February 11, 2018

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Sunday, February 11

Thursday, February 15

Scripture Readings: Acts 28:11-31 Psalm 42:1-7 Mark 1:40-45 8:00 am Traditional Service-Church Bldg. 9:00 am Sunday School 10:15 am Contemporary Worship-Doar Hall 10:15 am Traditional Service-Church Bldg. 5:00 pm Middle School Youth 5:00 pm Cursillo

10:00 am 11:00 am 11:30 am 5:00 pm 7:00 pm

Monday, February 12 8:00 am 10:00 am 10:30 am 7:00 pm 7:00 pm

Centering Prayer AA Pastoral Care Team Meeting Venture Crew AA

Tuesday, February 13 6:30 pm

Cub Scout Pack 730

7:00 pm

Men’s Bible Study

Wednesday, February 14 6:30 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm 5:30 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm

Friday, February 16 7:00 pm


Saturday, February 17 7:00 pm


Sunday, February 18 Scripture Readings: TBA 8:00 am Traditional Service-Church Bldg. 9:00 am Sunday School 10:15 am Contemporary Worship-Doar Hall 10:15 am Traditional Service-Church Bldg. 5:00 pm Middle School Youth

Ash Wednesday-Church Bldg. AA Ash Wednesday-Church Bldg. Cursillo Reunion Group Ash Wednesday Service-Doar Hall St. Paul’s Choir AA Stephen Ministry Training

WELCOME, We’re glad you’re here! Date:

February 11, 2018 Acts 28:11-31, Psalm 42:1-7, & Mark 1:40-45

Last Sunday of Epiphany

 8:00 am CB  10:15 am CB  10:15 am DH

1st Time Guest New to Area Looking for a church home Regular Attending Non-Member NAME ADDRESS

Praise and Glory Jars By: Bu Huge


“Through Him then, let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that give thanks to His name. And do not neglect doing good and sharing, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.” Hebrews 13:15-16




As we embark on another Lenten Season, St Paul’s Women’s Ministry encourages all women of St Paul’s and their families to participate in the Diocesan Praise & Glory Outreach. Purposefully making daily offerings to the Lord helps remind us of our many blessings.

The Rt. Rev. Mark J. Lawrence, Bishop of South Carolina, XIV The Rev. Tripp Jeffords, Rector [email protected] The Rev. B. Tyler Prescott, Associate Rector [email protected] The Rev. John Scott, Assistant. Rector [email protected] Sue Beson, Parish Administrator Cathy McGrew, Community Impact Coordinator Bonnie James, Worship Arts Director The Rev. Korey Kincaid, Youth Minister Tina Smith, Faith@Home Coordinator Shelley Fipps, Director of Communications Heather Jackson, Connections Coordinator Fleming Moore, Facilities Assistant Richard Scott, Organist-Choir Master


AA Healing Prayer Service Al-Anon Medical Outreach Clinic Boyscout Troop 2

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

St. Paul’s Summerville 316 W. Carolina Avenue, Summerville, SC 29483 Church Office: 843.873.1991 www.StPaulsSummerville.org CCLI #335059

I would like to receive emails from St. Paul’s AGE __13-19 __20’s __30’s __40’s __50’s __60’s __70’s+

Praise & Glory

The collection this year will go toward helping establish a “safe haven” for young women who wish to pursue a university education in Joss, Nigeria. Those of you who attended the Diocesan Women’s Gathering in Georgetown last spring will remember Gloria Kwashi, the Archbishop of Nigeria’s wife, who spoke with passion about her vision for a safe haven where these young women would be sheltered from the dangers that accompany life for them in a big city. Please make this daily thank offering part of you and your family’s Lenten journey. All contributions will be collected during the month of April. Any checks written should be made out to the Diocesan Women’s Ministry with Praise & Glory in the memo line.







I would like more information about:

___ ___ ___ ___ ___

A new life in Christ Membership at St. Paul’s LifeGroups ALPHA Other

PRAYER REQUESTS & COMMENTS If you would like your request concerning health, death, or other concerns to be added to our public prayer, please indicate by marking the box. All others will be put on the confidential prayer list for 3 weeks.

To find out more about Gloria and her Safe Haven Project and/or to pick up a jar or Praise & Glory labels, please visit the Women’s Ministry table in the Atrium. To reserve a cover or if you have a submission for the Sunday News please contact Shelley Fipps the Tuesday before you want the addition.

Biblically minded—Christ centered—Holy Spirit driven

Place form in the offering plate or take to our Welcome Table to receive more information and a gift.





 8:00 am CB  10:15 am CB  10:15 am DH NAME

Welcome to St. Paul’s! We hope to create an atmosphere in which everyone feels welcomed with open arms. Here is the information that you need to know for a successful morning of worship and Sunday School:  Worship as a Family (all ages): At St. Paul’s, we encourage families to worship together on



 Kids Church (K3 –2nd grade) starts the same time as "big church" so bring your child to the


Worship Center prior to the service start time. There you will find computers to sign in your children. There will be one computer for families attending services in Doar Hall and another for families attending services in the Church building. Please use the appropriate computers. They will print color coordinating name labels so that our little ones are taken to the correct service.


Once they enter the Worship Center they will find lots of friendly faces welcoming them


along with activity centers that will start their lesson time. They will continue with these until the sermons have ended: If you are attending the Church building service, please pick your child up at the end of the sermon. If you are attending the Doar Hall service, please look for your child entering the sanctuary and wave to them so they can find you.



Sunday mornings, therefore children in third grade and older will remain with their parents throughout the service. If you or your children are not used to this, please know that we understand and recognize that it might take time to develop the routine. We’re here to help, so don’t hesitate to ask a priest or Tina Smith about successful family worship.


Communion—Anyone baptized in the Christian faith is welcome to receive communion at St. Paul’s. Please note: The Communion elements consist of real wine and bread or wafers containing wheat. Please ask the bread server for gluten free wafers. Receiving one or the other of the elements is considered participating as fully in the Eucharist as anyone who receives both.


I would like to receive emails from St. Paul’s.

PRAYER REQUESTS & COMMENTS If you would like your request concerning health, death, or other concerns to be added to our public prayer, please indicate by marking the box. All others will be put on the confidential prayer list for 3 weeks.

All guests are invited to visit our Welcome Table after the service today to receive a gift and information about St. Paul’s. Giving—Cash and checks may be placed in the offering plates. We have electronic giving centers in Doar Hall for debit and credit cards. St. Paul’s does not want anyone to incur debt in order to give to the Lord. We offer the electronic giving centers as a convenience. Giving Envelopes—are available for your convenience. You may pick up a pack in the church office, in the back of Doar Hall, or the Church Building.


Please place completed form in the offering plate or take to our Welcome Table. Anonymous comments will be discarded.

Today  Middle School Youth Group will meet in the C/Y Building at 5:00. This Week  Wednesday, February 14, Ash Wednesday Upcoming Dates  March 23-25, EPIC!  April 2-6, Spring Break! Korey Kincaid, Director of Youth Ministries

For more information, visit our website at www.stpaulssummerville.org

ANNOUNCEMENTS New Lifegroups: They will meet on Wednesdays beginning February 21 from 4:30-6:00 or 7:00-8:30 with a simple fellowship meal at 6:00 pm in Skardon Hall. Sign up today or email Cathy McGrew at [email protected]. We Need Christmas Trees: Have an old artificial Christmas tree you don’t want or need to get rid of? We still need them for Kids Kamp. Contact Tina Smith ([email protected]). Thank you to everyone who has already donated. Tea Room and Gift Shop Gift Certificates: These make great gifts for Valentine’s Day for your sweetheart, a special teacher, or for anyone. They are available today, between the services and after the 10:15 a.m. services. They are redeemable for lunch or for items in the gift shop. Thank You: I wanted to extend my deepest thanks to you all for your kind gifts and well wishes. It has truly been a privilege to serve this parish and work alongside so many of you the past 20 years. I pray God's blessing on you all. I am excited for my new calling and I take along with me many sweet memories from St. Paul's. Love & Peace, Kerry Hall HELP! Lay Eucharistic Ministers Needed: One of the pleasures in the service to the Lord is being a Lay Eucharistic Minister (LEM). A LEM is a layperson licensed by the bishop to administer the elements of the Eucharist as a chalice bearer and in some cases the bread. Other duties of the LEM are to read the lessons, the Prayers of the People and serve as an acolyte. St. Paul’s is in particular need of LEMs in the church building at the 8 am service. One can choose to be scheduled either at 8 am or 10:15 am in the church building. An advanced schedule will be handed out, and training will be offered. If you are interested in serving the Lord through this ministry, please contact Sue Beson, our parish administrator. HELP! Ushers Needed: We need ushers particularly at our 10:15 am Church Building service. Ushers help make our worship services run smoothly, and our first-time guests feel loved and cared. You never get a second chance to make a first impression! Ushers greet people with a smile, a handshake, or a hug. They distribute bulletins and other informational materials to our worshippers. They make sure everything is neat and tidy and worthy of the Lord’s day of devotion. Ushers are there to help assist the elderly or physically challenged. Typically, we would call on you to serve about once every other month. An advanced schedule will be handed out, and training will be offered. Please contact Sue Beson, our parish administrator if you are available to serve.

UPCOMING EVENTS Cursillo: Today, February 11 - Potluck dinner at 5:00 pm in the Atrium. Come and enjoy music, food, fun, information and fellowship. We invite everyone to come, bring a friend- all interested are welcome. Ash Wednesday Services: Wednesday, February 14 - Our Ash Wednesday services will be at 6:30 am and 12:00 pm in the Church Building and 6:30 pm in Doar Hall. Tea Room and Gift Shop: March 5-16 (except Sunday) - The Tea Room starts the beginning of March this year. We need all hands on deck. If you want to help out sign up on the volunteer boards today in the back of the Church Building after the 8:00 service or the Atrium after the 10:15 services. They will be in Skardon Hall by the front office during the week. You can also sign up on our website under the Tea Room and Gift Shop tab.