HG Chick 2018.xlsx

[PDF]HG Chick 2018.xlsx - Rackcdn.comhttps://86cb8127dc14737f5057-7c0671222953158607ea93d5febd68b4.ssl.cf1.rackc...

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Layer Chick Order Form 2018 Min order of 4 chicks per ship date

Approximate date of arrival

You can mix up the breeds for variety!

Enter quantity of breed in desired ship date

= not available that date Layer Breeds - Female Chicks

Cost each April 11-12

New Hampshire Reds


Barred Rocks


Cinnamon Queens


Buff Orpingtons


Light Brahmas


Rhode Island Red


Easter Eggers -Ameraucana


Silver Laced Wynadottes


Speckled Sussex


Black Sex Link


Golden Laced Wynadottes


Black Australorp


Welsummer Vaccinated for Mareks disease. Approx 2 days old on arrival = not available

Apr 25-26

May 9-10

Availability changes weekly -call us for current status ! May 23-24


$ _________ Total Date Paid:

Name ___________________________________________

payment due at time of order

Inv # We will do our best to fulfill your order but sometimes breed shortages do occur in which case subsitutions or change of date may be necessary.

Address _________________________________________ Cell Phone ___________________ Email ________________________________________