Great Commission Prayer Letter

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Sept. 1 Sept. 2 Sept. 3 Sept. 4 Sept. 5 Sept. 6 Sept. 7 Sept. 8 Sept. 9 Sept. 10 Sept. 11 Sept. 12 Sept. 13 Sept. 14 Sept. 15 Sept. 16 Sept. 17 Sept. 18 Sept. 19 Sept. 20 Sept. 21 Sept. 22 Sept. 23 Sept. 24 Sept. 25 Sept. 26 Sept. 27 Sept. 28 Sept. 29 Sept. 30

Great Commission Prayer Letter Mountains West Region – September 2016 Italy: Torino – Faithful to “make Him known”, Milano - the remainder of the Apisa’s home service Summitview, Ft. Collins: Salvation for millenials Doug Brown & Asia team: missionaries, asylum for Chinese family, Myanmar believers to leave Buddhism Faithwalkers 2016: Pray for attendance & life change Grace, San Antonio: Revival The Rock, Taylorsville: Salvations Herschel Martindale, Dominican Republic: Grace & help with leadership training Firehouse, Parker: Pray for growth Philippines: Wisdom and God’s leading for establishing a foundation in Thailand The Rock, Draper: Salvations, baptisms, outreach, & workers Amsterdam50: People of peace, Linda’s home service, increased boldness to share the Gospel Eastern Europe: Kiev-Salvations, end of war; Poznan – house church; Romania – new work in gypsy village Beggars’ Gate, Loveland: Praise for fruitful witness opportunities; Pray for ministry in Asia The Rio, El Paso: Disciple the Heart series Pamplona, Spain: Recognized church in Spain, more laborers The Expedition, Seattle: Young adults ministry Nelson Guerra & GCLA ministry South LA Christian Life: Open hearts & outreach Firehouse, Denver: Pray for salvations In the spirit of 1 Tim. 2:1-4, pray for our nation India & Nepal: Pray for safety, courage, & for 10,000 to hear the gospel each week Summitview, Greeley: Wisdom for the future; wisdom about outreach & discipleship Great Commission Europe: GCE board meeting, Diaspora Peoples conference, & GCE Summit Prairie Ridge, Aurora: 200 community contacts Germany: Berlin - English & German conversation outreaches, Cologne - Increasing love in the church Desert’s End, Tempe: Wisdom & unity Taiwan: Healthy families through godly submission Call 2 All: 1 billion souls saved; 5 million churches planted next 10-15 years GCC National Ministry Leadership team The Rock, SLC: Transition to Draper location – 10/1

Italy, Il Refugio: Turino - Please pray that we can be faithful to our vision for 2016: "To know God and to make Him known" Milano - Please pray for Frank and Pam Apisa that God would richly bless them in the last weeks of home service. Summitview, Ft. Collins, CO: Pray that many millenials join our church, get saved, and attend the Rock Retreat. Doug Brown, Asia Team: Please pray for the missionaries in Asia, persecuted Chinese family seeking asylum in the U.S., new generation of believers to leave Buddhism in Myanmar, effective international student outreach on college campuses in the U.S. Please pray that Faithwalkers 2016 (The Blueprint) would be well attended and that many lives would be changed through the conference. Faithwalkers West will be held on December 29-January 1. Grace, San Antonio, TX: Pray for a revival in the family, the church, the country, and the world. The Rock, Taylorsville UT: Pray for our friends and neighbors to be saved. Their zeal for God is not based on knowledge. Herschel Martindale, DR: Please ask for God’s grace and help for the leadership training in the Dominican Republic churches with Herschel, Aldo Miranda, Sergio Sabino and Thomas Lemus. Firehouse South, Parker, CO: Pray God would do a mighty work in growing this church plant. Philippines, Mike Bergen: We have been counseled to establish a foundation in Thailand so the Philippine missionaries can receive visas. Please ask for the Lord's wisdom and leading. The Rock, Draper: Pray for salvations, baptisms, outreach, workers, much fruit, the Latter Day Saints church to be transformed, and our transition to having four services. Amsterdam50: Pray for God’s provision for people of peace and that seeds of God’s truth will fall on good soil, for Linda’s home service leave - provision of monthly support needed, for increased faith and boldness in sharing the Gospel. Eastern Europe: Kiev - Pray we would share Christ with refugees; that fighting would cease and many turn to Christ; for the marriages in our church. Poznan - Pray for growth in character and numbers.Romania - Pray for the work in a gypsy village. Beggars’ Gate, Loveland, CO: We continue to lift our praises as our Father consistently blesses us with new opportunities to serve and witness; continued prayer for Asia and the impact that ministry will have back here in the States. The Rio, El Paso, TX: Pray that people would make life-altering decisions during our Disciple the Heart series. Pamplona, Spain: Pray that the church would be recognized with the government; for disciples and local leaders, more laborers from US to join the work. The Expedition, Seattle, WA: Pray for our young adults ministry as we seek to grow and reach the lost in Seattle. Nelson Guerra and GCLA: Pray for a healthy, growing church plant in every major Latin American city. South LA Christian Life, Los Angeles, CA: Pray for open hearts and bold and effective outreach. Firehouse, Denver, CO: Pray that we would see salvations through our Gospel Groups and a steady stream of visitors. Pray this election year, in the spirit of 1 Tim. 2:1-4, that America will be a country where the gospel of Jesus Christ is multiplying. India & Nepal: Pray for safety because of threats of violence against three teams; for their courage to stay strong and that they won’t lose their nerve; that they can continue to share the gospel to more than 10,000 each week. Summitview, Greeley, CO: Wisdom and understanding regarding the future of our church and how it should position itself to reach the lost and grow in discipling one another in Christ. GCE: Pray for wisdom for GCE Board members as they meet on 9/23-25; for Daniel Goering, Joe Dunn, and Timmy Powers as they attend the Diaspora Peoples in Europe Conference on 9/27-29; for the GCE Summit beginning 9/29. Prairie Ridge, Aurora, CO: Pray for 200 community contacts from BBQ and Band, Fall Festival, and Christmas Eve events. Germany: Berlin - Pray for our efforts through English and German conversation outreaches to make friends for the sake of the gospel. Cologne - Pray that love would increase among us so that visitors will know that we are His disciples. Desert’s End, Tempe, AZ: Please pray for wisdom and a unified team. New Heart Church, Taiwan: As we study submission, pray we will learn to live it out practically for the health of our families. Call 2 All: Pray for 1 billion souls to be saved and 5 million churches planted. Our movement of churches is committed to this initiative. Pray for national leaders: John Hopler, Rick Whitney, Dave Bovenmyer, Mark Darling, Tom Short, John Meyer, & Matt Gordon. The Rock, SLC: Pray for our transition to the Draper campus on October 1st that God would be glorified and honored in the process and in the fruit!