I'll never forget the time I was asked by a young bride

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I’ll never forget the time I was asked by a young bride-to-be not to use a go-to text for so many Christian weddings. It was our text for this morning. She suggested that her friends from her Christian University would probably stand and leave the wedding if I read from Ephesians 5:21-33. There is for most of us an urge to pick and choose what we want to hear. But, we all need to pay close attention when God tells us to do something out of “the fear of God.” Wives submit to your husbands as to the Lord.

Husbands love your wives, just as Christ loved the church….

Personal Application and Group Interaction

Personal Application & Group Interaction and Group Interaction 1. Where did you learn “what to avoid” in marriage?

2. Why do you think this text starts with submission? What does it have to do with making the most of every opportunity and being filled with the Spirit?

3. How have you struggled with the principles/instruction in vs. 22-24? Why do you think God inspired Paul to pen these words? What do you think God wants men and women to take away from them?

Love and Respect Ephesians 5:21-33

4. How does a man make his wife holy by loving her like Christ loved the church? How has that happened in your home?

5. What is God’s big idea in this passage? What are we doing about it?

Pastor John June 12, 2016