I am a Child of God— How do you know you are His child? How do

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I am a Child of God— How do you know you are His child? How do you know He loves you? What does He do for you? How does He show you He loves you? How should we act as a child of god? How does knowing that you’re a child of god make your life better? What blessings has He given you? January—I am a Child of God and He has a plan for me 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Who is God? What does God do for you? What does it mean to be a Child of God? What plan does he have for you? Why is agency important? What does Heavenly Father want for you? How does Heavenly Father want you to feel? Is there a time you’ve used your agency to make a choice?

February—The Earth was Created for Heavenly Father’s Children 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Who created the Earth? Why did He create the earth? Do you have a favorite creation? What is something on the Earth that reminds you how much Heavenly Father loves you? Why are we here on this Earth? Why does the earth and the plan of salvation remind us that we are His children?

March—Jesus Christ is our Savior 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Who is Jesus Christ? What does He do for us? What is the Atonement? How can we use the atonement? What does it mean when we call Jesus our Savior? What does it mean to be resurrected? How does sending His only begotten son show us that we are His children? What is a story that Jesus has taught us?

9. Senior Primary testimony of the Savior April—Jesus Christ Restored His Church in the Latter Days 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

How was the church set up in the days when Jesus was on the earth? Why was the church taken from the earth? Were the truths taken all at once? What does restored mean? Who did Heavenly Father and Jesus use to restore the church? What was restored through Joseph Smith? Can you tell me the story of the restoration? Or of the first vision? How does restoring the church show us that we are His children? Senior Primary—story of the First Vision

May—Prophets Teach Us to Live the Restored Gospel 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Who is our Prophet? What does he tell us to do? What are some principles the prophets teach us about? Like tithing, word of wisdom, etc How does giving us a prophet remind us that we are His children? Senior Primary—General Conference experience Senior Primary—tell a time when you followed the prophet

June—I will follow Heavenly Father’s plan by being baptized and confirmed 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Whose example do we follow when we are baptized? Why are we baptized? If we are true to our baptismal covenants, what can we do when we die? What does it mean to be confirmed? How does the Holy Ghost help us? What did Heavenly Father give us to help us remember our baptismal covenants? Why is it important to take the sacrament every week? What does it mean to repent? How do we repent? CTR 7—Tell about your baptism day CTR 7—Tell about a time when the Holy Ghost helped you

July—Families are part of Heavenly Father’s plan 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Why did Heavenly Father send us to earth in families What do you like to do with your family? What can we do to keep our families strong? How does the priesthood bless your family? What do we do when we go to the temple?

6. How are our earthly families like our heavenly family? 7. Senior Primary--What do you do as a family to bring you together and strengthen your family?/What do you do to bring the spirit into your home?

August—Heavenly Father hears and answers prayers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

When should we pray? Who do we pray to? Who listens to our prayers? Who answers our prayers? How does He answers prayers? Why does He answer our prayers? Senior Primary—favorite scripture story about prayer Senior Primary—tell about a time when you had a prayer answered

September—I will serve God with all my hearth, might, mind, and strength 1. 2. 3. 4.

What does it mean to serve God? What can we do to serve Him? Senior Primary—Tell an experience when you were able to serve someone How does having a testimony let you know that you are a child of God?