Garbage gets thrown away Garbage gets thrown away, Jude 12

[PDF]Garbage gets thrown away Garbage gets thrown away, Jude

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Garbage gets thrown away , Jude 12 – 1 6, 19 Jeff Loven, College Pastor – July 7, 2013

Garbage gets thrown away, Jude 12 – 16, 19 Jeff Loven, College Pastor – July 7, 2013

Bridge LifeGroups are currently on summer break. We will continue to offer study questions each week in this simplified format, which can be useful for personal devotions and/or discussion starters for LifeGroups that choose to meet for a portion of the summer break.

4. To end his explicit discourse on the judgment of the apostates, Jude describes them in a list in verse 16. The last one listed is that they “flatter others for their own advantage.” READ James 2:1-7. Why is this a serious issue?

5. What are some ways we are tempted to show favoritism or flatter others for our own advantage? What are some practical ways we can control this?

Lesson Aim: To further identify the characteristics, character traits and end results of false teachers and teaching. Prayer: Ask the Holy Spirit to lead your personal study time and/or discussion.

6. Is there anything that goes on daily in your workplace, in your community or even in your church, which could fall within range of Jude’s indicting sermon?

1. READ Jude 12-19. How do the vivid images in verses 12-16 speak to the certainty, severity or justice of God’s judgments? 7. In light of the warnings in verse 12-16 (and the entire letter of Jude), what hope do you find in verses 24-25? 2. Looking at verses 17-19, should Jude’s readers be surprised by this coming judgment? Why or why not? Close in prayer as the Lord leads you. 3. Read Galatians 1:6-9. What more do these words by the Apostle Paul teach us about God’s judgments?

This LifeGroup Study Guide is designed to help you apply Sunday’s message. You can do this homework on your own; however we encourage you to check out our warm and friendly message-based LifeGroups! Get a copy of this Study Guide at by clicking on the “Messages” link.