[PDF]go canoeing - British Canoeinghttps://f58619eed67ecf47f9c5-69635130c45beb2524d5bafa9c042fe0.ssl.cf3.rackcdn...
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1. Spirit of the agreement 2. British Canoeing services and responsibilities 3. Partner Responsibilities 4. Brand protection 5. Inspections 6. Termination and term 7. Data protection 8. Payment 9. Declaration
1. Spirit of the agreement British Canoeing wishes to work in partnership to increase regular participation in canoeing. We will work with you to help develop your activities and provide practical support to promote your business. We recognise that businesses are different, have differing client bases and operate in various environments i.e. rural, urban, National Parks etc and on all classes of water. To help you get the most from this agreement we aim to establish a dialogue between your company, British Canoeing field staff and head office. By establishing an ongoing working relationship we believe this is the best way to support your company and for you to get the most from this agreement. In return we need you to provide first class customer service, promote the sport of canoeing and provide us with information and feedback on the success of the Go Canoeing brand. 2. British Canoeing Services and responsibilities 2.1
In addition to the benefits acquired under the British Canoeing Activity Quality Mark we will provide the following promotional services for Go Canoeing: Advertise all tours and activities submitted by the operator on the Go Canoeing/British Canoeing web site and provide a link to the operator’s media platforms. Promote the Go Canoeing brand and programme to British Canoeing’s network of retailers, stakeholders, the British Canoeing data base and membership organisations by utilising British Canoeing’s media and communications channels including “Canoe Focus” magazine, website, social media, e-shots and e-news. Provide resources and promote high profile Go Canoeing marketing campaigns nationally, for example, National Go Canoeing Week, Halloween, and Summer Fun. Promote and support the operator through Regional and Local networks and facilitate inclusion in any partner offers that become available. Free use of the full British Canoeing Event Promotion and Endorsement service. This includes: Website listing within Activities and Events and will produce a pin feature on a National map which allows you to promote: Full event details Promotional images Website link o Event details included in British Canoeing e-news, circulation 24,000 o A feature article on our web site as a news story. o Three postings on each of our social media platforms, Facebook and Twitter Promote Go canoeing at a minimum of 5 shows for the outdoor and leisure industry. Run a Go Canoeing annual forum and update Provide dedicated support from Go Canoeing staff Provide promotional and advertising materials such as: I. Flutter flag II. Outside advertising banner III. Advertising leaflets and posters Provision of support in Go Canoeing activities from British Canoeing field staff.
Prepare an annual report on the performance of the Go Canoeing Brand which gives information on which improvements and business decisions can be based.
Allow the operator to use the Go Canoeing designation and logo. 3. Partner Responsibilities 3.1 The operator agrees that it must not use the Go Canoeing Branding for its business activities until it has achieved The British Canoeing Activity Quality Mark. 3.2 Not make any statement and/or perform any act which may harm, bring into disrepute, lessen or otherwise reflect adversely upon the integrity, reputation or goodwill of British Canoeing or the Go Canoeing Brand. 3.3 Feature Go Canoeing activities on your web site and enable British Canoeing to establish good web links. 3.4 Promote and support “National Go Canoeing Week” including any initiatives and/or products that British Canoeing may launch during “National Go Canoeing Week”; ensure that the promotional and marketing material supplied by British Canoeing is displayed in a prominent place. 3.5 Submit to British Canoeing no later than 6 weeks before any Go Canoeing activity, details of the starter session, guided tour, hire opportunity or event. to enable them to be promoted effectively. 3.6 Appoint a Go Canoeing Lead representative with responsibility for liaising with British Canoeing and training new staff delivering activities in accordance with the Go Canoeing ethos 3.7 Carry out a risk assessment in respect of each activity in accordance with the British Canoeing Activity Quality Mark standards 3.8 Notify British Canoeing of any complaints received in connection with any activity carried out under the Go Canoeing Brand. 3.9 Inform British Canoeing of any improvement or modification to the Go Canoeing Business or System which can be used to improve practise across the Go Canoeing brand or feature as a news item highlighting good practise. 3.10 i. ii.
Comply with the British Canoeing’s reporting requirements as follows: Utilise the Go Canoeing reporting process Following each activity, report to British Canoeing, attendance figures for the activity together with details for each adult participant, their name, valid email address, date of birth, address, postcode, and consent for the operator to pass the Participant’s details to British Canoeing in accordance with section 7 of this agreement. Maintain up-to-date records of all Participants for each activity
3.11 Comply with any branding and marketing guidelines for advertising of the activities as may be issued by British Canoeing from time to time
4. Brand Protection 4.1 The operator shall have use of and shall follow the brand, logo and wording guidelines issued by British Canoeing and shall comply with any request from British Canoeing regarding the use of the brand, logo and wording. 4.2 Must not use the Branding for any other activity other than that specified as Go Canoeing activity and promoted by British Canoeing 4.3 The Branding remains the property of British Canoeing and the operator must not lend, licence or allow the brand to be used by a third party 4.4 If the operator becomes aware of any third party who is using the Brand, logo or wording who is not authorised to do so they will inform British Canoeing, who will investigate and take whatever action it deems appropriate. 4.5 Immediately stop using any Go Canoeing advertising or promotional or other material on receipt of a request by British Canoeing to do so. 5. Inspections 5.1 The British Canoeing Activity Quality Mark is carried out through a formal inspection on a date agreed with the operator. British Canoeing will seek to undertake any inspection or approval procedure for Go Canoeing as part of this Quality Mark inspection visit. 5.2 As part of its quality control and to support continuous improvement, British Canoeing may undertake mystery shopping visits to Go Canoeing activities. Any observations and feedback shall be shared with the operator and will be treated as strictly confidential. 6. Termination and Term 6.1 The term of this agreement shall start from the 1st January each year and continue for a period of 12 months. 6.2 British Canoeing may terminate this agreement in writing if there is a material breach which cannot be resolved or remedied. Such breaches may be caused by: i. Failing to maintain the Approved Standards ii. Failing to pay the amount due under this agreement iii. Assignment or transfer of the branding rights to a third party Upon expiry or early termination the operator shall: a. Cease using the Go Canoeing branding, logo and wording b. Stop acting as an agent of British Canoeing c. Pass any outstanding customer data to British Canoeing as itemised in section 3.10 of this agreement.
7. Data Protection British Canoeing has prepared, with legal input, the following statements for your use. We would ask that you insert them, into your booking information for customers, to ensure compliance with the Data Protection Act. If you are unable to use this statement please contact us to discuss data submission to ensure compliance with the act. By accepting the Terms and Conditions of [insert name of provider] you are consenting to British Canoe Union (trading as British Canoeing) (the national governing body for canoeing in the UK and [insert name of provider] using your name, date of birth, postcode, gender and email address for internal reporting to monitor participation. Personal data will be used only in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. Your contact details will not be passed to third parties without your consent. Newsletter & Offers We would love to keep you up-to-date from time to time with details of goods, services, offers and/or activities of British Canoeing [and name of provider wishes to be included] and British Canoeing’s commercial partners which may be of interest to you by contacting you by any contact means which you provide to us. If you do not want to receive the information described please tick here to unsubscribe [ ].
8. Payment In consideration of granting a non exclusive licence to operate as a Go Canoeing provider to operator shall pay a fee of £100 plus VAT. Such payment shall be due on application. 9. Declaration 9.1 This agreement has been signed and duly authorised by: -
Signed on behalf of British Canoeing: --------------------------------------------------------Name ----------------------------------------- Position ----------------------------------------------
Signed on behalf of -------Insert company name Signature ------------------------------------------------ Name -------------------------------------Position-------------------------------------------------- Date --------------------------------------