February 11

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Mass Times ~ Presider Schedule Saturday Vigil, February 10 5:30 p.m. ~ Father Alec

Saturday Vigil, February 17 ~ Father O

Sunday, February 11 Sunday, February 18 7:30 a.m. ~ Father Bill ~ Father Regis 9:00 a.m.* ~ Father O ~ Father Alec 10:30 a.m. (Church) ~ Father Regis ~ Father Bill 10:30 a.m. (Gym) ~ Father Bill ~ Father D’Silva 12:30 p.m. ~ Father O ~ Father Alec 5:30 p.m. ~ Father Alec ~ Father Bill

*American Sign Language interpreted Mass Weekday & Saturday Masses Monday - Friday: 6:30 a.m., 8 a.m., 11 a.m., 5:30 p.m. Saturday: 8 a.m., 11 a.m. Filipino Mass in Tagalog every 4th Sunday at 3:30 p.m. Holy Day Masses Eve of the Feast: 5:30 p.m. Day of the Feast: 6:30 a.m., 8 a.m., 11 a.m., 5:30 p.m. Adoration Of The Blessed Sacrament* Exposition: Monday-Friday, 3-5:15 p.m., in the church Thursday before first Friday of each month, 6-8 p.m., with Holy Hour from 7-8 p.m. *No adoration or 5:30 p.m. Mass on federal holidays

Inside This Issue • February 11, 2018 Lenten Hunger Mass • 2 Couples Communication Workshop • 2 Operation Rice Bowl • 4 Our School Is Your School • 4

This Weekend Blood Drive The American Red Cross Association will hold a Blood Drive in the Duffy Parish Center (Lower Level) Sunday from 8 a.m.-1:30 p.m. COLLECTING LAST YEAR’S PALMS Baskets can be found at the exits of the church to collect old palms to be burned to make ashes for the distribution on Ash Wednesday.

Ash Wednesday Liturgy Schedule Wednesday, February 14, 2018

3630 Quesada Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20015 202.966.6575 • Phone 202.966.9255 • Fax www.blessedsacramentdc.org Blessed Sacrament School 5841 Chevy Chase Parkway, NW Washington, D.C. 20015 202.966.6682 www.bsstoday.org

6:30 a.m., 8:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m., 7:00 p.m. Ashes will be distributed during all Masses after the homily. A Reminder: On Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, Catholics between ages 18 and 59 observe a modified fast; guidelines allow one full meal per day. Catholics age 14 and over abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday and every Friday during Lent. (Source: www.adw.org)

Important Announcements There will be no 11 am Mass on Saturday, February 24, as our school students will be receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation at that time. Adoration is back in the Church until further notice. 5:30 pm Mass will continue to be in the Church.

Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time Pastoral Staff Rev. William Foley, Pastor • [email protected] Rev. Alec Scott, Parochial Vicar • [email protected] Rev. Msgr. Maurice V. O’Connell, Senior Priest • [email protected] Rev. Percival L. D’Silva • [email protected] Deacon Kenneth Angell • [email protected] Deacon Leo Flynn • [email protected] Deacon Donald Mays • [email protected] Assistants on Weekends Rev. Regis Armstrong, OFM Cap, Catholic University

Duffy Parish Center Main Office 202.966.6575 (Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.) In an Emergency 202.966.6575, Ext. 3988 (to page priest on duty) Facilities 202.449.4610 Ray Manning Adult Center 202.363.4512 Mr. John Navolio, Business Manager 202.449.3984, [email protected] Mr. Jay Rader, Director of Liturgy and Music 202.449.3981, [email protected] Ms. Michelle Balch, Director of Religious Education 202.449.3989, [email protected] Ms. Rosalie Days, Sacramental Preparation Coordinator 202.449.4618, [email protected] Mrs. Casey Esser, Youth Minister 202.449.3985, [email protected] Mrs. Patricia Kavanaugh, Social Concerns Minister 202.449.3987, [email protected] (Office open Monday - Friday, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m., and by appointment) Ms. Emma Voelzke, Special Needs Coordinator 202.449.3990, [email protected] Ms. Kate Ryan, Director of CYO 202.449.3972, [email protected]

Blessed Sacrament School Mr. Chris Kelly, Principal 202.966.6682, [email protected] Ms. Nancy Ryan, Director of Admissions 202.966.6682, Ext. 6110, [email protected]

Sacraments Baptism • Baptismal classes are required of all parents prior to baptism. We recommend taking classes before the child is born. Group baptisms are offered every 2nd Saturday at noon in the chapel and 4th Sunday at 2 p.m. in the main church. For more info visit: www.blessedsacramentdc.org/sacraments-rites Matrimony • All couples who are to be married at Blessed Sacrament must contact one of our priests. Please contact one of the parish priests at least six months in advance of your marriage date.

Upcoming Lenten Activities Friday, February 16, 5:30 p.m.: Hunger Mass The Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament’s Annual Lenten Hunger Mass is scheduled on the above date, followed by Stations of the Cross and pizza and fellowship on the Main Level of the Parish Center. A speaker will briefly address hunger in our community and a collection will be taken to support the John S. Mulholland Family Foundation. This unique Foundation provides fresh meat, poultry, milk, vegetables, etc. to struggling families in 5 Catholic Parishes in the District, including our Sister Parish, St. Thomas More. A great way to begin your “Lenten Journey.” Please contact Patricia K. Kavanaugh in the Social Concerns Office. For more information, 202.449.3987.

COMMUNICATION WORKSHOP “Take Time, Quality Time for Your Relationship...” Thus says Pope Francis in Joy of Love (137). “This means being ready to listen patiently, attentively, to everything the other person is saying. It requires the self discipline of not speaking until the time is right. Instead of offering an opinion or advice, we need to be sure we have heard everything the other person has to say”. This is exactly what the Lenten Communication Workshop for Couples offers to married and engaged couples. It will be held on Feb 20, 27 and Mar 6, 13 from 7:30-9:30 p.m. at the Parish Center. Deadline 2/12/18 For more information check the parish website commworkshop.wixsite.com/activelistening.

Reconciliation • Saturday, 4 - 5 p.m. or anytime by appointment. Altar Server Program: [email protected] Eucharistic Minister Volunteers: [email protected]

Parish Services & Information Care Of The Sick & Homebound • If you or someone you know is hospitalized or homebound and would like a priest to visit, contact the parish office at 202.966.6575. New Parishioners • Welcome! To register as new parishioners, visit www. blessedsacramentdc.org/new-parishioners. Hard copies of the registration form are available at the parish office or contact Rick Perry: 202.449.3982. Website Postings • [email protected] Church Bulletin Boards • The parish secretary maintains the church bulletin boards. Please drop off any flyers for posting to Joan Ward in the parish office, Duffy parish center. Inclement Weather Policy • The parish center/office follows Montgomery County Schools for delays and closings. All evening activities are cancelled those days the schools are closed.

PARISH SURVEY- All Parishioners Urged to Participate One of Father Bill Foley’s initiatives after becoming our new pastor has been the design of a Parish Survey to assess our strengths and opportunities for growth. The Survey will provide a basis for setting long-term goals. Working in conjunction with the Pastoral Council and with the expertise of volunteer parishioner Rita Thiron, the survey will be available via both email and hard copy in early March. It is vital to hear from all members of the parish community. If you are not currently receiving emails from the parish, please send your email to the Parish Secretary/Office Manager, Joan Ward, jward@ blessedsacramentdc.org, to ensure you receive the survey. We hope to have the results of the survey sent to parishioners by this coming fall. We strongly urge all parishioners to participate in this important work.

2 www.blessedsacramentdc.org

Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament 8

February 11, 2018

Pastor’s Column Dear Parish Family: People who rarely attend Church all of a sudden become religious on Ash Wednesday. There is something almost magical about bearing the mark of repentance on the day that marks the beginning of Lent. On more than one occasion, I asked a person who was looking for ashes between Masses: “Are you a sinner?” The reaction I get is fascinating! If I accept the ashes on my forehead, I am announcing to the whole world that I am a sinner in need of the Savior, Jesus Christ, who’s saving death and resurrection we celebrate at Easter! Monsignor Peter Elliott described Lent in the following words: The distinctive English word ‘Lent’ is derived from the Anglo-Saxon word for ‘spring,’ which appropriately coincides with the great forty-day fast, common to both East and West at least since the fourth century. Notwithstanding the fact that autumn occurs at this time in the Southern Hemisphere, the English word has the advantage over the Latin words based on ‘quadraginta’ or ‘forty’ because it calls to mind the new life, growth, hope and change that should characterize this time of prayer, penance and conversion, this season of initiation into the grace life of the Church (Elliott, Ceremonies of the Liturgical Year, p. 53). Twenty years ago, a reporter from the Washington Post called to ask some questions about Lent. I thought I might be quoted in an obscure article in the Religion Section later that week. You can imagine my surprise when I saw our discussion broadcast almost word-for-word in an article on the front page for Ash Wednesday that year! The author was trying to paint an image of Lent as an endurance test. I took an opposite view: Whatever one’s ritual, ‘the purpose of Lent is to prepare for Easter,’ said the Rev. William E. Foley, pastor of Our Lady of Victory Church in Northwest Washington. ‘It’s not a test of self-control. How, then, are we to prepare for Easter during these sacred forty days? First of all, what is it that we are asked to do on Easter Sunday? The Church baptizes all those of catechetical age and invites all previously baptized Christians to renew our baptismal promises. If this is not going to be a merely perfunctory ritual, Lent requires a sincere confrontation with Satan and a profound act of trust in the merciful and transforming power of Christ’s saving death and resurrection. Most sin is a failure to attend to the fundamental yearning of humankind for God. This yearning is often experienced as a painful loneliness or spiritual ache. We often seek to fill this emptiness with things that do not satisfy – addictions and distractions of all kinds. In an insightful book entitled And Now I See, Father Robert Barron said: We see and know and perceive with a mind of fear rather than with a mind of trust…And fear…is a function

of living our lives at the surface level, a result of forgetting our deepest identity…To overcome fear is to move from the ‘pusilla anima’ (the small soul) to the ‘magna anima’ (great soul)…What Jesus calls for in ‘metanoia’ is the transformation from the terrified and self-regarding small soul to the confident and soaring great soul. The seeing of the Kingdom, in short, is not for the pusillanimous but for the magnanimous.” (pp. 4-5) Lent, then, is a key moment in my on-going conversion. If I “give anything up,” it ought to be for the purpose of expanding my soul and opening me more to the awesome grace of God. What is it that I am afraid to let go? The three-fold theme of Lent is voiced in the gospel for Ash Wednesday (prayer, fasting, and almsgiving); but the real ‘test’ of Lent is met in the gospel for the First Sunday – the temptations of Christ by the devil in the desert. Prayer, fasting, and almsgiving go hand-in-hand. If I fast from some substance or activity that I enjoy, with what do I fill the void? Most of us are busy. I find many confess that they have little time for prayer. If the dentist tells us to brush our teeth in order to prevent tooth decay, do we not respond? Prayer is far more important. Lent provides the opportunity to renew this commitment to a dynamic relationship with our loving God. One of the best pieces of advice I received from a grade school teacher was to dedicate a special place in my bedroom for prayer. I had many ‘altars’ before I ascended to the altar of the Lord in Church. Many people add to their daily Lenten ritual the celebration of daily Mass. Some even continue this ‘good habit’ long after Lent ends. Prayer directs us out of ourselves towards others. Thus, during Lent, we are asked to re-visit the place of charity in our weekly expenditure of money. Perhaps if you choose to ‘give up’ a favorite food or drink, you might consider donating the money saved to the poor. Some parishes make available the ‘rice bowls’ that are provided by Catholic Relief Services. These can be placed on the dining table; family members can discreetly place donations in the box. Families and parishes often have ‘sacrificial meals’ once a week. These serve to help us identify with those less fortunate and bring us together as a people. Lent, is, after all, a communal journey to the baptismal font! A fruitful and enriching spiritual practice that one might begin during Lent is called lectio divina (divine reading). This is simply the prayerful reading of the Scriptures. I suggest that one take the gospel for the up-coming Sunday. Once a week, make this the focus of your daily prayer. Go your comfortable place of prayer. Read the passage out loud two or three times. Close the book. Listen for at least two minutes. Reflect on what you heard. If possible, write your experience in a journal. This can lead to contemplative prayer – an intimate encounter with the living God! Lent is not intended to be a sad time, but a joyful, expectant, and transforming experience that buds forth in the exuberance of the Easter ‘Alleluia’ (a word not heard during Lent)! Yours in Christ, Father Bill Foley

Find us on Facebook: Blessed Sacrament DC


Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time Blessed Sacrament Facilities Update Parish Projects: Church Roof – While the slate is in the process of being removed from the roof in small sections, work is being completed on the inside of the Chimes tower as well. In addition, an additional two levels of scaffolding is being installed due to the size of the cross on top. It is 8 feet tall! The construction areas and grounds around the fencing remain off limits to pedestrians for safety reasons. Sidewalk areas may be temporarily blocked periodically for safety reasons, but all church entrances should GOAL: remain open. Also, for safety reasons, all work areas, especially inside the fencing, $350,000 is off limits to everyone except contractors. Donations for the roof are continuing to come in and we now have $132,402 towards our $350,000 goal for our roof project. Thank so much for your generosity!



Church – Notewho that desires we will not the woman to grow in • For Chimes be ringing the chimes until after the roof Catholic faith, seeking connection project is complete.


the woman who feels that she is doing • For School Projects: so much but none of it very Outdoor Classroom – The major portionwell of the outdoor classroom is complete and should be substantially • For the complete soon.woman who silently asks, “Isn’t there something more to life than this?”

If you have any additional questions about these projects, please contact [email protected]

Discover something more:

• For the woman who desires to grow in her

Catholic faith, seeking connection

• For the woman who feels that she is doing

so much but none of it very well Walking with Purpose invites women of all ages

Walking with Purpose is a women’s Catholic Bible study program that aims to bring

join ussilently during Lentasks, “Isn’t For the womantowho group discussions that link our everyday challenges and struggles with the solutions there something lifethat than -Study God’s Word during more Lent in a to manner bringsthis?” spiritual

• to a deeper personal relationship with Christ through personal study and small women

Social Concerns/Outreach Blood Drive Sunday February 11, 8 a.m.-1:30 p.m. The American Red Cross Association will hold a Blood Drive in the Duffy Parish Center (Lower Level) on the above date and time. According to the American Red Cross, blood supplies are very low at this time so blood donations are in high demand. Just before Lent starts, help people in need, stop by the Duffy Parish Center and give blood. Please contact Patricia K. Kavanaugh in the Social Concerns Office for more information, 202.449.3987. Encounter Lent Through Operation Rice Bowl Join our faith community and nearly 14,000 Catholic communities across the United States in a life changing Lenten faith in action Catholic Relief Services “Operation Rice Bowl” program. Our Pastor has asked “RICE BOWLS “be offered to all Parishioners at church entrances this weekend before Ash Wednesday on Wednesday February 14. This Lenten program offers opportunities to engage daily in the spiritual pillars of Lent: prayer, fasting and almsgiving. It invites participants to reflect on our brother and sisters and help us see our role in caring for the most vulnerable. A brochure is attached inside of each small cardboard bowl providing instructions, suggestions, ideas, prayers, a calendar and just about anything else you need to know. For more information or to have a “Rice Bowl” mailed, please contact Patricia K. Kavanaugh in the Social Concerns, 202.449.3987, [email protected]. Also, at crs.org. Blessed Sacrament Parish Helping Hands Ministry Lent is a special time to reach out! This Social Concern Ministry offers many services to our parishioners, for example transportation to Mass, medical appointments or other necessary commitments. It offers homebound parishioners companionship and/or if you are a Eucharistic Minister you may provide Communion to an individual at home or a small group in a nearby Assisted Living Facility. This opportunity will brighten your Lent and the Parishioner who receives gift. This Lent pray but also offer hope. For more information or to volunteer, please contact Pat Kavanaugh, Director of Social Concerns, 202.449.3987, [email protected]. Thank you!

given to us through the teachings of Christ and the Catholic Church.

growth and enrichment to all aspects of life. -No previous experience with the Bible is necessary. Regarding the Flu -The theme of “Keeping in Balance” will focus on principles that Questions have been asked about liturgical practices during the flu help women manage life’s pace and pressure with calm and Discover something more: season. Some suggestions might help. We do clean the holy water steadiness. containers, but no one is required to use holy water upon entering -After participating in WWP, a majority of women report that or leaving Church. We invite people to share a “sign of peace,” their prayer life has improved, their relationship with Christ and but that does not necessarily imply touching. A reverential bow their Catholic faith are stronger, and their appreciation for the or a wave is sufficient. Communion from the chalice is optional, sacraments has grown. Registration is available on the Parish website OR at the following link: but we will continue to offer that possibility. Anyone who feels ill is -Meetings will be Tuesday mornings from 8:45-10:30 a.m. in the https://blessedsacramentdc.wufoo.com/forms/walking-with-purpose/ encouraged to avoid this option. Parish Center from February 20 to March 27. -Small group discussions follow coffee, refreshments and socializing. -Course materials will be provided at no charge for the Lenten Pam Kelly at 202 320 3340 [email protected] Sponsor Of The Week sessions. OR -Complimentary babysitting is available. We would like to thank Jon D. Pels, Esq. king with Purpose is a women’s Catholic Bible study program that aims to bring Jennifer Patterson at 202 302 0391 or [email protected] For more info, contact: Pam Kelly: 202.320.3340, pamelagkelly@ for placing an ad in our weekly bulletin. men to a deeper personal relationship with Christ through personal study and small gmail.com

Tuesday mornings 8:45 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Blessed Sacrament Parish Center, Lower Level

up discussions that link our everyday challenges and struggles with the solutions

n to us through the teachings of Christ and the Catholic Church. 4


Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament 8

SHARE PARISH FOOD CO-OP Your SHARE @ Blessed Sacrament food co-op gives you the opportunity to save up to 40% from grocery store prices with a selection of nutritious, healthy food.

February 11, 2018

The Adult Center Because of the uncertainties of weather and potential safety risks, the Adult Center will be closed the month of February, reopening on MONDAY, MARCH 5.

$22 Value Package: ground beef, chicken tenderloins, Alaskan Pollock nuggets, turkey burgers, fresh potatoes, onions and 8-10 lbs of fresh seasonal produce $24 Seafood Medley: Tilapia, Pollock and Salmon filets and large breaded shrimp $25 Sirloin Steak: 4 lbs of top quality steak $14 Desserts: an assortment of tasty desserts $10 Breakfast Bagels: 10 breakfast bagels with sausage, egg, and cheese To order, visit the parish web site: www.blessedsacramentdc. org. Ordering deadline is Monday, February 12, at 5 p.m. Pick up your food on Friday afternoon, February 23, 3-6 p.m. For more information, leave a message in the SHARE Voice Mailbox: 202.449.4611 or email [email protected]. Gift and Donation Idea: SHARE packages make great “Thank You” or “Thinking about you” gifts for a friend or someone who has helped you. Make yourself and others happy with nutritious food from SHARE @ BS! And, we always appreciate donations so we can provide those in need. Thank you.

Our School Is Your School Catholic Schools Week at Blessed Sacrament is one of my favorite weeks of the school year! It is filled with lots of fun and faith. The last week of January was Catholic Schools Week and we had many exciting activities to celebrate. On Monday morning, the week was kicked off a prayer service in the gym, led by the student council and all students who were members of Boy or Girl Scouts. After the service, BSS Alumni Will Mason spoke to the school about his time as a Boy Scout and how he is becoming an Eagle Scout, and his Eagle project was building part of our new. Outdoor classroom. Because of a snow delay on Tuesday, Parent Appreciation Day moved to Wednesday.. On this day, parents came to school for coffee and a performance by the K-2nd graders. Following this, the parents visited classrooms and the 3rd graders performed their “Pioneer Day” show. Wednesday was also Student Appreciation Day. Students were given a free dress day, a special treat at lunch, and no homework! Thursday was Teacher Appreciation Day. The teachers could wear PJs to school and they had a special breakfast in the faculty lounge. On Friday, the final day of Catholic Schools Week, there was a school liturgy in the church. Student members of the Christ Care Corps led the mass. Overall, Catholic Schools Week is a fantastic celebration of Catholic Schools and for parents, teachers and students! -Maggie DiMaio

High School The High School SOR program is accepting new students for the spring semester. This course meets on Sunday nights, 6:30-8pm. Register online at the School of Religion page or email Casey Esser for details! High School Youth Nights are every Wednesday night, 7-9pm in the Parish Library (Parish Center 2nd floor). This year includes service outings, retreat, ice skating, paintball, and more!

Middle School Faith & Service nights take place on the first Friday of every month. Meet at the 5:30 Mass, followed in the Auditorium 6pm8pm. Includes dinner, games, a talk, and a service project. All middle school students are welcome! Adult and high school volunteers are always needed to help out. For more information and to register for these events, please contact Blessed Sacrament’s Youth Minister, Casey Esser:

[email protected] | 202.449.3985

Thought for the Week From Pope Francis

The life of every family is marked by all kinds of crises, yet these are also part of its dramatic beauty. Couples should be helped to realize that surmounting a crisis need not weaken their relationship; instead, it can improve, settle and mature the wine of their union…. Experienced and trained couples should be open to offering guidance, so the couples will not be unnerved by these crises or tempted to hasty decisions. Each crisis has a lesson to teach us; we need to learn how to listen for it with the ear of the heart (Joy of Love, 232). Poor Box Donations Poor Box donations in February will benefit the Weekend Bag program of the Capital Area Food Bank. The program provides bags of groceries to children ages 5-18 who are at risk of hunger during the weekend when school breakfast and lunch programs are not available.

Find us on Facebook: Blessed Sacrament DC


Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time


include our sick in your prayers that they may experience healing and comfort

Ana Maria Arce Amanda Brignola Evelyn Childs James Curran Ann Marie Duggan ATTENTION LADIES–Blessed Sacrament’s Annual Women’s Retreat is coming up the weekend of March 9-11. It will be held at the Loyola Retreat House in Faulkner, MD. This special “you” get- away is just the nourishment your heart needs and a great way to enhance your Lenten Season! The theme this year is “Come, Follow Me”. Ignatian Spirituality proposes principles and practices to help us walk the path set out by Jesus in the Gospel. This retreat will invite us to hear Jesus’ call to us now, and to respond to it. The weekend is open to anyone who desires to grow in their relationship with God through prayer. The retreat includes time for prayer, worship and personal reflection. A private room and meals are included. If you are interested in joining other women in the parish for a wonderful, spiritual experience, contact Jessica Walsh at [email protected], 301.385.9713 or Rita Killian at [email protected], 202.363.5069. You can also get more information on the Loyola Retreat House website at www. loyolaretreat.org. Information flyers can be found in the back of the Church, in the Parish Center and in the School. Carpooling available. The retreat fee for the weekend is $245. First time retreatants and young adults under 30 years only pay $195. Registration Fee assistance available. Space is limited...sign up today!

Ignatian Weekend Retreat – “Come, Follow Me!” Give a weekend to God, your family and yourself. The men of Blessed Sacrament go on retreat each year at Loyola On The Potomac – A Jesuit Retreat House in Faulkner, MD. Our Ignatian Weekend is silent and includes generous amounts of time for prayer, personal reflection and the cultivation of a deeper relationship with God. The programs and lectures are thoughtful and led by experienced priests and lay persons. It is open to anyone who desires to grow in their relationship with God through prayer and reflection The retreat begins Friday evening, March 2 and concludes with lunch on March 4. For more information, contact John Vittone at vittone.john@gmail. com or 301.580.8164. A deposit of $115 and a registration form are required to secure your room. The retreat fee for the weekend is $245 and includes all meals. ($195 for first time retreatants and/or young adults up to age 30.) All rooms are single occupancy with a private bathroom. Reserve online at www.loyolaonthepotomac.com.

Patricia Friend Bart Hayft Katharine M. Heck Alexa Hughes Elizabeth Kennedy Marian Middendorf

Patrick Adams Murphy Fredy H. Ortega Daniel Ortman Maria Stechschlte Nelly Turner

R ecent Baptisms Veronica Rae Adolfo Silvestre

Did You Know?? Did you know that the DisAbilities Ministry will be holding a retreat for members, friends, families and caregivers during Lent? Please join us for reflection, prayer and community on Saturday, March 3, from 4:00-5:30 p.m. in the Chapel. Light refreshments will be provided. Our retreat facilitator will be Father Foley. Make the most of your Lenten Journey by joining us! For more information on how Blessed Sacrament is becoming inclusive, contact [email protected].

Tax Statements If you would like your 2017 Contribution Statement, please email your request to [email protected]. Please be sure to include your full name and address in the email so we can make sure our information is up to date. If you have any questions, please feel free to call Rick Perry at 202.449.3982.

From the Archdiocese Holy Family Celebration: A Domestic Church Day Join fellow Catholic couples and families for a Holy Family Celebration on Saturday, February 17 from 1:30–6:30 p.m. at the Saint John Paul II National Shrine. This half-day celebration will feature an inspiring talk for couples by nationally recognized writer and speaker Msgr. Charles Pope, Mass and Consecration to the Holy Family, and fun catechesis for children and teens. The cost of attendance is $15 per couple and $30 for a family of three or more, which includes a meal after Mass. Register at: www. holyfamilycelebration.eventbrite.com. This event is sponsored by the Archdiocese of Washington, the DC State Council of the Knights of Columbus, and the Saint John Paul II National Shrine. Join Cardinal Wuerl on Saturday night, February 17th at the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle for “Light the City,” an evening of prayer and street evangelization from 8–11 p.m.! Join us as a prayer warrior in the church or by going out to the streets to invite passers-by to come into the church to light a candle, pray for a loved one, or talk with a priest. Sign up to volunteer at adw.org/Light. You can also share your prayer intentions with us on Saturday evening on social media using #LighttheCity.

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