Getting to Know You Part 2 (2018).pages

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Getting To Know You - Part 2 This week you should continue to spend time getting to know each other. Remember, relationships come first! As you get to know each other, guide your group conversation toward discerning what your group is looking for from the time spent together.

Goal of the Second Meeting Your main goal is for people to get to know each other + determine personal and group expectations. Set aside time for conversation. Consider not having any other agenda for the first meeting. Again, having conversation over dinner is a great option. (Below are a few suggestions to help you with this process. Remember, at the first meeting we’re just trying to connect people!) Greet everyone personally. As the leader, do your best to meet everyone at the door when they first come in, especially if they don’t know others in the group. Help group members connect with each other. If you notice people standing alone, talk with them and introduce them to other folks.

NOTE Gray text is the same as last week. Consider using the parts you didn’t get to or add steps that you come up with. You know your group best!

Help people learn each other’s names. If you have a big group you may want to consider having name tags. You could also play a game to help remember names. For instance, ask people to say their name and an adjective that describes them and also begins with the same letter (e.g., Laughing Laura, Theology Tony, Caring Cathy).

Suggested Items for the Second Meeting Food Copies of the meeting schedule Post-it Notes for Prayer Activity Sign-up sheet or 3x5 cards to capture information Copies of RHCC Small Group Values Name tags (if you have new group members or are a new group)

Getting to Know You



Hang & Eat Time (30 minutes)
 Provide snacks or dinner at the first meeting in order to facilitate conversation, to ease uncomfortable feelings, and to create an environment of openness and safety. While everyone arrives direct them to:
 • make a nametag (we encourage you to provide nametags the first couple of times
 you meet).
 • write down their contact information (name, phone number, email, and birthday).
 • get something to eat, and to begin meeting others who came.

3 Essentials for Community Group Success 1) Ask God to ready your heart for leading others through a Community Group. Let the members of your group know that you are praying for them and instill an expectation that the whole group is praying for each other. How do you make this stick? How do you make it seem genuine? Who in the group is gifted to lead out in this area? 
 2) Ask God to show you how to grow as disciples. What does this look like individually and as a group? 
 3) Ask God to help you identify people who are in your life already who could be in your Community Group or need to be invited to church: friends, coworkers, classmates, neighbors, people who sit next to you in church, etc. (The Empty Chair)

NOTE Remember to end formally before the actually end time. People will linger and visit - that’s a good thing!

Group Values and Purpose (see pages 3 & 4) (30 minutes) Closing & Prayer (10 minutes) If you haven’t already, be sure to pass around food sign-ups or discuss your plan. 
 Prayer Post-it Notes - Each person in the group is given a Post-it note and writes down a prayer request they may have. Once everyone in the group is done, the Post-it notes are then passed on a few times around the group. Everyone can then pray for someone else and stick the Post-it note in the front of his or her Bible. You can then pray for people in your group every time you read your Bible. As the leader, you can direct everyone to pray silently for their requests and then conclude the prayer aloud.

Getting to Know You


Guide for Your 40 Minutes on Group Values & Purpose Time 10 Minutes

Activity What are Your Expectations?

Facilitator Does

Participants Do

1. Have participants Write & Share write their responses to: “What do you hope to get out of our time together?” (3 minutes)
 2. Collect responses and discus. (7 minutes)

10 Minutes

Setting the Ground Rules/Norms

Go over the RHCC Group Values. Having a copy for everyone would be great! In light of RHCC’s Vision to “Reach Out, Grow Up, and Give All,” discuss how these group values should guide your group. What scriptures could the group submit to learning together to ground these objectives?

Ask for volunteers to read aloud. Answer questions and discuss thoughts they may have.

20 Minutes



As the leader, make note of the good, the bad, and the ugly.

1. Is this your first group experience? 

2. If you are not new to Discuss how this group groups, what are can be better! Or…how your favorite and it can be the best! worst group memories? (No mention of names, please.) What can this group learn from those experiences? 
 3. What does it mean for someone to take a risk in the group? Why is risk taking important, and why is the handling of risks important?

Getting to Know You


Rolling Hills Community Church Community Group Values

- God’s Word will be our guide. - We will grow in our personal relationships with Christ. - We will make coming to Community Group a priority! (No lame excuses) - We will pray for each other and our church family. - We will participate. Everyone’s opinions and questions are respected. - Maintain Confidentiality. Anything of a personal nature stays in the group. - Respect for curriculum selection/approval from RHCC leadership. - Share Ownership. This is God’s group, not mine or the leader’s. As members of the body of Christ, we will all share responsibility for the group’s mission, values, and goals (including bringing food!).

- Our group will maintain an outward focused/others mentality and serve together.

- Our group is open to welcoming new people. We will pray for and invite people to become a part of our community. 

- Our group is not only open to new people joining us, it is also open to members being sent out. We will pray for new leaders to emerge and will encourage them to start new groups. (The Empty Chair)

Getting to Know You