Imitating Christ in Celibacy

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Sermon Formation Guide Genesis 2:1-9, 15-17 Psalm 84:1-6 1 Corinthians 7:25-35 Matthew 19:1-11

Use these questions in your small group, prayer cell, or personal devotion time to go deeper into the Word and a life of Worship and Mission.

Church of the Resurrection, Glen Ellyn

“Imitating Christ in Celibacy”

Fr. Stewart Ruch III October 24, 2010 Week 3 of 3

Main Bible Passage

Read 1 Corinthians 7:25-35

Main Idea

Celibacy is a distinct and profound gift from God for the living of the imitative life in Christ. It is often treated as a kind of introduction that is waiting for the real life to start. But, as seen in the lives of Jesus and Paul, celibacy is real life—as real as the married life. The gift of celibacy takes three forms: g The Gift of Singular Devotion to the Lord—a kind of holy focus on relationship with Jesus g The Gift of Singular Mission for the Lord—a kind of holy giving to the Church for the life of the world g The Gift of Singular Intimacy with the Lord—a kind of holy living which points others to our ultimate destiny of union with the Lord. This is living out the iconic reality that every man and woman is made to live with the Lord forever. These three gifts have attendant temptations: g The Temptation to Reject the Gift­—refusing to accept celibacy as a gift and living to get “free” from it. g The Temptation to Remake the Gift—exploiting the celibate life as a project in self-actualization rather than self-donation to the Church for the world. g The Temptation to Resent the Gift—growing bitter over the loneliness of celibacy that is part and parcel of living out the longing all have for ultimate union with God.

Engage With Worship and Mission

g Worship: If you are celibate find a symbol that speaks to you of the gift and calling of celibacy. This could be a ring or necklace or piece of art you regularly see; be creative and concrete with this. g Mission: Can you succinctly and passionately describe the specific mission God has called you to? What is the gift you are giving to the Church in response to gift of celibacy?

Bible Verse to Remember “But each has his own gift from God, one of one kind and one of another.” 1 Corinthians 7:7b

Resources g Christopher West: Good News about Sex and Marriage g Christopher West: Theology of the Body for Beginners g John Paul II:

Man and Woman He Created Them (see Part I, Chapter 3)