HUU Union Council

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HUU Union Council

Minutes from meeting held on Monday 15th April at Meeting Room 5 1 Attendance Name Magid Mah Pippa Eveleigh Victoria Winterton Paul Harsent Kora-Lee Holmes

Role President VP Community VP Education VP Sport VP Welfare

Date 15/04/13 15/04/13 15/04/13 15/04/13 15/04/13

Richard Brooks

Chair Campaigns and Democracy Chair Environment and Ethical Chair Black Students Chair Disabled Students Chair LGBT+ (To be ratified at this meeting of Council) Chair Nightline Chair LINKS Chair Women Chair Media Chair ISA Chair Societies AU Secretary AU Treasurer AU Communications BUCS Representative Kit Representative AU Tour Rep Chair Post Graduate Association Chair Part-Time Student Committee Chair Mature Students Committee Faculty Coordinator (FASS) Faculty Coordinator (FOS) Faculty Coordinator (Education, to be ratified at this Council)


Martin Marko Chubike Okide Daryl Jones Sarah Lewis Charlotte Olley Anthony Rutili Rachel Wilcocks Hannah Pomfret Alina Curian Nic Crowe Charlotte Hunt Richard Clarke Michael Boffey Clare Cottrell Toby Carr-Brown Jeremy Sparrow Jie Ding Maria Leonard Carla Stokes Elizabeth Smy Alex Paradise Lee Mallison

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Ioanna Antoniou Gareth Ikin

Maijury Sriranjan Jamie Boote Dehenna Davison Sean Brawley Daniel Crutchfield Amber Whipp Donna Opray Paul Tatton



Faculty Coordinator (HYMS) Academic Council Rep (To be ratified as a Faculty Coordinator at this Council) Councillor of Scrutiny Councillor of Scrutiny Councillor of Scrutiny Councillor of Scrutiny Councillor of Scrutiny Councillor of Scrutiny Councillor of Scrutiny Chief Executive Officer of HUU


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Apologies Chris Long, Vice President Scarborough Jamie Lawrence, Education Officer Scarborough Luke Rothery, Community Officer Scarborough Lauranne Tinsley, Campaigns Officer Scarborough Keil Olfeild, Chair HUSSO Minutes of previous meeting

Minutes approved 3

Matters arising from the minutes

4 Election of Vice Chair Gareth Ikin, stood to be Vice Chair. He was elected. 5 Fair Trade Policy Magid Mah spoke in favour of the Fair trade policy. Question by Richard Brookes Amendment by Victoria Winterton, the document should read “the Chair of Environment and Ethics will take responsibility with the steering group” Vote for-Majority vote Amendment passed Vote for- Majority vote Motion passed

6 HUUTV Live streaming Magid Mah presented research on live streaming Questions and comments from Daryl Jones, Member –Timothy Sykes, Richard Brookes, Nic Crowe, Alex Paradise and Maijury Sriranjan. Daryl recommended that HUU wait until the research by NUS is completed in relation to filming and disabled students.

7 Nightline Kora-Lee Holmes presented an assessment of Nightline to Council as well as changes to Standing Orders. 7.1 Standing Orders Vice President Activities 7.2 Standing Orders change Vice President Welfare and Community 5001 7.3 Proposed Standing Orders change Advice Centre Volunteer Committee 5003 7.4 Proposed change to Standing Orders LGBT+ 5005 7.5 Proposed change to Standing Orders Women’s committee 5006 7.6 Proposed Standing Orders BAME 5008 7.7 Proposed change to Standing Orders Committee 8008 For all standing orders, vote in favour 22 Motion passes 8 Faculty Co-ordinator Education Ratification Lee Mallison to be ratified by Union Council as Faculty Co-ordinator Vote for- Majority vote Ratification passed 9 International Students Association Ratification Alina Curian to be ratified by Union Council as Chair of the ISA Vote for- Majority vote Ratification passed Action: HUU to create voting card for Alina for Union Council 10 Faculty Co-ordinator HUBS, Helen Stevenson removal Helen Stevenson to be removed as Faculty Co-ordinator Vote for- Majority vote Removal passed 11 Faculty Co-ordinator HUBS, Ratification Gareth Ikin to be ratified by Union Council as Faculty Co-ordinator Vote for-Majority vote Ratification passes

12 Chair HUSSO, Ratification Kiel to be ratified by Union Council as Chair HUSSO Vote for-Majority vote Ratification passes 13 Chair LGBT+, Ratification Sarah Lewis to be ratified by Union Council as Chair LGBT+ Vote for- Majority vote Ratification passes 14 Removal of Councillor of Scrutiny Donna Opray to be removed as Councillor of Scrutiny Vote for- Majority vote Removal passes 15 Focus groups to review Sabbatical structure Magid Mah advertised the focus groups to reviews sabbatical structure (see attached document for details) Questions from Sean Brawley and a Member. 16

Governance Zone

President:    

     

761 people voted in the emergency elections, which is the highest its ever been. John Uzzell has left HUU and we are currently looking in replacing him. Organised NUS Conference for all delegates and invited Hull College delegates to take part too. NUS conference went really well with all delegates enjoying themselves and taking a lot of things with them. There will be a full report from all delegates going on the HUU website tomorrow which will include who they voted for in the elections and which way they voted for the controversial motion 701 which was about gender balancing. The President voted against the motion and also, gave the final speech against. Been helping Richard with his budgeting. Attended NUSSL (NUS Services Limited) where Asylum won Best Bar None GOLD! We had the election review meeting and recommendations have been made for next year. Encouraged 5 candidates to run which did. Organised an induction for the new University Chair of Council which was successful and beneficial.

Governance Zone passed two motions: Governance zone believes that present and previous reviews of elections have not focused on the grassroots experience of our members. Governance zone further believes problems have particularly occurred with respect to balancing the recruitment of sabbatical and volunteer officers.

Governance zone resolves UEC should seek stronger inclusion of inputs from those not currently elected into HUU positions into elections planning, and that a post-election feedback meeting with all candidates, campaign teams and interested parties would be a valuable first step towards this. All approve this motion. Governance zone notes that Tour is one of the largest events HUU runs Governance zone believes that travelling with so many students carries many possible issues around ensuring we create a safe and positive experience Governance zone resolves that an annual post-tour review should be held to examine outcomes and look for areas to improve students experiences. All but one approved this motion. 17 Education Zone Course Reps We have elected a total of 458 course representatives across both Hull and Scarborough. A total of 185 course representatives have been trained (13 trained online) with a 97% satisfaction rating. We currently have 21 Departmental Representatives. We now have all six Faculty Coordinators in post. We also have someone standing for each faculty coordinator position in the upcoming by election. Student Conference We unfortunately did not meet with 100 students attendance to Student Conference as 50 students attended. However 96% found it “Very Interesting” or “Interesting” and 100% said they would recommend the event to others. The Panel Debate was chosen as the most popular part of the conference and the top five words or phrases to describe the conference were; Informative, Constructive, Thought provoking, Interactive and Positive. I would like to give thanks again to all those who attended and supported the conference. Student-Led Teaching Awards The Student-Led Teaching Awards received 706 nominations. Short listing is due to take place tomorrow evening. Education Survey Due to launch today, however due to myself being away for the majority of last week and John leaving this may have to be put back (I'm chasing this morning) Curriculum Reform In full swing and will be reporting shortly Timetabling A new policy has been released WiFi VPE gave a presentation to bidders for wifi across campus. John Uzzell will leave the Education Team on 11th April 2013, we are incredibly sad to see him go he has done a wonderful job. 18

Welfare Zone

Vice President Welfare report The Vice President Welfare has been reviewing all the standing orders of the zone, these changes are going to Union Council this evening (Monday 15th April). Update on the Liberation poster board, the board has been secured

and will feature a central explanation of Liberation groups and campaigns along with different A4 posters per liberation group. Next year’s committees are encouraged to keep track of their memberships via the same system as societies, through the BAM software. The future of Nightline and standing order changes will go to Union Council this evening. SHAG did not occur in March due to a regional condom shortage, however another SHAG is planned for tomorrow (Tuesday 16th April) hopefully this will increase the statistics. The housing survey is now active, within the next two weeks the target is to have 1,000 respondents. The Vice President Welfare is on the working group for the Residences’ Pannel as well as also working on support services, this can be used for the new website. Handover with Brittany Tomlinson is going well, budget has been written for next year, and it will go to Trustee Board 19th April for approval. Chair Disabilities There is now a disabilities officer elect after the emergency elections. There will now be a campaign to procure a committee. The AGM will take place soon, TBA. The committee has now started work on the ‘Good Word’ Campaign, it will begin at the same time that NUS launches their campaign, other liberation groups were also welcomed to join in this campaign. There will also be a campaign relating to mental health around exam season, the disabilities committee will be handing out fruit with stickers advertising the Advice Centre. Chair disabilities also attended NUS Conference. Chair BAME Last week (W/c 8th April), there was an ‘Open Mic night’ fundraiser, the American Refugee Committee (ARC), it was well attended and BAME raised £168 for ARC. The Chair Elect spoke at this event. Thursday 11 th April saw a lecture on Gangsterism. Handover for the new committee has begun. Chair BAME will also be attending NUS Black Students’ Conference in May. Chair LGBT+ There has been more fundraising, they have also begun planning for Freshers week. LGBT+ was unhappy about where they place this year. The committee will be sending four delegates to NUS LGBT+ Conference, they will be going through the motions for the conference next week. Chair Women’s Committee: Are holding a talent show fundraising event for women for women international on the 29 th of April, this will be accompanied by a stunt outside the union on the 24 th. Plans are being made for the AGM. Chair LINKS Lily has stepped down as chair, 14th March saw LINKS AGM, the full committee has been elected. There are now 21 trained First Aiders (FA). Handover process is beginning, each committee member is meeting their successor on a one-to-one basis, next week (W/c 22nd April) they are expected to take on their new roles. There will be 21 members at the End of Year Ball to assist with first aid.

19 Sports Zone Won Varsity. Tour went well; 6 trips to hospital, 0 arrests, 589 went, no major incidents. Cross code match, 60 students attended, Rugby Union won. 2,100 members of the AU, 11% barrier of engagement with students across the entire University. Wheel chair event happening soon. Superteams 24 th April. Trophy Presentation Friday 19th April. 20

Community Zone

Societies - 2,033 members of societies, which is 11.6% up on the previous year. Finished work on the Society awards criteria for the HUU Awards – encouraging nominations.

Media - Hullfire now has one hundred members. HUUTV is currently standing at 33 members. HUUTV filmed jailbreak with some jailbreakers making it as far as Singapore. Hullfire’s article on The Tab had 909 reads online. AGMs have taken place. JamRadio will have an AGM this semester. Jam Radio - Jam Radio’s Station Manager attended to clarify the situation of JAM radio. Sabbaticals have withdrawn the funding for JAM radio. There will be no broadcasting this semester due to breach of licence. Those who have paid membership will be offered a full refund. VPC noted that the money has been budgeted for – awaiting Station Manager of JamRadio to take action. RAG - The Societies Executive have been doing a lot of the administration, as RAG currently has no exec. Raised around £26,000 at that point plus the money raised from the Kili trip (which beats VP Community’s KPI). HUSSO - Upped on projects going out from 30 before Xmas, over 50 after. 8 projects on the same day at one point – real variety, Chair HUSSO very happy. AGM has taken place. ISA - Alina Cracium has become Chair ISA for the rest of the semester. They held a successful party last Friday, and are currently doing a Facebook poll on who DJed the best. Scarborough trip sold out two coaches – first time there’s been a link between Scarborough ISA and Hull’s. Positions Councilor for Scrutiny Donna Opray’s membership of the zone was forfeited by herself, due to consecutively missing meetings and has been informed. The good news is that every Chair has now been elected for next year. Vice President Community Attended a conference in Warwick about internationalisation, this will help with HUU’s Internationalisation strategy. Jailbreak was a success with jailbreakers reaching places as far as Newcastle, Belgium and Singapore. Street Angles are happening in conjunction with Hull Vineyard Church, Wednesdays and Saturdays the angles will be handing out bottles of water and lollipops. HUU will be sponsoring flower beds along Newland Avenue, it will cost the Union £150, will be great publicity and also have a fantastic local impact. The HUU awards nominations are open Award categories are online until Thursday 18th April 2013. We also scrutinised VPC’s Operations Plan, and await her replies to our questions tomorrow.

21 Scarborough No report was submitted for Scarborough 22 Complaint against Magid Mah A complaint was received by Council, it is the Chair’s decision to take it as a complaint or a motion of censure. The Cchair believes the complaint to be a motion, however it is not believed to have extreme circumstance and there were some discrepancies relating to the process taken by the complainants. Sean Brawley believed it to be a motion against the Chair’s decision, 5 members of council believed the same. Motion was called: 15 votes for and 11 against Motion falls. 23 Part-time leaflet Leaflet was not attached to the agenda. VW asked that it is added to next meeting’s agenda.

Action: Steve Ralph to attach Part-time leaflet to the agenda for next meeting 24 Any other business A discussion was held on the way in which delegates voted in the NUS Elections at the NUS Conference of W/c Monday 8th April Next meeting 29 April 2013 , in Meeting Room 5 at 6:30pm