February 14, 2016 Bulletin

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Home Groups Want to get connected? Get involved with a Home Group. Frank and Pamela Bronander’ s Home Group - Ages 30-50’s David and Becky Dafoe’s Home Group - Mixed Adults Alex & Leslie Houston’s Home Group - New Christians - age 15 and up John and Bonita Jones’ Home Group - Mixed Adults Cliff and Pam Orsburn’s Home Group - Parents of Teenagers & Empty Nesters Jim and Linda Wall’s Home Group - Ages 30+

Sunday, February 14, 2016 OPENING SONG

Tega Cay Baptist Church now has 6 adult Home Groups! If you are interested in attending any of these groups, please phone the church office 548 -2600.


Nursery/ Preschool 9:15 & 10:45

Bldg. 2

K thru 5th Grade 9:15

Bldg. 3

“All The People Said Amen”


Join Us for Sunday School Class



Worship Team Mike Tullos



Student Classes 9:15 Middle School (6-8th)

Bldg. 6/Teen Room

High School (9-12th)

Bldg. 6/Fireplace Room

RJ Crane Sam Bergstrom

Main Bldg./East Wing Main Bldg./Room 3 Main Bldg./Room 4 Main Bldg./Choir Room Bldg. 6/Front Conf. Room

David Dafoe Eldon Porter Linda Stegall Tom Nichols Randy Mabry

“Because He Lives (Amen)” “At The Cross (Love Ran Red)”


Worship Team

Brad Ferguson

Adult Classes 9:15 Mixed Adults I Mixed Adults II Adult Women Adult Men Adults w/Children



“It Is Well”

Worship Team

“What Love Is…Not” 1 Corinthians 13:1-13

Brad Ferguson

Church Staff and Contact Information Senior Pastor: Dr. Brad Ferguson - [email protected] Assoc. Pastor of Students and Adult Discipleship: Adam Johnson [email protected] Financial Administrator - Keith [email protected] Administrative Secretary-Sandra [email protected] Phone: 803-548-2600 Website: www.tegacaybaptist.org Address: Tega Cay Baptist Church 1875 Gold Hill Road Fort Mill, SC 29708



(PLEASE PRINT) ___Single

___ Married

Name(s)1.________________________________ 2._______________________________________ Address _________________________________ City ________________ State ____ Zip_______ Birthdate(s) 1._____________ 2._____________

Is this your (circle)…… 1st


3rd time?

Are you a member of a church:



Are you looking for a home church:



I came as a guest of ________________________ Please circle your age group: Single Adult: 18-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60+ Married Adult: 18-21 22-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80+

Phone # (Home)___________________________

Names and birthdays of children at home: _________________ ____/____/____

School Grade _______

Phone # (Work)___________________________

_________________ ____/____/____


E-mail (Home)____________________________

_________________ ____/____/____


E-mail (Work)____________________________

_________________ ____/____/____


Age(s) 1._____________ 2._____________

Worship Team

We are so glad you joined us for this morning’s service! In order for us to get to know you better, please take a moment and fill out the visitor/response card that is attached to your Sunday bulletin. Please place the card in the offering plate and let that be your offering today. Whether you are new to church or have attended church all your life, we hope you will be comfortable and feel right at home here at Tega Cay Baptist Church! - Pastor Brad Ferguson

Tega Cay Baptist Church Response Card Date______________

“Amazing Love”

Our First Time Visitors and Guests are invited to visit our Welcome Center located just outside the sanctuary for free Bibles, Sermon Notebooks and other church information.

Light Lunch will be held on Sunday, February 21 immediately following the worship service. Evites were emailed several weeks ago so if you did not receive one and you lead, teach or assist in a home group or Sunday school class (adult, youth or children), please contact Melissa Burgess to RSVP. These quarterly Light Lunches are a way to say thank you to our volunteers who give so much of their time and energy in serving the Lord through teaching. It is also a time of fellowship, re-energizing, communicating and planning in the adult, youth and children’s ministries. Please, RSVP via the Evite by Thursday, February 18.


Our Vision...to be a praying church that EXALTS His name in worship, EQUIPS His church for spiritual growth, and ENGAGES His world through local and global missions.

Sunday, February 7, 2016 Attendance and Giving

TCBC Weekly Schedule Sunday, February 14, 2016 8:30 AM Prayer Time 9:15 AM Sunday School 10:45 AM Worship Service 1:00 PM Dance Rehearsal 2:30 PM Youth Band Rehearsal 4:30 PM Sunday Night Live (SNL) 4:30 PM EDGE 4:30 PM Financial Peace Class Tuesday, February 16, 2016 4:00 PM Staff Meeting 6:30 PM Ladies Bible Study Wednesday, February 17, 2016 7:00 PM The History of Ideas Class Thursday, February 18, 2016 8:00-3:30 PM Homeschool Co-op Saturday, February 20, 2016 9:30 AM Ladies @ the Barrel (Carowinds Blvd)

Ladies Breakfast @ the Barrel

4:30 to 6:30PM

February 20, 2016

Light Lunch


Sunday School

9:15 AM


Worship Service 10:45 AM



General Fund Weekly Budget Needs YTD General Fund Receipt YTD Over/(Under) Budget Needs YTD General Fund Expenses

$ $ $ $ $

6,269.00 9,259.29 172,073.14 (40,890.53) 164,536.37

Building Fund Receipts YTD Building Fund Receipts

$ $

250.00 2,284.00

Missions Fund Receipts YTD Missions Fund Receipts

$ $

185.00 3,640.50







MINISTRY COMMUNICATION Receive important announcements and prayer requests. Sign up for ministry communication email updates by sending an email: [email protected]

MINISTRY GROUP FOR FEBRUARY Mercy Ministry Group: Deacon: Mark Daubenspeck Ministerial Staff: Brad Ferguson The Mercy Ministry Group is devoted to sharing the love and the light of Christ in our church and community. This group works with the Elder of the Mission's Ministry Group. This group taps into the spiritual gifts of Evangelist, Exhorter, Pastor/Shepherd, Mercy, Giver, Administrator.

February 21, 2016

Youth’s Ski Trip February 26-28, 2016

February 26-28 Form due


The plans are to drive up to Winterplace on Friday evening February 26th and return February 28th. Form due Today . If you have any questions, contact Adam Johnson by email: [email protected]

Bring your friends to the EDGE today at 4:30 pm. We are studying the book of Ecclesiastes during this semester. Some of the questions we will be answering during this study are: What is the meaning of life? Can life have meaning without God?

Evangelism Explosion Sunday Don’t miss church March 13! Our guest speaker Langdon Stewart will encourage and equip us to reach people for Christ. Stay afterwards for a free lunch and evangelism training from 1-4:00 p.m. by Langdon. This will be followed by a thirteen week class starting on Wednesday nights, Mar. 30 in the East Wing from 6:30-8:30 p.m. During the first four weeks, we‘ll stay at the church and concentrate on role-playing but on week 5, those that feel ready, will go out and share the Gospel! Even if you’ve taken EE before, please attend to help support and train the new folks. We’ll be using some new video based training called XEE. If you have any questions, please contact Adam Johnson by email: [email protected].

Please pray for them as they exercise their spiritual gifts in the church. Palmetto Pregnancy Center Ministry: Team Leader: Becky Porter

SAVE THE DATE FOR VBS Mark your calendar now for June 26-30th Plan to be here for “Cave Quest” as we learn what it means to follow Jesus. VBS will be June 26th-30th, from 6-8:30 p.m. for children ages 4 and up (with a limited number of spots for children who have not completed Kindergarten, depending on the number of volunteers). Please see Cynthia Keen to sign up to help with this amazing outreach event!

Week of Prayer for North American Missions


Sunday Night Live (SNL) Ages: K-5th Grade

Please join us today at 4:30 p.m. in Building No. 3 and bring a friend with you. Contact Melissa Burgess: 803-517-6775 or [email protected] if you have questions.

Breakfast at the Barrel (Cracker Barrel at Carowinds)-This enjoyable

activity takes place every 3rd Saturday of each month. February 20th from 9:30-10:30 a.m. will be our next breakfast. Get away on Saturday morning and delight in a big breakfast that you do not have to cook!

Ladies Book Club - The book for February is “Thief of Glory” by Sigmund Brouwer. The next Ladies Book Club meeting will be Monday, February 29, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. Please contact Terry Van Dyke at [email protected] if you have any questions.

Honduras Yard Sale - May 13-14, 2016 It is time to start gathering all the items you would like to donate to the annual Honduras Yard Sale. Collections, sorting, pricing and organizing, will begin May 8-12, 2016.

March 6-13, 2016

Evangelism Explosion Sunday March 13, 2016

Missions Banquet

Watch for details TCBC 2015-2016 Deacons Mark Daubenspeck Andy Hanschu Tyler Johnson Randy Mabry Mike Tullos Ralph Van Dyke

803.389.6227 704.287.0687 803.548.5119 704.293.8203 803.448.3902 803.417.8614

March 19, 2016

TCBC 2015-2016 Elders Brad Ferguson Tim Bradberry John Jones Cullen Keen John Root

803.548.2600 803.396.8895 803.548.4923 704.743.3230 704.621.8778

Please come join us in praying for our Church Sunday mornings at 8:30 a.m. in the East Wing.

Knee Notes Prayer Request for our Church Family/Friends Salvation for family members Our military personnel Getachew Family-mission field Linda Wall-passing of her mother Terry Walcott-prostate cancer Bob & Ruth Moyer-health Catherine Thompson-medical issues Pastor Brad’s aunt Jane O’Dell-wife of DOM for YBA-breast cancer Pamela Bronander-mother-stroke-rehab

Jack Jerrell-health Carol Brown-Lee Brown-health Dorothy Meyers-mother health Wendy Bedwell-pastor’s wife of 1st Baptist in Fort Mill-cancer Family Ministry Search Team Palmetto Pregnancy Center-Fort Mill Stephanie Plyler-Sandra Phillips’ daughtermedical issues Cindy Newton-passing of her mother Cindy Newton-friend-Luis Yepez-head injury

For prayer requests, updates, or to be added to our church wide e-mail list, please complete the Response Card below, detach and place in the offering plate. You may also call the church office 803-548-2600 or e-mail [email protected]. MY DECISION TODAY: __I just received Christ as my Lord and Savior __I want to be baptized __I’m renewing my commitment to Christ __Enroll me in the next New Members Class I’M INTERESTED IN: __Committing my life to Christ __Growing in my relationship with Christ __Tega Cay Baptist Church family __A small group __Counselling for _______________________ I would like to help with: __Children __Youth __Church Office Other ________________ ACTIVITIES: __Children __Men __Jr High __Women __Sr High __Seniors __Singles __Parenting

COMMENTS, REQUESTS OR PRAYER NEEDS ____For Prayer Team (Confidential) ____For Knee Notes ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________

__Bible Studies __Home Groups __Music __Child Dedication


I am a Member:


___ No