Hambledon Mining - Edison Investment Research

Oct 31, 2013 - ...

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Hambledon Mining

Q313 quarterly report Metals & mining

Strengthening production Hambledon’s Q313 gold production was 9,161oz – a 56% increase y-o-y and only 28% lower than the 12,673oz mined in the whole of H113. The cost of production has not been reported. Gold recoveries have increased from 82.3% (H113) largely due to the installation of a seventh CIL leach tank, with an average of 85.5% recorded for Q313 and 89.4% for the month of September 2013. Around 22% (1,985oz Au) of overall gold production was achieved from underground mining, which was only reinstated mid-June 2013. Overall, these results indicate improving mine production, especially from underground sources, and better ore processing. More details on Hambledon’s mine and development strategies are not yet available. We await this information to provide a detailed assessment of the company’s value and understand it could be released in H114. Year end

Revenue (US$m)

PBT* (US$m)

31 October 2013



Market cap


Net debt (US$m) as at June 2013 Shares in issue

8.7 979.7m

Free float




Primary exchange


Other exchanges


Share price performance

EPS* (c)

DPS (c)

P/E (x)

Yield (%)






















Note: *PBT and EPS are normalised, excluding amortisation of acquired intangibles, sharebased payments and exceptional items. We have suspended our forecasts until Hambledon completes its strategic review.

Hambledon’s reported production figures, especially the improved gold recovery factor of 85.5% and 89.4% recorded in September, demonstrate management’s efforts to turn Sekisovskoye back into a stable and profitable gold and silver mine. While the lack of financial data limits our ability to assess Hambledon’s true value, these production results together with the intended acquisition of exploration data for the Karasuyskoye ore fields close to Sekisovskoye could see Hambledon emerge as a significant Kazakh gold producer for the first time. We understand from management that clarification of its detailed mine plan for Sekisovskoye and its overall strategy to expand its Kazakhstan operations is still ongoing, and could be released to the market some time in H114.

Business description Hambledon Mining is a gold production company. It operates the Sekisovskoye gold mine close to Ust Kamenogorsk in East Kazakhstan.

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