grade-level food items

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Consider This… •


A shepherd’s life was not easy. Shepherds had to be outside with their flocks in all types of weather, protecting their animals from robbers or wild animals. They even slept with their flocks. If a shepherd needed to search for one lost sheep, he left another shepherd in charge of the rest of the flock. In the parable of the lost coin, Jesus speaks of a drachma coin, worth about a day’s salary. The woman in the story likely wore it or carried it as a sign that she was married, like a wedding ring today. While the coin did have monetary value, people hearing this story would understand that the coin had sentimental value as well. In Jesus’ time, sons didn’t request their inheritance while their father was still alive. Society considered such a request defiant. Deuteronomy 21:18-21 explains that a father could have a rebellious son stoned for his actions.

Why It Matters

BIBLE POINT: When you’re lonely…Jesus rescues! BIBLE STORY: Jesus tells parables about lost things. (Luke 15) KEY VERSE: “The Lord will take me up.” (Psalm 27:10) CATHOLIC ID: Sacred Scripture

Our children know what it’s like to feel lonely, lost, or even left out. They’ve been left out of birthday parties, chosen last for a team at recess, and watched from the outside as other children played together. Psychologists compare friendship to food and loneliness to starvation. Children who feel lonely for long periods of time are actually at risk physically, as well as emotionally. Loneliness happens to all of us, but we can take great comfort knowing that Jesus’ love is never ending. Today you can give your child great comfort by being the arms of Jesus, hugging and nurturing them!

Sacred Scripture While we hear Scripture read aloud at Mass, as Catholics, we are also called to read the Bible to deepen and fortify our personal relationship with God. It is important to read a Catholic edition of the Bible because it includes all the sacred books and often includes notes and introductions for further formation. The bishops remind us that “The Bible is the story of God’s relationship with the people he has called to himself. It is not intended to be read as a history text, a science book, or a political manifesto. In the Bible, God teaches us the truths that we need for the sake of our salvation.” (USCCB) Finally, sacred Scripture is meant to be put into action. First, we read or listen to God’s word; and then, we do the work of the Lord!

TALKING POINT: Ask each family member to complete the following sentence.

The first word that comes to mind when I think about the Bible is…

Day 1: Pope Saint John XXIII Our Saint today, Pope Saint John XXIII, grew up in a large family and became a priest when he was a young man. He saved many children and families during World War II by making sure they had special paperwork that protected them. People called him “Good Pope John” because he was so kind and generous to all people. Share a Story: We all feel lonely from time to time. What do you do to find a connection with others? When has God sent you hope? How have you “rescued” others when they have been lonely? Pope Saint John XXIII showed us that we all can answer Jesus’ call and love one another, especially the lonely of this world.

In 1 Kings 4:29, God gave Solomon very great wisdom, discernment, and breadth of understanding. And, because Solomon honored God by asking for wisdom, God gave him all this and more. In His love, God has given us great wisdom, discernment, and understanding as well. All we need to do is to humbly ask to follow His words in the Scriptures.

When you are uncertain, how might you seek and find clarity and peace in God’s word?


are being called to be FOOD PANTRY CHAMPIONS! Assist families that are struggling with hunger by donating your GRADE-LEVEL ASSIGNED FOOD ITEM or a MONETARY DONATION.

Pre-K: Jelly Kinder: Box Mac & Cheese 1st Grade: Cereal 2nd Grade: Tuna Fish 3rd Grade: Canned Chili 4th Grade: Tuna Fish 5th Grade: Canned Chicken Breast