Youth Sunday School (Room 115) Informal Worship Team Rehearsal (Fellowship Hall) Cross Training "One Room School House" (Rooms 112-114) Seekers in Christ Adult Sunday School Class (Rooms 115, 214) The Gathering (Sanctuary) GS Jr Troop 20090 (Rooms 112-114) Sunday Night Lamplighters (Kline Home)

6:00 AM 10:15 AM 10:15 AM 4:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:45 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM

Egg Making (Kitchen and Fellowship Hall) "Stand Up" Staff Meeting (Office) Core Staff Meeting (Room 215) Red Land High School National Honor (Room 115) Girl Scout Daisy Troop 11469 (Room 111) Girl Scouts 21125 (Rooms 112-114) Girl Scout Troop 20974 (Room 210) CDA (Chemically Dependent Anonymous) (Room 219) Monday Night Men's Basketball Ministry (Fellowship Hall) Stephen Ministry (Rooms 212, 214, 215)

6:00 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM

Vision Prayer Team (Office) Arrow of Light (Room 115) Bears (Room 210) Lions (Rooms 112-114) Tigers (Room 111) Weblos (Room 211) Wolves (Room 214) Membership Class (Room 212) Troop 198 Committee Meeting (Room 215)

6:00 AM 6:00 AM 6:15 AM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM

Ash Wednesday Service (Sanctuary) Egg Making (Kitchen and Fellowship Hall) Men's Morning Cup of Jesus (Room 115) Ash Wednesday Service (Sanctuary) 4th & 5th Grade Girls Group (Room 214) Men's Evening Cup Bible Study (Room 210) Sisters of Salem (Room 115) Wednesday Night Kids (Rooms 112-114 and FH) Women in Prayer (Room 215)

6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:30 PM

Brownie Troop 20861 (Room 111) Girl Scout Troop 20088 (Rooms 113-114) 4th and 5th Grade Guys Group (Fellowship Hall) Kids' Choir Practice (Sanctuary) Women's Book Group (Room 212) Troop 198 Meeting (Room 115)

6:00 PM

West Shore YWCA Volleyball (Fellowship Hall)

12:00 PM 5:15 PM

Flight Diesel Employee Basketball Event (Fellowship Hall) Parents' Night Out (FH and Rooms 105, 106)

7:30 AM 8:15 AM 8:30 AM 9:15 AM 9:30 AM 9:30 AM 9:30 AM 9:30 AM 9:30 AM 9:30 AM 10:45 AM 10:45 AM 11:00 AM 11:00 AM 11:00 AM 3:00 PM 7:00 PM

Informal Worship Team Set-up (Fellowship Hall) Morning Worship (Sanctuary) Informal Worship Team Rehearsal (Fellowship Hall) The Gathering Rehearsal (Room 110) Back to the Bible Adult Bible School Class (Room 210) Informal Worship (Fellowship Hall) PACT (Room 215) Samaritan Adult Sunday School Class (Room 214) Simply Scripture (Library) Youth Sunday School (Room 115) Informal Worship Team Rehearsal (Fellowship Hall) Visioning Class (Room 210) Cross Training "One Room School House" (Rooms 112-114) Seekers in Christ Adult Sunday School Class (Rooms 115, 214) The Gathering (Sanctuary) GS Jr Troop 20090 (Rooms 112-114) Sunday Night Lamplighters (Kline Home)





Friday Saturday

Next Sunday

Salem Parish News – February 11, 2018 The Flowers in the Sanctuary are given in memory of Rick Orlandi by Alice Orlandi and in honor of Larry and Olive Gibney’s 53rd anniversary.

OPPORTUNITIES F O R CHILDREN Child Care at 9:00am & 11:00am for children up to 36 months in Room 106. Sunday School for children 4yrs through 5th grade at 9:30, and for children 3yrs old through 3rd grade at 11:00am.

Daily Reading Schedule: Richard Nash, Louisa Nash, Janet Williams Salem’s next host date for Family Promise is February 25-March 4, just a few weeks away! The help of MANY people is needed to make our host week successful! There are many opportunities to participate – set-up, clean-up, meal preparation, driving the families (in the Family Promise 15passenger van) to and from Salem and the Day Center, evening host, overnight host, purchase food for breakfasts and lunches. More information and sign up is available at: www.volunteersignup.org/8XDFA; contact Laurie Murry at [email protected]; or sign up on the Connection Card.

2/11—Job Chapter 36 2/12—Job Chapter 37 2/13—Job Chapter 38 2/14—Job Chapter 39 2/15—Job Chapter 40 2/16—Job Chapter 41 2/17—Job Chapter 42 Have you heard about the helicopters that have been landing in our Parking Lot? PP&L is doing line work and needed a temporary base of operations. What a great way to serve our community! The Christmas Closet committee is in need of plastic bins and sturdy boxes. Please put them upstairs outside the Ministry Workshop. The Church office will be closed Monday (2/11) afternoon.

OUR FAITHFULNESS February 4 Attendance - 310 Tithes & Offerings - $12,442


Visioning Together in February—Hospitality and Connection

Sign up for the Spring Battleball Tournament on February 25th is now live! Time once again for the Youth to prove their prowess in this dodgeball event hosted by Salt 'n Light Youth Ministry! The sign up sheet can be found on the Youth Bulletin Board just outside the gym/ Fellowship Hall. Cost is $12 per warrior. Spots are reserved on a first come, first serve basis so get your name in now! Contact Kevin Fickel for more details.

The Senior Luncheon will be at Culhane’s Steak House 2/15 at 1:00 pm. To make reservations, please contact Elaine Vogel at 717-695-4582.

Thank you, Salem, for your generosity with the Fuel Drive—$3,389 has been given to help heat homes!

Grow Ash Wednesday Services on 2/14 at 6am and 6pm. Child Care is available for the 6pm Service. Influential Disciple Study Groups! Drop in on any of these groups to participate in our church-wide Lenten Study. Study begins February 14. Contact Susan Ryder, Small Group Coordinator at [email protected] or 717-938-1928.

Group Name







7 p.m.

Kline Home

Dave Kline

Spirit Growers


7 p.m.

Wilkinson Home

Randy & Stacey Wilkinson

Travelling Together Toward God


7 p.m.

Derrick Home

Harry & Karen Derrick

Men’s Morning Cup of Jesus


6:15 a.m.

Church 115

Matt Durlin

11 a.m.

Church 115

Jerri Mulholland

6:30p.m. Church 115

Rosemarie Horn

Seekers in Sun. Christ Sisters of Salem Wed. Back to the Bible


9:30am. Church 210

Kathy Alford

Kingdom Builders


9:30am. Church Library

Marcia Sadler



9:30am. Church 214

Cindy Best


9:30am. Church 215

Nicole Wolf

Parents and Children Together

We continue our discussion around the book Ten Prescriptions for a Healthy Church. This month we’ll talk about chapters two and six and ask questions like: How do people get connected at Salem? How do we build relationships with guests? Is hospitality embedded in Salem’s culture? All the while continuing to ask the questions: What if…, could we…, and maybe God wants… Join the discussion at one of the classes listed below:  Sunday, February 11, 11am in the Seekers of Christ Class (Room 115) by Dennis Best  Monday, February 12, 7pm by Ellen Smith at the Wilkinson’s Home  Wednesday, February 14, 6:30pm Men’s Evening Cup in room 210 by Steve Novacek and Ed Kautz  Sunday, February 18, 9:30am in the Samaritan Class (Room 214) by Terry Duncan and Jo-Ann Howard  Sunday, February 18, 10:45am by Bonnie Moody, Brian Davis and Judy Novinger (Room 210)  Thursday, March 1, 11am with Joan Dean (Room 115)

Serve Looking for a way to bless others? Salem offers Communion 6 times per year to those who are unable to attend services and we are looking for people to serve. The next date that servers are needed is February 18th. Contact Jackie Shaffer (717557-8789 or [email protected]) or sign up on the connection card.

What are you doing Wednesday Evenings? We are currently seeking someone to work in a rotation for leading Wednesday Night Kids Program (WNK). WNK is a program for children ages 3 through 5th grade offering play, crafts, prayer time and a snack. The possibilities of this 1.5 hours each week are endless! If this is for you, please sign up on the Connection Card!

Join Us For Egg Making!! Join us every Monday and Wednesday from 7am-1pm. Lunch is provided! Egg orders may be picked up on Mondays and Wednesdays 9am-1pm & 6-7pm. Orders need to be picked up within 2 weeks of being placed. Place your orders early for best selection. Have off on Presidents’ Day Monday, February 19th? Plan to join us. Sign up on the Connection Card or just show up!

Guys Group Needs you! Wanted: Cool Christian Guys of any age to lead the 4th and 5th grade Guys Group on the 2nd, 4th, and/or 5th Thursday nights. These young men are craving this group on the weeks it is not meeting. Please contact Tracey Michelsen with any questions or sign up on the Connection Card.

Item of the Month: Mission Central sends cleaning buckets to those people around the world who suffered devastating damages to their homes from floods and hurricanes. One item for these buckets is foam rubber sponges (not dry cellulose). Please put the sponges in the bin marked "Mission Central" in Mission Corner.