general purpose cement

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Chemical Properties

Northern Cement produces general purpose cement conforming to Australian Standard AS 3972 - 1997.


Type GP

Normal Portland Cement (NPC) General Purpose Portland Cement

This product is milled, to exacting standards, at our Works in Darwin, for use in the construction and building industry and in domestic applications.

SUPPLY General Purpose Cement is available in bulk, bulk bags as well as 20 kg and 40 kg multi-walled paper bags from the Northern Cement Works. Paper bags are palletised and can be stretch wrapped on request.


Fineness Sulphur Trioxide Loss on Ignition Chloride Equivalent Alkalies Hexavalent Chromium Crystalline Silica Components Portland Clinker Fly ash Gypsum Mineral Addition


m /kg % % % % mg/kg % % % % %

Typical Values 340 – 370 2.4 – 2.9 2.2 – 2.9 0.006 <0.6 <5 <1 90 – 91 4.5 up to 5

SPECIFICATION General Purpose Cement exceeds the minimum specification given in AS 3972. The cement is manufactured under a third party certified manufacturing and supply quality assurance system to AS/NZS ISO 9001:2000 (NCS Certification No 6041). Type GP cement complies with the low alkali requirement specified by ASTM C150. General Purpose Portland Cement is produced from Portland cement clinker and Gypsum, and may contain up to 5% mineral additions.

APPLICATIONS General Purpose Cement is ideal for use in structural concrete, mortars, renders, grouts and cement based products, and can also be used as general binders in areas such as soil stabilisation. Supplementary cementitious materials: Type GP is compatible with Fly ash, Microsilica 600, Silica Fume, and Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag conforming to the relevant sections of AS 3582.

Physical Properties Test

Typical Values

AS 3972 Requirement

Setting Time (hr:min) AS 2350.4-1987 Initial 2:15 min 00:45 Final 3:45 max 10:00 Soundness (mm) AS 2350.5-1987 <2 max 5 Sulphur Trioxide (SO3) (%) AS 2350.2-1980 2.5 max 3.5 Compressive Strength ISO-CEN mortar bars (MPa) AS 2350.111989 3 Day 35 7 Day 49 25 28 Day 64 40

Admixtures for Concrete Type GP and is compatible with concrete admixtures complying with AS 1478-2000. In hostile environments profession advice is essential to ensure all durability requirements are met.



General Purpose Portland Cement, Type GP (Normal Portland Cement) as its name suggests, is the traditional basic cement used in industry. It is normally used when the special properties of Low Heat of Hydration (temperature rise), High Sulfate Resistance or High Early Strength are not required.

Transportation may be in bulk road or rail tankers or in paper bags. General Purpose Cement can be stored in concrete or steel silos for up to six (6) months or in paper bags for six (6) months. Protection against ingress of moisture must be observed throughout the handling and storage.

Status: Approved

Dept: Sales & Marketing

Revision: 3.0

Issued: 20 July 2005

Supersedes R 2.0 Issued 1 Jul 2003

Page 1 of 2


GENERAL PURPOSE CEMENT SAFETY INFORMATION For safety information refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet for Portland & Blended Cement.

CONTACT POINTS For further information contact the Sales & Marketing Department at: Northern Cement Ltd A.B.N. 22 009 593 153 P O Box 39631 WINNELLIE NT 0828 Telephone:

(08) 8984 0600


(08) 8984 0610

Web Site:

% of 28-day strength


100 80 60 40 20 0 0





Age [ days]

DISCLAIMER The information contained in this sheet is for general guidance only. It does not replace the advice of professional consultants. Where unusual conditions or requirements exist seek professional advice. No liability is accepted by Adelaide Brighton Cement or the suppliers, for any associated expenses, losses, damages or costs resulting from the use of this information, as the use is beyond their control. Incorrect use of any product, or failure to adhere to recommendations in this sheet, or those of any supplier, and any associated safety information may result in serious damage or injury.

Status: Approved

Dept: Sales & Marketing

Revision: 3.0

Issued: 20 July 2005

Supersedes R 2.0 Issued 1 Jul 2003

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