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Road to Damascus The


For ChristianFamilies,Singles,& Youths Celebrating Ministry throughout Western & Central Ohio

Volume 1, Issue 3


Champaign, Clark & Logan Counties


Featured Church What's New! Summer Activities for Youth. Look for the on the EVENTS page 8 Now visit us Online at:

Words from... Pastor Jeremy Hudson The opening of our Spring Hill Campus and establishing Fellowship as a multi-site church, has been an incredible adventure. It's obvious that God has been preparing every step of the process. The response we have seen from the community and the redemption that we are seeing Him do has been evident from day 1. People have asked us why we are doing this? Springfield is not the booming metropolis where you might expect to find multi-site churches where population size makes this strategy almost necessary. But for us at Fellowship, the answer is more simple and much more imperative. Our Research has shown us that within a 45 minute drive of our campuses, there are approximately 150,000 people who identify themselves as having no relationship with Jesus Christ and no connection to a local Church. And for us that number is frankly unacceptable.

Fellowship Spring Hill Church 714 North Limestone Springfield, Ohio 45504 There are two points that must be considered when thinking about a need this big. First, why aren’t people coming to ‘our church?’ I would ...When you drive by at night dare to say that there and see the stained glass illuminated from the light - it isn't a church in Clark represents a Vision of Hope for County that is turning this community. people away because See full story on pg. 3 & 4 they cannot find room for them, so there must be another reason. Our senior pastor, Grant Edwards, decided 4 years ago that we were going to stop waiting for people to come to us, and we were going to start putting ourselves where they are; and our multi-site strategy was born. The second consideration is that this is not something that Fellowship can do alone. If you were to count the empty seats in our current campuses, and add in the empty seats/pews in the other

churches in our area - I'm willing to bet that there still aren't 150,000 empty places. If the Church located in Clark County is going to significantly impact and reduce the number of people yet to be connected to Christ and His Church—this is going to take the efforts of all local churches. It will require all of us to see the great need of the ‘lost’ within our community and decided to put a strategy in place that will propels us outward. It may not always be a multi-site model. We are not saying that this is the only way that works, just that it is what works for us. I am sure there are many other effective ways of mobilizing the Church outward. But the question is—“Are we using them?” “Are we, the Church, pulling together in such a way that we can see this number come down drastically?” Most of the time it takes new thoughts, and being willing to try different, even risky things. That is what brought Fellowship to this point, the realization that what we had been doing was not working… or working fast enough. Pastor Jeremy A Night of Worship with Bluetree and Lights of Day at Brown Park in Bellefontaine on June 12, 7pm - 9pm. For more info on this and other great concerts check out our Music & Entertainment section on page 7

Inside this Edition… - Featured Church – Fellowship Spring Hill – Pg. 1, 3 & 4 (Springfield) - New Carlisle, Going Beyond It's Walls – Pg. 2 - Heavenly Treats - Pg. 5

- Journey Living Ministries – Pg. 2 & Pg. 5 (Bellefontaine) - The Young & The Righteous – Pg. 6 (Urbana H.O.P.) - Music & Entertainment - Pg. 7

Find your next concert, bible study, church play and more in the EVENTS section on page 8.

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Events listed for FREE. To request an event form: email us at [email protected] - Email form to us by 20th of prior month

Great Hope Community Church of New Carlisle -- Going Beyond Its Walls What do clowns, hot dogs, a bouncy house and an who “actively pursue following Jesus” by going out into the community to reach outdoor concert have in common? They’re all their neighbors with the life-changing message of salvation. part of Great Hope Community Church’s summer outreach program. Recognizing those who need Christ rarely come into a church to find Him, Pastor Francis and the followers at Great Hope Community Church assume the When the church began three years ago at 111 responsibility to take Him to people where they are. They believe that by Madison St. in New Carlisle, Pastor Jerry Francis developing genuine relationships with people and meeting their needs, they can adopted the motto: “Going beyond our walls to reach them with God’s love and grace. serve God and our community” for the fledgling church. Francis’ vision for Great Hope was at One way GHCC meets needs in New Carlisle is by providing free lunches that time, and continues to be, a body of those everyday during the summer months in the city park. For many area children (and some adults), it is the only square meal they receive each day. Coordinator JoAnn Porter says that, “we go everyday looking for something to happen. We feed everybody. Sometimes there’s not enough food, but then it’s like the loaves and fishes and there is enough for everyone.” JoAnn’s nine-year-old granddaughter, Bellamei, is particularly concerned with feeding indigent families in the community. For the past two years, she has organized a garage sale at the church to raise money for the local food pantry. Other events GHCC hosts on a regular basis include a community Easter egg hunt The Road to Damascus Publication is bringing Churches in the park, a monthly family movie night at the church, and a Beggars’ Night barbecue in the church parking lot. and Christians together in an unprecedented way. We want to serve as an extension of your ministry and your voice. List your upcoming events in the EVENTS section of our paper for FREE!. Through our Partnerships and our efforts, people around the world are able to enjoy our eNewspaper versions via email and Social Media websites. We are now accepting submissions for events occurring between July 1 - July 31, 2014. We invite you to list your July events. The deadline for submittal is June 20, 2014. Send email to [email protected] or call office: PH: 937-772-9015. Advertisements make this paper possible. Call or email for our Summer price sheet. Ask about our June Special. (937) 772-9015

During the summer and fall months, GHCC hosts events that include activities and entertainment for all ages and plenty of free food and beverages. It is during these events that members and attendees of GHCC get to know the townspeople and initiate conversation regarding their spiritual needs. In the past, the church has held these events in the same park where they serve lunch. This summer they plan to hold their Vacation Bible School there June 23 - 27. Following VBS on Saturday, June 28, GHCC is hosting what they are calling a “block party” on the church parking lot. Any local church or ministry is invited to set up a booth to invite people to their services and events or to let them know of services they provide. At this event, as at all GHCC activities, the church people will be making one-on-one contact with visitors and sharing the gospel with them as they have opportunity. “God desires to see people changed by the love and grace that He shows us daily,” says Pastor Francis. “We want to show that same love and grace to the people in New Carlisle and its surrounding community.” by Marla Cross

A Vision being full filled through Jesus Christ. Shannon Maier has dreamed of being a Woman of Faith speaker for fifteen years when the Lord gave her a vision of what was to come with her life. It's through her ministry Journey Living Ministries that she shares the many battles she had to face for this journey to take place. It's this journey that has made her the woman God has designed her to be. Shannon shares in her Ministry how she survived a lightning bolt, a mis-guided truck, her parents' divorce, a catastrophic accident involving her

daughter and a golf cart, cancer, and financial ruin. She has let nothing stand in her way of living her life victoriously through Christ. It's through her own trials and struggles that she reaches out to other women letting them know they can and will have a better journey in living their life through Jesus Christ. Shannon shares how there is help for the oppressed, healing and living a victorious life. Shannon said, "I see women

Continued on page 5...

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There's never a charge to list your events: send email to [email protected]. For advertising, call 937-772-9015.

night and see the stained glass illuminated for the lights - it represents a Vision of Hope for this Community.

EDITOR'S THOUGHTS... "Love" is a strong word and not to be taken lightly, yet the Bible tells us in Matt. 5:44 (NIV) love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. Food for thought God expects His Love which abides in us to be greater than anything anyone can personally do to us.

Because of the love of Christ, because the community now has this positive influence that has returned to the neighborhood – the streets of Spring Hill now have a renewed sense of Hope as some of the challenges get smaller as the neighborhood comes together again. Pastor Jeremy says there are family who now attend Fellowship Spring Hill Church who have been impacted by the crime & violence in the neighborhood. Those church members have come to Christ and understand that even in tragedy God brings Hope. Pastor is optimistic that he will continue to see more of families and the community coming together and less & less of the aforementioned crime conditions. “We want to help this community overcome some of their challenges and let them know there is a God who is alive and active and wants to work on their behalf, and that’s what gets me excited about this church” says Jeremy.

Email the editor your words of wisdom or inspiration and we will post it in our next publication. (300 characters) [email protected]

The Road To Damascus Publication Serving the Christian community by collecting and sharing information and resources for spiritual growth and community development. We believe we have a responsibility to share God's love with all of mankind. We celebrate churches, organizations and individuals who are making a difference in their community through ministry and Community outreach.

Their doors opened for their first service on Easter, and there 3 rows of people from that mid-town church who attended and were all in tears.

Featured Church: Fellowship Spring Hill Church Phone: 937-772-9015 P.O. Box 27, Urbana, OH 43078 [email protected] Advertising makes this publication possible. We deliver this publication to your (church, business, school, ministry, bible study, etc.) where you can make it available to others. For an electronic version of the RTD Publications send email to: [email protected] with "eNewspaper" in the subject line to be added to the email distribution list. Community Involvement: The Road to Damascus is committed to it's involvement in the community and always looking for ways to partner. Contact us & let us know how we can support your community efforts. The Road to Damascus Publication provides information that is current at the time of publication. Please check with the event contact in case of changes. The inclusion of advertising is a service to our readers and is not an endorsement of products nor concurrence with advertising claims. Neither The Road to Damascus Publication nor it's owner are liable for an inaccuracies, erroneous information, or typographical errors contained in this publication. No part of this publication may be reproduced without prior written consent of the publisher.


Fellowship Spring Hill represents a connection with a neighborhood that has been oppressed – and in an area wthin Springfield that see's it share of crime, higher than average number of single parent homes, and higher number of families & children living below the national poverty line. Historically this neighborhood has been known as the Spring Hill area with Northern Heights just north of this section of town. This used to be an area of town known as a hard-working, safe neighborhood. At some point the lights in this historical church began to flicker out and become weak. We’re not sure if it was the challenges of a very old building or a changing demographic, but what we do know is this church which once represented a community coming together each week, becomes no long relevant and open for worship. As that happens we see an increase in despair and the challenges in the neighborhood – we see hope sort of fade as the lights in the church go dim. Pastor Jeremy shares how the stained glass windows, and the way the building is built - light pours out of this old historical building right into the neighborhood. When you drive by at

God works in mysterious ways – a foundation that protects and preserves historical landmarks = they bought the church building to protect it and restore it so it can continue to be what it was supposed to be. Pastor Grant Edward – Senior Pastor at Fellowship's main campus said this vision was planted in him 5 years ago - as he realized there are 150,000 people within a 45 minute drive of their Upper Valley campus that self-identify as having no connection to a local church and no relationship with God. Even if we were marginally successful at reaching the 150,000 we still don’t have 150,000 seats – the only way we can chip away at those numbers is if churches are Continued on page 4

June 2014 * The Road to Damascus Publication * Page 4

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List your events for FREE. Request event form: email us at [email protected] - Email form to us by 20th of prior month Fellowship Spring Hill Church cont. from pg. 3 willing to get out there and put ourselves in places where people can easily find us. Over the past 4 years we have been planning and preparing to be a church that spans farther than just one building. God brought together a Church with a vision and a Foundation with the resources. And we began having conversations around what it would take to bring a church to a struggling neighborhood. Fellowship Church & the Turner Foundation joined forces. "There is roughly 35 empty churches in Springfield and so the need is great within the inner city of Springfield", Hudson said. Currently they have the capacity to fit 299 in the sanctuary and are already considering adding a second service. Currently services are at 11am but considering adding a 9am service because they already have over 299 members. Improvements – When the church was first build it could seat about 800 people through a series of galleries Looking for Content Writers off of the main sanctuary. At that The Road To Damascus Publication is time most everyone walked to looking for experienced writers who church. Now everyone drives to have a passion for writing. If you church. would like an opportunity to use your writing experience to the Glory of What was historically the back of the God, we would like to talk to you. church is now essentially being Email us at: remodeled to be the front of the [email protected] with building. Large Bathrooms are being "Content Writer" in the subject line. added to the main level to accommodate the number of church members – and creating a better traffic flow for the congregation. Pastor Jeremy Hudson shares how he is most proud of the people who are volunteers and not paid staff that have heard and seen the vision and the potential and have taken it and run with it. "We have ministry teams; people who set up and run the hospitality, parking lot team, children’s ministry, greeter, etc. – literally 90+ people who have joined together in ministry to help make things possible each week". When people visit our church they can expect to be met with a community of people who are just like them. "We all come from different backgrounds, different ways of life but at the core we are all people who are experiencing or want to experience God in our lives", says Pastor Jeremy. "We're all broken - God is working in each of us and helping us to bear his image better. We are a judgement-free zone"!

He goes on to say, "People can expect to show up to a community where there is room for them. They can expect to be fed, they can expect to hear what God wants to do in their lives. They can expect a church that understands that it’s as important as what we do outside the church as what we do inside the church. They can expect an experience where it doesn’t matter what you look like or what you did the night before – there is room for everybody" – “This is an ALL SKATE”. "We teach the good News of Jesus Christ – a loving God. We believe that God wants to have a personal relationship with you. God wants you to experience a Purpose – God has given you abilities and talents that you can use to change the life of someone else", Jeremy says. Fellowship Spring Hill is part of a bigger network, a nondenominational church. A church that started in & for communities with a focus on youth and families. Under the Founding Pastor for 40 years – Pastor Edwards. Fellowship is one church that can be found in multiple campuses. All of the campuses are still under the Pastoral leadership and govern by the senior pastors. Each campus is fully operational to meet the needs of their community. One church with one vision with multiple outposts to carry the vision out. Fellowship knows they can't do it alone – it will take the Body of Christ getting outside their church walls and coming together. Pat Bass, Publisher

Life Net Christian Fellowship - Stepping Stones Outreach When it comes to describing what Life Net Christian Fellowship is all about, Paul says it best in I Corinthians 9: 22 (NIV); ... To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some. Pastor Chris Livingston shares with us how their focus at Life Net is to be "Service Driven" "Our focus with Stepping Stones outreach is to truly be a place where people can come not only to receive food and some of the benevolence we do, if they need help with a resume, or filling out an application or reading through paper - we can help them through it". "We teach life skill classes - we're trying to teach people how to fish instead of just giving them fish". "We try to be all things to all Men". "We take the bible and make it applicable to today's struggles"...... Pastor Chris, who helped founded Renewed Strength Church along with Pastor Mark Hackworth back in 1996, is now preparing to celebrate with his wife their 5th Anniversary at Life Net on June 14, 2014. Their Church building that used to be the old Urbana Skating Rink is now a place where people can come and "fit in"... Check out our July Publication as we celebrate Life Net Christian Fellowship as our Feature Church.

63rd Annual Observance National Day of Prayer On May 1st, 2014 Several dozen people and area Pastors from Champaign & surrounding counties meet at Freedom Grove Park to come together to pray for this great nation!

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List your events for FREE. Request event form: email us at [email protected] - Email form to us by 20th of prior month ...Journey Living Ministries continued from page 2 so defeated, living on the brink and holding onto a cliff. Trying to keep it all together while dying on the inside. I know Jesus did not mean for that to be our lives. We need to live the life that Jesus died for us to have. Do we need to be radical and learn a whole new way of living for Christ? It seems we are busy steeped in works. The business of life, not being able to breath. I hear it every week in my Bible study classes. I talk with women all the time and their story is the same". That's why her ministry is called Journey Living Ministries. Shannon says, “Walking out each step with Jesus. What would we look like if that's the way we live our lives? In the midst of diapers and dishes. Appointments and arguments. Living our life in worship on a moment to moment basis. Her Ministry enables her to take women through a world of possibilities encouraging them to run their own race. Imagine a journey where adventure leads you to an exhilarating destination, where chance and triumph go hand and hand. We are all given the opportunity, but very few venture into the uncharted paths that

embrace the challenge of a life well lived. Those that do exclaim, “Wow! WHAT A RIDE!” Shannon expertise as a Christian Life Coach becomes a powerful tool as she helps women find their strengths, their passion and their goals. To get to their inner strength through Christ of what God has created each woman to be. Shannon reflects back on how Christ taught her, “It was a time where I had to do it alone in the desert with God. Being in the desert, being set apart in a dry and thirsty land where the only means of survival is taking every step with the Lord. Solely relying on Him. It's not a fun place. It's a time of cleansing, healing, painfully-lonely. Only a place you and God go. No one else can go with you". “But” Shannon sighs, “Coming up out of that comes a great healing and dependance. A new friendship that you didn't have. That faith walk I think can only happen in the desert. Learning to praise Him in the hard times, feeling like you've lost your mind and going crazy.” It's like the story of a caterpillar and a butterfly. God allows the caterpillar to go into the cocoon because of the work that is being done on the inside and when it emerges it's a beautiful butterfly.

Heavenly Treats As a busy mom, I am always trying to think of new snacks for the kids. It is easy to run to grocery store and throw some prepackaged snack in your shopping cart. However, when you cannot pronounce half of words on the label you think twice about putting it into shopping cart. As a parent, you want to give your children something that is tasty and good for them. And of course something they will eat. Here is a new quick and simple treat I have found for my family.

Peanut Butter Balls 1/4 cup wheat germ 1 1/4 cups old fashioned oats 1/4 tsp salt 1/2 cup peanut butter 1/4 cup unsweetened applesauce 1 /4 cup of honey 2 tsp vanilla 1/4 cup mini semi-sweet chocolate chips Cream together peanut butter, applesauce, honey and vanilla until well blended. Stir in wheat germ, oats and salt. Mix in chocolate chips. Place bowl in fridge for 10 minutes to let it chill. Shape in to 1 inch balls. Keep in refrigerator until ready to serve a snack. I hope you and your family enjoy this sweet treat as much as my family. I look forwardtosharingwithyounextmonthmynextrecipe for your friends and family to enjoy. If you would like to share your favorite recipes, Email recipes to: [email protected]

Ms. Dionna Your "Faithful" Culinarian

Challenges still exist for Shannon. Time is her major competitor. “I wish I didn't have to work, juggling work, time to write, be with the Lord, spending time with women. I am not funded by anyone I am only supported by prayer. Jesus is my only team.” she said. Shannon's full time job is working as a Truancy Officer for Bellefontaine. She is has been married to her husband Scott for 25 years and has two beautiful daughters, Brooke and Bailey. She just opened up an office at Union Station for her Journey Living Ministries. This place is created for building tools to survive through Christ - giving encouragement and strength to the woman who come. Shannon said, “If I could have a dream it would be to have a full time Ministry. But God hasn't released me, but I am also thankful he keeps me grounded in everyday life. Sometimes we over spiritualize ministries and we forget meeting people where they are, in their homes, in their needs, in their messes.” “Jesus didn't just sit in a temple. To me the true church is outside of the church doors. When we have an inward focus, inside the building we tend to have missed what God has called us to be - Disciples of men. The great commission.” Shannon stated. “I am so honored to used by God.” smiled Shannon. For more information about Shannon Maier's Journey Living Ministries contact her at,, and Tune into Shine FM 88.9 and 88.5 Shannon shares her ministry three times a day on the radio. by Deborah E. Evans

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"The Young and the Righteous" Urbana House of Prayer

Ryan Stevenson UHOP, or otherwise known as the Urbana House of Prayer will be celebrating their first year anniversary in July 2014. Daniel Clarkson and his family oversee the Urbana House of Prayer. He said God placed the idea of starting a House of Prayer in Urbana after going away to school in 2008 to the International House of Prayer in Kansas City. It was there that the Lord started giving him a vision for prayer and revealing to him His plan to raise up House of prayers all over the globe.

Rick Lee James

Ryan Stevenson & Rick Lee James Rock The Depot Coffee House

After moving back and forth to Kansas City a couple of times, Daniel and his wife began to feel that the Lord was directing them back to Urbana - so they returned asking Him for revival. Daniel, who is the Youth Pastor and also involved in Worship at Crossway Vineyard Church in Urbana, said that their hopes are to one day offer 24/7 praise, worship and prayer at the UHOP. "I believe that through prayer chains are broken, addictions are broken, the lost get saved, and that the sick get healed - He moves when people open their mouth, He does things when He hears our prayer", Daniel says. "We want to see revival in our city, so we're going to ask the Lord for it and we're not going to stop until He does".

On Monday, May 19th, Christian recording artist, Ryan Stevenson & Rick Lee James pay a special visit to The Depot Coffee House in Urbana. Gotee Records has signed acclaimed singer/songwriter Ryan Stevenson to an exclusive recording agreement. Stevenson’s debut single on Gotee, “Holding Nothing Back,” is available at all digital outlets, such as iTunes and AmazonMP3. Capturing the attention of Gotee Records CEO and co-founder TobyMac, Stevenson co-wrote “Speak Life,” which is featured on TobyMac’s GRAMMY® Award -winning & best-selling recording Eye On It.

Daniel said they are starting to see people get excited about prayer and feel that God is putting on people's heart to pray again. His mom Sheila goes on to say that the more people come before God in prayer, the more they are able to see change in their own life.

Rick Lee James is a professional singer and songwriter, a gifted speaker, worship leader and Podcast host who has worked with the likes of Jason Gray, Andrew Peterson, Sara Groves, Michael Card, Brian Zahnd, Tripp York, Brett Mccracken, Ian Morgan Cron and man. For more info: -email-list/. He can also be found on Twitter: @RickLeeJames and on Facebook at

UHOP is open for Corporate Worship on Fridays from 8-10pm. Mon-Thurs, 7:30-9:30am, & evenings on Mon, Tues & Thurs from 5-7pm and prayer on Sun 2-5pm. Pat Bass, Publisher UHOP, 36 Monument Square - Urbana, OH 43078

We are proud to highlight Youth in the community who have chosen Discipleship

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Music and Entertainment

Brought to you by the SHINE fm 88.5 & 88.9 - West Central Ohio

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JUNE 2014 Calendar of Events Look for the Mon - Thurs June 9 - 12

to find Youth Programs & Activities

Mon - Fri, June 9 - 13

Tuesday, June 10

Annual Day Camp

Bethel Mennonite Vacation Bible School 9 a.m.- 11:45a.m.* Bethel Mennonite Church, 416 Washington St. * West Liberty Join us as we learn about "Welcome! Giving and receiving God's Great Love!" Children ages 4 to 6th grade are invited! You can find a registration form on our website at: or call 937-465-4587 - cost is FREE!

Sunday, June 22

Mechanicsburg Christian Fellowship 9:00 a.m. - 12:35 p.m. (Friday until pm) 4401 Allison Rd, Mechanicsburg, OH Our annual Day Camp is open to kids who have completed kindergarten - completed sixth grade. To register Email or call with names & ages of kids who will be attending. [email protected], 937-834-3718 or lisa.ware@mcf There is no cost

Homecoming Day 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. * Lighthouse Tabernacle, 5202 Valley Pike * Urbana 937-788-2050 Two Services featuring Preaching, Lighthouse Tabernacle Singers (11am) + Singers from Area Churches (2pm) Dinner served between services. No Charge. Contact Charlene Culp at [email protected]

More July Youth Events First Baptist Church - Urbana Youth Summer Schedule July 1 - Scavenger Hunt w/ RS (3p - 5p, Free) July 8 - Tube Mad River (1p - 5p, Cost $8) July 15 - Hiking (1p - 4p, Cost $5) July 22 - SkyZone Trampoline Park waiver required (1p - 5p, Cost $15) July 29 - Second Harvest Food Bank (1p - 5p, Free)

Mon - Thurs June 23-27 Great Hope Comm. Church Vacation Bible School 9 a.m.- Noon Great Hope Community Church, 111 N. Adams St. * New Carlisle Food, bouncy house, face painting, caricature drawings, movie outside at dusk

Second Harvest Food Bank

Paint Ball 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. First Baptist Church, 401 N. Main St., Urbana, OH For this event we meet at the church and end at the church. Anyone who wants to attend can meet us at the church. Cost is FREE. Contact Kathy at [email protected] for more info.

Tuesday, June 24 4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. * First Baptist Church, 401 N. Main St., Urbana,OH For this event we meet at the church and end at the church. Anyone who wants to attend can meet us at the church. Cost is FREE. Contact Kathy at [email protected] for more info.

Vacation Bible School Urbana United Methodist 6p.m.- 8:15 p.m. * 238 N. Main St. Urbana UUMC invites children of Champaign Co. area - preschool - 5th grade to VBS. The theme is "Weird Animals: Where Jesus' Love is One of a kind!" Children will learn five Bible points about how Jesus' Love is one of a kind. Zoo Crews (small groups of up to five children & a leader) will visit activity stations that reinforce the daily points. Contact Kaycee Daniels at [email protected].

Mon - Thurs, July 28 - 31 Bethel Soccer Camp 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. * Lion's Park * West Liberty For all athletes grades K - 5 (2014-2015 school year) Fill out a registration form from our website at or call 937-465-4587. Registration is $50 and must be paid in full by July 7, 2014. Checks should be made out to Bethel Mennonite Church and designated for "Soccer Camp". Each participant will receive a fair trade ball and camp t-shirt. late registrants may be accepted; however, there is no guarantee of a camp ball and/or t-shirt.

1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. * First Baptist Church, 401 N. Main St., Urbana,OH For this event we meet at the church and end at the church. Anyone who wants to attend can meet us at the church. Cost is FREE. Contact Kathy at [email protected] for more info.

Saturday June 28

Glow Dodge Ball

Sun - Thurs, July 13 - 17

Tuesday, June 17

Block Party Great Hope Comm. Church Start Time 6 p.m. Great Hope Community Church, 111 N. Adams St. * New Carlisle rbana 937-845-9967 Food, boucny house, face painting, caricature drawings, movie outside at dusk. Call 937-845-9967 for more information

Mon - Fri, July 14 - 18 St. Paris Community VBS Sacred Heart Catholic Church and First Church of God 6p.m.- 8:30 p.m. * 100 Block of East Walnut St. Sponsored by the Federation of Churches

3rd Saturday of Each Month Free Community Pancake & Sausage Breakfast 8a.m.- 11a.m. * at St. Paris Municipal Building Sponsored by the St. Paris 1st Church of God

He said unto them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation..."

Mark 16:15