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February 11, 2018 Gathering Around the Word CALL TO WORSHIP
Bob Kunkle
Rev. Shawn Hevener
THIS IS AMAZING GRACE & HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE & THE LORD’S PRAYER Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen. OFFERING, DOXOLOGY & OFFERTORY PRAYER Mission Statement Joyfully learning, living and sharing the Word of God and the love of Jesus. Rev. Shawn Hevener…………………………………………………..….Pastor Jessica Llanes………………………………Director of Service & Mission Bob Kunkle……………………………………………..Director for Worship Dana Hevener…………………………………………...…Ministry Assistant Heather Nash……………………………………….……………Choir Director Celia Tuttle and Shelly Kunkle……………………………...………Pianists Pete Smith………………………………………………….….…………Caretaker Sunday Schedule 9:30 Worship Service 10:30 Coffee & Fellowship 10:45 Small Groups
417 South Main Street, Fountain Inn, SC 29644 www.pffi.net 864.601.9140 (Office) 864.423.4265 (Pastor’s cell)
As the Deer
Proclaiming the Word PRAYER OF ILLUMINATION Rev. Shawn Hevener SCRIPTURE READING Matthew 8:5-13 Leader: This is the Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God. SERMON
The Words & Deeds of Jesus
Responding to the Word STANDING ON THE PROMISES Sharing the Word with the World CHARGE & BENEDICTION LIFT HIGH THE CROSS *************
As you leave this place you enter the mission field. May Jesus Christ strengthen you for His service.
Sunday Morning Life February Ushers Ed & Doris Burns Guests & Welcome Station We are glad you are here! Please stop by the Welcome Station in the gathering space (underneath of the television). You can pick up more information about this church, and you may also leave your contact information on a visitor card. Nurseries Two staffed nurseries (toddler & infant) are available at the end of the hallway. Children’s Station & Children’s Church We welcome children of all ages in the worship service! Worship bags and special bulletins are available at The Children’s Station (beside the sound booth). An optional Children’s Church is available for PreK-2nd grade children. Children who participate are dismissed from the service after the choral anthem. Parents can pick up their children after the service from the green classroom. Offering Box The wooden offering box is beside the sound booth. Hearing Loop Headsets Headsets to our Hearing Loop are available at the sound booth. Coffee and Juice Coffee and juice are available in the gathering space. Sunday Morning Small Groups Small groups for all ages meet at 10:45 a.m. on Sundays. You can stop by the Welcome Station for a list of small groups and their locations.
Weekly Life Receiving New Covenant Partners Today we joyfully receive the Epps family (Yancey, Donna, Hannah, and Emma) and the Cook family (Paul, Heather, and Mary Alice) into the faith family here at Presbyterian Fellowship of Fountain Inn. Joyfully Living: Children’s Easter Egg Hunt Families – mark your calendars for our annual Easter Egg Hunt. The Egg Hunt will be Saturday, March 24th at 3:00 p.m. at the church pavilion. Invite your neighbors and friends to this fun time of fellowship. Joyfully Living: Prayer Meeting Everyone is invited to the Prayer Meeting tonight from 6:00 – 7:00 in the sanctuary. Joyfully Sharing: Synergy Garden at Presbyterian Fellowship We are excited to announce that 3,272.75 pounds of produce was harvested last year! Check the Presbyterian Fellowship Facebook page or the Synergy Garden page for details about upcoming work days (and rain dates). Joyfully Sharing: Mixons (SERGE in Kenya) This week Joyfully Sharing sent our annual gift of $3,000 to Serge in support of George and Martha Mixon. It is a joy to continue partnering with the Mixons as they train Kenyan believers in how to effectively share the gospel. Ash Wednesday Service Join us this Wednesday, February 14th at 6:30 p.m. in the sanctuary for our Ash Wednesday service.