Gracious Communication (part 1)

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Gracious Communication (part 1) Ephesians 4:17-5:2

Doug Sachtleben, Lead Pastor February 17, 2019

God supplies believers with resources that enable us to practice gracious communication.

If you are trusting in Jesus Christ, the new life you already have in Christ should be transforming and shaping your heart so that the words you speak, write, or type are increasingly filled with truth and love, edification and purpose, and tenderness and grace. Put simply – How we communicate with others should give evidence of how we imitate Jesus Christ.

Seven resources that God supplies to equip us to be better at gracious communication: 1. Mandate (4:17-22) – You know Christ, stop communicating like an unbeliever.

2. Hope (4:23) – God is supernaturally renewing us.

3. Reality (4:24) – We are new creatures in Christ.

4. Incentive (4:25) – We are members of one another.

5. Warning (4:27 & 30) – There are spiritual consequences.

6. Opportunity (4:29) – Our communication can build others up and give grace.

7. Model (4:32 – 5:2) – Jesus Christ is the perfect model of gracious communication.

Questions to Consider 1. In what way(s) do you struggle to be like Jesus Christ in your communication with others? 2. Read Ephesians 4:20-21. We are called to learn Christ. How does learning Christ differ from merely accepting Christ? What does learning Christ look like in your everyday life as a follower of Jesus Christ? 3. As God’s Spirit has been renewing your mind, what are some ways in which He has changed your desires? 4. Read Ephesians 4:25. How did Jesus define neighbors (Luke 10:25-37), and what does it mean that “we are members of one another”? How should that be influencing your communication with other believers? 5. What’s an example of how your ungracious communication may have given an opportunity to Satan? 6. Read Ephesians 4:29. Spend time praying this week for God to help you see opportunities to serve others through gracious and edifying communication. For further reading: Graciousness, Tempering Truth with Love (2018) by John Crotts and Communication and Conflict Resolution (2005) by Stuart Scott.