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Hope Chapel JUNE 8, 2014 | WORSHIP GUIDE

CALLED BY GOD Gathering Song Arise & Sing There is a King, a risen King; radiant, He reigns in majesty. He conquered death, it has no sting, And at His word we will rise and sing. Arise, we will arise and sing! Arise, we will arise and sing!

We sing as a way of engaging our voices, imaginations, words, and desires in the worship of God. We sing together, to God and to each other, because of our calling to be a people joined together in Christ.

Come awake, rise from the ground, Open your eyes and see what you have found. Come awake, oh you who sleep, Search no more, for He is all we need. Beautiful, beautiful, There is not one, there is not one who is so beautiful!

Welcome & Call to Worship - from Psalm 8 All: Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! Leader: When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? You have made them a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honor. All: Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!

Worship is something we offer to God every day of our lives in everything that we do. If we are worshiping as we come in the church doors, why do we have a Call to Worship? Implied in the phrase is the word “corporate.” When we hear the Call to (corporate) Worship, we are called by God as one community to worship Him together. What is unique about Sunday is not that we worship on that day and not others; it is that we worship together.

Song of Praise Cannons It’s falling from the clouds, a strange and lovely sound, I hear it in the thunder and the rain. It’s ringing in the skies, like cannons in the night, The music of the universe plays. We’re singing, You are holy, great and mighty, The moon and the stars declare who You are! I’m so unworthy, but still You love me, Forever my heart will sing of how great You are! Beautiful and free, the song of galaxies, Reaching far beyond the Milky Way. Let’s join in with the sound, come on let’s sing it out, As the music of the universe plays. All glory, honor, power is Yours, amen. All glory, honor, power is Yours, amen. All glory, honor, power is Yours, forever amen.

CLEANSED BY GOD Worship both draws us to God and reveals where we are distant from him. Throughout Scripture, when people see or experience God they are faced with the reality of their own brokenness and shame. Likewise, we confess our sin, as a community and individually.

Corporate Confession of Sin Heavenly Father, we confess we dishonor you by our words, thoughts and deeds. Depending on our own strength we stumble; proclaiming our own goodness we sin; glorying in our own righteousness we corrupt everything we touch. We turn from you, and desire lasting satisfaction from the things of this world. We pray now, forgive us our many sins, cleanse the darkness from our lives, turn our faces toward you. In the name of your most precious son, Jesus Christ, we pray... ** time for silent confession **

Words of Forgiveness - I John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

Passing of the Peace 2

CELEBRATING GOD Songs of Praise Great Is Thy Faithfulness Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father; There is no shadow of turning with Thee; Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not; As Thou hast been, Thou forever will be.

After being reminded of God’s lavish grace and love toward us, we respond by celebrating with singing.

Great is Thy faithfulness! Great is Thy faithfulness! Morning by morning new mercies I see. All I have needed Thy hand hath provided; Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me! Summer and winter and springtime and harvest, Sun, moon and stars in their courses above Join with all nature in manifold witness To Thy great faithfulness, mercy and love. Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide; Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow, Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside! Thy Mercy, My God Thy mercy my God is the theme of my song, The joy of my heart, and the boast of my tongue. Thy free grace alone, from the first to the last, Hath won my affection and bound my soul fast. Without Thy sweet mercy, I could not live here. Sin would reduce me to utter despair, But through Thy free goodness, my spirit’s revived And He that first made me still keeps me alive. Thy mercy is more than a match for my heart, Which wonders to feel its own hardness depart. Dissolved by Thy goodness, I fall to the ground And weep for the praise of the mercy I’ve found. Great Father of mercies, Thy goodness I own In the covenant love of Thy crucified Son. All praise to the Spirit, Whose whisper divine Seals mercy and pardon and righteousness mine.


CHANGED BY GOD What do we do during the Scripture Reading? Because the Word of God is one of the chief means through which God has chosen to speak to us, it is a principle and direct way we “hear from God” in worship. The public reading of Scripture, then, is a sacred act that deserves our full attention and focus. Especially in our age, we must discipline ourselves to listen to readings for longer periods of time, for God’s Word is food for our soul.

Prayer of Renewal Scripture Reading- Acts 6:1-7 In those days when the number of disciples was increasing, the Hellenistic Jews among them complained against the Hebraic Jews because their widows were being overlooked in the daily distribution of food. 2 So the Twelve gathered all the disciples together and said, “It would not be right for us to neglect the ministry of the word of God in order to wait on tables. 3 Brothers and sisters, choose seven men from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom. We will turn this responsibility over to them 4 and will give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word.” 1

This proposal pleased the whole group. They chose Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit; also Philip, Procorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, and Nicolas from Antioch, a convert to Judaism. 6 They presented these men to the apostles, who prayed and laid their hands on them. 5

So the word of God spread. The number of disciples in Jerusalem increased rapidly, and a large number of priests became obedient to the faith. 7

Sermon- Todd Jones Series: The Kingdom Strikes Back Title: A New Office


Redeemed, Restored, Forgiven Once on a dreary mountain, we wandered far and wide, Far from the cleansing fountain, far from the pierced side, But Jesus sought and found us and washed our guilt away. With cords of love He bound us to be His own today. Redeemed, restored, forgiven, Through Jesus’ precious blood! Heirs of His home in heaven, Oh, praise our pardoning God! Dear Lord, receive the glory of each recovered soul. Oh who can tell the story, of love that made us whole? Not our, not ours, the merit, be Yours alone the praise And ours a thankful spirit to serve You all our days. Now keep us, holy Savior, in Your true love and fear And grant us by Your favor the grace to persevere. Till in Your new creation, when Earth meets Heaven’s shore, We find our full salvation and praise You evermore.

Communion Minister: The Lord be with you. People: And also with you. Minister: As we come to the table, let us pray together: All: Gracious Lord, in this holy sacrament you give substance to our hope. May this meal be to us a comfort in affliction, and a pledge of our inheritance in that kingdom where there is no death, sorrow, or tears, but the fullness of joy with all your saints; through Jesus Christ our Savior, Amen. Minister: Therefore we proclaim the mystery of the faith: All: Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again. Minister: Christ, our Passover, is sacrificed for us. All: Therefore, let us keep the feast.

** Institution of the elements **

Why is it called “communion?” What we do during communion isn’t merely a symbolic act or a remembrance—it’s more than that. 1 Corinthians 10:1617 teaches us that we are actually communing with Christ Himself as we partake of the elements. We mysteriously “participate in the body and blood” of Jesus. As we take communion, let us remember that Christ is spiritually present in a special way for us in this sacrament. Let’s enjoy the feast! If you are not a follower of Jesus or are not prepared to share in the meal, please feel free to not participate and instead spend this time in prayer (“Prayers for Reflection” are included in this worship guide). We hope this time is helpful to you as you consider your relationship with Jesus Christ and with his people, the church.


Minister: These are the gifts of God for the people of God. All: Thanks be to God! Minister: As our Savior taught us, so we pray, All: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For yours is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, forever and ever. Amen.

Prayers for Reflection Prayer for those searching Lord Jesus, you claim to be the way, the truth, and the life. If what you claim is true, please guide me, teach me, and open me to the reality of who you are. Grant that I might be undaunted by the cost of following you as I consider the reasons for doing so. Give me an understanding that is coherent, convincing, and that leads to the life you promise. Prayer of belief Lord Jesus Christ, I admit that I am weaker and more sinful I ever before believed, but through you, I am more loved and accepted than I ever dared hope. I thank you for paying my debt, bearing my punishment on the cross, and offering forgiveness and new life. Knowing that you have been raised from the dead, I turn from my sins and receive you as my Savior and my Lord. Prayer for those struggling with sin Lord Jesus, grant that I may see in you the fulfillment of all my need, and may turn from every false satisfaction to feed on you, the true and living bread. Enable me to lay aside the sin that clings so closely, and faithfully follow you in life. Prayer for renewal and commitment Lord Jesus, you have called us to follow you in baptism, to love God and neighbor, and to a life of committed discipleship in your church. Grant that I may take the necessary steps to be one with your people, to pursue forgiveness, reconciliation, and peace, and to live in the fullness of your Spirit. Amen.


SENT BY GOD Sending Song Amazing Grace Amazing grace! How sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me! I once was lost, but now am found; Was blind, but now I see. ’Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, And grace my fears relieved; How precious did that grace appear The hour I first believed. Through many dangers, toils, and snares I have already come; ’Tis grace that brought me safe thus far, And grace will lead me home. When we’ve been there ten thousand years, Bright shining as the sun, We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise Than when we first begun.

Community Life Benediction Minister: May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. All: And also with you. Minister: Go in peace to love and serve the Lord. All: Thanks be to God.

If the Call to Worship is one bookend, communicating to us that God has the first word, the benediction is its match, reminding us that He has the final word as well. The words of benediction (a Latin word meaning “to speak well” or “to speak a good word”) are intended to bring a blessing. Rather than the worship service ending with a command or merely a “see you next week”, a blessing reminds us of the beauty of God’s promise to be with us as we disperse.




Given Last Week: $4,547 Required to Date $103,852,60 (Jan. 1 - June 1) Given to Date $101,435.30 Over/[Under] [$2,417.30]

Todd Jones, lead pastor [email protected] 336.420.9010

Gifts can be placed in the offering basket on Sundays or mailed to: Hope Chapel 1825 Spring Garden St Greensboro, NC 27403

Michael Van Patter, director of worship arts [email protected] 336.207.1977 Betsy Greer, children’s discipleship [email protected] For more info, visit us online at: www.hopechapelgreensboro.org

Online giving is now available on our website: www.hopechapelgreensboro.org/about/give/


We would love to pray for you. There are two groups meeting weekly to pray for the needs of the church, city, and world. If you would like to have them pray for your needs, we invite you to either drop a note in the prayer box (located beside the glass doors in our lobby) or email it to [email protected]. All requests will be kept confidential within the prayer team.

SONG INFORMATION Arise and Sing Brenton Brown, Jason Ingram, and Marty Sampson (2012) Cannons Phil Whickem (2008) Great Is Thy Faithfulness Thomas Chisholm, William Runyan (1923) Thy Mercy, My God John Stocker (1776), Sandra McCracken (2001) Redeemed, Restored, Forgiven Henry Baker (1876), Matthew Smith, Jeff Pardo (2010) Amazing Grace John Newton (1779), NEW BRITAIN (1831)

Community Groups are central to the life of Hope Chapel. We would love to have you visit one of our eight groups, which are multi-generational and geographically based. They meet on Sunday evenings for dinner, fellowship, prayer and Bible study. Area




Northeast GSO

Bret Grieves

2926 Round Hill Rd


Northwest GSO

Kenny Crawford

3610 Tattershall Dr



Jim Osborne

3505 Madison Dr


Sunset Hills

Todd Jones

2516 Berkley Pl



Brent York

1808 Regal Ln


North GSO

Kevin Hanner

2620 Pewter Place



David Dorich

2407 Kery Drive


Lindley Park

Ryan Bowles

2631 Beechwood Dr
