Indoor Sunday Gathering Plans, Guidelines, and Precautions

Indoor Sunday Gathering Plans, Guidelines, and ›...

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Our plan is to host two family-style services in our auditorium beginning October 4th (shorter services with no formal kids ministry). One of those services will be a mask-required service at 9:30am, and the other will be a mask-optional service at 11am. In addition, we will livestream the 9:30am service for those individuals and families who intend to continue to utilize the digital platform.


We’re currently working on a plan to relaunch our kids ministry. In order to make sure that we have the necessary volunteers and appropriate precautions in place, we’re looking at a launch date of November 1st. Be on the lookout for more info soon! For now, we’ll continue posting Gospel Project videos on our Facebook and YouTube pages.


Anyone who falls into the vulnerable category, has been diagnosed with COVID-19, or is exhibiting signs of sickness should remain home and view our Sunday Gathering online.


If you’ve been exposed to COVID-19 and are showing no sign of symptoms, we ask that you please remain home and view our Sunday Gathering online for one Sunday as a precaution to see if symptoms develop.


Please do your best to maintain a social distance of at least six feet from other family units while on campus.


With social distancing in mind, we’ve established a maximum capacity of 82 seats in our auditorium. So that leadership can know whether or not to set up any overflow spaces on any given week, we’ll be sending out a weekly pre-registration link. We ask that you please pre-register for whichever service you and/or your family plan to attend.


For the mask-required service, all will be expected to wear a mask while inside the building except while leading from the stage (including serving team members and leaders). For the mask-optional service, Connect Team members will wear a mask while greeting and directing people to their seats.


We will not be handing out any bulletins or flyers.


Initially, coffee will not be offered. However, please feel free to bring your own coffee!


We will not pass an offering basket during the service. Instead, an offering box will be made accessible on the back table near the entrance to the auditorium. Feel free to give of your tithes and offerings before or after the service. You’re also welcome to give online.


If you’re a Christian, we invite you to participate in the Lord’s Supper. Individual prepackaged communion elements will be made available on the back table near the entrance to the auditorium. Prior to your arrival, those elements will be put out by a Connect Team member wearing gloves and a mask. Feel free to grab a cup and take it to your seating area with you.

10. The main restrooms will be accessible, having been established on a weekly cleaning and disinfecting cycle. However, we ask that you do your best to keep occupancy to one family unit at a time. The restroom doors will be propped open and a privacy screen will be set up at the entry of each restroom ensuring hands-free access without compromising privacy. In addition, we’ve installed hands-free faucets and lidless trashcans. Please practice proper hand washing, especially when using the restrooms. 11. Parents will need to coach and monitor their children on following these guidelines. We will not be providing any resources or activities for children, so please bring whatever resources or activities you deem best to help in practicing these guidelines. 12. After the service, our Connect Team will dismiss you row by row, where you can socialize outside the building for as long as you like.


Hand sanitizer will be accessible throughout the building.


Restrooms will be cleaned between services.


We’ve installed REME HALO UV-C air purifying units into our HVAC system air ducts. These units do the following: (If you would like more information, please visit (1) reduce airborne particulates by way of dual ionizers (dust, dander, pollen, mold spores, etc.) (2) kill up to 99% of bacteria, mold, and viruses (3) reduce sneeze germs by 99% in the time a sneeze can reach three feet (4) kill 99% of viruses on surfaces through new zinc ions (5) create an advanced oxidation plasma consisting of ionized hydroperoxides, superoxide ions, and hydroxide ions, all of which are friendly oxidizers that revert back to oxygen and hydrogen after the oxidation of the pollutant (produced at levels  of 0.01 – 0.02 PPM, which is consistent with the air we breathe outside)