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RCC Pilotage Foundation

Chile 3rd Edition 2015 ISBN 978 184623 442 2

Supplement No.1 Supplement Date: August 2016

The following photos are catalogued to cross-reference with specific sections of this book. Many of them are of significant use to the navigator. They are taken from the app version of this book, available on iPad via the Imray Nautical app, and are displayed in the order in which they appear in the app. The RCC Pilotage Foundation is very grateful to Andrew O'Grady and the other yachtsmen and women who have contributed photographs for this book. We are also grateful to Jenny Taylor-Jones for transferring and collating the images into this supplement. All photographs remain the copyright of Andrew O'Grady unless credited otherwise.

Introduction Pages 1-8

Sailing in the Beagle Canal

Winter anchorage looking across the Beagle Canal towards Isla Hoste

Andrew O’Grady at Seno Ultima Esperanza

Winter at Yacht Club Macalvi, Puerto Williams


Yahgan Indian dwelling sites at Bahia Cambeceres,Tierra Del Fuego

Seals follow Balaena

Glacial lake below Serreno Glacier

Traditional architecture, Mechuquemarino)

Male and female Patagonian kelp geese (Cauquén marino)


Restored steam train on San Fernando line

Through the porthole at Ushuaia


Cruising in Chile Pages 9–25

Sunrise at Ushuaia, yacht Seal

Patagonian skies

Calm winter day on the S coast of Tierra del Fuego

Looking towards the Andes near Santiago

Typical winter weather in Tierra del Fuego. Balaena at anchor

Sunset, Estero Las Montanas


Beagle Canal with Isla Navarino in the background

Chilean Navy helicopter in Straits of Magellan

Positioning shore lines Salmon Isla Chiloé style

Smoked salmon in the market

A little kelp on the anchor. Balaena has a hoe-like chopping blade that I am using to cut it off.


Inland Tierra del Fuego

Cemeterio Metropolitan, Santiago. The great Chilean folksinger Victor Jara was buried here near to the ordinary people he worked for.


2. Seno Reloncaví, Golfo de Ancud and Golfo Corcovado Pages 49–76 2·1 Puerto Inglés

2·5 Calbuco and 2.6 Estero Huito

2.1 Puerto Inglés from E

2·2 Canal Chacao

2.5 & 2.6 Calbuco and Estero Huito from E

2·7 Isla Huelmo

2.2 Canal Chacao from E

2·3 Puerto Abtao

2.7 Isla Huelmo from SE

2·8 Puerto Montt

2.3 Puerto Abtao from E

2·4 Canal Chidguapi

2.8 Puerto Montt from NE

2.4 Canal Chidguapi from NW 2.8 Puerto Montt from S 7

2·10 Caleta Martin

2·13 Bahía Ralún

2.10 Caleta Martin from NW

2·11 Isla Marimeli

2.13 Bahía Ralún from NE

2·14 Bahía Manao

2.14 Bahía Manao from NW 2.11 Isla Marimeli from E

2·15 Bahía Hueihue 2·12 Bahía Sotomo

2.15 Bahía Hueihue from SE

2·16 Bahía Linao 2.12 Bahía Sotomo from N

2.16 Bahía Linao from E 8

2·17 Estero Tubildad

2.17 Estero Tubildad from SE 2.19 Isla Buta Chauques S anchorage from N

2·18 Quemchi 2·20 Isla Mechuque

2.20 Mechuque village from W 2.18 Quemchi from E

2·19 Islas Buta Chauques

2.19 Isla Buta Chauques from NW

2.19 Isla Buta Chauques N anchorage from W

2.20 Mechuque village and anchorages from SSE

2.20 Mechuque group from SE


2·24 Castro

2.20 Mechuque group from E

2.21 Dalcahue

2.24 Estero Castro and town from N

2.21 Canal Dalcahue from NW

2·22 Caleta Rilán

2.24 Castro anchorage from E

2·25 Estero Ichuac

2.22 Caleta Rilan

2·23 Caleta Linlinao and Marina Quinched

2.25 Estero Ichuac from W

2·26 Puerto Chonchi

2.23 Caleta Linlinao from SE

2.26 Puerto Chonchi from E


2·27 Estero Yal

2.30 Ensenada Capilla Vieja

2.27 Caleta Yal from SSE

2·28 Isla Quehui – Puerto Pindo

2.30 Ensenada Capilla Vieja from W

2·31 Isla Apiao – Estero Pellú

2.28 Puerto Pindo from W

2.31 Estero Pellú from S

2.28 Puerto Pindo from SE

2·29 Caleta Huechun 2.31 Estero Pellú entrance from SSE

2.32 Isla Quenac

2.29 Caleta Huechun from SE

2.32 Isla Quenac Caleta Punilco from SE 11

2.33 Isla Caguache

2·38 Bahía Huellonquén

2.38 Bahía Huellonquén from N

2·39 Puerto Quellón 2.33 Isla Caguache, caleta from E

2·34 Puerto Queilén

2.39 Puerto Quellón from ESE

2.34 Puerto Queilén from E

2·35 Estero Pailad 2.39 Puerto Quellón from ESE

2·40 Isla Cailín, Punta Yelcho

2.35 Estero Pailad from S 2.40 Punta Yelcho from SSW

2·36 Estero Huildad 2·41 Puerto San Pedro

2.36 Estero Huildad from E

2.41 Puerto San Pedro from E 12

2·42 Isla Malomacun

2·45 Islote Manila (Rada Potreros de Cholgo)

2.42 Canal Llancahué from W

2.45 Islote Manila from N

2·46 Isla Llancahué – Estero Bonito

2.42 Islas Malomacun and Toro from S

2·43 Isla Llancahué – Caleta Los Baños

2.46 Estero Bonito from W

2·47 Estero Quintupeu

2.43A Caleta Los Banos from NW

2.47 Estero Quintupeu from W

2·48 Estero Cahuelmo

2.43B Caleta Andrade from N 2.48 Estero Cahuelmo from W 13

2·49 Península Huequi – Caleta Telele

2·52 Estero Reñihué – Estero Pillán

2.52 Estero Pillán from S 2.49 Caleta Telele from NE

2.53 Bahía Pumalin 2·50 Caleta Porcelana

2.53 Bahía Pumalin from WSW

2.50 Caleta Porcelana from N

2.54 Isla Talcán

2·51 Caleta Poza de Chumildén

2.54 Isla Talcan from E

2.55 Puerto Auchemo 2.51 Caleta Poza de Chumilden from NNE

2.55 Puerto Auchemo from N 14

2·56 Bahía Tictoc

2.56 Bahia Tictoc, Puerto Tictoc from S

2.56 Bahia Tictoc, Caleta Silva Palma from S

2.56 Bahía Tictoc, inner bays from W

2.56 Bahía Tictoc, Puerto Escondido from W

2.56 Bahía Tictoc, Puerto Juan Yates from S


3. South of Golfo Corcovado to Laguna San Rafael Pages 77–102 3·1 Rada de Palena

3.2 Bahía Añihué from NNW 3.1 Rada de Palena from W

3·2 Bahía Añihué (Bahía Islas)

3.2 Canal Refugio from N

3·3 Guaitecas – Isla Ascension – Canal Puquitín NE anchorage 3.2 Bahía Añihué from W

3.3 Canal Puquitín NE anchorage from N

3·4 Melinka

3.4 Melinka from S 3.2 Bahía Añihué best anchorage from N

3.6 Isla Betecoi

3.6 Betecoi from SE


3·8 Isla Valverde – Caleta Tadpole

3.8 Caleta Tadpole from E

3·15 Canal Skorpios

3.15 Canal Skorpios from S

3·19 Isla Benjamin – Estero Arboles Espectrales

3.19 Arboles Espectrales from ESE


4. Isla Chaffers to Golfo de Penas Pages 103–120 4·1 Isla Chaffers, Bahía Totorore

4·28 Puerto Barroso

4.1 entrance to Bahía Totorore from NW 4.28 Puerto Barroso outer anchorage from N

4·2 Isla May

4.2 Isla May from SE

4·3 Puerto Robalo

4.28 Puerto Barroso inner passage from E

4·33 Puerto San Salvador 4.3 Puerto Robalo from W

4·4 Isla Stokes – Caleta Parmiento

4.33 Puerto San Salvador

4·34 Caleta Clark 4.4 Caleta Parmiento from E

4·5 Isla Rowlett

4.34 Caleta Clark entrance from SE

4.5 entrance to Isla Rowlett from SE 18

5. Golfo de Penas to Puerto Simpson Pages 121–132 5·4 Península Fresia – Puerto Francisco and Caleta Shandon

5.4 Caleta Shandon looking S. Photo: David Mitchell

5·16 Isla Little Wellington – Caleta Point Lay

5.16 Caleta Point Lay from E

5·22 Bahía Libertá – Caleta Vittorio and Bahía Halt

5.22 Bahía Libertá from W


6. Puerto Edén to Canal Sarmiento Pages 133–148 6·1 Puerto Edén

6·10 Isla Wellington – Estero Dock

6.1 Puerto Edén from E

6·3 Caleta Maris Stella 6.10 Estero Dock from E

6·19 Seno Fuentes – Caleta Finte

6.3 Caleta Maris Stella from S

6·7 Canal Wide – Caleta Sandy

6.19 Caleta Finte from SSE

6.7 Caleta Sandy from ENE

6·9 Isla Wellington – Caleta Refugio

6.9 Isla Wellington – Caleta Refugio


6·20 Isla Chatham – Steamer Duck Lagoon

6.20 Steamer Duck Lagoon anchorage from W

6.20 Steamer Duck Lagoon entrance from NE

6·21 Isla Chatham – Estero Plainsong

6.21 Estero Plainsong from ENE


7. Canal Sarmiento to Puerto Natales and to Islote Fairway Pages 149–166 7·2 Puerto Mayne

7·4 Isla Piazzi – Caleta Balandra

7.2 Puerto Mayne, anchorage B, from NE Photo: Frank Holden

7.4 Balandra view from NW

7·3 Isla Piazzi – Caleta Moonlight Shadow

7.5 Estero ‘Hamadryad’ – Caleta ‘Sadko’

7.3 Caleta Moonlight Shadow from E

7.5 Caleta Sadko from NE

Photo: T. Robertson

7·10 Isla Jamie

7.10 Isla Jamie from SW

7.3 Caleta Moonlight Shadow nook anchorage from W


7·11 Paso Morla Vicuña (unnamed caleta on N shore)

7·16 Estuario Kuven

7.11 Paso Morla Vicuña from SE

7·13 Bahía Balaena & 7·14 Puerto Pelagic

7.16 Estuario Kuven outer anchorage from SE

7.16 Estuario Kuven inner anchorage from N

7·17 Islas and Bahía Enez 7.13, 7.14 Balaena and Pelagic

7·15 Caleta Mist

7.17 Caleta Flanneur from S

7.15 Caleta Mist from S

7.17 Caleta Stokes from SSW

7·21 Angostura Kirke and Canal White

7.21 Paso del Sur from E 23

7·26 Puerto Natales

7·34 Isleta Hose – Caleta Dardé

7.26 Natales Terminal Pesquero from S

7·27 Seno Eberhardt – Puerto Consuelo 7.34 Caleta Dardé Photo: Kim Bork Mathieson and Kirsten Thomsen

7·37 Puerto Profundo – Caleta Teokita

7.37 Teokita from NE 7.27 Puerto Consuelo from N

7·28 Seno Ultima Esperanza – Rio Serrano

7.37 Teokita inner pool from NE

7.28 Rio Serrano - glacier Balmaceda from SE

7·29 Seno Ultima Esperanza – Lago Azul

7.29 Lago Azul from E

7.37 Teokita from SW 24

7·38 Islote Fairway

7.38 Isla Fairway from WSW


8. Estrecho de Magallanes, Tamar to Dungeness Pages 167–186 8·4 Isla Desolación – Bahía Wodsworth

8·4 Bahía Wodsworth W anchorage from S

8·8 Caleta Playa Parda Chica

8.8 Playa Parda Chica

Photo: Frank Holden


9. Cabo Froward to Brazo Noroeste Pages 187–200 9·8 Isla Clarence – Bahía Millicent

9·12 Península Brecknock – Caleta Brecknock

9.8 Bahía Millicent

9.12 Caleta Brecknock from NE of anchorage Photo: Kim Bork Mathieson and Kirsten Thomsen

9·9 Isla Clarence – Caleta Parmelia

9.9 Caleta Parmelia

Photo: Frank Holden

9·19 Isla Londonderry – Puerto Engaño

9.19 Puerto Engano, Caleta Silva Photo: Frank Holden

9·10 Isla Clarence – Puerto Niemann 9.21 Isla O’Brien – Caleta Lagunas

9.10 Puerto Niemann

Photo: Frank Holden

9.21 Caleta Lagunas, Isla O'Brien Photo: Frank Holden 27

9·24 Isla Chair – Caleta Sur

9.24 Caleta Sur

9·25 Isla Chair – Caleta Cushion

9.25 Caleta Cushion

9·27 Bahía Tres Brazos

9.27 Pozo Cauane


10. Brazo Noroeste to Cape Horn and Isla de los Estados Pages 201–221 10·2 Seno Pia

10·3 Bahía Romanche – Caletas Morning, Mediodía and Evening

10.2 Entrance to Seno Pia from S 10.3 Caleta Mediodía. Photo Frank Holden

10·4 Caleta Olla

10.4 Caleta Olla Photo: Kim Bork Mathieson and Kirsten Thomsen

10.5 Caleta Eva

10.2 Caleta Beaulieu, Seno Pia Photo: Frank Holden

10.5 Caleta Eva


10.6 Estero Fouque – Caleta Lynch

10.12 Puerto Williams Route past Banco Herradura 10.6 Caleta Lynch anchorage 1 approach

10·15 Puerto Toro 10·10 Puerto Navarino

10.15 Puerto Toro Photo: Kim Bork Mathieson and Kirsten Thomsen 10.10 Puerto Navarino

Photo: Frank Holden

10·12 Isla Navarino – Puerto Williams

10·20 Isla Hermite – Puerto Maxwell

10.12 Puerto Williams - Micalvi

10.20 Puerto Maxwell from SW


Appendix A Pages 224–227

Volcano Calbuco in the foreground with Osorno behind, Puerto Montt

Flightless steamer ducks at full speed ahead