George Who?

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George Who?

George Who?

Matthew 22:34-40 Pew Bible, page 675

Matthew 22:34-40 Pew Bible, page 675

Colby Crow

Colby Crow

Learning God’s word can be _____________________, but the __________________________ is hard.

The Background (22:23)

Learning God’s word can be _____________________, but the __________________________ is hard.

The Background (22:23)

Scripture (29):


Scripture (29):


Power of God (29):


Power of God (29):


2 Greatest:

2 Greatest:

1. Love ______________ (Deut. 6:5) __________________, __________________, ___________________

1. Love ______________ (Deut. 6:5) __________________, __________________, ___________________


Greatest has to do with _____________________.


Greatest has to do with _____________________.


Love for God is expressed through ____________________, _____________________, and ____________________.


Love for God is expressed through ____________________, _____________________, and ____________________.


Stay in your _________________.


Stay in your _________________.


Get to a new place by doing ________________________ ________________________.


Get to a new place by doing ________________________ ________________________.

2. Love __________________ (Lev. 19:18)

2. Love __________________ (Lev. 19:18)


One expression of our worship of God is our relationship with _____________________.


One expression of our worship of God is our relationship with _____________________.


We honor God when we ________________ _______________.


We honor God when we ________________ _______________.


Loving others looks like __________________ _______________.


Loving others looks like __________________ _______________.

Be a ________________________.

Be a ________________________.